
Chapter 30th you are so beautiful today

Gina was a little excited when she heard Kevin's words: "There is no way? I have registered with you now, OK? Even if he doesn't want to admit, what I am pregnant with now is the child of your Howard family !"

Seeing her excited, Kevin comforted her immediately: "Don't be angry! my dad is angry now? Think about it, my brother and Lucia haven't held a wedding yet, we two got the marriage certificate, he must feel sorry for Uncle Brown! So ... Let's not worry about this. After the wedding ceremony between my eldest brother and Lucia, everything will calm down and let's talk about the marriage. Besides, even if he got angry again, he would not deny the child of Howard family. This is his grandson ..."

Gina listened to his words with grievance and pouted: "ok, it's up to you anyway! If you do not want to have a wedding, let me marry you. When I give birth to a son, I will run away alone! Let you never find me for the rest of your life !"

Seeing Gina's expression, Kevin immediately grabbed her and kissed her, "Fool, how could I do that? Don't worry, I will do persuade my grandfather's after their wedding. Besides, even if my father doesn't agree, isn't there still my mother? As long as my grandpa and mom are on our side, the wedding will be easy! Are you right ?"

"Well, this is what you said! Don't go back on your word ..." Gina smiled again after hearing his promise.

"Of course! You can depend on my word !"

"Great !"

In the next few days, Lucia was with William. As long as she had breakfast, she would run to have a look. Sometimes he washed his clothes, and sometimes he bought some vegetables. There were several times when she was alone with Paine, she wanted to ask Paine, the girl named Karina, what was the relationship between her and William, but she thought that she only had three months with William, in the future, they will go their own way. Why does she care so much. Thinking like this, she put it in her heart and didn't ask about everything about Karina.

It was the wedding day soon!

Fearing that she couldn't make it the next day, Winnie lived directly in Lucia's house yesterday. The two girls huddled in bed and whispered in the middle of the night. When she got up the next morning, Lucia feels a little dizzy. Fortunately, she did not get up too late because her mother. She had a little breakfast first, and it was not long before the makeup artist invited by Howard family arrived, busy making up Lucia. Although Lucia didn't wear a wedding dress, she still bought a Chinese style dress to wear on her body. After dressing up by a makeup artist, Lucia became another person without any hesitation!

"Oh, Lucia, this long dress is so beautiful, and it's so sexy to wear it, which shows your small figure incisively and vividly! If I were a man, I would definitely not let you go tonight !" Winnie couldn't help admiring her good friend in a big red dress. She had never noticed that her small figure would be so sexy before when she always wore those loose uniforms.

The words of her good friend made Lucia smile bitterly. Tonight is their wedding night, Does he have that kind of function?

When Lucia was dressed up, the doorbell rang. Helena wanted to open the door, but Winnie stopped her.

"Aunt, you have to calm down at this time, I will open the door !" Winnie walked to the door and opened the door while talking. What she saw was a handsome sunny man wearing a wavy pink T-shirt and straight trousers, who looked like a bridegroom. Winnie looked up and down, looked at him and said half jokingly, "you are not here to pick up the bride for the bridegroom, are you ?"

Quinn smiled after listening to her words: "I'm here to pick up Lucia !"

When they were talking, Helena had already come over. Seeing it was Quinn, she invited him warmly immediately: "Quinn is here? Come in !"

After listening to Aunt Shen's words, Winnie looked at the man and suddenly realized: "Oh, so you are the Quinn, Lucia has been talking about ?"

Quinn nodded with a smile: "Yes !"

Helena immediately introduced to the two people: "Quinn, this is Lucia's good friend, Winnie, just call her Winnie, come to be a bridesmaid for Lucia !"

Quinn nodded slightly and reached out his hand politely: "Hello !"

Winnie couldn't react. Seeing him reach out his hand, she immediately reached out and shook him politely: "Hello! Hello !"

Quinn withdrew his hand and looked at Helena: "Auntie, how is Lucia ?"

"Already dressed up, you go in and have a look !" Helena said that and pointed at him to the direction of Lucia's bedroom.

Quinn smiled, lifted his foot and walked in.

When the door was pushed open, Lucia in her sight was wearing a gorgeous dress, wearing beautiful bride makeup, sitting on the bed straightly. When she saw the person who came in was Quinn, she immediately stood up and looked at him with a shy smile: "Quinn, why are you here?"

She didn't invite him originally, because I didn't want him to feel sad when he saw his marriage.

Unexpectedly, he still came today!

Quinn walked up to her, looked at her up and down, and then looked at her with a sigh: "Lucia, you are so beautiful today !"

Lucia smiled shyly at him and suppressed the sour in her heart: "Actually ... You don't have to come !"

She was the only one who knew how painful he was when he saw her marriage!

Didn't see, maybe his heart can feel better ...

Seeing that she didn't speak, he gently held her shoulder and put his eyes on her cheek: "Today you get married, how can I not come ?"

Obviously, his heart is very painful, but he still can't help wanting to see her. Seeing her become a happy bride is a dream of him for a long time. Although today, the person who helped him realize this dream is another man!

Looking at Lucia in front of him, he looked at her with a smile on his face. There was a faint tear in his eyes. He couldn't help raising his hand and stroking her cheek: "Lucia, can I... Hug you ?"

Lucia didn't say a word, but her throat choked. She reached out to give him a hug first!

Quinn was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand and gently held her body, his eyes flushed slightly: "Lucia, you are so beautiful, I am not willing to let you marry him ..."

Lucia forced a smile and wanted to say something, but she swallowed her lips. No matter what does she say, it doesn't make any sense.

Today, she is going to get married.

Quinn, if we really have a fate, I hope that when I turn around in three months, you can still wait for me here ...

"Lucia, you must be happy ... Do you know ?"

Tears still filled his eyes uncontrollably. She couldn't say a word, so she had to lean on his shoulder and nodded heavily.

Happiness? A week ago, she was still looking forward to this word, imagining that the moment she was proposed and put on her wedding dress, she was imagining that she must be the happiest bride in the world! But who would have thought ...

It was unpredictable that her happiness fell apart in a flash!

The word happiness is far away from her life!

Quinn gently pushed her body away, and saw the tears in her eyes and Adam's apple slid violently for a few times. After a while, he took out the tissue and wiped it off carefully, then looked at her with a smile: "When you marry someone else, I may not fall in love with someone any more."

Lucia looked at him again with her eyes red, and her tears couldn't stop running out!

He raised his hand again to wipe it off for her, looking at her self-comforting smile: "You are not wearing a wedding dress today, does it mean ... Do I still have a chance ?"

Lucia couldn't say anything, just watching him crying!

He looked at her with hot eyes: "Lucia, I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't have come to say these words to you today! But I can't control myself! Lucia, I still said that ... Whenever you turn around ... I will be waiting for you !"

Lucia couldn't help stretching out her hand and hugging him, leaning against his arms and letting tears fall down!

Quinn! Sorry!

The door was pushed open fiercely at this moment. Winnie pushed the door open with a smile and shouted, "Lucia, the bridegroom is coming ..." She didn't say the following words any more. Looking at the scene in front of her, she was stunned. When she wanted to close the door, William's wheelchair had reached the door!

Winnie reacted quite fast. She closed the door with a loud bang!

William had already had a panoramic view of the scene in the room. The rigid-lined face had a bit of cold smell ...

His bride is now in the arms of another man!

"Open the door !" He looked at Winnie coldly, and his sharp eyes poked Winnie's sharp and straight hair trembled. But thinking that this was a wedding, he came to pick up the bride. Unexpectedly, he was so bossy, so he raised his chin and stretched out his hand to him: "Give me a red envelope !"

William glanced at her silently, then he told Paine behind him coldly: "Paine !"

"Yes !" Paine immediately took out the prepared red envelope and handed it to Winnie.

Because what she want to marry is not the man she like. So Lucia basically didn't invite any good friends, only called her best girlfriend Winnie. Winnie knew that her friend's wedding was not her favorite, so she had never thought of asking for a red envelope. It was only this thing that forced her here that reminded her of asking for red envelopes.

Winnie took the red envelope and knew that the door couldn't be opened, so she smiled at William unnaturally and reached out to push the door!

In fact, the moment Winnie pushed the door and shouted, Lucia loosened Quinn quickly and wiped her tears with a tissue. Then she looked at Quinn uneasily: "Quinn, you go out first !"

Quinn took a look at her reluctantly and then walked slowly to the door!

The door was gently pushed open by Winnie, but what was standing in front of her was Quinn!

William's eyes fell on Quinn coldly, and the sight of the two men collided instantly!