
Thief: I can copy your abilities

Jade pendant, let Lu GUI through the world of One Piece, and a demon fruit, let him have the ability to copy others. He reminded himself, since can not go back to the past, then create the future, the sea thief world to have his land rules. ... At this time, the original King of One Piece Roger has been lying underground for a long time, and the character of suspected two fool like Luffy, in two years will also go to sea. . There's no time to lose, sea! Here I come!

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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40 Chs

ready to leave

On Hulu Island, the battle between Annie and Medo came to an end, and a move of Cloud Swamp made it difficult for Medo, who was so powerful, to escape.

In the face of Anne's death response, he became irritable.

There are more and more animal features on the body, and the body shape begins to grow wildly, and the cyan hair spreads all over the body.


After a huge bull roar, a behemoth with a body length of five meters and a height of three meters appeared on the clouds.

Meadows completely changed into the form of a green bull, and his strength was doubled, making Antonne who was maintaining the cloud swamp feeling exhausted.

The people watching the lively around felt the pressure from the sudden appearance of the giant bull, and couldn't help but retreat.

And Medo's subordinates finally calmed down when they saw their housekeeper was trapped and became panic and anxious, and then shouted excitedly one after another.

"Lord Mei Da, come on, hit that woman to death!"

"Come on boss, you are invincible."

"Yeah, let these guys dare to destroy the guys, and they will all see how powerful you are."


Lu Gui was still watching quietly, but his expression was serious, and he was ready to take action at any time. Although he did this, the copying process would fail, but it was not his style to watch this temporary comrade-in-arms have an accident.

"Captain, you can do your thing with peace of mind. Once Annie can't hold on, I will save her."

Buck spoke in a timely manner, which reassured Lu Gui a lot. Although he may not be able to defeat Medo, with his super perception and speed, it is not a problem to contain the opponent.

Belle and Mark were quite nervously watching the battle situation, as were the many slaves around them.

Just after Medo completed his transformation, the huge power on his body began to stir the cloud and mud around his legs.

This move was like turning a river into a sea. Thanks to her continuous efforts, Annie's cloud swamp almost covered the road in front of the auction house.

And Medo's struggle made this area look like waves rising from the sea, one after another.

Although it is said that softness can overcome rigidity, if the rigid side exceeds the tolerance limit of softness, then there is nothing that cannot be overcome.

With a single force, it will break the trap of Cloud Swamp.

Annie also saw this, so she stopped retaining her physical strength and increased the pulling force in the swamp. At the same time, several cloud ropes with the thickness of the arms emerged and wrapped around Qing Niu's body, thereby restricting the opponent's movements.

The battle situation fell into a stalemate for a while, but it was obvious to the naked eye that Annie couldn't hold on for long.

She was already sweating, her face was whiter than her hair, and Medo's power exceeded her expectations.

It's also her fault that she is usually busy with too many things and neglects training, so she has no powerful means of attack, resulting in the current situation.


Another bull roar was heard, and Meadow's cyan fur flashed red, and his body size actually shrunk.

However, the strength was even greater, and the cloud ropes tied to him were broken one after another. With all his strength, he finally broke free from the shackles of the swamp.

The matter is not over yet, Medo, who has recovered his freedom, has two bull-eyed blood red eyes, and looks at Annie, who is weak not far away, with four hooves striding, and rushing forward like lightning.

Annie was indeed very weak at the moment, and she was somewhat ashamed at the same time, after all, she was the one who was trying to contribute in the beginning.

He also swore that he wouldn't have to poop after the Medo that he was going to fight, but now he not only lost, but also fell into danger again.

The leader's words were indeed correct. If you want to change the world, you must have the strength to change it. Thought is important, strength is more important.

She didn't have the strength to avoid Medo's attack, and didn't want to die so regretfully, so she didn't care about her face and looked in the direction of Lu Gui.

But when he looked at the sky and was puzzled, Medo's attack also arrived.

There was a piercing sound of the eardrums, Annie followed the sound, and Lu Gui appeared in front of her.

The original red blade turned black, and he was using his hands to block Meado's horns.

"You can still walk, leave the rest to the captain, and I will take you there to rest." Buck came to her side and said gently.

"Thank you, you saved me again."

Annie released the use of the fruit's ability, and shook her body but did not fall.

"I can still go by myself, this time I was really slapped in the face, cough..."

"Don't care about this, the other party is just restraining you."

"Mr Buck was really gentle and comforted me at this time.

But I know that it is not the only reason for being restrained, I myself underestimate the enemy.

Fortunately, I was rescued by you again. I still have a chance to change it. Speaking of which, your Pirates are really my lucky star. "


The two walked out of the battlefield talking, and the collision between Lu Gui and Medo continued.

The other party continued to use the horns to attack, and the strong wind brought by the action caused Lu Gui's clothes to flutter.

Lu Gui also uses physical techniques to fight the enemy, and the ability to copy needs to be developed by him. This will be used, and it will be of little use against opponents like Medo.

At present, physical art is Lu Gui's best fighting method. He has three physical enhancements (passing through once and dying twice in a row), which is comparable to the strength of those who have taken animal-type Devil Fruits. After systematic training, he can completely fight against Medo like this.

"Your strength, the reward of more than 100 million points, is a bit modest."

"Grandpa is low-key, how much reward do you offer, dare to do it with grandpa!"

Meadows said in a rough voice, but his evaluation of Lu Gui was very high in his heart. At first he was reluctant to do it, also because Lu Gui made him feel the pressure.

"I really need to talk nonsense with you, just kill you."

"Ha! That woman also said the same thing. Grandpa isn't as arrogant as he is, little thing, let's see if Grandpa doesn't kill you."

With an arrogant tone, Medo rushed towards Lu Ji frantically. His current state seems to be tireless, and he moves back and forth on this battlefield at the same speed as teleportation.

Lu Gui simply closed his eyes. Although he didn't use it very often, he has been practicing every day since he woke up.

Facing the unexpectedly powerful Medo, Lu Gui knew that he had beaten him, and he had this confidence.

When he fought with Tina, he felt that he was at the level of a major general.

But at this moment, Medo is afraid that he also has the strength of a major general. If he can defeat him, should he have the strength of a lieutenant general?

Forget it, don't think about this, the division of strength in the pirate world is already very vague, let him go.

Lu Gui captured Medo's movement trajectory, dodging while accumulating power. He wants to hit hard to interrupt the opponent's attack rhythm, and he takes the initiative.

Red Fang's blade was completely covered by the domineering aura of armament, when he finished charging up, when Medo hit him again.

Lu Gui held the knife high and slashed hard at the bull's head. A black light flashed, and one of Meado's bull horns was cut off from the middle with a click.


Medo howled in pain, and his body rolled and collapsed the surrounding buildings, causing the islanders and merchants who were watching to avoid them.

After Lu Gui succeeded, he put Red Fang away, clenched his fists tightly, shaved one, and instantly came to Medo's side, hitting his big head with a hammer.

Recently, he has fallen in love with hitting people with his fists. The collision between force and force is very addictive.

Meadow didn't have time to stand firm at all, Lu Gui always followed him, even if he was knocked flying, it was not the ground that greeted him, but Lu Gui's fist.

In this way, Medo was hanged and beaten for three minutes, and it was difficult to maintain the shape of the blue bull, and he returned to the human form with a blue nose and a swollen face.

"well played!"

Beilu jumped up and clapped, and Medo's subordinates would stand there trembling one by one, not daring to walk, and afraid if they didn't.

"How can your captain be so powerful? Isn't this just out of the sea?"

Annie rested for a while and recovered a lot.

"Maybe some people are born like this. The progress is amazing, and they can always refresh other people's perception of him time and time again."

"Then he's an odd man."

Looking at the already clear battle situation, the people around were also talking about it. They didn't expect that this group of newcomers actually defeated the local snakes on the island.

However, they did not rejoice because of this, they were all watching the fun from the eyes of outsiders, and only those who had been oppressed by Meadows and the others would cheer happily.

Lu Gui walked up to Meado who couldn't move, squatted down and looked at each other, smiled and asked:

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Can you let me go?" Medo asked back, the corners of his mouth grinning in pain.

"You're so smart, do you think it's possible?"

"Then grandpa has nothing to say, so be happy."

In Lu Gui's eyes, the brilliance circulated, and his mind-reading ability was used again.

"Who is the leader of your forces?"

"..." Medo [I don't know, I heard it's Qiwuhai, very mysterious].

"What is the name of the force and where is it located?"

"..." Medo [Huo Yu, fancy name, grandpa has been staying in Huludao, and he is too lazy to remember which island is under the rule of Huo Yu, but the headquarters is in the Kingdom of Abalakr, which is quite far away. ]

"Do you still have someone as powerful as you?"

"..." Meadow [Of course there is, but it's not much. You think that Grandpa's combat power is Chinese cabbage, which means he was unlucky to meet you. ]

In this way, when Lu Gui asked a question, Medo stared at him without answering, which made the people who were following them puzzled.

After asking for a while, I basically got all the information I could get, and Lu Gui said thank you.

Then he punched him in the chest, shattering the heart inside, and all the affairs of the island were solved by him.

Buck walked over with everyone at this time, looked at the audience that had not dispersed, and asked Lu Gui's next arrangement.

"Leave here, although there is no threat here, but there is such a big movement, it is not suitable to stay here."

"I also have the same thought, what to do with these rescued people.

Take it away, or stay on the island? "

Lu Gui turned to look at Annie who was beside him, and raised his chin.

"Let her handle it all. Didn't she say she could help?"