
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Humanity, the bastion of the World (remade)

The location of the Celestial Dark Palace is located to the east of the Lunar Forest, close to the Eastern ocean that one can walk on foot for a few days.

Beyond this forest, lies the wall that separates the Elven nation from the Human Empire of Zanados. Ruled by the long line of Zanados, a powerful bloodline family that has up to 6 branches from the main branch.

The Zanados bloodline is one of conquest, similar to the old God. Their physical power is unrivaled, and their Ki is the highest and purest of any other bloodlines. They're titled as a House of Warriors, filled with the most exceptional of men and women.

Aside from the Zanados bloodline, who is the sole family that holds the title and seat of emperor, there are the Dukes, with the Orim bloodline, the Ireshkival bloodline, the Imgrin bloodline, and the Fernos bloodline.

The Orim bloodline is a House of Knights, famous for their flag bearers being honest, righteous, and respectful. The Ireshkigal bloodline is a House of Magic, famous for their flag bearers being wise Mages and wonderful tacticians. The Imgrin bloodline is a House of Secrets, famous for their flag bearers being renowned, yet mysterious assassins that work to uphold the integrity of the Empire. And finally the Fernos bloodline, a House of Barbarians that's also the weakest in terms of political power and social standing.

Below these four Dukes, there's the established and well-renowned Academies, who train the next generation of protectors for the Empire. Some batches are filled with geniuses, enough to usher in a new age of boundaries, to some of the worse history could produce and put on the same year.

The Zanados Empire, one that's precarious in its maintenance, is the most powerful Race right now in their eyes. There's the Daemons, but they can't cross over to the Overworld without someone making contact with them. The Angelics from Heaven are another problem, but they don't usually intervene nor show their presence if the situation doesn't demand it.

And this year, Year 1284, on the 7th Air month, will become the date that the Zanados Empire shall belong to the rightful owner once more. Bow in obedience, and submit to their true master who has now reawakened, Absolute Death.


"So, you wish to enter our Empire?"

"Yes, for the fourth time, that is why I'm sitting here. Dear soldier, I mean no harm. Me and my companion only wish to become one of your citizens, we shall obey the laws if you just list them for us."

"...Yeah, right. Well, procedure doesn't go like that. You wish to become a citizen of our Empire, correct?"

"Yes, our village… we were exiled for misconduct, and so out of spite we thought why not join you people. That'll at least beat living on some tree top for the rest of our years."

"Exiled… you say? And what is this misconduct you speak of?"

"Oh, nothing too major. It's just a quota miss too many times. Our Race has a particular knack for meticulousness. Everything should and must be up to the numbers, no more, no less. It's insufferable, really. And since I'm a Mage, I didn't really pay any mind to triple check and went straight back to Spells and Magecrafting."

"So… it's because of quota misses? Really?"

"Yes, I'm speaking the truth, dear soldier. So, in light of our situation, will you let us pass this fortress and become citizens of this great Empire of yours?"

"...Hmmm, alright. The orb didn't change to any particular color except for green so I guess you pass. But, procedures say that if you wish to truly become citizens, then you must go to one of the capital cities to get your IDs made."

"Great! Then, will that be all?"

"No, while you make your journey there, this collar will be attached to your neck. It's a Magecraft made to track your location. If it is to be damaged or broken, the signal will be transmitted to the nearest Magic Tower. Someone will come and check you out, and if you're nowhere to be seen in the vicinity of the broken collar, then a warrant will be issued for your arrest. So, as a future citizen, you should be able to endure this, right?"

'...This fucker.'

I'm being looked down upon. Currently, I'm inside one of the numerous cells in the massive wall fortress that Humanity has made. I'm familiar with such measures, since one also existed during my days as a Lesser Player.

Before I became the owner of my World, Humanity was in a bitter struggle against many Races that seek to oppress them. The situation isn't like this era, where Humanity dominates the World.

And right now, I'm being looked down upon. This human soldier, his attitude and smirk really ticks me off. It's not hard to control my emotions, since my Racial benefits also have a hand in it, but this douche is really fucking killing me.

"Ohh, then, it's a must that we comply. I shall be obedient, and yield my neck."


With one final smirk, he finally became professional again as he sat forward with hands on the table.

"Alright, we'll get the Magecrafts, you two just stay here and don't do anything suspicious. We'll only be gone shortly."

With that, he turned to his friend at the doorway. He nodded, and they both moved to exit the room.

"...This is tiring."

"I can see that…"

Albern Alstrusia Elinorth, my companion, was standing by the wall, leaning against it with a shadow cast over his face.

"We're being watched right now."

"Yes… and done, now the footage they're seeing should be looped."

I manipulated and changed the Magecraft that's spying on us in the room. It was invisible, located at the upper corner to my right in front. Red sparks were being discharged from time to time, but the only footage anyone should be seeing through it is looped.

"That human… he is being too rude for his own good."

"Leave it, at least this is going smoothly."

"Should I kill him afterwards?"

"No, no. It's fine, Albern. Take it easy."

"It wasn't like this when I went here. The wall, it's significantly taller now."

"Oh? You've visited the Empire before?"

"Regrettably, yes. I have had the displeasure of going here, but I left with some new wisdom than when I entered."

"...If I'm right, you know of a hero, correct?"

"Hero… there's many that I know of, but one can come to mind. And no, he's not one of the people I'm suggesting."

"Why is that?"

"...I'm afraid he's no longer here with us."

"So, he's not on the list for that reason…"

It was the golden hero I was referring to. I overheard Manu speaking of a tale related to him, a renowned Hero of Humanity. One that lived like a Hero, and died a noble man. He seems interesting, and a suitable candidate to boot for my advertisement.

'Unfortunate, I guess.'

Whatever, can't be salty over what's now lost. But, I wonder if I can locate where his Soul is. Or at least his physical skeletal remains.

"Then, after this and making our IDs to reduce suspicion, where are we going?"

"The place is near, on the same path to one of the main capitals if I recall correctly. There's a house with a patch of farmland, if she's still there then she'll be our first recruit. She might be old though, since she's the first one I've encountered way back then. So, please excuse her."

"No need, any help is a good one."

With that, the guards returned with a collar in each of their hands. I released the Magecraft from my tampering and smiled.

"Are those the Magecrafts you speak of?"

"Yeah, and remember, if it's broken or ever comes off, someone from the nearest Magic Tower will come to investigate. You've been warned."

"Yes yes, hardly need to when we're going to be law abiding citizens."

The two guards each put the collars on our necks. Albern seems uncomfortable from it being attached, while I suppress the itch to sever the guard's hand.

"Alright, you're good to go. Here, take this paper. It'll serve as temporary credentials for you two, so make sure to fill in your names, age, and Race in each spot. Don't leave out any important detail or try to tamper with the parchment."

"Got it, thank you so much, dear guards. It's a pleasure doing business with you."

"Yeah yeah, no hurry up and go. I've got things to do."

"Will do."

I bob my head towards the door while facing Albern. His frown was rather sour, but he sucked it up and went along with me. I could sense that he wanted the collar off of him, and sighs as I open the door.

Outside, there wasn't that much light. But, one thing is for sure.

"Hey, don't try to resist. We're only doing this for your request."

"Get yer hands off of my children, you fucks!"

"Ma'am, please calm down."

"Geez, I get it, I get it, don't push. It was just a small pouch."

Several voices, people of different Races, and more than that a lot of guards were running around and shouting. It was a chaotic mess, and so I decided to head out quickly. But, it seems like trouble has found where I am.

"Ouch, sorry."

I bumped with someone as I turned around, and the guy wasn't too happy about it.

"Look at where you're going, pointy ears."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"Oiii, shouldn't you be a little shorter on that apology? Get on the ground, won't you?"

The unsavory group I just bumped into is a group of Demi-humans. Half human and half beast, in this case half wolf. They were very tall, probably close to three meters with a very buff and big body.

"I'm sorry?"

"Didn't you hear the guy? Get the fuck on your knees, and apologize. Then, maybe we won't bother beating you close to death."

"Oh, so you're that type?"

I almost let out a chuckle, seeing how comical this is. It reignited some memories of the distant past. Back when I first became an Adventurer, something similar like this happened.

"The fuck you say?"

"Fellas, why don't you just stop with the aggression, aye? Try to calm down, it was just a bump, no need to make a fuss about it, right?"

Albern tried to intervene, de-escalating the situation to the best of his abilities.

"The fuck are you, his nanny? This ain't your business, so don't go and bump in."

"It's fine, Albern, these gentlemen should learn some manners anyway."

I lightly waved my hand at Albern, and with a smile I looked back up to the wolf Demi-human.

"The fuck was that?"

"Does your vernacular consist of just that one word? C'mon, be more creative with your choice of words. Or don't, maybe you just lack the words?"

"Alright that's it."

With that, I successfully taunted a fight to occur.

To be frank, I didn't really plan this.

"You're dead!"

But, I was bored, so I just thought this would be able to stimulate my brain a little.

"Tempest Shroud."

For starters, the Demi-human that descends from wolves are usually hot-blooded, rash and irrational at most times. They're very easy to tick off, pressed, and also flexible so I prefer them as my playthings most of the time I'm bored. They always seem to have a bright, silver lining outlook on the battle, and they would rather die in it than live with disgrace in their heart.


"Too weak."

Blood splattered, screams resounded, and the violence had begun in earnest.

"Damn you! Ki Release!"

"You're dead meat!"

"You're fucked now, pointy!"

"So long, ya prick!"

"Fucking piece of shit!"

Five more, the number of the group that the guy who threw the first punch was with. They surround me on all sides, as predicted, and launch their individual attacks at their full force. However, it was just too weak to match my Magical capability.

"Stupid mutts."

With a single wave of my hand, blood was scattered and splattered everywhere as the group was blown away.

"You can't even withstand my raw Magic alone, how can you handle the refined Magic I have at my disposal?"

Spells are powerful because they are refined, and if wielded by a powerful Mage then it'll be no less than a devastating instrument of destruction.

"Kuh, don't get so cocky with us!"

"Boys! Let's show him what we're made of!"

They attempt the same thing, but with a different angle.

"Ki Technique: Penetrate!"

"Skill: Savage Maw!"

Two of them used Skills and imbued Ki to their strike, while the others used generic attacks to get some cheap damage in.

"That's too weak~."

I spun, then disappeared as a puff of white smoke.

"HUH?! What's this cheap trickery?!!"

"Trickery? I would put it like that, but it's much more complicated than a mere 'trick'."

"Show your form, pointy! Or are you avoiding us now that you've seen our real strength?!!"

"Are you mutts dumb or something? Of course not, I can flatten you into paste with just my raw Magic, but that's not theatrical now is it?"

Doing that is as simple as breathing to me. With Merlin's Soul, these mutts are nothing more than scrap meat waiting to be pulverized into nothing. But, as a theatrical man, I cannot afford to do that simple gesture.

'And besides, a lot of people are watching.'

This is sort of like my debut, and possibly even gets some large eyes on me.

'But… Most of them are likely just lowly guards and Demi-human immigrants.'

Sure enough, most of them were. The guards, the Demi-humans, everyone was looking at his display of strength with awe.

'Well, let's give the little people something memorable, shall we?'

Magic seems like an oddity to them, rarity even, as seen from how they're watching me very attentively a couple of minutes ago.

"Tremble in terror, Fear Pulse!"

One of the minor Dark Spells, a subcategory of Spells that include mind altering and body modifying Spells, that I have in my own catalog of Spells. A dark wave invisible to the naked, untrained eyes radiates from me and directed mainly at the group of six Demi-human aggressors.

"Uwah! W-What the fuck?!!"

"Urk! W-What the… why am I shivering?!''

The six Demi-humans were caught off guard by the Dark Spell, and shook with fear the only thing they could think of and feel. I re-materialize in the air above, and cast my cold gaze down onto them.

"So, do you realize our disparity yet?"

"Tch… This is just a simple trick! It's worth nothing to us proud Gray Wolves! Brothers, do not falter!"

Ohhh, they're really trying their best there. They showed contempt, anger, and this base level of animalistic instinct manages to fight back the fear inducing effect of the Dark Spell. Their movement is no doubt hindered, but they have the will to still move through their fears.

"Fight us, Mage! Fair and square, melee to melee!"


An interesting proposal, one that the Demi-human wolves seem confident that they won't lose. Of course, any sane person would instantly reject such an idea, especially a Mage who is terrible at melee and physical feats in general.

"Fine, I will entertain your plea."

But not me, who has the Soul of a one-of-a-kind Mage in use right now.

I fly down, the Demi-humans eager to face off against me. They smirked, thinking this is it. That I shall fall now that I've spoken that sentence.

"You all can come at me, I don't mind."

I taunted them back with a smirk of my own, irritating them back. And so, with a classic standoff style, we stared at each other for long before the battle can truly begin.




Silence, and then, boom.



One of them used some form of Skill to perform a quick burst of Speed, narrowing the distance of about 30 meters in just below a second. A punch was already lined up to meet my face, but instead met a blue blade that severed the hand completely from the wrist.

"You think it'll be that easy to just kill a seasoned Mage?"

"Graaahhhhh!! Fuck! My h-hand!"

"Oh be quiet, it's just one hand, not an entire arm. Or maybe I should also sever it? Just to complete the look and all."

"W-What are you?! No Mage is capable of such reflexes!"

"Well, then you've just met one that can. I am going to kill you, but if you say the right things I might let you all off with a missing limb or something."

"You fucker! Don't look down on us!"

One of them charged forward, with the sole intent of killing me visible in his eyes.

"Come, challenge me with all your might, I won't back down."

I prepared my sword, a typical squire sword that has nothing interesting about it aside from its blue color. The fight was just kicking into gear, a slightly spectacular show of power with the right maneuvers, but that wasn't going as planned it seems.

"What is the meaning of this?!!"

A booming, threatening, and violent voice of a woman resounded loudly from somewhere. This single action stopped the Demi-human wolf that was prepared to punch me. He jumped back, his face disgruntled and showed his displeasure.

"You there! What do you think you're doing in this place?!!"


It seems like the voice was directed at me, causing me to snap back with a confused expression.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, elven dipshit! Just what were you thinking agitating the Demi-humans?!! Were you just trying to stir a fight?!! If so, I can fucking detain your ass in a cell to rot for a century!"


The voice intrigued me, because it was fearless and authoritative. It reminded me of someone I once interacted with in my old World, even her voice sounded close to that pain in the ass woman.

"Sorry, it wasn't my idea, but it just sort of came that way."

"Well, I'm pretty sure you didn't even do jack shit to steer it away off course, did you?! I fucking swear, this job is going to make me single forever."

Her sentence provided me with a small laugh, which annoys her it seems.

"The hell're you laughing for?! I'll beat your punk ass up, and look at me while I'm talking to you!"

With her words, I decided to comply. I turned to her, and when my eyes settled on the also familiar figure, my eyes widened in slight shock.

'This… can't be?'

"Considering you've caused a slight riot, committed first degree violence charges, and even annoyed me while I was on break, you just earned yourself a month's detention here at Sherikal Gate. Any problems with my verdict?"

"Yes, why me? And shouldn't they be included?"

"It's because they're already serving a sentence I gave to them before you arrive. Their sentence is good enough, twenty years of labor duty with the guards."

"...You are a strange woman."

A redhead, long hair tied into a ponytail, muscular and intimidating, her face was littered with small scars yet it only served to make her even more beautiful. She wore a very risque black warden outfit, exposing and very much close to revealing her flesh mounds, and the black skirt she's wearing was only reaching half her thigh.

"Strange woman… want me to beat you till you only see dreamland or something?"

"I apologize, it was a rude thing to say towards a woman."

"Hmph, at least you know some manners."

She was standing on the third floor, against the metal railings. Her eyes were directed squarely at me, not condescending from up there even though she possibly could.

"So, you have two options, either cause a scene and I beat your ass, then escort you to a cell. Or comply and boringly enter a random cell. Now choose."

"...Then, how about we strike a deal?"


She looked on with a bored expression, seemingly expecting or having heard what I said quite a lot of times before.

"You said those guys worked labor, right? Sharing responsibility with the guards here. Then, how about I offer my service to you? Would that lower my sentence?"

"Tch, you are like the others then, I wasn't expecting much. My answer for your question is, how can you be of service to me? If you can answer me that question, I'll think about the verdict and maybe even lower your sentence."

"Hmm, then, it's obvious that you're understaffed, seeing from how chaotic the guards are acting and with no one on overwatch inside of this facility. You said before that you were on break when you delivered my verdict, and your mood seems to be in anger so I guess you get these breaks very few and far between. It seems like to me, this prison is indeed in need of physical workers, but also needs capable minds to run administrative work as well, right?"

"...About the administrative work, how did you know that?"

"Easy, really. Any facility that is chalked full with personnel like this one, and considering it works with immigration stuff, I deduce that it'll also need a pretty hefty amount of capable minds in order to spin the cogs. And I also came to that conclusion when I saw a guy carrying stacks of parchments around. So, did my answer satisfy your question?"

"....You're good, I'll give you that, elf." She said with a tinge of amazement in her voice.

"Great, now, what can I help you with?"

"Just like you have answered, I need capable minds to work in administration with me. Join me, and I'll lower your sentence to 3 weeks." She analyzed and gave out her new verdict.

"Hmmm… can you lower it a little more?"

"No, my words are always final." She said with an adamant look.

"I see… then, what about I also work physical labor?"

".....What?'' She said with raised eyebrows.

"You heard me, I'll also work physical labor."

"You'll work full time without rest then, you'll work administration in the day and then guard duty at night with barely any breaks in between, can you handle that?" She said so with a worried, slightly crumpled expression.

"Of course, working like that is practically my daily routine. I'm a Mage, and you shouldn't underestimate an overzealous Mage."

"Hmmm…. Alright, if you think you can handle it, then you'll also work physical labor in part with administration. Considering this, I will give you more time when you change shifts from two hours to four." She said so with a stern expression.

"Thank you for the kindness, then, what'll that make my new verdict?"

"I shall release you after two weeks and a day more, that will be final." She said so with a smile, content with something.

"Alright, then we have a deal. But… why a weak though?"

"So that I can do your paperwork. Now, your duty will start now."

"Oh, right this moment?"

She jumped down from where she was without a warning, and slowly towered over me.


"I'll show you your post, now follow me."

I wondered how I got myself into this, but, this will give me some type of opportunity to gather intel. This place seems like an immigration post, and it might also possess esteemed and powerful individuals as well.


We arrived at the next hardship that's awaiting us. Another challenge to conquer.

"...Where are we?"

"The second floor, if I'm not mistaken. The Sunken Lands, Oceanis Realis, home to its one and only supreme Ruler and King, Reshval Von Kirlan."

I introduce the landscape we're currently in for the three elves. They were silent, most likely taking in the beautiful and magnificent sunrise we arrived in. This floor is in a separate Pocket Dimension, whereas the Bone Mausoleum is directly linked to the World just underneath the Black Castle.

A new journey begins.



-There are many relics scattered all around each and every World. It is generated into the World before the entrance of its 'Player'. Using an old Seed generation system, modified to unknown lengths, numerous Items are generated and History is birthed in just a bit more than a minute. The loading time for a new Player, which is a few minutes, might as well be a time shift of thousands, maybe even millions of years.

-The focus is on the Items, in which case there are many classifications for them. Starting from bottom to top, there's the [Inferior] rating, which is your typical clubs, sharpened or thick sticks, rocks, and so on. It's basically the base form of any blunt or sharp object that can deal 'damage'.

-Then, you have your [Normal] rating, which is your commonly seen mass produced weapons, things that're made in bulk rather than with quality, and they have little in terms of Item options.

-From then on, there's the [Uncommon] and [Rare] Items, which are objects that're made with a considerable amount of care put into them by their creator. This is the high-end for any starting Blacksmith, Tailor, or gear production Job Classes, usually ranging from Level 1-40. They have something called an Item Effect attached to its description when appraised, options which can be triggered or a passive that it naturally has due to its production or something along those lines.

-The moment they cross the 40th Level in their specialized Job Class, they will be issued a Class Quest. The contents are to find inspiration and craft a [Unique] Item, an Item that must be different and is usually the combination of every knowledge the Player has. It's usually tricky, and some Players even outright struggle with this because they don't have a broad creative mind. This Class Quest is necessary in the growth of the specialized Job Class like Blacksmith or Tailor. If the Class Quest isn't done, then the growth rate of your Job Class will be significantly hindered.

-Unfortunately, the [Legendary] rating cannot be crafted. It is the only rating that relies on a mechanic known as Fame, and it is birthed when enough people recognize you or the weapon. It is usually accompanied with a Legend of your deeds, be them evil or good, and provides a specialized Item Effect with the Legend. This is the end-game of Items that a Seed can generate, and yet it isn't the most powerful when it comes to PvP against different Worlds.

-There are two more classifications, the [Mythical] rating, which are Items that have a Myth attached to it. The condition to get and attain a Mythical Item is to conquer Worlds and spread its might, and the Item is recommended to be Legendary in rating. Mythical Items are the main weapons for any PvPers, and for our esteemed Absolute Death has many at his disposal. Then, the second and final classification is the [Only One] rating, which drops from the numerous World Bosses scattered across what's known as Rogue Worlds, Worlds that're devoid of a Player. It is the weapon many and all sought to attain in their playtime, and with it came ultimate power that could make you stand toe-to-toe with some World Bosses. In this regard, Absolute Death might be the ultimate and final World Boss, as he has a collection of numerous Items such as these. The number isn't countable on both hands, and some might even faint if they saw those unbelievable Items.