
Chapter 29th stay together

Howard and Herbert Howard had been waiting for them in the sofa for a long time. Seeing Lucia and William coming together, they hurriedly greeted Lucia.

"Lucia, come and sit down !" Herbert Howard stood up and greeted Lucia warmly.

"Grandpa, uncle !" Lucia greeted the two elders politely first.

Herbert looked at her strangely immediately, "Lucia, you and William are already married. Although the wedding hasn't been held yet, you are now the daughter-in-law of our Howard family, from today on, you can't call uncle any more, you have to call Dad!"

Everyone listened to Herbert Howard and looked at Lucia ...

Lucia blushed instantly. Knowing that she couldn't escape, she shouted with a blushed face: "Dad !"

"Ah ..." Herbert Howard was very excited by the call from his father, and his heart was mixed. Hurriedly called Lucia to sit down: "Lucia, sit down, sit down !"

When Lucia wanted to sit, she glanced at William beside her and felt that she couldn't leave him alone. So she bypassed Kandasi and sat down next to William's sofa.

Seeing this little detail, Kandasi couldn't help sighing: "tut, you see, they are really in love with each other. It's only a few days, and they already want to sit together !" She originally wanted to mediate a dispute, but after saying that, she found something wrong with this, so she had to cough awkwardly.

Kevin also sat down silently, but his sight fell on Lucia tightly all the time. He have to say, today's Lucia makes his eyes shine! I have never thought that this girl can look so good in clothes! The pure white dress on her turned her from an ugly duckling to a White Swan! Looking at her big eyes, upturned nose and sexy lips, she looked like a beauty! He suddenly found that he had never seen her well in the past nine years!

The old Howard looked at Lucia first and said, "Lucia, my family has been busy with your wedding these days, and I didn't ask you to come to have a meal. We finally have time to get together today. But different from the past, you are here today as the eldest daughter-in-law of Howard family. This will be your new home in the future, you know ?"

Lucia nodded immediately: "I see, Grandpa !"

Herbert Howard took the words and said, "Lucia, no matter what happens at home in the future, you can say it out. Don't hold it in your heart ."

"Yes, Lucia remembered !"

On one side, Kandasi also smiled and put on the look of an elder, saying: "There will be another person in our family, and the family will be a little more lively. It would be great if there was another grandson !"

Herbert Howard immediately glanced at his wife with a frown!

The old Howard looked at Lucia and smiled kindly, "Lucia, William, haven't you been together these two days? How is the discussion about the wedding going ?"

"Basically all are ready !" William answered grandpa slowly.

"Well, that's good! The wedding date was changed this time, but the time was longer, especially Lucia and her mother. You must discuss some details with them, don't have anything unsatisfactory, you know?" After the dramatic change a few days ago, Howard also placed some high hopes on this wedding.

"Grandpa, don't worry !" William nodded his head slightly.

Because of the fierce quarrel with William before, Kandasi knew that they would come back today, so she thought about how to ease the embarrassing atmosphere, seeing the expression on William's face slightly improved, she said with a smile immediately, "I have someone to rearrange your wedding room these two days, everything has been changed again. You two could go and have a look later. If there is anything unsatisfactory, just tell me. I will ask someone to change it immediately!"

After hearing his daughter-in-law's words, Howard nodded in agreement, looking at his eldest grandson and said, "William, go and have a look with Lucia! If there is something you don't like, just tell your mother-in-law. Anyway, there is still some time for the ceremony ."

William nodded and looked at Lucia beside him: "You push me to have a look !"

"OK !" Lucia immediately stood up and pushed William to the bedroom on the first floor!

Herbert Howard watched his son and Lucia's figure disappear in the corridor, turned back and sighed heavily: "Alas, I hope they can be happy ..."

Kevin listened to his father's words and immediately lowered his head with shame ...

Seeing her son's appearance, Kandasi said immediately, "Oh, they will certainly be happy! And our Kevin will also be happy! In fact, this is also very good. Once William and Lucia get married, Kevin will hold another wedding with Gina, and next year we will have another grandson in our family. What a good thing !"

Herbert Howard stared at his wife immediately, "Who told you that I promised them to get married ?"

Kevin looked at his father nervously immediately, "Dad, Gina and I have already registered this morning. She will give birth to my child. I can't let the child be born without a father !"

Herbert Howard immediately looked at this good son said coldly, "You are really a competent father! I tell you, I don't admit Gina as a daughter-in-law! She can't to enter the Howard family, noway! She was obviously the fiancee of her eldest brother, but she was entangled with her younger brother. If she was a good girl, could she do such a thing ?" Because of this event, Herbert Howard had no good impression of Gina!

"Dad! Gina and I really love each other! Besides, even if you don't admit it, she is also my wife now. She is pregnant with my child, and she is also the mother of grandson of our Howard family !" Kevin was a little excited when he heard what his father said about Gina.

"Hum! I tell you, as long as I don't admit it, she is not the daughter-in-law of Howard family !" Herbert Howard stared at his son and shouted.

"Dad --!" Kevin heard his father's words and stood up from the sofa!

Herbert Howard stared at him without compromise: "Why are you yelling at me? I tell you, it's not you to decide this family !"

Hearing the conversation between his son and his grandson, Howard frowned and waved his hands to the two, "Today is the day William and Lucia come back for dinner! I will talk about Kevin after they leave !"

Kandasi also immediately ran out to mediate a dispute: "Yes, yes! Today is the day when Lucia finally came home. Why did you quarrel ?" After saying that, she dragged her son to sit down on the sofa and whispered to her son: "Son, leave your business to mom. Don't worry !"

Kevin listened to his mother's words and became quiet gradually, but thinking of his father's words just now, he still breathed a deep sigh of relief!

Considering William's leg injury, the wedding room of the two was also arranged on the first floor. Lucia was no stranger to this villa, but it was the first time she came in this room. When she opened the door, she saw the room full of red, filled with festive atmosphere everywhere. Lucia loosened the wheelchair and walked there. In fact, she really had no interest in what the layout was. But after all, she will live here after marriage, so she must be familiar with it.

The bedroom is very large, with an area of 20 or 30 square meters plus a separate bathroom, which is also equipped with a luxurious bathroom. There was nothing to say about the decoration in the room. Lucia looked around and looked back at William in the wheelchair with some hesitation.

"What's the problem ?" William raised his head and asked her slowly.

"In the three months after the marriage ... We ... Do you want to live together ?" Although he was in a wheelchair, he was a man after all.

"Then where do you want me to live? When I was newly married, my wife and I shared a room to sleep ?" William didn't get angry when he heard her words. He looked at her and asked slowly.

"No, no! I mean ... Haven't you returned to the army in these three months ?" Although Lucia felt a little excessive, she still couldn't help asking him.

After hearing her words, William blinked slightly eyes, looked at her and asked, "I wish I could be as far away as possible from you, right ?"

"No ... I didn't mean that ..." Lucia shook her head immediately.

"Then what do you mean ?"

"I just ask casually ... Nothing ..." Thinking about what he said before that he couldn't satisfy himself physically, it should be no danger to live with him. It's no big deal for him to regard him as a woman.

William looked at her expression and said nothing. He looked around lightly and then looked at her and asked, "If you are not satisfied, just tell me !"

Lucia shook her head immediately: "No! Everything is very good !"

"Then let's go out !"

"OK !"

This dinner was not bad. Father Howard and Herbert Howard kept chatting with Lucia. William, who was about to become the bridegroom, seldom talked but ate his own meal silently. Although Kevin dared not to speak, his sight always seemed to fall on Lucia. He don't know whether it was because of wearing beautiful clothes that he always felt Lucia now seemed to be a different person.

Shortly after dinner, Lucia greeted several elders to leave. William was going back to the apartment, so he left with Lucia.

The two of them left, and Kevin didn't want to stay in this House, so he drove directly to his apartment. Since he was with Gina six months ago, he has taken Gina to the apartment. When Kevin walked into the living room, Gina was enjoying herself with a big glass of fruit in her hand. Seeing Kevin sitting beside her with a gloomy face, she immediately put down the fruit cup and leaned against his arms and asked him, "Aren't you going home for dinner? How to have this kind of expression? How is it? Did you tell your dad that we registered for marriage ?"

"Yes !" Kevin glanced at her, looked up at the ceiling and breathed a sigh.

" why this kind of expression? Does your dad agree ?"

Kevin shook his head: "No! He said that you can not enter the door of Howard family, noway! It seems that it is a little difficult for us to hold the wedding ..."