
Thorn Arena

Love cures these broken scars. Princess Beatrice is enslaved. Executed with only one chance to escape, she must solve a deadly mystery before she get's trapped inside the boundaries. Since she is expected to get into a lot of danger while she does this, a lightning angel with the name Leo is chosen to accompany her. But together, as they do this, they experience flashbacks about their own pasts and they don't expect to fall in love with each other - until now. Time ticks by.

DreamyNico · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Seven | Secret Meeting

A sudden doorbell rung from the kitchen. Which meant that the police arrived! Which meant that Beatrice was saved! Beatrice quickly opened the door. And indeed, it was no other than the cops who had come to rescue her!

"So, what seems to be the problem, miss?" the cop asked. Beatrice looked around her. Blood. And more blood from the kitchen.

"Follow me!" she sharply replied in a cold voice. Her voice was icy and felt like bad shit. The cop listened to what Beatrice said as they entered the bloody hallways. There was blood everywhere! Since when did so much blood come into her place? Beatrice was eager to find out.

They walked for a while until the two entered Beatrice's bedroom. Now this was definitely were there was the most blood out of all the bullshit rooms they'd been to. Beatrice felt a shiver running down her spine.

She'd been there. In this room. Her heart felt it. And there was not just the blood in this room. But instead - dead bodies of all her beloved friends. Beatrice gasped. She ran out of the room, sobbing. She should fucking calm down now since the police had arrived.

"Wait, teen girl," the cops replied strictly. "Or I'll immediately arrest you!"

Beatrice stopped running and crying. She wiped her tears using her handkerchief and turned around so that the police could see her. The police were indeed strict. The cop opened his mouth to speak.

"So, we need to have a secret meeting here. At your house," the cops told her. "But where do you want to go, miss?"

"I don't know," was the shivering and sobbing answer. "All the spots left in this house are bloody!"

"The dining room is not. Let's go there and talk," the cops pointed out as they ran to the dining table and sat down on opposite sides.

"So, what is going on, miss?" the cops asked her with a start.

"I don't know. My friends were murdered. My family were murdered. The people I truly love were murdered. The house is flooded with blood and now this! WHY DO I HAVE TO FACE SO MANY PROBLEMS IN MY DAILY LIFE?!!" she screamed and buried her face with her hands to sob again.

The police stared at the crying girl. He felt bad for her like the king of Thorn Arena did. But he was a cop! How could he be nice to her. He had to be strict like a real police did. He wanted to protect people if they were in danger. He wanted to be himself.

"Miss! Just stop crying and tell me everything about what happened!" the cops replied in a strict and sharp voice. Almost as sharp as whatever.

"I was. Well, I was," was all she could say. Her heart beated. The cops stared at her and grabbed out - nothing more but a - oh no! Beatrice could suddenly make out the shape of - a handcuff! Holy shit. He was going to arrest her!

All Beatrice knew was that she was done for for good.

This was a very interesting story to write. It was difficult since I don't often write fantasy but I had lots of fun! Anyways, thanks so much for taking the chance to read Thorn Arena and following Princess Beatrice on her amazing and bloody adventures! Therefore, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you in the next one! Until next time! Peace out! <3

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