
Thief: I can copy your abilities

Jade pendant, let Lu GUI through the world of One Piece, and a demon fruit, let him have the ability to copy others. He reminded himself, since can not go back to the past, then create the future, the sea thief world to have his land rules. ... At this time, the original King of One Piece Roger has been lying underground for a long time, and the character of suspected two fool like Luffy, in two years will also go to sea. . There's no time to lose, sea! Here I come!

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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40 Chs

visible crisis

The battle on Huludao was over, but the aftermath had only just begun. Lu Gui felt troublesome and handed it over to Annie.

"It's okay to leave it to me, but why is Captain Lu Gui so reassured about me?"

"After all, everyone fought together, and you almost lost your life because of it. I can see that your words to help settle them are true, so I naturally feel at ease with you."

Lu Gui said this on his lips, but he had another thought in his heart.

Isn't the mission of your Revolutionary Army to rescue the toiling masses and oppose slavery? Leave it to you. I have nothing to worry about.

"Lu Gui, Annie is a good person, but she may not be able to handle this matter well. She became a slave in a confused way, or we saved her."

Belle didn't like Annie, so she said it directly.

"I really don't have a good image with you." Annie smiled bitterly and continued.

"I became a slave because I was betrayed by others. I have my own way to accommodate these saved people."

"Okay, we're leaving now. Do you have any arrangements for us?"

Lu Gui stopped Bei Lu, who still wanted to say something, and continued.

"Then I'm welcome. These rescued people are not from the island, and they are not suitable to stay here. I am going to take them away.

But I can't take care of so many on my own, so hopefully sailing behind you.

It won't take long for me to contact the people in the organization to come to support, and before I reach the next island, I don't need to trouble you any more. "

"It's no problem. Navigation also requires supplies. You also need to contact your companions. We will wait for you at the port for an hour, and then we will leave together."

Lu Gui agreed to Annie's request, and then said to Buck and the others:

"Let's take these people to the port first. There is no shortage of food on our ship. You bought the things you want to buy during the day. Let's go now."

"Well, let's go, there's nothing fun to do on the island, it's not bad to go to the next island soon." Bei Lu agreed immediately.

"Then please wait for a while, I'll prepare right away." Annie said.

"Mark, please accompany Annie. You can give her another one to treat the jelly beans."

"Okay, Brother Lu Gui. I will take good care of Sister Annie." Mark nodded and assured.

"I don't worry about your business. See you at the port."

After speaking, Lu Gui and Annie and Mark moved separately, and the crowd of onlookers automatically made way for them to leave.

The Tiger Pirates who landed on the island together were also in the crowd. They were very honest, and they watched a battle that was beyond their understanding.

As for Meadows' subordinates, if they don't seek death and launch an attack, Lu Gui and the others don't bother to pay attention.

Neither of them are good people, but Lu Gui is not murderous, so naturally he can't solve them all.

It's just a little scoundrel, and I can't stop killing it. It's better to leave it to the residents of the island to deal with it.

When the group came to the port, Lu Gui took the boat out of the space and put it back on the sea, then sat on the ground, waiting for Annie and Mark to come back.

After they left, a communicator from the Fire Feather Organization quietly came to a hidden place, took out a phone bug from his arms, made a call, and reported everything that happened on Hulu Island.

"Well, I see, the Clover Pirates and an unknown woman will be dealt with.

You continue to stay on the island, summon the remaining subordinates, and wait in peace. After a while, someone will come to restore order on the island. "

A calm voice came from the phone bug, as if he didn't care about the loss on Hulu Island.

"Yes, my subordinates know."

When the call was hung up, the communicator quickly left here, trying to find a way to gather his men.

On the other hand, Annie also took out a phone bug and a money bag in a hidden place on the island, which should have been left by someone in the leather army and reserved for her companions.

Mark looked curiously, but didn't ask anything, but walked away a distance to reassure Annie.

Annie appreciated Mark's considerate behavior. She didn't waste time and quickly called Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

"Annie, what's the matter, call me at this time?"

The dragon's voice was calm and powerful, and he was also the leader of Annie's joining the Leather Army.

"It was an accident,..."

Annie quickly and concisely introduced the situation on her side, and at the same time hoped that Long could send comrades from the nearby Leather Army to help her and those who were rescued.

"I didn't expect your experience to be so tortuous during this period of time, I will arrange for someone to pick you up, and you don't have to worry about the traitor.

This clover pirate group is very special, and I haven't encountered a seagoer like them for a long time.

Is there any chance of them joining us? "

"It's not easy, I didn't show my identity, and I can't see through their captain Lu Gui."

Annie thought for a while, then said.

"Well, it's not urgent, from the perspective of their behavior, even if they can't join us, they can be our partners.

After handing over the rescued people this time, you can stay on their boat first, so that it is easier to observe and win over. "

"Is it necessary to stay on their ship?"

Annie was puzzled, she found that the leader seemed to be very interested in this pirate group, was it because of talent!

"I know you don't see the group of pirates in your heart, but you also have to admit that in this world, among the people who stand at the top with their strength, pirates account for the vast majority.

And there are too many of them, especially after the declaration of Roger, the pirate king, it has exploded.

In such an environment, the first dream of most children is to become a pirate. "

Speaking of this, Long paused for a while. He thought of his son who he hadn't seen for many years. The kid didn't know if he would go to sea or not.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Annie, the teacher said this just to let you understand that we need to unite all forces that can be united.

The strength of the world government is terrible, but its navy and CP departments are currently difficult for us to deal with.

If in the pirate team, someone is not only powerful, but also has a high status, but also personally fights against us.

That in future battles, we can save a lot of effort and reduce a lot of losses.

Can you understand? "

"I understand the teacher, but you haven't met Lu Gui and the others. Why do you have such confidence in him?"

"Through your description, I can feel your appreciation for this Lu Gui, whether it's strength or style, I think the person you like will not be bad.

And he's still so young, and the future has infinite possibilities, and it's reasonable to bet on him. "

"Thank you teacher for believing in me, I know what to do.

However, to find a partner, the emperors of the new world can also contact and fight for it. ' Anne chuckled, then said.


It is difficult for people who have become emperors to understand the suffering of commoners.

Whitebeard is old, BigMom and Kaido are both lunatics who can't communicate, as for the redhead...

This guy can't even see what he's trying to do, and he's a lunatic in a sense. "

When Long said this, he thought of the fact that the other party lost his arm in the East China Sea, or to save his son, from the mouth of a ridiculous East China Sea overlord.

"You don't have to think too deeply about these things. The strategy of uniting pirates is a decision made recently by the staff of the staff. How to operate it, there is a special person in charge.

You can just follow Lu Ji of the Clover Pirates, and I will talk to him in a while. "

"Okay teacher, let's end here if there is nothing else. I still have to prepare materials, and Lu Gui and the others are still waiting."

"Well, it's alright, let's meet again later."

So the two hung up the phone, Annie also said hello to Mark, and the two went shopping together.

Time slipped away quietly in their preparations, and Lu Gui sat on the stones by the side of the road in the port, thinking about the harvest on Huludao this time.

He copied the Mist Fruit and Yunyun Fruit before and after respectively. Needless to say, the ability of the two fruits is the key to his ability to quickly improve his strength.

In the future, he will also shift the focus of his cultivation to the development of Devil Fruits.

Also, through successive duplications, it made him feel like his eyes were about to explode.

He knows that this is the performance of his body reaching the limit. In the short term, he can no longer use his ability to copy. He must digest the current harvest before trying to copy again.

This is very good. He is also afraid that he will not be able to control the temptation and keep copying new abilities without having time to develop existing abilities, which will outweigh the gains.

And he was quite troubled by the news that his mind-reading ability got from Fatty in Black and Medo.

The so-called Fire Feather Organization is actually a subordinate force of Flamingo Don Quixote Doflamingo in Qiwu Haili under the king.

The main business is human trafficking and the collection of Devil Fruits.

The headquarter is located in the kingdom of Abalakr on this route, and Medo and the two do not know who the person in charge is.

They only know that there are ten stewards like them, and there are two more supervisors, and then the general manager.

Today, he destroyed the Huoyu organization on Huludao, so the news must have reached their headquarters.

On the road after that, Lu Gui and others will inevitably be blocked by Huo Yu, and the possibility of reconciliation is very small.

It's really a headache, and during this period, Doflamingo should come to the paradise.

Lu Gui remembered that when Luffy and the others passed by Gaya Island, Doflamingo appeared there when watching anime in his previous life.

This shows that in the future voyage, when Brother Ming hears what he has done, he may come here first to solve himself.

Lu Gui didn't think that he would be Ming-ge's opponent now. His physical skills were great, his fruit had awakened, and he had three-color domineering. .


Lu Gui couldn't help sighing, replicating the joy of the fruit's ability, but he couldn't suppress the melancholy in his heart.

"What's the matter, Captain."

Buck had never seen Lu Gui's worried look, so he asked curiously.

"I've encountered a problem, so don't rush to talk about it. When Mark comes back, let's have a small meeting, and I'll tell you what I've heard."

"What's the big deal? There's still a meeting, and I still want to go to bed early!"

"Where can you not sleep, do you have to have separate meetings?"

"..." Bei Lu thought about it and felt that Lu Gui was right.