
Chapter 31th Lucia gets married

There are too many things meeting in the Lightning Flint ...

Winnie felt this different atmosphere. She walked into the room immediately and saw Lucia sitting down beside the bed. She immediately went over and lowered her voice and asked in her ear, "what's going on ?"

Lucia looked at her and shook her head with a faint smile, saying nothing!

The silence at the door was first broken by William. He looked at Quinn and smiled lightly: "I didn't expect Quinn to come too. I thought you wouldn't come today ."

"Lucia gets married, I will come here even if there is something big !"

"Really? Hard work !" William glanced at him and the remote-controlled wheelchair entered Lucia's room.

Seeing William coming, Winnie immediately stood up and stepped aside! Quinn quietly quitted the room watching his back!

William turned around and looked at Winnie with a faint smile on his face: "Could you please go out first ?"

Winnie immediately looked at Lucia and saw her nodding her head slightly. She coughed unnaturally, turned around and stepped out of the room, and closed the door casually!

William glanced at the door, and then he moved the wheelchair to Lucia's front. Looking at her crying red eyes, he smiled lightly: "cry like this, I don't know if people outside will think that I am here to rob the marriage?"

She thought he would get angry with herself, but unexpectedly he played a joke with herself. Lucia lowered her head with a little embarrassment: "I'm sorry ..."

William glanced at her and looked at her. After a while, he looked at her and said slowly, "very beautiful !"

Lucia looked at him in a daze. This was the first time he praised himself since he knew him!

William stretched out his hand and held her little hand in his palm. He looked up at her slightly and asked slowly, "From now on, are you ready for three months ?"

Knowing that he couldn't refuse him today, Lucia let him hold her and looked at him nodding slightly: "Well, ready ..."

"Then let's go !"

Lucia nodded and stood up. She put her hands on his wheelchair and pushed him out of the door of the room.

Helena had been sitting on the sofa in the living room all the time. Thinking that her daughter is leaving her today, and thinking about what happened these days as well as her husband, made her feel sad. But after all, she was in her age, and she knew which was more important. Today was the day when her daughter was very happy. She couldn't shed a tear even though she felt sad in her heart. But when she saw the door of her daughter's room open and her daughter pushed William out, she still couldn't help blushing.

Lucia pushed William to stop in front of her mother!

"Mom! Thank you !" William looked at Helena and spoke first. Although it was three simple words, only two people knew clearly what it contained.

Helena choked her throat, looking at her daughter and son-in-law in front of her, she still pressed her heart and smiled, "William, although our family can't compare with your Howard family, Lucia ... From childhood to adulthood, her father and I were also spoiled in our hands. As the saying goes, my daughter is a piece of flesh from my mother's body. Today, seeing her growing up and setting up a new home, as her mother was very happy. Mom only wants you to promise me a request, and she must not be wronged, you know ?"

William nodded heavily: "Mom, I remember ."

Helena nodded with satisfaction and looked at her daughter, "Lucia, William is not in good health. You will be married in the future. You should take good care of him, no matter what happened in the Howard family, you must communicate with him, you know?"

"Mom ... I know !" Tears kept circling under her eyes, Lucia nodded reluctantly.

Helena smiled happily: "Well, mom won't say anything else, William, take her away !"

William nodded, holding Lucia's hand and leaving with her in the remote wheelchair!

Because of William's inconvenient body, when he went downstairs, Paine still took him downstairs. When Lucia was about to take the wheelchair, she was held down by Quinn, and then he quickly went downstairs with his hands lifting. Lucia looked at his back with mixed feelings in her heart!

Helena kept a low profile for this wedding, so no one around noticed her. But when Lucia went downstairs, she still saw uncles and aunts surrounding the downstairs. After all, those wedding cars are too eye-catching to attract people's attention!

"Oh, why didn't Lucia say anything when she got married ?"

"Yes! This newcomer looks good, why is he sitting in a wheelchair ?"

"Tut tut! Didn't Lucia's mother say her daughter would marry Howard's family before? This man doesn't look like the young man before !"

"Is it not a paralysis? If this is married, isn't it a living widow for a lifetime ?"


The voices of discussion in the crowd rose one after another. Of course, some words were said in private. But looking at their strange eyes, Lucia could guess what they were saying. But there are some things that don't need to be explained at all!

Lucia looked at the neighbors and nodded with a smile, then sat in the wedding car. The moment the door was closed, the surrounding world quieted down instantly. She lowered her head slightly, twisted her hands tightly together, thinking about everything and feeling a little uneasy.

She suddenly felt a little puzzled about where her future life would go ...

A big hand reached out and put her little hand in the palm. Lucia turned her head and looked at William's cold eyes.

"Regret ?"

"No !"

William looked at her, raised his hand and stroked her face, then withdrew his hand with a faint smile. Then he looked at the driver in front and said, "drive !"

The wedding car slowly drove out of the community, then turned to the Avenue, looking at everything familiar outside the window. Lucia's eyes couldn't help darting.

Finally, I got married.

But married, but not my favorite ...

No, she has no one she loves most now. The person who once loved most has already become the fiance of others ...

The car stopped in front of the crossroad. Lucia's sight unconsciously fell on the sidewalk nearby. Several young couples held hands, leaned close to each other, and walked through the crossroad ahead with smile, the smile on his face is so happy.

In fact, she had never envied the wealth of Howard family. The reason why she like Kevin is that she was attracted by his handsome appearance at the first sight when I saw him. In the following nine years, she took care of the quasi-fiance who had been married with a baby wishful thinking, for fear that he would fly away on a white horse by accident.

Unexpectedly, nine years later, he still left her.

No matter how tangled Lucia was, the wedding car finally stopped in front of the hotel. She followed William blankly, walked into the hotel, and then went into the lounge to make up. The makeup artist left soon, and William was called away by his comrade-in-arms. She and Winnie were left in the lounge.

"Lucia, you and that Quinn ..." Winnie was somewhat puzzled about the scene she saw in Lucia's room.

Lucia looked at her friend and smiled, "he is my brother !"

"Oh ..." Winnie nodded lightly. Seeing that her friend was not in a good mood, she stood up and looked around, "I'll get a glass of water for you. Wait here !" Then he walked out of the lounge.

Lucia didn't say a word, turned to the window and looked at the world outside the window quietly, with a little blurred eyes. Today is her wedding day. Even if it is an oral appointment with William, this day has a special meaning in her life. She knew clearly that she couldn't be in this state today, but she couldn't control it. She couldn't smile happily in front of everyone.

There are faint tears floating in the eyes. Raise your hand and wipe it off gently ...

A big hand gently reached her shoulder. She suddenly turned around and saw the disgusting face of Kevin!

She frowned, raised her hand and patted off his hand, then took a step back and looked at him grumpily: "What are you doing here ?"

"Lucia ... You can't marry him! You will ruin yourself in this way! If you give up now, it is still not too late !" At this time, Kevin still hoped that she could give up. After all, in the days to come, if he stayed with her day and night, he really didn't know how to face her then?

Lucia sneered at his words: "Kevin, what do you think you are? Who give your right to order me ?"

Kevin reluctantly spread his hand: "Lucia, I don't want to order you! You marry my eldest brother now, don't you just want to revenge me with him? Let me see how happy you are when you are together? But do you think you can be happy? My eldest brother has a bad temper, and now his legs are not good. Even if you get married, he can't even give you the most basic couple life for a man! You can get nothing but money! Do you really understand ?"

"PA --!" Lucia couldn't bear to slap him!

The burning pain on his face, Kevin looked at her blankly with his hands covering his face, and he couldn't react!

"Kevin! I regret it! I really regret it! I regret ... How can I fall in love with a man like you in the past nine years? I have been with your eldest brother for several days. I admit that you are right. He has a bad temper and his body is hurt. But that's him, he accepted me when I was most helpless and desperate. No matter how bad his temper is, he is not as cruel as you! Do you think I am going to become your sister-in-law and start to feel flustered? Are you timid? I'll tell you Kevin, don't tell me what to do! Because my life has nothing to do with you! Put away your hypocritical words, no matter what I will do with your eldest brother, it is not your turn to talk! Also, don't call my name casually in the future, because from today on, I am your sister-in-law !"

Kevin sneered at her words: "OK! You chose this road! Don't blame me for not reminding you! When you cry in the future !" Then he slammed the door with a cold face and left!

Lucia turned around angrily and looked out of the window! Tears also poured out unwillingly at the moment of turning around!

The door was pushed open again!

"Get out !"