
chapter seven:revealing the past(1)

sounds of the sirens were still heard as the ambulance drove quickly to the hospital

after the doctor was done with the treatments,Natasha was allowed to see her husband .when she entered and saw the condition of her husband, her heart dropped she slipped at the side of his bed and took his hand sobbing.she buried her face in the mattress and cried"it's all my fault,I should have just told you....." she sobbed.

the next week kelvin was not yet up,the doctors said that he was In a coma and there were slight chances of his survival, even if woke up he might lose his memory or go insane .it was very rare to get up the same person but if he was really strong,he would come out whole.natasha was always on Kelvin's bedside praying and begging him to get up..

it was all over the internet that the famous actress's husband was in coma. like any other celebrity,fans sympathied with her praying that her husband wouldn't slip to the other side


Natasha was on her way back from the hospital it had been three painful months and Kelvin was still in coma,the doctors said that he was improving and he would get well between the week she was happy but sadness still lingered in her eyes. she didn't want anything to happen to him,she said to herself as she drove home.

After three days Natasha was driving to the hospital .all of a sudden a white truck suddenly popped on the road she used her hands to shield her eyes as it came in contact with hers


Natasha woke up to find out that d

she was not hurt.she was fuming with anger and her mind told her only one thing Neil!.she sweared that she would deal with him if it was him. getting up she saw a familiar face smiling at her .with face full of contempt,she raised her hand to give a dirty slap but he held his hand. "you might want to turn around before doing anything stupid "Neil said.glaring at him ,she grudgingly turned around.she froze on the spot her legs turned weak and could not carry her body anymore"N- Neil p...please I'll do .....do....any....anything...."she could not complete her words as tears choked her .


when Natasha turned around,she couldn't get herself to look at her husband who was held by two guards his breathing was feeble because he obviously had not recovered his head was covered in bandages and there was a gun pointing at his head. when she had stammered ,he looked at her feebly and said"you know him?" she nodded he looked up again and asked "how?"that was the question Natasha had dreaded all her life


Natasha had lived with Kelvin since she was thirteen. she had lost her parents and had nowhere to go so Kelvin's mother took her into the family.she was loved by Mrs Black because of her zeal to have a great life. she was very smart. after her high School,she got a scholarship to study in the famous 'model' University ,in Colorado. that was when she had to part with kelvin.