

" Whats got you in a good mood today?" Lelas mother asked with a smile. Lela of course new that Her mother wouldn't approve of her findings, So Lela said "Read a really good book today" Her mother smiled " well Its fantastic to see your lovely smile finally" she said fondly as she wrapped her spaghetti around her fork.

She wasn't sure if she believed the website. anyone in their right minds would doubt it. but as she thought, and dwelled on it she was determined to see Clarissa. Determined to hug her one last time at least. A burning passion filled her chest. She just had to figure out the first step.

Lela quickly finished eating, and washing the dishes and then darted off to her bed before her parents could ask her any more questions.

She pulled out her phone and scrolled through the website some more, before finding a sub-page called 'The Lobby'. There was a list of unclear directions there that she studied for a long time. She had an exited smile on her face. she hadn't had such a feeling of motivation in so long.

Hope. She had forgotten what that had felt like. What it felt like to look forward to something. She could hardly focus on the web page. One word shimmered for a second ' ladder.'. she needed a ladder! Somehow it made sense to her. In her dreams she needed to summon a ladder. Somehow she knew that could get her to ' The Lobby' The only thing that was left was for her to go to sleep.

Simple enough. she lay down, closed her eyes, and emptied her mind till she reached the 'place inbetween' As she liked to call it. That area where you can almost hear people talking. That area where there are no filters. That's how she always knew when she was almost asleep.

Her mind rearranged itself, as she floated. She had no clue how long she just existed there. No thoughts, no feeling, simple.


Soon she found herself in a forest clearing. Everything was slightly foggy. her thoughts, and the environment. It felt like a painting, but she didn't have the mental clarity to focus on it.

She had one thought. ladder. she did the only thing that seemed natural. she reached up and grabbed the air. a white bar was there, as though it alway had been. she raised her foot, and stepped onto another white bar. They were cold, and thin. She could almost feel the cold white metal against her skin all though the feeling was muffled.

She started climbing. She became more confident with every step. She went faster, and faster. soon she was above the trees. She climbed as the scenery changed. Sky changed peach, like a wall, occasionally she saw a floating chair and finally a floor formed beneath her. standing around were about 25 people, standing around, chatting, and there was a banner on the wall 'the lobby'.