
chapter eight:revealing the past(2)

Natasha had always been a serious student,stance to say she read the sciences even though it didn't match with what she was currently doing .it all started one day,Natasha had just finished studying in the library,she was planning on doing the assignment at home since it was already dark.she was rushing out of the library when she collided into someone upsetting the books in her hands she bent down to pick the book at the same time the figure also bent.she placed her hands on the book together with the figure and looked up their eyes met and she looked away in an awkward manner. she didn't like the gaze of the guy on her she awkwardly took her book and left.

on getting home,she found out that Neil was with her assignment book she didn't even know his name or anything about him.the next day she was stranded,when it was time to submit the assignment,she was very nervous.she was at the verge of crying when someone tapped her from behind. turning around she saw a familiar face"I'm Neil almond,engineering department",he said handing her her assignment book.she snatched her book from him and opened it,he had written the assignment and it was accurate for a moment she was stuck gazing between him and her assignment book.he looked so beautiful and gentlemanly in her eyes just because he helped her. later on they became very good friends.all through the years Natasha spent in school, she never came back home. in her second year,Kelvin's mother died,she was very close to Natasha. due to some circumstances,she lost contact with Kelvin on her third year at that Time,Kelvin was a final year student,he was working hard so he couldn't find Natasha that was when Natasha met Neil

at first they started as just friends but Neil didn't want it that way. she later became his boyfriend and by the time she was graduating,he was serious about marriage. after Natasha graduated, she decided to stay there for a while. during that time Neil proposed to her. she accepted and life continued as usual. one day as she was cleaning the house she shared with him she found some written documents about Neil's misdeeds. she was shocked when she found out that her to be husband was a murderer.the only thing she was grateful for was that he hadn't taken her Chasity yet. she found all that very difficult to believe so when he arrived from work she eavesdropped on his phone calls and found out that he was not the gentleman she thought he was. she decided to keep her mouth shut. everything happened so fast that the next day was their wedding.she ran away from the state and went back to where the Blacks lived there she found Kelvin still waiting for her. after she got married she thought that she was safe and never knew that Neil would look for her and find her


"I...I.. couldn't bring myself to love him",she sobbed. Neil watched with disdain as they talked to each other. Neil.... please...

please don't hurt him. she pleaded. Neil smirked. "Natasha I stick to my words, you have to come with me",he said." Natasha no!"Kelvin struggled to speak.-i....i can't",she stuttered. "shoot!" he commanded."Nooo! Natasha screamed.