
Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order

[Translate] Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order Author: Shuanghai Shiyin Latest: Chapter 224 Conversation qidian44.com/qidian44/book/60663064 Tired of those Three Kingdoms virtual online games that build villages at every turn, do you dare to come up with something different? Why don't we build a village this time!

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Chapter 131 Bow and Crossbow Skills and Modified Equipment

In the evening, by the Yangtze River

A water thief picked up Xiao Qiao's left boots and handed them to the man with the fork behind him.

"Look at the hall master, these should be a pair of women's boots."

The man with the fork took the boots and observed them carefully, "These boots are made of fine materials and gorgeous workmanship, and they cannot be used by non-rich people... The direction is correct, it seems that the old woman did not lie to us, they are going in the direction of Zongyang. "

"Master, then we..."

"Keep chasing!" The man with the fork sneered when he saw the bloodstain in his boots, and threw the boots aside.

"He definitely won't run far with a woman. We have to get to Zongyang before the city gate closes, and then we can see him..."



"Look, the blacksmith shop is here!"

It was getting late, and Lin Qi and Lin Jin brought Jiang Yu to a blacksmith shop.

"Thank you." Jiang Yu raised his legs and walked into the blacksmith shop.

He can't buy good-looking boots. At this point in time, the few clothing stores in Zongyang have already closed. There is really no other way. Jiang Yu can only come to the blacksmith shop to buy a pair of leather boots for Xiao Qiao. one time...

There seemed to be no player apprentices in this blacksmith shop. When he walked in, Jiang Yu only saw a middle-aged uncle.

"Yo! Brother, are you going to buy any equipment?"

"Buy a pair of leather boots...the smaller ones." Jiang Yu gestured twice with his hands. He remembered that Xiao Qiao's feet were very small.

"Hey! Good! I'll pick a pair for you!"

"Why did you buy leather boots?" Lin Qi glanced at the iron boots on Jiang Yu's feet and leaned over to ask.

"I bought it for a friend..." Jiang Yu replied casually.

"What friend?" Lin Qi suddenly became vigilant, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Sister, you are asking too many questions, which will cause people's disgust." Lin Jin said helplessly, standing behind.

"It's up to you! Stupid brother!"

"I'll take care of it! Troubled sister!"

Ignoring the nervous pair of siblings, Jiang Yu suddenly remembered the two male and female swords he obtained after killing the two-sword man, and immediately took out the pair of male and female swords.

"Uncle, look at this pair of swords, can you help me transform them?"

[Name: Second-Order Male and Female Swords]

[Effect: Strength +240]

[Requirement: Strength 80]

The middle-aged uncle took a look at the male and female swords and asked, "How do you want to change?"

"Change it to a knife." Jiang Yu replied.

With the increase in his strength, the first-order ring head sword on his body is gradually unsuitable. The strength value increase of 70 is too little for the current Jiang Yu...

"It can be changed..." The middle-aged uncle nodded and gestured with his index finger and thumb, "But the cost may be a bit high, after all, it is a second-order equipment, and the sword is changed to a knife..."

"There is no problem with the cost, you can change it!" Jiang Yu took out the ring-shaped knife on his body.

"Then add this knife and fuse the three of them into one."

Anyway, he is rich now, no matter how high the cost of the second-order equipment transformation is, it can't be more than 100 gold, right?

You must know that in the "Magic" NPC forces, the price of an ordinary first-order equipment will not exceed 5 gold, and by analogy, the second-order equipment will not be too high.

Of course, this is the price of NPC power, and the price of player power is not limited to this price.

In order to balance the game, in "Magic", NPC forces will only transform, not build equipment. You can take a piece of second-order equipment to NPC to help you transform, but if you want to build second-order equipment, you can only go to Looking for a player apprentice under the NPC name.

"No problem." The middle-aged uncle agreed, "The total cost is 50 gold. By the way, the shape of the modified weapon is mainly based on this ring head knife, no problem?"

"Okay." Jiang Yu calmly handed 50 gold to the middle-aged uncle, 89-50-10, he still has 29 gold left.

"Huh? It's a second-order double sword..." Lin Qi threw Lin Jin who was about to roll his eyes aside, and asked curiously, "Don't you use a sword? Why do you have a pair of double swords?"

"Bai, idiot! Cough cough..." Before Jiang Yu could answer, Lin Jin, who was flushed, covered his neck and replied for Jiang Yu, "I got it from fighting monsters, I have to ask even this..."

"Shut up! Stupid brother!" Lin Qi pinched Lin Jin's neck again.

"Uh... dying! Dying! Really dying!"

Looking at the pair of siblings helplessly, Jiang Yu explained: "It was indeed obtained by fighting monsters, but unfortunately that guy uses dual swords, and even martial arts secrets are dual swords, I can't learn..."

"Hey? Double Swords Secret Book?" Lin Qi's eyes lit up, and he threw Lin Jin away again, "Can you show it to me?"

"Okay." Jiang Yu took out the cheat book without hesitation.

Although the siblings were a little nervous, they made him feel very good, so Jiang Yu was not worried that they would snatch the secrets.

[Name: Lingwu Double Swords]

[Requirements: C-level qualification, 65 comprehension points, 20 proficiency in basic swordsmanship]

[Evaluation: Elegant! Handsome! ]

After checking the secret book, Lin Qi suddenly stomped his feet in excitement and looked at Jiang Yu with glowing eyes.

"Great! Can you exchange with me? I teach you a skill, and you give me this secret!"

"Change?" Jiang Yu glanced at Lin Qi suspiciously, this woman doesn't seem to need two swords...

"Yes, it's a friend of hers...cough!" Lin Jin explained, coughing continuously as he spoke.

"Yes, yes! A very good friend, you will know each other in the future!" Lin Qi nodded quickly.

"Okay then... What skills do you use to exchange with me?"

"That's it!" Lin Qi waved and shared one of his attributes with Jiang Yu.

[Name: Light Arrow (Bow and Crossbow Skill)]

[Effect: 300 true damage, 50 internal power consumption, no need to charge, no cooling required]

[Teaching requirements: D+ level qualification, hunting proficiency 15]

It turns out that the bow and crossbow also have martial arts skills... This is the first time Jiang Yu has known about it.

For a long time, Jiang Yu thought that the bow and crossbow were only auxiliary weapons. At most, when the opponent was surprised, it would destroy parts and kill with a critical strike... Now that there are skills, it doesn't matter, the most important thing is that the skills are not weak. !

50 points of internal force consumption can deal 300 points of real damage, and the "cost-effectiveness" is higher than other types of weapon skills!

The damage of 300 points may seem a little low, but the real damage does not consider the opponent's physique!

Whoever you are, get 300 points with one arrow!

So perverted!

Lin Qi looked at Jiang Yu's somewhat moved expression, the corners of his mouth rose, and he asked, "How is it? Do you want it? Do you want it?"

"Okay! Deal!" Jiang Yu handed the double sword secret to Lin Qi.

His hunting proficiency is exactly 15, and learning this skill is just right.

Brother Lin Jin stood behind and watched this scene silently, sighing helplessly.

Sister, didn't you say that fat and water will not flow to outsiders' fields? Why did you specifically choose this skill to exchange...