
The Lobby

No one there was blurry. And even odder, None of them seemed to follow a script. they all freely chatted over one another. She looked about curiously. In front of here her was a tall male teen and a shorter female teen, who were discussing something. the male had a slight russian accent, And the girl was African american with a short afro. Everyone seemed to be wearing white jumpsuits. Including lela, although she only just noticed.

Lela waved and greeted them with a small "hi". They both looked at her with smiles that just seemed real. The girls smile was noticeably lopsided, and the Russian had dimples. types of things you don't usually notice in your typical dream. " hello" Said both of them said, not quite in unison. Lela couldn't believe she was here. " My names Lela" She said lightly. " Mishka" said the man, holding out his hand, formal like. Lela shook his hand firmly. She could actually feel his hand, smooth, cool, like marble. His eyes were calm, a cool blue.

The girl held out her and then " My names Ariana" she bubbled. Lela shook her hand. Arianas hand was warm and caloused. " Its a pleasure to meet both of you" she commented. Her hair was dark and her eyes were a warm chocolate. Mishka smiled a thin yet genuine smile.

" we were just discussing our reasons for coming here" Ariana said, inviting her into the conversation. Mishka nodded " I want to take refuge in the night, and stop my consistent nightmares." he said softly, as though he were ashamed of nightmares, as though it were a weakness.

Lela bit her lip " my friend died over a year ago, And I want to see her again" Ariana looked sympathetic, and she quickly engulfed Lela in an embracing hug. " you poor thing.." she mumbled softly.

Lela never knew how to react. How to say its okay when its clearly not okay. how to say shes gotten over it when it still affects her so deeply to this day. She never knew how to react to people who didn't know how to react. It felt like she was the one following the script.

She just hugged Ariana back " what about you?" she asked awkwardly. Ariana pulled back. " I'm not quite sure. My dreams have been getting so... odd. I just want to understand how to become the master of my dreams. I want to take back the power in my life, or at least my sleep. at least I think that's why. " she said with a shrug.

Mishka watched Ariana fondly, with a half smile. Ariana was oblivious

Lela glanced about the room with curiosity. It looked like a typical waiting room. The wall was a soft peach , with abstract paintings on the wall that seemed to change ever so slightly every time someone looked away. There were exotic flowers sitting in a blue crystal like vase on a table. No two chairs were even close to the same. Some wooden, a rocking chair, a few recliners, all in different shape. some looked more loved then others. The ceiling was the continuation of the sky, allowing her to see the clouds drift by her. There were people of every ethnicity, of every back ground and many countries around her, talking in different languages, But they had a sacred reverence in their voices.

The clouds opened, with out a warning, and a beam of light hit the center of the room. In the beam of pure light there was a figure. All sound in the room died. Every voice stopped, no one even shifted. Yet no one seemed surprised. Not even Lela was surprised. It just seemed like it was inevitable for the glowing figure to appear. You could almost see where their eyes were, where the white light gave way to two small blue orbs of light. Even Ariana seemed calm in the presence of of the figure.

Silence... then a soft voice, coming from the Light. " welcome young travelers"