
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The second floor, the Sunken Lands, Oceanis Realis (remade)

The second floor, the Sunken Lands, a sea based Pocket Dimension that's home to the second most powerful combatant in terms of skill. Reshval Von Kirlan, once descendant to the King of Seven Seas, Abraham Aldric Kirlan, but now loyal follower and servant to the being known as Absolute Death. He's a very stoic man, with very few interactions between him and the other floor Guardians.

He's a devout man to his one God, his savior, and father figure. So, naturally he is one out of three floor Guardians who have yet to succumb to despair. Reshval believes, he always does, that his 'father' would return once more to grace his presence. To tell him that he did good.

Personality wise, Reshval is a man of honor. He respects the willful and kind, virtuous leaders are also one of his favorites, accompanied with a self-sacrificing character would earn more of his respect than one with might. But, this can be made into a weakness. Without realization, he begins to hold back, eventually settling on the same level as his opponent.

He's the kind to be defeated because he honors your character, and if not it's a clean house. He's a technical Boss fight, requiring you to think of leveling the field instead of fighting him head on like a buffoon.

Reshval has a natural affinity to water, as he sometimes commands it in fighting you or to create a leveled field for himself. His signature weapon is a trident, Sea Tyrant, a Mythical Item that enhances one's control over water and has several Active combat-related Item Effects that he can trigger while fighting. He's a rather robotic Boss fight, systematic in a sense that he has stages he'll transform into if a certain condition is fulfilled.

His forms are numerous, and it all depends on which kind of playstyle you choose to face him. He's an all-rounder, good offense and defense and could be qualified as a World Boss in his own rights.

Many have fallen before his might, but there are others who have proven themselves worthy of his recognition. Many of them then later become the generation's High Rankers or renowned Players.

But now, lacking his father figure, he has become tired of the endless battles. His floor, the Sunken Lands, now reduced to a beautiful wasteland where he and a couple of other survivors lived in solitary or together as pairs. It is a far cry from its normal state, which was a peaceful, lawful kingdom filled with joyous citizens and children.


"The sunrise… are we, outside somewhere?" Manu asked with a stunned, flabbergasted face.

"No, according to what I've learned, this floor is placed inside what's known as a Pocket Dimension, a Space that's disconnected from the rest of the World. Think of it like a globe, floating attached to the World with a mere string."

"A Pocket Dimension…" Lily said so inquisitively.

"What that?'' Genna asked.

The elves came to speak with one another, while I ignored their words to take in the view of a magnificent sunrise. This floor was one of my favorites, since it's almost a close reproduction of Earth, from the documents and films. It's also a reference to one of Earth's oldest myths, Atlantis, the Sunken City.

'I poured so many hours into this Pocket Dimension…'

Pocket Dimension remodeling, a pretty tough job to get right aesthetically, and a costly one too. Mistakes also lead to consequences, and one wrong move in development can bring damages large and small. But, since I studied my history very extensively, I remade one of Old Earth's most notorious tropical climates, the archipelago that was called 'Hawaii'.

'There are treasures scattered across the archipelagoes, but I doubt any of them are still at their spots.'

There's nothing to gain if I travel to the sites at which I hid the treasures. They're weapons, trinkets more like, for any who likes to explore and travel. They have little impact on the outcome of the final Boss fight, and some of them were just miscellaneous stuff like pins or charms that increase random Stats. They're useless, essentially.

'But, there's one problem here.'

It was that, the whole entire second floor's content was underneath the waters, in the blue, deep sea before us.

'And they don't have anything that gives them underwater breathing…'

It's something I foresaw, but couldn't prepare beforehand. The Item I needed was missing, most probably because it was looted long ago and hasn't been restocked.

'Well, this is going to be tough.'

The elves would need to survive by themselves, which isn't hard since most of the Sunken Lands' enemies are aquatic creatures with rarely any that could breathe on land.

'They should be relatively safe.'

With that thought, I returned my floating mind to the present. I turn around to find that the elves are scrambling with something. I took notice of it some time later, and shock ran through my system.

'That the Item…'

They had procured the Item I was searching for already. It was a scroll made of beast hide, and written in it is Rune Language, the primordial alphabet to command Mana with words.

"How do you use this thing…? Any ideas, Lily?"

"The language is something I haven't seen yet. This alphabet of words… I wonder what these are."

"They look interesting, and beautifully written too. Whoever wrote it does a good job with their handwriting."

They examined the piece of parchment, with Lily examining extra closely. The reason being, the Runes were lighting up in a brighter blue color than it is currently. It's in response to the current floor we're in.

"...That Item, may I see it?"

"Huh? Do you know what this is?"

Lily looked at me with raised eyebrows, small disdain could be felt from that gaze. It couldn't be helped, I did kill one of their friends during my acting. Even though it's unnecessary, it's a must for the future. With their original setup, they wouldn't be able to concentrate properly on what's happening. Sure they would be stronger as they seem close, but that kid, Charles, was too much of a wild card for me to properly reign in.

'This journey will be very beneficial to produce the first of the very finest of Legends, then many will follow suit until I finally complete this Quest.'

Of course, my goal isn't to let them complete this place, not by a long shot. Upon reaching the third floor and forward, if they could prove their determination, ingenuity and might, then they deserve to have a Life returned to them.

'It's the only logical and fair thing to do. They're underleveled, under-experienced, and heavily childish to boot. Lily is logical, but if the situation is too dire then she dries up and freezes. Manu, although strong, has something holding him back from unleashing his massive amount of Mana fully. And Genna, the one with the most latent physical power, is hiding it from her peers quite well. The Items inside the backpack, she's been carrying approximately 60 kilos without much stress or sweat. She could even jump in excitement no problem as well, I've seen it after the fight with Suriel, not a tumble or anything.

'These kids are far too young and pure to attempt this harsh and grueling challenge, one that even those that they might consider Gods fail. If they die on the third floor, then it'll be a disappointment. But any more than that, then they proved to me that this World still has potential Seeds to find and grow.

"Well, I might have some knowledge. Can I take a look?"

"...Sure, here."

She gave me the scroll without problem, and a window appeared due to my affinity with the old game's System.

[Scroll of Change]

[Rating: Unique]

[Item Effect:

+Changes its usage based on what floor the holder is currently in in the Celestial Dark Palace (Currently: Water Breathing Influence)

+Enhances the Mana that's being used

+Can be used to store Mana (0/1000 MP)

+Upon receiving damage, the Item will summon its Guardian to protect itself

-If the Scroll leaves the designated place (Celestial Dark Palace) then the Runes will be deactivated

[Item History: A special Item made by the hands of a great Mage proficient in Rune Language. It's applicability is undeniable inside its home, while becoming a piece of parchment if not]

[Durability: 244/500]

A quick run down shows that this Item only functions properly if it's in its home, which is here. Right now, it should be exerting its effects.

'Someone activated it beforehand…'

Normally, the thing must be pumped with Mana in order to operate, or to jumpstart the process at least, and it can suck on the surrounding Mana to operate at minimal efficiency. The Item is also damaged, worn and a corner of it chipped. The Runes blinked as I held it in my hand, and with one more look through, gave it back to them.

"Alright, I got the gist of it. The Item is a Magic Scroll, I don't know if you're familiar with it."

"Magic Scroll…? I'm familiar with Tomes, so no."

"Me neither, not much of an enthusiast reader so yeah."

"N-No, I don't… read a lot."

With a collective answer of no, not really, and a little similar, I decide to give them a run down to get them familiar with the Item.

"This Item you hold here is a Magic Scroll, a versatile Item with a very cheap price of just a beast's skin. You must have some proficiency with handling raw Mana, not processed, but pure and raw from the air itself. The language is also important, and 9 out of 10 it's usually not a language spoken by a large majority of Races. It must be special, and this certain language is one of them. The language of Runes, an alphabet spoken by primordial Races that most likely predates ours."

A lengthy explanation is given, and I took a couple of breaths to calm myself down. It is to also calm my zealousness to give the new generation information. If I don't I might end up saying more than necessary.

"So, for now, all you need to know is that this scroll is going to be your grace through this place, don't lose it or get it destroyed."

I gave them my piece of advice and turned around.

"I'll be leaving now."

"Huh? W-Wait, what are-"

"You won't be able to help me in the upcoming fight, he's too instinctual for that simple trick we pulled last time. Your lives are precious, so try not to die."

I cast a Spell on myself, Aqua Circulation, and jumped into the deep sea with one leap. This is necessary for them, and also a setup for the future.

'Welp, time to stage a death scene.'

But for now, not at the moment.

'Let's go and check stuff out now that I'm free for a change.'

I couldn't go and explore the first floor, so I don't know if those secret rooms were still functional or not. Now, I think I'll go check the second floor's secret areas to see if they're still usable. Guarded by a series of puzzles, they are almost impossible to solve without proper preparation.

'But that won't be a problem for me.'

The only problem is that, it's been a long time. I still remember the locations, but the same can't be said on how to solve them anymore now. They might change, they might even be broken, but it wouldn't hurt to check them out.


The children were stunned. They have just been left by the only one who's supposed to take care of them. Granted he did say that it'll be dangerous for them to accompany him to where he's going, but so what. Them staying in this place is close to just dying but slowly.

"...So, let's try and survive until he gets back, aye?"

Manu, with a rather relaxed and laid back expression, searched the beach they're in.

"Wait, that's… your reaction to this? He just left."

"So? That doesn't make much of a difference. We went here with each other's consent… everyone wanted this journey, so we should see it through to the end."

His voice hinted at sadness, remorse, and guilt. But, Genna was too much of a novice to pick up that queue so she just smiled slightly to show that she's compliant to the situation.

"Let's start with food, since we can just gather water from the air with Lily's magic."

He turned around after scanning the vast sea that stretched to the horizon. His eyes settled on the vegetation this small island has to offer. From tall palm trees that held some kind of green fruit, to the bushes adorned with glistering berries of varying sizes.

"Well, berries and fruits can only get us so far. We'll grow weak if that's the only thing we eat.''

Even the elves, who are peaceful and wouldn't want to shed even a single drop of blood, couldn't survive without protein in their diet. This is a Racial trait of theirs, a still lingering stigma belonging to their ancestors, who were once warriors and conquerors. Their diet must consist of some meat, or at least something meat-like, if not then they grow weaker and weaker until they die.

But, it doesn't seem like there's any other life form on this island besides them. With a sigh, Manu accepts what's given and turns to his friends.

"Let's survive until the end, alright?"

"Yeah." Lily replied.

"Alright!" Genna said with a hop and a smile.

It was pleasant, for now at least.


I've returned to my original form, swimming through the underwater spectacle of the second floor. There's a very small amount of marine life forms contrary to when I was still present, very few and every one of them far in between.

Most of the marine life forms were predators, meaning they're carnivores without a supply of food except for each other.

'They've grown adapted to the new environment, it seems.'

They have few similarities, arms instead of flippers, clawed fingertips, large head with a very wide mouth, and thermal vision from the way their eyes are colored which is a deep crimson red. Some are specialized in tool making, and these are the ones that don't have thermal vision. Instead, they have eyes like fishes, faces like humans, and some are a combination of fish and man. A wide variety from a short stroll through the new terrain, the second floor has indeed changed massively.

'Most being predators, this will be just the thing for my upcoming plan of growth.'

If the kids are to survive, then they'll need EXP. A source of growth, it can be translated to Experience, which is the equivalent for an NPC. For Players, however, they're points to give to their Job Classes. They can get EXP from many sources, especially for Players since every action can be constituted to amassing EXP. Even passively breathing in a rhythmic pattern can give EXP.

So, my plan is to harness some of these monsters along with a few of my aquatic based Shadows to attack them at night. This is a necessary process to at least give them a fighting chance on the later floors. The fight won't be easy, nor will they be impossible to overcome. With Manu's expertise in fighting, Lily's clever mind and maybe even Genna's unexpected strength, they might just be able to hold off the slowly increasing difficult challenges.

'Yes, let's give them at least that.'

The spectacle of their deaths, and their young Souls, will be a delight for me to witness and harvest when the time comes. Death is fair, and if you have the will, you can withstand my approach a little bit longer.


While I was immersed in my plans, it seems like something has got track of my movements. It's been following me just now, with relatively high efforts to hide its own movement from being detected.

'A Skill…? Or maybe, a Spell?'

From what I've observed of the humanoid marine life, they're well capable of casting and performing the mystics that are Spells. This one, however, doesn't seem to aim at my demise, but to rather observe me instead.

'A hunter with intelligence?'

I decide to let this play out, and continue to my destination without bothering about its presence. Certainly, it's a grave mistake, but for me in my original form, little can threaten me. A mere residence on this floor is no more than a particle of dust to me.



But, the presence and the uncomfortable stare was slowly driving its way into me. It's an unnerving feeling, one that seems to dig into my very own pitch black and empty Soul relentlessly. Like it has struck gold or something.


I think I changed my mind. I stopped my movement and turned around quickly. My eyes settle on the presence that's been tailing me. It was hiding behind the rocky covers, but still I could feel its gaze on me. It's like everywhere I try to sense, I would detect their gaze on me.

"Reveal yourself, stalker. Or be obliterated for annoying me with your presence."

I acted almighty and arrogant-sound, as that is the image I had casted myself as to the outside view aside from my important people.

Following my command, they revealed themselves as a beautiful humanoid female, closely resembling Humans as well. Her hair was freely floating about, azure blue like the ocean itself, and her eyes serene without shaking.

''Hoh? A mermaid, why are you following this shadow?"

"....This pitiful one greets the Absolute Ruler's return."


I look at the mermaid in front of me. Her entire body was that of a human female, barely any form of clothes, not any different if you didn't notice the scales on her arms, legs, sides and neck. The same color as her hair, they glow softly and pulses as if they had life.

"Tell me, oh pitiful one. Why are you following this shadow?"

"...This pitiful one is called Nemia, the Last Priestess of the Deep. This pitiful one is here to greet the Absolute Ruler."

'You've already said that last part.'

At this point, I was losing any interest I had with this woman. I slowly turned away from her, until she began to speak without addressing me courteously.

"The second floor has been turned upside down and tumbled into madness for so long. Our King, Reshval, hasn't come out of his refuge, the citizens, my people, have all but degenerated into mad beasts running on instincts alone long ago. This servant despises the Absolute Ruler, she blames him for letting this come to pass." A harsh, angry, hateful tone carried out the sentence.

"But, my hatred cannot overcome my gratefulness. For he is the one who gave his blood to this small World we call home. Without his sacrifice, we wouldn't be here, mingling and murdering each other. I cannot ask the Absolute Ruler, who is before me, to fix anything for I am but a pitiful subject." A pitiful, weak tone carried out the sentence.

"But still, if I may be discourteous, if it may well cost me my mere little life, I ask of the Absolute Ruler, please, help this floor return to its original state." A courageous, brave tone carried out the sentence.


How long has this mermaid practiced this whole thing for? Her speech, her tone, her effort to keep composure, it was commendable and must've taken ages if not several lifetimes. My unique Aura is no joke, nor is it weak by any means. If at its fully buffed state, my Aura can kill any Life within its radius. A bravery worthy of praise, and so, with a smile I decide to play along with this fantastic roleplay.

"Hahaha… Very well, oh pitiful servant of mine. I shall partake in the restoration of this small World you inhabit. You have my word." I spoke eloquently with an arrogant smile.

[A Side Quest has been generated]

[The Side Quest {Past Glory} is given to you]

{Past Glory}

[Type: Side Quest]

[Quest List:

-Restore the Land Archipelago Islands from a spreading corruption (0/8)

-Restore the balance of the Sea by eliminating its Tyrants (0/5)

-Reintroduce herbivore marine life and marine flora to the ecosystem (0%/100%)

-Save Reshval Von Kirlan from his unknown state (0/1)

[Quest Reward List:

-1% EXP

-3% EXP

-8% EXP, a chance for a Title

-Restore Reshval Von Kirlan's Affinity to Max

A Quest, specifically a Side Quest which is known for its long and yet very rewarding nature, was given to me upon accepting the mermaid Nemia's offer. When I went through the contents, I closed it with a new question for the mermaid.

"My servant, a Priestess of the Deep, correct? Rallier of the Seafolks, I have an order to beseech thee. There are children of elvish descent on one of the eight Land Archipelago Islands. Each night, have some of the few compliant Seafolks to attack them. Do not, and I gravely warn you, give them death. I shall also partake in the fight through my Shadows as part of the attack force. Do you accept this order of mine?''

".....It would be a pleasure tantamount to living a hundred lives, Absolute Ruler. I shall carry out your order with utmost care and precaution. I won't let you down."

"Hpmh, very well, now begone. I have other matters to attend to."

It was good that I got this, and the rewards aren't half bad either. A stroke of good luck, maybe? Or something far more boring like fate working its lame magic.


Today will and shall be remembered by me and only me, as the most important and close to dream-like day ever.

My name is Nemia, a Priestess raised by many mothers who are still sane. I've been taught the ways of Magic, and taught the survival Skills by the many hunters to ensure my existence doesn't get extinguished. I am frail, I am replaceable, but in this current time I am the only and last Priestess to carry on the duty of retaining the Old Ways.

My duty is to wait for someone, a person who will save this small World of mine from its savagery. It is the Absolute Ruler, a being so powerful that the mothers say he could bend and grind any World far larger than mine down to dust.

'I… did it.'

When I finally encountered the person whom I've been waiting for, nervousness and a certain feeling of intense dread came over me. But, due to my training and several Magical buffs, I manage to not stutter and mess up my grudgingly long speech. During my second piece, the last sentence almost made me faint after I'd said it. It is unbearable, maddening even, to be in front of his presence.

When he left, I made sure he wasn't in range to be able to let out a scream. A very loud, but not so audible scream since pure sound doesn't travel that good through water. I wanted to faint, my mind fairly close to collapsing from all the stress.

'But not yet, I still have an order, a new order, by the Absolute Ruler himself no less.'

He spoke of elvish inhabitants on one of the Land Archipelago Islands. Each night, an assault must be organized to attack them but not too much less they're pushed to death. If that happens, then I don't know what my already insignificant and lowly fate in this life will turn out to be.

'I best not to mess up.'

Resolve fills my empty soul for many years, and I excitedly went to prepare.

'First, I think a couple of Prahas will be good as a starter. If they can't handle these, then I don't even know what to do other than maybe blame the Absolute Ruler.'

A bold statement, and a joke by the way. If they do reach critical condition, then I'll probably show up to save them. I can't risk offending the only person who can restore my home. My mothers, what would they say when I return to them within his Soul? Or maybe I won't even be able to return to them within his Soul?

'Well, let's go fetch some first. I'll think on the fly when the moment comes.'

I swam excited with a new purpose other than to keep relative peace anywhere I go.


The first thing I could remember was cruelty. The father of a distant past, whom I now cannot remember even being my father, was a conqueror that ruthlessly tears through any obstacle in his way. Diplomacy, a peaceful way with words, was never an option for him. Physical force is always the answer to anything he finds troublesome. Anyone that stood in his way would all be decimated without mercy, and he relishes in the battle.

He is the Ruler of Seven Seas, the Deep Crimson Beast, an animal that lusts for anything he finds fancy and discards them just as quickly. I find him repulsive, disgusting, irredeemable, an abhorrent monster that I won't ever accept as the being who gave me Life. A person whom I shall never become, a code and line that I shall never break and cross.

But, now, I'm not so sure. My people, their suffering, I ignored them as I waited in somber silence and melancholy. The battle of the past, coming to mind every now and then to keep my consciousness from spiraling into madness. What is it, other than becoming closer and closer to the monster I reject?

A monster, the Humans who came to this floor called me that. Humans that sought something I could no longer recall. But I know of their similarity. Greed. Lust. Pride. They wanted to sully the place I call home, and they were shredded to nothing but scrap meat shortly after.

They're fragile, weak, terribly weak. But once, twice, thrice maybe. I could remember some who still linger within my memories. Heroes, the other Humans called them. Warriors of the Age, some screamed. Or maybe Beast of Prophecy, was it?

Muddled memories are a bother, but, why do I need to remember? I don't need to. I never needed to think. To understand. Just kill. My father, why… do I sound like my father?


Somber, cold, and sad. I don't… know anymore.


Fun fact:

-Reshval Von Kirlan was born as a naturally weak monster, even though he had one of the most fearsome beast's blood coursing through his veins. The monster that is his father, now a Shadow belonging to Absolute Death, Arashkia Viktrof Kirlan. From a young age, Reshval has been in grueling training to attain the throne from Arashkia. But, his strength barely even matches 1% of him, making Reshval a disappointment in his cruel father's eyes.

-Even though he knew this, even though he grew to abhor the man who is his father, he still respects him. His strength. His smart leadership. Arashkia was one of the most powerful Antagonist World Bosses not only because of his raw strength, but his power to command armies thousands, millions strong even.

-However, his respect for his father shifted to another. It was an Undead, the enemy to all that is Life. But, even though they're mortal enemies because of Racial stigmas, the Undead didn't attack or even harm him. Instead, he conversed with Reshval, asked him with a gentle tone, and the question was about his father. Information, he sought for anything that could increase his odds in victory, and Reshval gave the Undead what he had learned and observed about his father, his little motifs, and slight weaknesses. It was in one condition. That he would be the one to kill Arashkia, when he is near his death.

-Upon the death of Arashkia at the hands of Reshval, he became stronger, instantly stronger than what he once was. He became a powerhouse through the simple act of killing his progenitor.

-In his later years, after he has grown to become a floor's Guardian, he gained the nickname Blue King by the Players who challenge his floor soon after, along with some unsavory other nicknames. He became one of two tests to see if the Player is skilled enough in their Build, and is one of the hardest Bosses to beat that doesn't have any reliable cheese methods.

-But now, after an uncountable time along with innumerable amount of battles has taken its toll, he has now degenerated into a sad, somber, and depressing King, with his rusted armor that once shined a radiant blue. A far cry to what he once was.