
Thorn Arena

Love cures these broken scars. Princess Beatrice is enslaved. Executed with only one chance to escape, she must solve a deadly mystery before she get's trapped inside the boundaries. Since she is expected to get into a lot of danger while she does this, a lightning angel with the name Leo is chosen to accompany her. But together, as they do this, they experience flashbacks about their own pasts and they don't expect to fall in love with each other - until now. Time ticks by.

DreamyNico · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Eight | Dragged To Court

The girl's hands felt a horrible pain that made her faint. Blood came dripping out from her forehead. But her heart was still beating, which meant that she was still alive.

The cop then dragged the poor girl to his police car that was outside of the house. He took off into the night and drove a long hour. Finally, they were in court.

Beatrice's trial was very strict. Everyone there were being much more serious than her friend Sabrina. Even the cops and the jury. They would punish her if they ever found her guilty. Beatrice was fucking doomed. She just knew it.

If she didn't make a smart move, Beatrice would be sentenced to death. The jury then spoke up.

"Beatrice, any last words before you get sentenced to death immediately?" the jury asked her in a strict and raging tone.

WHAT?!! SUDDEN DEATH?!! "Now that is unfair, stupid dickhead," Beatrice thought in a cold and icy voice. She could not let that bitch kill her or screw her up at all. Or else...

"I object!" Beatrice suddenly shouted. She feared that the jury would capture her if she would say this but she had to let it out of her mouth. The jury was not mad at all. He was indeed impressed instead!

"Hmm. A girl who objects in court," he thought. He suddenly came back to his raging tone. "EXECUTE HER IMMEDIATELY!!!" the jury bellowed at Beatrice so loudly that it hurt her own ears.

"Wait! We need three witnesses, remember?" the cops whispered in the jury's ear.

"WHO CARES ANYWAY? SHE DOESN'T HAVE A CHANCE! EXECUTE HER!" the jury answered in a booming voice. Beatrice was freaking done for like holy shit.

She didn't care anyways. She wanted to live a good life. First, she got drunk. Second, someone murdered all of her friends. And now this. Beatrice had had enough. But she didn't care.

Beatrice was going to die for fucking good. Holy shit.

This was a very interesting story to write. It was difficult since I don't often write fantasy but I had lots of fun! Anyways, thanks so much for taking the chance to read Thorn Arena and following Princess Beatrice on her amazing and bloody adventures! Therefore, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you in the next one! Until next time! Peace out! <3

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