

Everyone watched the entity with awe. It was unclear by the voice if they were young, or old, male or female, or what its ethnicity was. It felt as though it was almost a default voice. The entity seemed to chuckle at the awe. It sounded like a bell. " Im proud of all of you, Young travelers, for finding your way here. you all can call me Taylor" it said. Taylors voice was almost hypnotic, beautiful, calming.

Lela was in a trance as she watched the entity. Rainbow like light danced around Taylor, sparkling, shimmering...

" You've all gathered, for your own reasons and from all around the world, to master the seemingly uncontrollable form of traveling, dreams. You will be taken though 13 dreams. Each dream will pose a challenge to you, and many will push you. " taylor paused "I don't make it a habit to lie, some of you may not make it. " murmuring filled the room " what do you mean by that?" Mishka asked defensively.

Taylor sounded sad " we have lost some to the dreams before. some didn't have the strength and the dreams overtook them, trapping them in their nightmares and insanity" the entity's light dimmed ever so slightly. the flickering color filled light dimmed to almost to a a grey.

" if any of you wish to not risk it, the door is there" Taylor said, an arm like ray pointed to the door. The door looked like a child's drawing, like a thick scribble. One Man shook his head and headed out. The crayon like door open and the man left.

Taylor watched him go " anyone else?"

Lela would be lying if she claimed she didn't consider leaving. Though she wouldn't be lying if she said that it was only for a second. She needed the pain to stop and she knew the only way to do that was to see Clarissa again. that's all she wanted. She was willing to risk it all.

Everyone else stood about the room unwavering.

" Im proud of all of you for making it this far, but you all have a long way. Over the course of Thirteen dreams you will be challenged mentally and spiritually, after tonight you will not be able to forfeit. You will have to complete your dreams to the best of you ability." Taylor said.

Lela didn't care. If this is what it took then that was fine with her.

The entitys blue orbs met Lelas eyes for a second, and Lela felt safe. Like she could follow the entity to the edges of the earth and everything would be fine. The ray continued to look around the room

" If I can give you all one piece of advice it would be do not try to wake yourself up. You will be leaving your fellow travelers alone during their challenges and putting them in danger." Everyone nodded " alright young travelers, Enjoy the rest of your night. the first challenge will be tomorrow night." and with that all faded into a dreamless sleep