
Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order

[Translate] Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order Author: Shuanghai Shiyin Latest: Chapter 224 Conversation qidian44.com/qidian44/book/60663064 Tired of those Three Kingdoms virtual online games that build villages at every turn, do you dare to come up with something different? Why don't we build a village this time!

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Chapter 132 It's none of your business!

It was already dark, and Xiao Qiao sat on a chair in the hospital, his little feet wrapped in thick gauze.

"Really, it's getting dark, why hasn't that guy come back? Isn't he just buying a pair of boots..."

With her feet swaying back and forth, Xiao Qiao looked at the street outside the hospital with her chin up.

"Could he just leave me and run alone?" This thought suddenly popped into his mind, and Xiao Qiao hurriedly shook his head, "No! No! If he wanted to run, he ran away, how could he wait until Now..."

After calming down, Xiao Qiao turned his eyes to the street outside again.

"Hey... can't he come back sooner? It's boring to just sit like this... eh?"

On the street outside the hospital, a group of people suddenly walked by, and a man with a fork in the front caught Xiao Qiao's attention.

"This, this, this is not the head of the Anhui branch of the Heijiao Gang? Why is he here?" Seeing the appearance of the man holding the fork, Xiao Qiao was shocked.

Because he was in Wan County, Xiao Qiao had seen this man with a fork several times, so he recognized it at a glance.

"Huh?" Coincidentally, the man with the fork also looked over at this moment, and his eyes happened to meet Xiao Qiao.

After a brief period of consternation, the man with the fork walked into the hospital with a group of water pirates behind him.

"Who am I talking about? Isn't this the second Miss Qiao?"

Walking into the hospital, the man with the fork sneered at Xiao Qiao sitting on the chair.

"It's not me, it's not me! You have recognized the wrong person!" Xiao Qiao hurriedly picked up the fan on the side to cover her face.

Omg! This is terrible, why did she bump into this group of black Jiao gang at this time...

The doctor in the hospital hurriedly came out and asked from the side, "Several, you are..."

"Go away, old man! We are from the Black Jiao Gang!" A water thief pushed the doctor aside.

"Second miss..." The man with the fork smiled and looked at Xiao Qiao, who was covering his face with a fan, and asked, "Why are you alone?"

"You, you, you... They all said that you recognized the wrong person! I, I, I... not the second Miss Qiao!" Xiao Qiao was so frightened that she couldn't even speak.


Taking the fan from Xiao Qiao's hand, the man holding the fork asked coldly, "Stop talking nonsense! Tell me, where is the man with you?"

"What, what man? I don't know..."

"Don't know?" The man with the fork slapped a table next to him and shattered it. He reached out and pulled out a large knife from the water pirate behind him.

"Ah!" Xiao Qiao hugged her head in fright.

It's over! It's over! Is she going to die here today? Jiang Yu, where are you? Come and save her soon...

"Second miss, I advise you to tell me honestly where he is, otherwise..." The man with the fork shook the big knife in front of Xiao Qiao's face, and threatened, "I will use this knife on your delicate face. The little face is slowly cut knife by knife, until you are willing to say it!"

"no, do not want--"


"That is to say, there are two types of bow and crossbow skills, right?"

Holding a pair of small leather boots and a ring-head knife made of three weapons fused together, Jiang Yu and Lin Qi and Lin Jin walked to the medical center where Xiao Qiao was, and by the way, spread the knowledge about bow and crossbow skills. .

"Yes, in direct terms, it is the basic attack skills and the ultimate skills." Lin Qi explained Jiang Yu in detail.

"Basic attack skills use less internal energy to cause relatively high damage, and they do not need to be charged or cooled to release, but they will consume a bow and arrow each time they are released.

The ultimate skill is the same as the skills of other types of weapons. It consumes a lot of internal force and does a lot of damage. However, most of these skills require charging and cooling, but do not consume bows and arrows. "

The younger brother Lin Jin then added: "And whether it's normal attack skills or ultimate skills, their damage is all true damage, without exception!"

"I see..."

"Of course, the shortcomings of bow and crossbow skills are also obvious..." Lin Qi said again: "For example, reliance on arrows, melee waste, difficulty in learning skills in the early stage, etc... So even someone like me who mainly uses bow and crossbow. , and also learn other weapon types just in case."

Having said that, Lin Qi reached out and patted the whip pinned to his waist.

Jiang Yu nodded to show his understanding. According to the meaning of the sister and brother, although the bow and crossbow skills are relatively abnormal, but due to the shortcomings of the bow and crossbow itself, it still cannot be used as the main weapon alone.

Therefore, although it has relatively powerful skills, it is still difficult to "stand alone" like other weapons.

Lin Jin looked at Jiang Yu who was thinking, and said unhappily, "Also, the skill that my sister just taught you is very special!"

"Special?" Jiang Yu looked at Lin Jin curiously.

"Yeah, this skill is not ordinary, it is the sky in Yangzhou..."

"No, don't—"

Suddenly, a faint shout from afar interrupted Lin Jin's words.

"Huh?" Lin Qi listened carefully, and said somewhat uncertainly, "It seems that someone is shouting something..."

"This voice..." Jiang Yu frowned, this voice...it seemed to be Xiao Qiao's voice...

Joe? Got it! Could it be that the people from the Black Jiao Gang have already caught up?

With a lot of worry, Jiang Yu moved and ran at full speed to the hospital where Xiao Qiao was.

"Oh? Wait for me!" Lin Qi was taken aback, and hurriedly caught up with Jiang Yu.

"Hey! And me!" Lin Jin hurriedly followed.

Running all the way, Jiang Yu rushed back to the hospital in less than two minutes.

"Little Joe!"

Panting slightly and rushing into the hospital, Jiang Yu saw Xiao Qiao sitting in a chair safe and sound, as well as the man with a fork and his subordinates standing beside him.

"Jiang Yu..." Xiao Qiao looked at Jiang Yu pitifully, with tears in her eyes.

Giving Xiao Qiao a reassuring look, Jiang Yu then turned his gaze to the man holding the fork.

"Who are you?"


The man with the fork threw the knife in his hand, took off the three prongs behind him, stepped forward to look at Jiang Yu, and said coldly, "I am Niu Hong, the head of the Anhui branch of the Heijiao Gang! Boy, is your name Jiang Yu? Is it you who killed my vice hall master?"

Looking at Niu Hong with a fierce face, Jiang Yu sighed helplessly.

He really made him guess right, and the people from the Black Jiao Gang caught up...

"Huh, huh..."

At this time, Lin Qi and Lin Jin also caught up.

"I said, why are you running so fast?" Lin Qi gasped, holding Jiang Yu's shoulder and speaking with difficulty.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm almost exhausted..." Lin Jin supported Jiang Yu's other shoulder and replied.

"Who are you two? His companions?" Niu Hong frowned as he looked at the two siblings.

Lin Qi raised his head and glanced at Niu Hong when he heard the sound, and immediately looked contemptuous.

"None of your business! A rascal without clothes!"