
Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order

[Translate] Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order Author: Shuanghai Shiyin Latest: Chapter 224 Conversation qidian44.com/qidian44/book/60663064 Tired of those Three Kingdoms virtual online games that build villages at every turn, do you dare to come up with something different? Why don't we build a village this time!

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224 Chs

Chapter 133 3vs1

"None of your business! A hooligan without clothes!" Lin Qi looked at Niu Hong who was wearing only a pair of trousers with a look of contempt.

"You!" Niu Hong glared at Lin Qi, trembling with anger.

What do you mean by not wearing clothes? They just wear less clothes because they often go into the water for convenience. Doesn't he have a pair of trousers?

Looking past Niu Hong, Lin Qi noticed Xiao Qiao sitting on the chair, frowned, looked at Jiang Yu and asked, "Jiang Yu, who is she?"

"A friend..." Looking at Niu Hong defensively, Jiang Yu replied casually.


Thinking of Jiang Yu's anxious appearance before, Lin Qi seemed to have thought of something, and as soon as his nose became sour, he fell on his brother Lin Jin's shoulder.

"Woo! Brother, this guy has a girlfriend..."

"Sister, isn't this normal? Do you think it's you?" Lin Jin looked at Lin Qi with contempt.

"But, but I just thought he didn't have a girlfriend... uuu... why can't it be me? My heart hurts..."

Jiang Yu stood aside, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Madam, we just met, okay? You are so misunderstood...

Xiao Qiao looked at Lin Qi who seemed heartbroken, frowned, stared at Jiang Yu and asked, "Jiang Yu, who is she?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just met..." Jiang Yu stroked his forehead and replied helplessly.

"Woo!" Lin Qi cried even more fiercely, pointing at Jiang Yu and crying, "Brother, listen, he said we just met..."

"In a sense, you really just met." Lin Jin replied calmly.

"Uuuu...is your sister so unattractive?"

"Yes, you are just so unattractive."

"Is it true that no one likes me?"

"Yes, not at all."

"But I like him." Lin Qi looked at Lin Jin with teary eyes, and sniffed.

"You give up, people don't like you." Lin Jin glanced at Lin Qi and replied mercilessly.

"Fuck you! Stupid brother!" Lin Qi suddenly burst into flames and grabbed Lin Jin's throat, "What's the use of me wanting you?"

"Uh... let go! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

"Come again..." Jiang Yu looked at the two who were pinching together and stroked his forehead again.

Can't this pair of siblings be normal?


Niu Hong, who was also unable to bear it, suddenly shouted, "What a mess! Two madmen! I am the head of the Heijiao Gang branch, Niu Hong. If you have nothing to do with me, just get out of my way!"

"What did you say?" Lin Qi's tone changed suddenly, he loosened Lin Jin's neck, turned to look at Niu Hong coldly, "You say we are insane?"

The sudden change made Jiang Yu stunned for two seconds.

"Sister, I heard it too." Lin Jin tidied up the somewhat messy collar, reached out and pulled out the long sword on his back.

"Is it a direct call or a program?"

"You are..." Jiang Yu looked sideways at the two siblings who suddenly became serious.

"Humph!" Lin Qi smiled coldly, and reached out to take off the huge longbow that was half a person's height behind him, "Our sister and brother decided to fight for you for free, and kill this wretched man without clothes!"

"Hey! This is free!" Lin Jin stood beside Jiang Yu, the long sword in his hand exuding bursts of cold air.

"Okay, since you guys want to swim in this muddy water..." Jiang Yu turned to look at Niu Hong, and pulled out the silver ring-shaped knife around his waist.

"Then let's go together!"

[Name: Second-Order Blast Ring Head Knife]

[Effect: Strength +275, Agility +40]

[Requirement: Strength 100 points]

[Evaluation: A weapon made from the fusion of three weapons has unexpectedly increased other attributes? ]

"Humph! Just the three of you?"

Niu Hong looked at the three of Jiang Yu who were standing side by side, smiled coldly, slammed the three prongs in his hand, and beckoned to the three of them, "Come on, I will play with you!"

"Who is here to fight?" Behind Niu Hong, a team of 20 arresters hurried over.

These hunters are similar to the "police" in NPC cities. As long as there are players fighting and killing people in the streets of NPC cities, they will appear.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of these fast catchers is stronger than that of the players, and there are many people, so once they are caught, they can only wish you good luck...

Niu Hong looked back, took out a black token, and threw it in front of these arresters.

"Niu Hong, the head of the Heijiao Gang's branch hall! Please stay away from me!"

The leader, Chu Kuai, picked up the token and looked at it. He was surprised, and returned the token with both hands with a smile.

"Ouch! It turns out to be the uncle of the Black Jiao Gang! I'm sorry, we're leaving now..."

Having said that, the team just turned around and ran away without a trace.


Glancing at these catchers with disdain, Niu Hong suddenly felt a chill on the side of his head, and his upper body subconsciously leaned back.


Almost at the same time, a feather arrow emitting a faint light rubbed Niu Hong's scalp and flew past!


When Niu Hong was dodging the feather arrow, Lin Jin kicked his right foot, jumped up and rushed towards Niu Hong, raising the long sword above his head.

[Skill: Silver Wrap (700 damage, 400 internal power consumption, after the attack hits, the agility of oneself must increase, and the agility of the opponent must decrease)]

The long sword exuded a faint blue light, and a little bit of ice dissipated in the air, and Lin Jin's long sword slashed towards Niu Hong.

Avoiding Yujian completely, Niu Hong raised his trident above his head.



[Name: Niu Hong]

[Life: 1884820000]

[Internal force: 1800018000]

[Power: 2000]

[Physique: 1500]

[Agility: 1000]

[Talent: Water, Awakening]

[Skill: None]

[Martial arts: none]

[Equipment: Tier 3 life-threatening tridents (strength +900, requires 300 strength points), cloth pants]

[Evaluation: The head of the branch hall of the Black Jiao Gang, who came from the grass roots, doesn't he have martial arts? ]

The three prongs held the long sword, and Niu Hong threw Lin Jin aside with a slight flick, and turned the three prongs in his hand to attack Lin Jin.

"Where are you looking?"

Jiang Yu's figure brushed past Niu Hong, and the ring-head knife in his hand slid across Niu Hong's abdomen.

[Skill: Void Step Hidden Knife]


"Damn it!" Niu Hong gave up attacking Lin Jin and turned to attack Jiang Yu.



At this time, a sky-blue feather arrow condensed from internal forces hit Niu Hong's vest!

[Ultimate Skill: Full Moon (800 damage, 600 internal power consumption, 2 seconds of charge, 15 seconds of cooldown)]

Niu Hong pulled out the feather arrow and looked back, Lin Qi proudly raised the longbow in his hand.

"What are you looking at? I shot it!"


A cold light flashed in his eyes, Niu Hong moved and rushed towards Lin Qi instantly.

"Stop him!"

Jiang Yu and Lin Jin rushed towards Niu Hong almost simultaneously.