
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

A possible future (remade)

I have many things to put into action, and one of them is related to the most powerful faction in terms of numbers in this World.

'How should I tackle the Humans?'

There's the traditional and theatrical way by playing the ultimate villain, terrorizing and causing harm to elicit a reaction. But that's too numerous already that it'll be boring.

'Instead… let's make a character with a backstory.'

Yes, that is a way to make this certain 'arc' of the story more interesting. Someone who has and will struggle, someone who can strive to be better in order to become the beacon that will lead the Humans to face off against me, the despair that their ancestors have lived with for their entire lives.

'Yes… this will be interesting.'

It's time to sit and wait, while the chessboard rearranges itself for the game to start.


The High Queen of the High Elves, Svar'ritha the Kind. The current ruler of the High Elves and the Wood Elves as a collateral, and someone who has made plenty of awful decisions during her rule. The banishment of Albern Alstrusia Elinorth, that was actually a guise in order for him to enact his mission. To become a tool for Svar'ritha to access the World without leaving her Divine World.

She has stagnated the High Elves, and neglected the Wood Elves to care for themselves, only occasionally appearing in front of them to keep up appearance. Her neglect and lack of innovation resulted in the Elven Race to become late runners. And if this keeps up she won't be able to keep her precious Race alive. Because if the outside World decides that the Elves are a sore thumb, they might just conquer them and label them as an inferior Race.

'Well, that's the problem of the future at least. Though, she can't be that stupid, can she?'

That was what I thought as I looked at the rather modest and ancient-like appearance of a castle. It's made out of trees, intertwined and woven together so seamlessly that one might even think this is naturally made. And it should be, since High Elves are rather known for their Nature-related Spells and Skills.

'I just hope that she'll listen to reason and give Albern the green light or whatever.'

I was nervous, because if she doesn't give Albern the green light he needed then what should I do? I'm not Death, calculating and vicious. I am smart, but not ruthlessly intelligent as he is.

'I am short in that field, but I'm not ashamed to admit that.'

No one should be ashamed to admit that. Being ruthless, cold, and all around a different being than a 'human' shouldn't be something one takes pride in.

'There is that possibility of him just roleplaying his character, but at this point I doubt it.'

He might be, he might not be, the only true answer could only be from Death's own mouth, whether he is roleplaying or he's just simply a guy who likes violence on a massive scale.

'Either way… he said I shouldn't do whatever he might not do. That's a hard request to give me, who barely knows him.'

I was grimacing on whether or not I'll be able to pull this off with a satisfying result. If not, I don't know what'll become of me.

'Or worse, if I make a bad impression and end up causing him trouble…'

I dare not think of that. I dare not even look at him if I fail this. A sort of instinct was drilled into my very being, this Soul of mine, it was instilled with fear for Absolute Death, not like I wasn't afraid of the guy back when I was alive.

'Still, this is rather uncomfortable… but I can't feel uncomfortable since it's been hardwired into me.'

With a sixth sigh now, I walk with Albern as we enter through the thick wooden gate that opened by unwinding themselves into the side walls. A sweet, sleep-inducing smell swept over my nose, and it was strong since I could've been knocked out if I didn't preemptively cast Detoxification.

'Is it a trap?'

It might be. But seeing as Albern wasn't affected by that I think it has something to do with Race.

'A Skill that exerts an influence on Race? Or maybe a form of sorcery?'

But the latter wouldn't add up, since Sorcery is a Human specialty that they derive from Magic. Elves, especially High Elves, wouldn't even think of mimicking the inferior ways of casting Magic.

'So maybe it's the former?'

I walked with Albern leading, my senses were pushed to the utmost cautious I could crank it. I pre-cast a few Spells and hold it from materializing. They're mostly defensive Spells, with a few Buffs in there as well.

First impressions, it was empty.


Even though the grand gate has closed back shut, the interior of the grand hallway still hasn't revealed itself. No, there wasn't even light inside.

"...So, does this High Queen of yours like the dark or something?"

"No, she just… doesn't seem to bother spreading them, the Wisps. I don't know why though…?''

Our conversation was cut to a halt however as a tree suddenly moved and detached itself from the wall. It didn't have a face, so I have no idea if it was looking at me or anything in particular really. Albern seems to be wary, but didn't attack the potential threat yet.

"Easy there… we're here to visit the High Queen, Goddess Svar'ritha. Let us pass, Guardian Tree Yggdrasil."


A long silence persisted, but was eventually broken by a deep rumbling by the giant tree ent. A hole opened up on its chest area, where a crystal revealed itself. It was tangled, bound tightly by thick vines that overlapped and twisted together.

"Thou aren't welcome here… return to the Overworld, that is the High Queen's last order."

"And I'm saying to you, respectful Guardian Tree, that I have some business I would like to converse with the High Queen on my visit. It's related to… a former benefactor to us Elves."

"...Benefactor, you say?''

The giant ent's crystal, which was some kind of Mana crystal, pulsed with blue light alongside a voice. It was monotonous, a little heavy on the pitch.

"What does thy mean?"

"Well, it means what it means. I don't know how long it was, since I wasn't exactly born at that time, but I have sufficient knowledge to know for sure that this 'benefactor' does exist. He is soon to descend, and my village is the nearest. That door… the High Queen never says anything regarding it whenever I ask her about it. What is behind that door?"

"...You aren't weak anymore, so I suppose it's not a mistake now. You may be granted an audience, now go."

"...Thank you, esteemed Guardian Tree."


The Mana crystal flashed a blue light that temporarily blinded them, and an empowering feeling of invigorating Mana drowned their bodies.

'But… why isn't he asking about Merlin?'

With that, the Guardian Tree, the esteemed protector of the High Queen, went back to merge with the wooden wall from whence he came. However, in his absence, a blue orb was floating in the sky, hovering around. I know all too well the procedures.

''Now, let us proceed?"


"Guide us, Remnant."

"Of course, esteemed Mage."


The blue orb of Mana, Remnant being its name, floated forward as our guide. We follow suit, with Albern seemingly a little confused with the sudden development.

"I… have visited this place in the long distant past. Remnant, along with your High Queen Svar'ritha, should still remember me. I was the one who lent a helping hand when they were in a crisis, and the Elves wouldn't forget something so significant as defending their livelihood."

The event I spoke of is the Event {Advent of the Filthy}. It's an Event that took place in a different dimension, server for the Players, from the entire World Saga Online game. It works as a fail safe, for the Players to let loose for once and die without any penalty.

The main gist of the {Advent of the Filthy} is to make some hypothesis into reality of what the Game's many Races could become, if they were to become 'demonized'. The Event's multiple winners, those who could convince one of those 'demonized' Races to accept you, will receive full Favorability upon first meeting.

This Favorability benefit exists across all Worlds in the main server. And from how the High Queen treated me, it seems like she hasn't forgotten that Event where I saved her before Absolute Death.

'It's lucky that she isn't dead… but I'm also lucky considering he didn't directly aim at me after the Event was over.''

The orb guided us to a white door, almost identical to the one I had seen when I met my 'end'. From left to right. A landscape of Death with a fantastical failure that will be recorded, with a cloaked skeleton portrayed closer to the right with a hand reaching out, to the ultimate reward that is Paradise, with a beautiful Elven woman portrayed in the middle. However, this door carries a different meaning for the ones who know of this World's history.

The pact between this World's Ruler, Absolute Death, and the current High Queen and second generation Guardian God of the Elves. This door is a reminder that the right wouldn't be there if the left didn't exist first. It is a reminder that 'protection' wouldn't exist if the left hasn't reached out first like in the door's portrait.

'What a pitiful situation…'

The Paradise part on the other hand, showed something akin to unwillingness, as the Elven woman kneeled and prayed with clasped hands. Her eyes were shut, a single dew on each corner of her eyes. Even so, her mouth was curved up into a smile, like a sign of submission to the fate she finds herself in.

So, as its objective is now complete, Remnant went back into the wooden wall and disappeared from the scene quickly.

"Beyond this door is the High Queen… I've never seen that orb before. What was that, really?"

"It's like its name suggests, a Remnant that the giant tree ent can conjure with his Mana. It's my guide whenever I'm here visiting.''

"Visiting… but, I've never seen you before?"

"That's because I haven't had the chance to visit again. Things have been… rather eventful for so long. But now, now that 'he' is waking up again as foretold, I must assemble this era's Greats in order to stop him."

"Greats… then, why didn't you go for the High Queen instead? Why me?"

'I don't know, Absolute Death was the one who chose you.'

I didn't answer his question, and for the best as I went to open the door.

"Hey, wa-!"

"The wise Mage that no Human of his species can possibly rival, the Northern Star that shines the brightest in the cold night sky, the Pinnacle of Mages, the Great Mage Merlin Abigail Avalon, we humbly greet thy holy presence in behest of our High Queen!"

The titles, my Titles, were spoken by different voices, and all held reverence as they bowed in the end. The scene of a brigade of spectral Elves was revealed to us, and blue light drowned and slightly made my eyes uncomfortable.

When they adjusted, the spectral Elves looked at me with a straight posture. Their stance was like a common soldier's, both arms pressed to their sides, with their feet spread in a V shape. They stood as two lines, a green pathway adorned with colorful flowers that led to a throne in the distance.



I walked forward, while Albern stood flabbergasted by the probably unbelievable sight.

"...High Queen Svar'ritha, it is a pleasure to grace your presence once more after so long."

"Merlin… Old man Merlin, why have you come here again? And after so long no less."

"Well, I've been… busy, personal reasons and all. I'm sorry I couldn't make time for you, to at least visit you indirectly.''

"It's fine, old Mage. So, I've heard what my agent has said in the hallway. Would you kindly elaborate?"

"Of course, it is naturally good for you, a ruler of an entire Race, to hear of the upcoming disaster. The reawakening of Absolute Death, or as the Elves used to call him, Nguyệt Thực Tử Thần, a God that eclipses any and all that faces him in his boundless shadow.''

"He is… back, you say? How are you sure?"

"It's just a hunch, and besides, don't look so surprised. You of all people should be the first to know of his reawakening. No, to be frank, you should know. And maybe that's why you stationed someone of his caliber there. Is that it? Was that all part of your plans?"


"You being silent, huh, too easy to guess if I'm right or not. So, was he meant to stop what's coming? Or be some sort of temporary protection? Because, if you aren't aware, he alone isn't enough."

"You speak as if you've surveyed the entire village. If you-"

"I did, and all I see is just worthless trash waiting to be devoured by the endless darkness that is His shadow. Is that the best you can offer? Pawns to the endless pit?"

"No… it's… it… I don't have anything with enough power, I… I…"

Svar'ritha, a blonde Elf with a noble face that didn't fit her physical appearance that's akin to a ten year old. A wooden crown with a pale jewel attached on a tip adorned her head, and her clothing is that of an eastern monk, humble and not very elegant, but still spread a sense of majesty to the onlookers. A sense of authority and maturity that didn't fit her age, which she doesn't seem to demonstrate now.

''I… I don't know-"

"Alright, that's enough. Svar'ritha, it's okay so don't be stressed about it. I will digress from speaking any further, until this room is empty."


The others, the spectral elves and Albern, were all engrossed in the information I'm giving them. I looked around, and with one glance at each of them they all scurried away like rats.

All except for one, Albern Alstrusia Elinorth, one of the 'pawns' I was referring to.

"Is that… Is what you say, real?"

"Yes, you along with your entire village of above ordinary Elves will only serve as a light snack in the bottomless pit that is Absolute Death. The being that sheltered your High Queen, and put her in her position right now as you see, and the same being that slaughtered too many to count Worlds. His conquest, his cruelty, they both know no bounds as they continue to spread and grow respectively."


''And if that isn't bad enough, then Absolute Death, or referred to as the Nguyệt Thực Tử Thần. An old name, but one you Elves shouldn't forget intentionally if time stretches on for eternity. His powers, his subordinates, his Status is unrivaled. Even I would only face Death if I encountered him. Then, what about you? Your comrades? Only nothingness awaits you if you meet him as an enemy."

"Nothingness… You mean, I wouldn't be able to do anything?"

"Of course, you can only accept the inevitable, be it slowly or swiftly."

I did not once avert my eyes from Svar'ritha as I spoke to Albern behind me. She stared back at me, with tears filling her eyes. And then, a dew of water dripped and slid down her left cheek. Her lips crooked, brows furrowed, and face crumpled.

"Now, tell me. Is that what you intend to do?"

"No! That is absolutely not what I want! I just… want him to be slowed down even by just a second. A second, is the amount I would need to prepare myself for what's to come."

"Huh… no desperate last attempts, no struggle, no resolve to escape? Just acceptance?"

"Of course, if I can negotiate something with him, then I would. If I am to be his slave, his toy, his concubine, just like intended in the past, I would become any and all of those if it meant even one individual of my Race to live and carry on."

Her teary face directed down, her voice meek. But that last sentence, how she was willing to become something akin to an object so that her Race can survive.

'I guess even a monster like him can grow and nurture someone like her, huh.'

At first, I thought she would be trained to be a copy of Absolute Death, a cold hearted, cold blooded, and rational monster that isn't afraid to trade the indispensable lives of her people to further expand what she wants. A monster that has no heart, no Soul.

'But… she isn't like that. Not one bit.'

The only interaction I ever have with Svar'ritha was at an Event. It was brief, and we only got to share a few words and a debt to be paid in a future date. It was only to that extent.

'I'm glad.'

Relief was short lived as I returned to questioning Svar'ritha, who looks and is now acting like a ten year old.

"It's okay, Svar'ritha. I apologize for my rude behavior. I didn't mean to berate and belittle your efforts. It is noble that you're willing to go to that extent. However, what you're saying is unnecessary. I can fix this, and you won't need to do that or become this for him. That, I swear.''

Of course, my words were only that of mere condolences, to soothe a small child's worry. In truth, I wouldn't, no, couldn't defy what is now my new master. It is a fear, one that would drive me mad if I were to do what I'm saying right now.

'I'm sorry… truly, sorry, my dear Svar'ritha.'

Even though I don't know her upbringing, her hardships, nor her personality that might have changed now, one thing is for sure, my pity for her now is genuine.

'I don't wish for your misfortune, but fate deems it this way. He deems it this way, I guess.'

I hid my thoughts below my calm facade. With a smile, the elven Goddess seems to have gained some semblance of hope as she gazed at me with a bright expression seemingly radiating sunshine.

"Thank you, Merlin. Although, the future might not change, I have hope…"

"And hope is enough for you to not lose sight. Do not worry, he… will not wake up. I shall make sure of that."

With that, my piece was over. I turned around and gestured to Albern with a raised hand and a head bob. He seems to have got my signal, as he began to prepare his piece.

"I greet the Guardian of Elves, the High Queen Svar'ritha. I am here to ask of thy Holiness a request to grant this servant passage to the Outside. My purpose is as the Grand Mage Merlin has said. If you would kindly consider this servant's request, then I would be most joyous."

Courteous, and frankly unnecessary flowery words flowed out from Albern's mouth. It was rather boring to watch even for a moment, but this isn't a matter that I should comment on. Commoners and their Rulers throughout ages must express this much as the bare minimum.

"I accept your request, Albern Alstrusia Elinorth. You may accompany the Grand Mage on his journey. I wish you both a safe and ultimately fulfilling trip, and delay the possible Dark Age's resurgence."

With a nod, I smiled.

"Alright! Now, shall we truly embark on our journey, my companion?"

"Yes, we may. I bid thy Holiness farewell, and I shall receive your blessing wholeheartedly. May your reign be eternal."

With that, we finished our business in this place. I can finally go back now. It's been stressful, but this should satisfy him to an extent.


"Thưa đấng Thần, người hầu này có thể nói ý nghĩ của người được không?"

"Ta cho phép, nói đi, Lê Trắng Vĩ Hoàn."

"Người cảm tạ lòng tốt của đấng Thần. Điều người muốn nói là về Đại Pháp Sư Merlin, người mà vừa đi cùng với người được chọn ấy. Chẳng phải… Đại Pháp Sư ấy đã-"

"Tất nhiên, tất nhiên… Đại Pháp Sư Merlin, người đã cứu ta khỏi bàn tay của Nguyệt Thực Tử Thần một ngày, và cũng là người tôi ngưỡng mộ vì sự quyết tâm mà ngài ấy đã thể hiện trong 'ngày đó'. Cái ngày Nguyệt Thực Tử Thần thắng thêm một lần nữa, trước khi biến mất hoàn toàn vào cái nơi ấy. Thật sự, tôi không biết có nên nuôi nấng niềm hi vọng nhỏ nhoi trong tim tôi bây giờ không."

Svar'ritha, the High Queen of the Elves, was seated on her wooden throne. Her face was ridden with worry, dread, and despair. The most heinous, evil, yet noble person she has ever known will return in the future she has seen.

Everyday, she works tirelessly to at least avert that future. She tried to, in the past when the Celestial Dark Palace was being raided continuously. She pitched in some of her own forces, to try and reach the final Floor where only some selected few have been able to reach.

But, her hard work is paid back in damages to the already precarious population situation of her Race. She was forced to now, just lay back and wait as the numerous days tick down. With each day, her eyes grow dimmer and weaker. Her will to live, dwindling as she has been accustomed to the freedom she so rarely got.

"Nếu chỉ có vậy thôi, thì ngươi có thể rời đi được rồi. Ta không cần người hầu trong lúc này."

"Tất nhiên, người hầu hạ này thứ lỗi vì đã làm mất thời gian của đấng Thần."

With that, a High Elf disappears like a mirage into the air as blue flakes. Him, along with those that have greeted Merlin as he entered, are Spiritual manifestations, held together and anchored to this physical realm with the help of Svar'ritha. Without her, these High Elves would have perished since they no longer possess a physical body to stay here.

Relics of the old past, too important to give up on. Their presence is needed, both as consultants for Svar'ritha, and to have someone to relate to about the distant, forgotten past.


"Hmmm, should I choose this form?"

Somewhere in the Lunar Forest, a mysterious cloaked being was loitering about, speaking something to themself. The figure was fidgeting, his cloak shaking and then fluttered as something blew from his left side.

"Ah, you finally arrived. I was waiting so long, so bored~. Now, shall we go and check out our assignment?"

An ominous red portal, swirling with violent sparks of electricity firing about through the air, came a black knight with a greatsword attached to his back. It was a greatsword made out of flesh, clinging and sticking to the armor through the very narrow cracks.

"Don't be at ease, Gregon. Our assignment involves the once inactive Celestial Dark Palace. However, a recent scan shows that the entrance has been opened."

"Ohohoho? The famed entrance to the home of Absolute Death? Now this is an interesting assignment, yes, very interesting. Shall we go now? Maybe we might even have the potential of opening the entrance! What a wonderful thing to consider!"

"Are you mad? And what then? Will you go in, and then be another nameless being that's swallowed by that place?"

"Well, killjoy much. I was only joking, no need to be so negative about it."

"Then it was a dumb and frankly idiotic joke."

The two seem to be tense with each other. But, what can you expect from two Daemons? They're the epitome of violence, cruelty, and at this moment they're no less than what they are. One may not see it from a glance, but right now the two are radiating a massive amount of directed killing intent at each other.

The only reason they're not tearing each other apart was because they have an assignment, an order by someone likely much stronger than them. Mortality rarely scares Daemons, but absolute destruction without a fight is one they can't bear to die to. It has no 'honor'. No glory in dying that way. And you would also always be remembered as the weakling, with no arguments to be made.


"So, the pesky Daemons have moved. They're keeping tabs on my place? Bold. It seems like I've been gone for too long that now, everyone thinks the legends of my conquest are exaggerated."

Sora Kuroka, not Absolute Death, was watching from a high tree branch the scene of two Daemons arriving. Their conversation was also heard, and he was amused by that.

''Well, at least one of them knows."

With that, Sora puts away the orb that he was watching through. A smile revealed on his face, as he finally got the signal of Merlin's return.

'Now, let's carry on, shall we?'

He has heard it all, and also viewed how much loyalty Merlin has regarding him.

'It seems like the effect is working just fine.'

If it didn't he wouldn't hesitate to snip the bud of a potential threat. Even if it means he'd lose progress on the Elves, that doesn't mean it's impossible with might and a little generational brainwashing.


On the second floor of the Celestial Dark Palace, a king's slumber has been interrupted by his senses.


He let out a deep, deep hum as the entire space vibrated.

The place he's in resembles that of a throne room underwater, one that's filled with moss and seaweed showing how long it has been since anything was here. The king, with his weary body and shabby, rusted armor, slowly stood up. Then, the temperature of the water starts to heat up.

"Has he… finally returned?"

It was instinct, but an instinct that's never wrong.

"...No… I have been fooled so many times. What makes this time any different?"

So, with a sigh, he sat back down. His armor creaking loudly that's able to make the water nearby vibrate.

"Too long… too long."

A weary battle repeats in his mind, the only thing keeping him here and not outside like someone else.

'Lady Winston… why…?'

The traitor, Carlisle Winston, the only one who abandoned her post when the Celestial Dark Palace was under heavy raids, and sided to go outside. Her reasoning at the time was, "I'm bored, and the master isn't here right now. I'll take this as a vacation leave."

Many, including this king, were dumbfounded by what the once loyal maid had said. And this king along with others have attacked and tried to eliminate her. But, due to her backings at the time, they couldn't fully kill her off. Close. So close, the king thought. If only he didn't hesitate.


Stories. I like them. They're the only things in existence that satisfy my hunger. A hunger for something delicious, and that is why I chose to side with the being now known as Absolute Death. It is because of his stories, misery and happiness alike, were most of the stories I liked.

I am the Eye, I am the Dreamer, I am the Devourer. I am a being known as an Outer God, now in a contained physical form. I am a Child. I am an Infant, I am but a mere girl wishing to hear more exquisite tales. Tales, that an Outer God cannot experience.