
Thorn Arena

Love cures these broken scars. Princess Beatrice is enslaved. Executed with only one chance to escape, she must solve a deadly mystery before she get's trapped inside the boundaries. Since she is expected to get into a lot of danger while she does this, a lightning angel with the name Leo is chosen to accompany her. But together, as they do this, they experience flashbacks about their own pasts and they don't expect to fall in love with each other - until now. Time ticks by.

DreamyNico · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Six | Call The Cops

The hopeless girl breathed heavily. She had no other choice. She had lost the people she loved. The people that were nice and kind to her. She had lost her parents. She had lost everything, even her best-est of her friends.

Without another word, tears quickly sprang to the poor princess' eyes as she immediately grabbed her phone out of her pocket without looking and called no other than the cops.

"Hello. This is the Eagle Police Department. How can we help you?" a voice that sounded like a man boomed on the phone. It felt like speaking on a walkie-talkie.

"Help," she whispered. That was the only thing she could say. She couldn't whimper or whisper anything else. Just this word that made her voice crack. It felt like crying and sobs scatter around her brain.

"Okay, we're coming. Tell me where you live, please miss," the man spoke in a soft voice that was strict indeed. Completely.

But she could not speak anything else. She could only feel her voice crack even more if she ever said or attempted to say something else that wasn't the sorrowful word 'help'. But she did attempt a try anyway. It was more powerful than being a fucking bitch.

"23 Berry Heart Street. Please come quickly!" Beatrice cried loudly as she felt thousands of scars playing cheekily inside her own body. Her heart lumped as the tears poured down her face every single second.

"Okay, we will," the police replied as he hung up immediately after this. "Okay, come on, cops! We have some work to do and a cold bloody case to solve! Are you ready?"

Everyone in the room immediately shouted back "yes!" as the police got ready to hop in their cars. They had a very deep and bloody case to solve. What more? Nope. Just that.

This was a very interesting story to write. It was difficult since I don't often write fantasy but I had lots of fun! Anyways, thanks so much for taking the chance to read Thorn Arena and following Princess Beatrice on her amazing and bloody adventures! Therefore, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you in the next one! Until next time! Peace out! <3

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