
This Simplification Is Too Outrageous

# SPIRITUALENERGY Spirit Beasts had appeared along with the spiritual energy. Qiao Yuan grabbed the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber from his shelf. [Simplifying System initializing] [Lion’s Roar has been detected] [Simplifying…] [Simplified successful… Lion’s Roar has become Loud Roar] Qiao Yuan simply opened his mouth to yawn. [Lion’s Roar Mastery + 1] As a Level 7 Spirit Beast slowly approached, it let out a roar. Qiao Yuan opened his eyes and stared at the beast. “Shut the hell up! What the hell are you roaring for?” The beast sensed danger and it started to tremble and whine. “Well, I do have to thank you because all four seasons are warm due to you…”

Making Money For Instant Noodle First · Urban
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40 Chs

The System's Simplified Classification

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The qi and blood energy slowly flowed out of the vortex, and Qiao Yuan's complexion slowly recovered. At this rate, Qiao Yuan would not be able to use Indestructible Diamond for about four to five hours, including the first level.

Because this time, it was completely empty!

Even Qiao Yuan could feel that it had some effect on the cyclone.

Picking up his phone, Qiao Yuan quickly went to the pharmacy downstairs in the community and bought some oral solution to replenish qi and blood.

Compound donkey-hide gelatin paste, Angelica blood-replenishing oral solution, warm qi- and blood-replenishing oral solution, compound black-boned chicken oral solution… 

After drinking them on the spot, Qiao Yuan frowned.

Sure enough, he was still too naive. Although he had named the warm current in his body qi and blood energy, it was not the traditional qi and blood energy.

These oral solutions were useless and had wasted a lot of money. Moreover, he had tried them before. These medicinal herbs and tonics could not trigger the system simplification.

As expected... He could only change his fate by relying on [Knowledge].

He relied on the system to simplify something that could quickly replenish his vitality.

Qiao Yuan left the pharmacy.

The medicine master's instructions came from behind.

"Sir, we're supposed to give you two free eggs if you spend more than 99 Yuan here..." 

Qiao Yuan stopped in his tracks and thought for a moment before turning around to take back the eggs that belonged to him.


With the two eggs in his hands, Qiao Yuan crossed a few roads and arrived near the elementary school he remembered.

There was a narrow alley nearby with a bookstore that specialized in selling novels and illegal villain books.

In the past, many students and young men from society would often come here.

In private, it was listed as one of the three most popular shops among students.

Next to them were internet cafés and gaming centers.

Unfortunately, with the rapid development of the Internet, all kinds of novels could be found without even leaving your home, and slowly, this bookstore became deserted.

This was also a common situation.

The main reason Qiao Yuan had chosen this place over a branded bookstore was that the books here were all very strange, and some couldn't be found in other bookstores.

In layman's terms, it was formal and informal.

 So he wanted to try his luck.


[They all have a book house]

After turning round a corner, he quickly found his target in the middle of an alley on a upslope road.

The shop sign was a little yellow, and the words were very blurred. Traces of corrosion from the rain over the years could even be seen. The shop was not big, about 20 square meters.

The alley was always illuminated by the light, so it was a little dark inside. At this moment, there was only one incandescent light in the shop.

The boss was a greasy middle-aged man with a white tank top and a full beard on his face. On the table was a box of fast food that seemed to have just been eaten.

An old fan was blowing at the side.

The owner seemed to be sleeping at this time, and there were no customers in the shop.

Qiao Yuan didn't disturb him and walked straight in. He had to see if there was any stock here. If there wasn't, he would go to a big bookstore. It would take about three days to buy books online, which was too slow for him.

He casually picked up a novel called "Above One Man". 

Qiao Yuan: "???"

[Eighteen forms detected.]

[It can be simplified by consuming 1 energy point]

 [18 unique skills]

 [Do you want to simplify it?]

Qiao Yuan frowned and put down the book.

It was just a simple technique, so it was not worth wasting energy points.

Then, Qiao Yuan started to search again. He had to admit that the books were interesting, but many of them were simple moves that wouldn't work on spirits.

For example, Qiao Yuan had just scanned another 'bone shrinking skill'.

The book could shift Qiao Yuan's bones and bones, but it had no other special abilities. It was harmless to spirits and would be a waste of energy.

It seemed that not all books could harm spirits after being modified.

To put it simply, the various simplified things could be roughly divided into two categories.

 One of them was to target spirits, such as the Yi Jinjing and the Indestructible Diamond.

The second was for ordinary people, such as the eighteen forces and the collarbone technique.


 "Sir, are these the only books in the shop?"

After searching for a long time, he still couldn't find a book that was suitable for him. Qiao Yuan had no choice but to ask.

The owner didn't open his eyes. The fan on the side was still blowing, and the stuffy and narrow store was full of the smell of sweat and leftovers.

After three seconds, the owner seemed to sense that there was a customer in the store. He asked unwillingly, "What book do you want?"

"Books or novels related to medicinal pills. Pill recipes would be even better."

Qiao Yuan didn't mind the boss' attitude.

"In the left corner, under the bookshelf, there's a small box. Open it and take a look. You might find something related to what you just mentioned."

Following the boss' instructions, Qiao Yuan quickly found his target.

He pulled it out.

This box... There was a thick layer of dust on its surface. It seemed like it had not been opened for a long time.

Qiao Yuan covered his mouth and nose as he opened the box. The inside of the box was filled with colorful picture books and novels.

He flipped through them one by one. He had no reaction to most of the books. A small portion of the scanned books were all moves that were not of much use.

That was until Qiao Yuan picked up a novel that should have been written by a third-rate author.


"Alchemy in a brothel". 

[Burning Desire pill]

He looked at the introduction. This thing was like Viagra in the real world, but it was an enhanced version and was not very useful.

But just from the name, one could tell that there was something in the novel.

Perhaps he could really scan for a pill that could quickly restore vitality.

Qiao Yuan patted the dust off the book, ignoring the colorful illustrations.

"Boss, how much is this book?"

The middle-aged man finally opened his eyes. After seeing the book in Qiao Yuan's hand, he sized up Qiao Yuan again until he saw the thing protruding below him.

He smiled mysteriously.

Qiao Yuan furrowed his brows and reached into his pocket, shifting the two eggs.

The boss was stunned.

It took him a long time to react.


"The goods in this box are all spiritual food that can't be exposed to the light. I didn't expect that a young man like you would be unable to continue reading those decent books outside and would choose to read this?"

"How much is it?" Qiao Yuan asked again.

This boss was too long-winded!


The boss stood up straight from his rocking chair.

"These are all good stuff. They're out of print now, so... 200 yuan a book."

So expensive?

Qiao Yuan looked at it over and over again. In his memory, this thing was worth at most a dozen Yuan, and it was the kind that was brand new and had a clear illustration.

That was until Qiao Yuan saw the suggested retail price at the back of the book, which was 25 Yuan.

"Boss, the retail price here is only 25 Yuan!" Qiao Yuan pointed out.

The boss threw the lunchbox on the table into the trash can and glanced at Qiao Yuan.

"I don't accept your bargain."

"Boss," Qiao Yuan said, "I often buy books from you. Can you give me a cheaper price?"

"What's my name?" The boss sneered.

Qiao Yuan was speechless.

"How old am I?" The boss asked.

Qiao Yuan was speechless.

"What's my wife's name?"

Qiao Yuan was speechless.

"I..." The boss continued.

"Boss, I'll buy it," said Qiao Yuan.


After spending 200 yuan to buy the out-of-print novel, Qiao Yuan checked his wallet. He had only 521 Yuan left in his savings. Judging by his daily expenses, this amount of money would definitely not last him half a month.

" I'll have to think of a way to get some money after this matter is settled."

Qiao Yuan stuffed the book into his left pocket because there were two eggs in his right one.

Then he left the bookstore.

Suddenly, he had another idea!

If he could scan all the books below advanced martial arts, then... How about he custom-make one for himself?

This way, he could avoid sweeping out rubbish cultivation techniques.

After a minute, Qiao Yuan shook his head.

'No, time is too slow. I heard that it takes several months to write a novel.'

'Wait a minute!'

If he used money to hire a group of authors to write wuxia novels for him, specifically writing some very powerful but not too outrageous martial arts, how about that?

Qiao Yuan went into deep thought.

This was worth a try. It wouldn't cost much to find some lousy authors.

These thoughts flashed through Qiao Yuan's mind one by one, but he soon realized something.

He face-palmed. 

He was not lacking in wuxia novels, what he was lacking was energy!

To put it bluntly, this world was similar to his previous world. If he needed novels, cultivation techniques and the like, he could buy them online. The source of the items was not a problem at all.

Moreover, the price was not expensive!

The problem was the energy value. As long as he had enough energy, he could just cultivate some powerful but reasonable cultivation techniques.

His thoughts became much clearer.


As Qiao Yuan thought about this, he gradually became lost in thought. He turned round a corner and headed to the other side of the road.


An ear-piercing sound of friction was heard.

A small car lost control and skidded over, leaving a long brake mark on the ground.

Qiao Yuan raised his head.

According to the books, when people were facing death, time would become extremely slow, and the dead would have enough time to recall the past.

He didn't expect it to be true.

At that moment, Qiao Yuan suddenly felt that time had slowed down. He could even see the frightened expression of the bald man in the driver's seat and the woman in the passenger's seat, who was so frightened that her face had turned pale.


Indestructible Diamond automatically protected his body, and Qiao Yuan was sent flying in a beautiful arc. He crashed heavily into the ground and rolled a dozen times.

There was no more movement.

It looked like he was dead.

This was the consequence of not looking where you were walking!

Ten seconds later.

Feeling everything in his body, Qiao Yuan realized that he didn't lose anything. If there was anything, it was that the vortex in his body had dried up again after using Indestructible Diamond.

How unlucky!

Qiao Yuan struggled to stand up, but after thinking for a while, he fell back to the ground.

Perhaps... he wouldn't have to worry about his living expenses for the next few months.

He still had to earn this money.


He was clearly not injured, so what was this feeling?

He lowered his head.

The two eggs were broken.