
chapter nine welcome to the world Rosella

Beep... Beep the heart beat monitor sounded as Natasha opened her eyes. she looked around as she tried to get where she was. she realized that she was at the hospital. she sat up trying to remember the past events and how she got there . she sat up abruptly when she remembered Kelvin. A tear fell out of her eyes as she remembered his last words "take care of yourself and our daughter" she subconsciously touched her tummy. she was pregnant! and... and Kelvin was gone. she closed her eyes in tears and soon enough she slept off. later in the day, the doctor came to see her after he was done talking and telling her the state of her health, she asked him when she would be able to see Kelvin. the doctor was quiet for a moment before he told her that Kelvin could not make it. she swallowed it painfully as she asked to see his body the doctor said that she would get an update.


Natasha sat down at the edge of the window staring at a blank space. she had been thinking of how life had been within the six months without Kelvin she imagined how he would have doted on her , how happy he would have been at the arrival of his first child. she wiped her tears as she picked up her car keys to go for her antenatal.


Natasha drove on the busy street but her mind wasn't there. she was thinking of where Kelvin was. if he was dead where his body was, if he was alive was he okay. As she was thinking, she didn't know she had crossed her lame to the other . when she realized, it was too late as a car banged into her.


Natasha did not understand what was happening all she knew that she was in pain the pain seemed endless. she could see herself going out, leaving the world but she had to stay strong if not for anything but for her child, she had to stay for her.


Natasha looked at the little girl in her arms and smiled. it was her first genuine smile since the incident. after being in the incubator for weeks, she was finally alive, Hale and hearty, a carbon copy of her father a tear slid down followed by another she hugged her tight before kissing her forehead.."welcome to the world Rosella, welcome to the world"