
Thief in Harry Potter

Guy ends up in Harry Potter after Death, he goes with his Thief system to help him survive in the world. Weasley Bashing for Ginny, Ron and Molly the others I have no opinion and I love the twins. I own nothing but OC and original Ideas, Cover not mine but was on google so I am using it.

Pink_Ghosty · Movies
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9 Chs

006- Year One (Part 4) Halloween, Negotiations

(A/N: Also for those who are wondering he won't be a major part of the plot so I hardly include it any, this is about what he does in his life.)


Sam walked down to the Great Hall nodding to some Slytherin's who were still trying to get him as a minion, a lot were still trying to find out how he was connected to the Le Fay family since Morgana had no descendants. It wasn't long before he was walking into the Great Hall, the moment he enter he saw Hermione look right at him.

Seeing her intense stare he laughed and walked right over to her, getting closer he saw some people watching them but ignored them, all he saw was Mione at that moment. "Hello there Mione." He said kissing the top of her head before he sat down next to her.

"Are you okay now? Did something happen earlier?" She asked while biting her lip probably worrying she was asking to much.

Sam smiled and patted her head, "Don't worry I will tell you everything tonight, just video call me and make sure to put in your head phones." He told her while making himself a salad, he had been eating to much greasy food lately and needed to calm down on it.

"Alright but don't make it to late I don't want to stay up to late." she said with a smile going back to her food.

Sam nodded and started to talk to Neville about herbology, that was something that got him happy, it was actually the one subject that he did better then most. Harry wasn't to far away and chimed in some, dumbass Ron tried to talk with food in his mouth but with a hit in the head he shut up.

Since it was still the weekend there were no classes but Mione still chose to go to class at appropriate times, while Sam went to sleep around 3am on a weekend. For the rest of lunch even if she was subdued Mione still gave him intense stares, he could only chuckle at that before giving her a silly face.

Later that night inside his backpack apartment, after coming out the shower he could hear the ringtone for Hermione calling, walking over to his bedside table he answered the call. "Hello Mione, what are you doing pretty girl?" he said while drying his hair with a towel.

She paused a moment seeing him, it was understandable since he was standing there without a shirt on, he was doing it on purpose since he needed to get her comfortable around him for when they are older. She finally snapped out of it blushing slightly, "PUT ON A SHIRT!!!" was the first thing out.

"Mione I am in my own room so no, now do you want to hear about why I acted the way I did or do you want me to hang up on you?" He said laughing lightly while laying back on his bed.

"Sigh fine since it is your room, so what was that about today?" she said while leaning on her hands.

Sam smiled and went into it, he already had an excuse since he couldn't tell her about going back in time, he was able to tell her it was the anniversary of his parents death. She accepted it all but that made a whole new conversation go on, she wouldn't leave him alone until she was sure that he was okay, he could even see that she wanted to hug him through the phone.

He had to hold back his laugh but he also wanted that hug, even if the thing he just told her was a lie he still did like Hermione's hugs, they were the best he had ever gotten. For most of the night they spoke before Mione's sleepiness caught up to her, since she forgot to hang up he was looking at her fondly the light sound of her breath actually lulling him to sleep.

Half a month passed with the same schedule going on, him and Mione actually went into the routine of speaking on the phone until she fell asleep, but the conversations were always different. Most of them were finishing homework or him teaching her how to do first year spells better.

Soon it was Halloween day, this was the day that if things played the same which he was hoping didn't, Hermione would end up in the girls bathroom. He didn't have charms with her today and since it was a big feast for tonight he wouldn't see her until it was time to go to the great hall.

Going through the day he was actually bored, he already knew all this information that was being taught and after getting his wand he could do spells flawlessly. Of course this was his soul bound wand and not the one from the shop the two weren't even comparable.

After a long and boring potions class where he stared into space, earning himself a detention from Snape, though really it was a cover since the guy learned he was a prodigy in Potions. They started this two weeks ago and since Sam could get his hands on some of the rarer ingredients Snape took to teaching him more, now he was already doing seventh year potions.

Leaving the dungeons it was time for the feast, Sam could already smell the pumpkin juice as he walked towards the hall, he almost vomited smelling it. He hated pumpkins so much, he didn't understand why the insisted on it being a drink used in the school.

Draco was currently holding on to his hood from his hoodie as they walked there, the kid was getting addicted to playing phone games. Sam was actually thinking of starting some gaming tournaments since they were becoming a hit, but to do that he would need to talk to Dumbledore.

That was something he had been avoiding a lot.

Sighing he walked into the great hall and looked right to the Gryffindor table, he stopped in his tracks seeing that Hermione wasn't there. Walking over to Harry, Neville, and Ron who were all settling in he wanted to yell but calmed himself down, "Hey guys have you seen Hermione?" he said.

They might have seen him as calm but Neville could see the anger in his eyes, which made the boy flinch some thinking he might have heard what Ron did. The git Ron actually looked a little sheepish, "She ran off after class crying after Ron said something insensitive to her about you only being her friend because you are using her to get help with homework and that she had no real friends. All because she was trying to help him in class."

The professors were just taking their seats when they heard a loud crash, looking towards it they saw something that made them all halt. Ron Weasley was on the ground his nose bleeding around him Harry was looking sheepish but didn't move to help, Neville winced but nodded like it was normal.

The culprit Sam was standing above Ron looking down at him fiercely, the whole great hall was quite as they saw him squat down looking at Ron. "If I didn't like your twin brothers Ron then this beating would be worse, don't think I am afraid of being kicked out or detention the only reason your bones are still intact is because they are cool enough to make me laugh."

Since it was so quiet everyone heard him even the teachers table, the Slytherin table was smirking widely seeing the Le Fay being as sinister as his bloodline. Everyone else had varying expressions and thoughts, Sam though just used that as an excuse he honestly felt like breaking every bone in the kids body but didn't since he couldn't be kicked out without and away from Hermione.

Without looking at anyone Sam walked out the great hall following his map where it was showing Mione to be, she was near the dungeons in a girl restroom. He shook his head at this silly girl, why would she believe Ron when has been nothing but at good friend to her.

Going down the hall he quickly hid in a classroom as he saw Professor Quirrell rushing past, the thing though was that he didn't look frantic, instead he was calm. Sam watched him a moment before he kept walking towards that bathroom where Hermione still was, without even thinking he opened the door since he knew no one else was inside.

From the far corner stall her could hear the sound of her light crying and sniffling, shaking his head he walked right over to it and knocked on the door, "Mione come out please."

There was the sound of her catching her breath before frantic movement, "Why are you in the girls bathroom! Get out of here and go to the feast I will be there soon." she said with a raspy voice trying to sound strong.

"No can do, my best friend is in the bathroom crying because some stupid boy made her cry. So either you come out here now or I will break down the door and go in there to you, you have five seconds..... Five, Four, Three, Two...." He started to count down.

Suddenly the latch was moved and the door opened standing there was a teary red eyed Mione, "Best Friend? I thought that was Draco?" she said looking a little hopeful.

Sam couldn't help but laugh as he pulled her out and into his chest, "I'm sorry for Draco but Mione he isn't the one I fall asleep to talking every night. So yes you are my best friend, so don't listen to that idiot Ron. If you thought I wasn't your friend then why would you wake up each morning with me smiling at you?"

"But that is creepy." she said laughing into his chest when he lightly pinched her side.

"You know you love it." He said kissing the top of her head, "Now come on lets get you cleaned up and then I want to show you something amazing, it is where we will be spending our feast for the night. I want some alone time with my best friend."

Using a towel that was next the sink he cleaned her face that was covered in snot and tears, wetting the end he looked into her big doe eyes as he cleaned her face. He could see the blush that was taking over her face as she watched him clean her but he didn't say anything about it, he just bopped her nose then kept going.

When she was finally clean he walked her out the bathroom the two of them holding hands the entire time, "Hey do you hear that?" Hermione said looking around.

Sam laughed like her heard a joke trying to ignore the problems that is the troll, he knew it was nearby from the growls and stench in the air but he hoped to avoid it. "What are you talking about Mione I think you are just sleep deprived from crying your eyes out." The best thing for him to do was deny everything as they walked into a secret passage he saw on his map.

"Are you sure because I also smell something fowl." she said looking at the side of his face, he could see her just out the corner of his eye.

"Well thanks a lot for pointing out a guys B.O Mione you are going to be a great girlfriend one day." he said which caused her to blush, he really just didn't want to run into it and fight it.

She looked at him with a blush putting her head down, the problem though was that Sam was lookin at her adorable face so when they left from the other side of the passage they ran into the troll. It wasn't just the troll though as Harry and Ron were standing there trying to fight the thing, Mione quickly gasped causing it to look at them.

Sam was sweating, sure he could by something from the system and kill it but he didn't have his backpack on him, how was he suppose to explain where he got it from. Without a moments thought he quickly pushed Hermione back into the passage way while bringing out his wand, he liked wandless too but he felt cool with a wand sue him.

Without a thought he hit it with a knockback hex, when it only stumbled back some he gritted his teeth before using his Transfiguration knowledge and making spikes out of the floor. With another wave he used the tripping jinx letting it fall forward, he was just lucky that Harry and them got its attention again to its back was to him at the moment.

Slipping it fell back and got holes in many places, it struggled for a good minute as blood was flowing from it, with all the injures though it couldn't do anything. Finally it stopped moving, at the same time Mione came out from the passage and rushed over to him, she ignored Harry and Ron who were also panting on the ground.

Sam smiled at her before taking out his phone and taking some pictures of the incident that just happened, Hermione looked at him weirdly but he said he would explain it tonight.

Suddenly they all heard a flurry of feet coming towards them, when the rounded the corner it was Dumbledore first followed closely by McGonagall ad Snape. "Well as I suspected we would find Potter and his troublemaker friend here not listening to instructions." Snape said with a scowl to the two boys not even looking at Sam and Hermione.

"Snape please," Dumbledore said before talking to them all, "Well this is an amazing display of Transfiguration. Well done to you four, now can someone explain what happened here exactly? And why aren't you all in your common rooms with the rest of the students."

Hermione was the first to speak, "Well Headmaster it is simple Sam came to get me after hearing that Ron was bullying me. I was crying in the girls restroom so we didn't even know there was a troll here, when we got to this hall we saw Harry and Ron here fighting it."

"By then I pushed Hermione back into the passage that we were walking through since my first instinct was to protect here. Then I used the tripping Jinx along with Transforming the floor the way it is so that the thing could die, we have no clue why Harry and Ronald are here." Sam said telling his side of it all.

The professors looked at the two boys who looked embarrassed but Harry spoke up, "Well I was upset with the way Ron treated Hermione so I was making him come apologize even if he didn't want to. We knew there was a troll so we came here just incase they ran into trouble, but before we even found them the troll found us."

Dumbledore looked them all over before giving ten points to both Ron and Harry or bravery, he then gave Sam fifty for being there for a friend and defeating a troll with his use of magic. Snape looked smug while Sam was indifferent he still had something to say to the headmaster.

"Professor Dumbledore, is there anyway we can have a meeting just the two of us please." Sam said before they could all be escorted away.

Dumbledore looked at him a moment before nodding, "Yes, Snape he will come with me and then I will send him back later you don't need to worry about him."

Snape patted his shoulder before he followed Dumbledore, the two walked in silence all the way to his office, Sam didn't mind though but he was a little tired so he wanted this done fast. After Dumbledore spoke the password which was 'Acid Pops' the two made their way up the staircase and into the office.

Going inside the place looked just like the movies and Sam saw all the portraits of the previous headmasters, some were asleep while others watched them as they took their seats. "So what is this conversation you wanted to have tonight my boy." Dumbledore said with his signature grandfather smile.

"Alright first and foremost, don't call me boy or say my boy when speaking to me it annoys me honestly. Second I know your whole master plan for Harry and the greater good so just don't play this fake guy in front of me." Sam said rubbing his forehead he was a straight forward person so he didn't want to drag it all out with lies.

Dumbledore's smile cracked but before he could speak Sam started again, "I don't care about that though sure he is a friend but I won't get involved as long as it doesn't harm Hermione, Neville, Draco, or Luna Lovegood who will be here next year, anyone else and you can have fun. Now for the reason I wanted this meeting."

Sam brought out his phone and showed the pictures, "These will go to the The Daily Prophet by morning if you can't agree to my one request. I want to throw an end of the year gaming tournament, it will be after all the final test as a way for the students to wind down some. I will do everything I just need you to give me an empty classroom."

When Dumbledore saw that he stopped talking he spoke up before Sam said something else, "Well I will try to leave those people out of it all but who knows what fate will do for them. I also won't ask how you know since it seems that you are a straight forward person, but I get the feeling that if I ask you wouldn't help me in the slightest. As for the gaming, I think it is a wonderful Idea, I will give you an empty room on the third floor just let me know if you need my help with anything."

The two sat across from one another staring Sam didn't leave just yet but was actually looking in the system, it would be nice to talk to someone about his past but he needed something first. "Well then how about I tell you everything Dumbledore but for that you need to sign this magical contract." Sam said sliding it across the table it was one he just bought from the system.

[Magical Binding Contract- Legendary

Description- A contract that is give to someone that will force them to keep the secrets of the owner of the contract. If the ones signing the contract break it in anyway the aggrieved party will die, not just lose their magic but they will actually die on the spot.

Cost: 500,000Galleons 500Mana]

He bought it the moment he saw it, turns out the whole taking a vow thing isn't real but a magically bound contract was entirely real. On the one he just slid to Dumbledore actually made sure he kept his secrets and didn't utter them to anyone under the threat of death, when they talked about it a barrier would surround them not letting anyone hear.

Dumbledore was now looking it over and staring down at it while stroking his chin thinking it over. Finally he signed the thing and they both felt a lock on their magic, though in reality it would do nothing to Sam since he was the one who made the contract in the first place.

"Alright then Sam now what can you tell me?" Dumbledore said with his twinkly eyes, thankfully Sam didn't feel him try to get into his mind because that place was scary even to himself.

So for the next hour Sam told him how he was sent back from the future after dying during the war, he basically went off his book and movie knowledge while adding it through his point of view. After hearing it all Dumbledore was shocked leaning back but he smiled after hearing it all, "Don't worry Sam this time we will do things better and different together."

Sam just shrugged and got up to leave but not before Dumbledore bought a phone so that the two of them could keep in touch. Dumbledore was going to let a lot of it still happen but change a lot of stuff too, this is what he admitted to Sam right before he left.

Luna will be a sister type relationship, I think that is a better fit for her.

Pink_Ghostycreators' thoughts