
Thief in Harry Potter

Guy ends up in Harry Potter after Death, he goes with his Thief system to help him survive in the world. Weasley Bashing for Ginny, Ron and Molly the others I have no opinion and I love the twins. I own nothing but OC and original Ideas, Cover not mine but was on google so I am using it.

Pink_Ghosty · Movies
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9 Chs

005-Year One (Part 3) Saving Someone and Presents

(A/N: Enjoying these long chapters? I try to do between 3,500 words to 4,000 just depends on what I end it on really. BTW I don't really go back and edit so if some of it is messed up deal with it, there are not a lot of mistakes.)


October 20th saw they all hanging out since it was a Saturday, Draco even ditched his two muscle men and met them in the usual spot on the seventh floor. At the moment Hermione was making them all do homework since she didn't want them to fall behind.

"Please Mione can we just play some games today? It is the weekend and all we have left is the history paper that I am sure Professor Binns never even reads." Sam said leaning back into his seat while cracking his neck, she had made them go from one paper to the next for the past three hours.

Hermione was going to say something most likely bossy but seeing all their tired faces she sighed, "Fine we can stop but we have to finish it first thing tomorrow since we are taking a break today." she agreed to his request.

They all cheered her name making her shake her head, "So what are we going to do now that we have nothing else to do from Professor Hermione." Hannah Abbott said with a smile on her face making everyone laugh.

"I am sure Sam has something new for us, there is no way he would stop for anything unless he had something knew for us to do." Draco said stuffing his things into his backpack along with the rest.

"Nope, I just feel like relaxing and playing my guitar at the moment so I wanted to stop." Sam told them when they all looked over to him with interest, it was true though since he didn't want to do anything but relax and do something else at the moment.

Reaching down he got out his guitar and started to tune it, everyone watched him while at the same time they started to do their own things. Most were getting on their phones to do something mainly games or gossip, he set something up like Facebook for gossip and such.

Though no one could be anonymous on his stuff, he paid extra but the system could filter it out and show each phone that registered any account making nothing private to him. So far nothing bad had been happening on the sight though.

Hermione unlike everyone else took out one of the books he gave her, she spent time on her phone but it was mainly when they were apart in their common rooms and wanted to talk. Parvati Patil was the only person he knew other then Harry and sometimes Ron that she talked to into her house.

Although when they were together she wasn't as bossy, to others she was still the same bossy type personality though she did rain it in some.

Getting out of those thoughts he finished tuning his guitar and started to play the melody for his favorite song at the moment.


Song by James Arthur]

I remember when I met you just before September

You were dancing in the street rocking that pink and leather

Begged my friend for your number

I bet you don't remember, that's how we began

I pursued you for a year, I would've waited longer

I knew ultimately it would make the feeling stronger

That first time that I kissed you, I could look in the mirror

And like who I was

I could never wait for the weekends when you would come over

'Cause that's when I'd see you again

You're all my strength and my weakness

You battle my demons, you're still undefeated

Sometimes I get a little bit jaded

Too much pressure just to make it

You smile when I'm angry and I hate it

But I'll still love you for the rest of my life

My crush on you has never faded

Let's go back to bed until we break it

I'm gonna love you for the rest of my life


If you wanted to

I'd start a family with you

Sam was looking at the black lake at the moment letting the little breeze that came from the window wash over him, he didn't notice that everyone was currently watching him. When he was reborn the only known natural gift he knew he had gotten was singing, his voice was low and soothing.

While in the middle of the song the system dinged, it was the first time that Sam had heard that which made him pause for a moment. He went and opened it stopping in the middle of the song, he heard them protest but he didn't pay attention to them.

Looking where there was a red dot he saw what was new.

[Limited Time Offer

Redo Ticket- Mythical Legendary Item- One Time Use

Description: One time use ticket that can send you back in time and fix anything. With this ticket you can go back as far as you want in time and change something that you want to change. (Note: Can't change plot of story!) Ticket will last for twenty-four hours after the time is up you are sent back to your original time period.

Cost: All Galleons and All Mana]

Sam was shocked seeing this, it meant that he could go back in time anywhere and change something well as long as it didn't change the story of Harry Potter. Frowning he didn't know what to change, there is so much in the past that could be changed to make someone's life better or worse depending on what he did and how far he went back.

Sighing he didn't know what to do so he sat there staring into space, he was also wondering if it could send him to his past life. It says it can send him back in time which also could mean his past, if he could see his family again well.... honestly he didn't know what he would do.

Rubbing his face he went to absent mindedly plucking the strings on his guitar, everyone looking at him saw that his demeanor changed but didn't know what to say. Hermione was the most worried biting her lip and watching him, she was ignoring the book and just staring at him as he was lost in thought.

"Something came up I need to go do something guys." Sam said sending them a smile before packing his things away.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked taking his hand before he could get away.

He paused and smiled at her, "Yeah Mione I am fine, I just need to go clear my head for a second. I will see you a dinner."

She looked into his eyes before nodding and letting go, he smiled and kissed her cheek before walking off. Going down the stairs he rubbed his head while ignoring the portraits talking to him, mainly because his he was lost in thought while he was walking down them.

Eventually he made it down to the dungeon and into the common room, going into his room he sat on the bed and didn't hesitate to buy the ticket. His eyes wept a little as he saw everything go away, he thought it was worth it though to do what he was about to do.

[Redo Ticket Used, Now Twenty-Four Hours remaining before you return here at the exact same time.]

Sam felt like throwing up as the world around him started to spin, suddenly he was thrown out landing on the ground spitting up dirt. Groaning he sat up and wiped the dirt away from himself, looking around it didn't look much different from where he was.

Looking at the clock that was in the right hand corner of the system he made sure he was in the right time, 12 February 1990 one day before Luna's birthday and the death of her mother. Out of everything he could do this is what he chose, because honestly it wasn't his world and the ticket wouldn't let him go to his past.

He was already transported near their house, hence the reason for him being in the field at the moment instead of somewhere else. Looking up he could actually see the house at the top of the hill, with his eyesight he could actually see a little girl and her mom playing out at front.

Wiping the dirt off of himself he slowly made his way over, in his head though he was complaining since he just got dropped on his face in the middle of the a field. When he finally made it near the house both mother and daughter were looking at him, he could see the fuzzy look in Luna's eyes guess it didn't have to do with her moms death.

"Hello there." He said but Luna talked at the same time showing some excitement on her face.

"Look mom I told you Ghosty would show up. What are you going to here Ghosty?" She said in a dreamy voice why her mom was looking apologetic for her daughter.

Sam though was shocked hearing what she called him, he knew that Luna was special but this was beyond what he thought, that name was something that he only used in the past. This meant a lot but he didn't linger on it, Luna was always going to have secrets that she kept to herself and he could see that in her dreamy smile.

"Just call me Sam, Luna. It is actually good to meet you in person though." He said with a smile standing in front of her looking into Slivery-Blue-Grey eyes, he patted her head with her leaning into it. "So do you also know what I am here for?"

"No I can only see hidden things that others can't see, I am not a seer though." She explained before looking towards her garden, her eyes brightened some skipping over there. "Heliopath don't run through mum's garden." she mumbled walking away.

"Sorry about my daughter she is a little unique so it is hard for people to connect with her." Pandora Lovegood said with a light smile while watching her daughter run off to mess with one of the many creatures she sees.

Sam took a moment to look her over, she looked like an older version of her daughter, if this is how Luna would look when she is older then she would be a knock out. The only difference was that she had silver eyes which means that Luna had a mix of her mother and fathers eyes, at the moment it looked like her father wasn't home.

"It is fine, more then you know I actually appreciate her style." Sam said with a smile looking over at Luna fondly, at that moment she also looked over at them and sent him one of her dreamy smiled.

"Really? Have you two met before?" She asked looking between the two kids.

"Yes and no. It is hard to explain, but I am actually here to meet you and not her." He said with a smile while turning back to her, "Do you have a moment to talk about something super important?"

"Yes, but ummm who are you?" She said making Sam feel embarrassed since it was true that he hadn't said his real name, all she had heard was him being called Ghosty.

"Ahh sorry my name is Sam Sterling Le Fay. So do you have a moment to talk to me or is this a bad time."

"Talk to him mummy, Ghosty will help you a lot." Luna said from the garden but she never looked away from it.

"Well it seems my daughter thinks that you can help me so let's get to it." She said with a smile while looking at her daughter fondly.

"So I have it on good authority that you are making a new type of healing spell for helping people who have problems with the mind, such as Frank and Alice Longbottom am I right?" Sam said as the two of them sat on a bench a little away from Luna who was working with some flowers.

"Yes I am though I am not sure how you know since no one knows about this." She said looking at him with a hint of confusion and suspicion.

"Ahh don't sweat the small stuff. Anyway I am here to help you, cause the same thing that let me know about what you are looking to is the same thing that made me come here." Sam paused and looked at the happy Luna, sure she was happy in life later too but it wasn't the same as she was now with her mother alive.

"Anyway I wanted to stop you from doing it without learning more about the spell you are trying to fix, because if you don't you will cause a backfire and die tomorrow. Seeing as tomorrow is Luna's birthday I wouldn't want to her to experience that." He continued looking over at Luna then back to her mom who was wide eyed looking scared.

"R-Really?" She whispered there was a haunted look in her eyes at the moment.

Silence took over as the two just watched Luna playing happily in the garden, "Thank you, I always felt there was something pushing my magic when I was working on the spell so I have never cast it. My Luna trust you though so I will listen to your words and try something different." She said looking back at him.

"That's good. I just came here to mention that to you." He said standing and stretching, he still had twenty hours left to be in the past but there really wasn't anything interesting to do.

"Ghosty do you want to play with me? Or can I see some of the cool things you have?" Luna said skipping over when she saw that he was getting ready to leave.

Sam smiled looking down at her, "Sure thing little Luna but please stop calling me Ghosty, that is my past, well let see I might have one or two things for you."

He opened the system and although he was kind of broke he was still able to buy something since he had been stealing since he got there. Although it wasn't a lot there were some things that he could buy in the system, he went straight to the shop and saw a section on magical creatures.

When he entered the section he saw a section that was literally named 'Luna's Magical Creatures' he pressed it without hesitation. Inside were some of the known animals that he had heard her mention along with some that he had never heard before, looking through he stopped on the first.

Bending down he made it look like he was going into his backpack, reaching deep inside he pulled out a purple frog that was glowing slightly. Pulling it out the things croaked a little looking around curiously, Sam had bought the cheapest thing since he had so little.

[Moon Frog- Mythical

Description- A lightly glowing purple frog that is known to be native to the moon. The frog is a mythical creature that Luna and her father looked for years but could never find due to them not existing. Moon frogs are known to increase the luck of those who own them and they smell of lilac.

Cost: 1,200 Galleons 200Mana]

Luna's eyes went wide seeing it in his hands, "Is that...?" she asked with awe in her voice not being able to finish he sentence.

"Yes it is Miss. Lovegood, one moon frog just for you. There are also instructions on how to raise them but I will leave that to you I know that you can handle them just fine." Sam said smiling and patting her head, he knew that she could take care of any creature.

"Thank you sooooo much." She said squealing with excitement while setting down the frog gently, she then threw herself into his arms squeezing him tight.

"Well this is my birthday present to you since I might not be there when it starts." He said hugging her back, he loved little Luna she was just too cute.

"Well you could always just here for the night, we can have fun in the morning before you need to leave in the afternoon. What time are you going back?" She said pulling back slightly and looking up at him.

Sam looking into those dreamy sliver-grey-blue eyes couldn't help but let out a smile, "Only if it is okay with your parents. I don't really have anything to do anymore and seeing as I can't leave for another nineteen hours then I need something to do."

It wasn't hard for Pandora to agree and seeing how much her husband doted on her then it was easy for him to agree too, for the rest of the day Luna taught him all about the animals she could see. Sam took it all in stride since he knew she would do this, he was actually fascinated by everything she talked about.

Pandora went inside to go over her notes while the two of them messed with the moon frog and Luna spoke of more, it wasn't until midday that they went inside for tea. Sam had to try and not throw up when he tasted the tea, Luna explained it was to keep away Gulping Plimpies, all he could do was nod along and drink it.

That night she dragged him into her bedroom and made him sleep next to her, Pandora stood at the door as she watched Luna hug him as hard as someone would a teddy bear as she slept.

The Next Day....

When Sam woke up he was staring at the ceiling sighing, Luna was a heavy sleeper he learned, he also learned that she wouldn't let go until she woke up. When she finally did wake up she had a dreamy smile on her face as she looked at him, "Good morning Sam."

"Good Morning and Happy Birthday Luna, I got you a present but I won't give it to you until you finally let me get out of bed." He said looking down where her arms were wrapped around him holding her tight.

"YAY!!!" she squealed letting him go.

Sam got out of bed fast stretching his neck, looking at the timer he still had three hours until he would be sent back to the present. Taking his backpack he set it on the ground before walking into it, this was actually a present he planned to give her in her first year of Hogwarts but was giving it ahead of time.

It didn't escape his notice that she was following him down, he didn't really mind though and went to the room where he kept presents, there were a lot of them that he bought. "Wait here Luna, this room is for presents of people I know and even for you so you can't come in here." Sam said to Luna who nodded and stayed outside.

Walking further into the room he went to the Luna section, yes the place was like a library each had their own section. If someone was to look over in the Hermione section they would see a literal library that had rare books, the last one he planned to give her was on the bottom shelf but that was a secret.

Walking past the Harry pile he finally made it to Luna, there was so much there that he could give her three gifts for each holiday for hundreds of years. He grabbed the first two he wanted to give her, one was a a necklace that had a gem looking like the night sky.

It was actually a necklace that would make anyone an instant Occlumens master, it set up defenses that even a grandmaster Legilimens get in, it also made someone feel relaxed. The next was actually something really basic that she would love it was a mood ring, non magical at all though it was just a simple muggle mood ring, though it worked more effectively with a charm from the system.

After grabbing them he made his way out of the room, when he was back in what he called the lobby he saw Luna sitting on the couch eating some of his candy. Sam always kept a bowl of suckers in the lobby and at the moment it seemed she had already eaten three while he was in there, he raised a brow when he saw her bite into the current one.

Shaking his head at her innocent expression he walked over with the items in his hands, "Here you go, the necklace looks good and will help you with people who are trying to get in your head, while ring is a muggle mood ring I just increased it some so that it worked better."

Sam could see that her eyes sparkled at the thought of the gifts, "Beautiful." she said as a whisper taking them in her grasp, the next second she giggled and told him to put the necklace on her turning around she held up her hair. As for the ring she slipped it on herself when he denied to do it.

"Thank you so much Sammy." She said hugging him tightly giggling more into his chest.

"Alright girly let's go up and see your parents I am sure they want to spend time with their little moon on her birthday." He said not minding that she called him the nickname, she was one of the few people that he would actually allow to do it, anyone else would get a glare and maybe be Hexed.

The last three hours he spent there were hanging with Luna and letting her enjoy her birthday, usually he would only give that one gift but seeing as tomorrow was valentines day he let it go. Pandora actually went to him asking questions about her spell to help heal the mind since she didn't want to die and thought he might have some insight.

Sam actually refused to help since he already had a potion to cure Neville's parents but he was waiting to give it to the kid as a Christmas present, that is when he was going to visit them anyway.

All too soon the time was coming to an end, Sam smiled looking at Luna who was standing with her parents they were all seeing him off, "Alright Luna looks like I am leaving soon, but I will see you in two year yeah?"

She pouted a moment, "I know you will probably be busy so yes I can wait until the train to Hogwarts, make sure to save me a seat in the compartment with you all."

Although she didn't know his friends he had been tell her about them, "Sure thing Luna, but you can also write me during my first year and I will reply." That was actually a wish of his, outside of school he had no one and he was a little jealous seeing the other students getting letters each week.

"Sure thing, I will write you first thing when it is time." She said with a wide smile.

He didn't get to say anything but smile back as he felt the same felling take him back to his time, looking at his dorm in the Slytherin Common Room he smiled before getting up. Hermione and them should be at Lunch at the moment so he figured he should go and talk to her to let her know he was okay again.

A big grin stretched across his face as he saw that his stealing was going up again, he started that the moment he got back into the dorm. He had to thank all the pure-blood's who were seriously rich.


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