
Thief: I can copy your abilities

Jade pendant, let Lu GUI through the world of One Piece, and a demon fruit, let him have the ability to copy others. He reminded himself, since can not go back to the past, then create the future, the sea thief world to have his land rules. ... At this time, the original King of One Piece Roger has been lying underground for a long time, and the character of suspected two fool like Luffy, in two years will also go to sea. . There's no time to lose, sea! Here I come!

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Annie is going aboard

Lu Gui gave Annie an hour to prepare, but just half an hour later, she and Mark came back, followed by a carriage full of things.

Lu Gui pointed to the boat that the Misty Pirates parked here during the day, and motioned her to move everything there.

"Where are the pirates?" Annie asked curiously.

"I don't know, maybe where to spend time. I just dealt with their captain, and the others have never seen it."

"No one is guarding it?"

"Probably thought no one dared to move their boat, I had Buck checked and no one was there.

Seeing that you have no plans to buy a boat, are you going to use the fruit power to build a cloud boat to use? "

Lu Gui guessed right, Yamamoto had taken refuge in the Fire Feather Organization, and naturally felt extremely safe here.

There was a rush to transport slaves again at night, so all the crew members were given time off to relax on the island.

Even if there was a fight at the auction house, it didn't attract the attention of the others on board.

After all, Huludao is not small, and the battle happened suddenly and ended quickly.

As for Lu Gui's question, Annie nodded.

"I really thought so, and I don't have any extra money to buy a boat."

"You don't have to force yourself now, that boat is enough for you, pack up, and we'll set off now."

It would be nice to have a ready-made boat that could be used.

Lu Gui and the others boarded their own boat first. After everything was ready, the two boats opened their sails and set off against the moonlight.

On the Windbreaker, Buck is steering the ship, with Belle and Mark sitting near him. The three of them were a little stunned at first when they listened to Lu Gui about what might happen on the road.

They naturally know the name of Qiwuhai, even if they didn't know it before, but after entering the great route, Lu Gui also mentioned the power of the sea.

It's just that they thought that it was a long time ago that they could get in touch with such a big man.

"Qiwuhai! Such a powerful person should not care about a pirate group like us who just went to sea." Bei Lu said uncertainly.

"Really? We just smashed his auction house and killed two stewards. We don't know if their metric is big enough."

"Oh! It's annoying! You're the captain, you think of a way, I'm sleeping."

Bellu's fantasy was shattered, she scratched her hair angrily, then leaned on the mast behind and closed her eyes.

"I didn't expect you to think of anything.

What about you guys? "

Lu Gui was speechless to this big-hearted woman, then turned to look at Buck and asked.

Buck's expression was still quite dignified. Qiwuhai was not for them to deal with for the time being. Fortunately, he was facing the forces of his subordinates at this time, and the pressure was not too great.

"Has the captain thought about changing the route? After all, we have just started, and it is no problem to go back and continue sailing in a different direction."

"I didn't think about it, say something else."

Buck guessed he was asking too much, but he also needed to be sure. With the answer, although he is still uneasy, he does not lack the courage to face the danger.

"Then, there is nothing to say, the soldiers will cover the water and the soil."

Mark on the side will lower his head and be in a low mood.

"What's the matter, Mark, are you scared?"

"No, I'm not afraid. I'm just thinking, I'm sorry for everyone, if it wasn't because I wanted to save those people, I wouldn't have offended Qiwuhai."

"Haha, you take all the responsibilities on yourself. Before taking action, it was Bei Lu who first proposed to smash the place. Should we blame her first!"

Lu Gui smiled and patted Mark's head, and said indifferently.

"No, it's because I sympathize with what happened to those people, that what happened later has nothing to do with Sister Beilu."

Mark explained earnestly, while Beilu fell asleep earnestly.

"Okay, don't worry about this. As long as a person with a conscience encounters such a thing, he will be moved with compassion, and you are right.

I didn't object at the time, and Buck and the others agreed, so now that you're in trouble, you won't be blamed.

Mark, this is actually a kind of growth. It teaches you to think about the difficulties you may face in the future before you do anything.

You are too young to think so far, so this time we will help you decide.

So ah, it's not your fault for the present results. "

"The captain is right. Mark, it's our decision to save those people. Don't take all the blame on your own, it's going to bother us."

Buck said something like a solution, while Belle, who was sleeping, kicked Mark unintentionally.

"I..., I understand, thank you everyone."

"Mark, going through this, you don't have to feel any burden in your heart. As pirates, we sail on the sea, and even if we don't look for trouble, trouble will come to us.

Could it be because of this that he can't move forward? Then what is the difference between the dream we told on the Upside Down Mountain and a joke!

So, if you encounter such a thing in the future, you can take care of it if you want. As long as you think about the consequences that you will have to bear in the future, we will all accompany you and support you.

Otherwise, what was this pirate group formed for? "

"Brother Lu Gui..." Mark's eyes were a little wet, and he was deeply moved.


The cry sounded, and Beilu, who was sleeping beside him, couldn't hold back before Mark. She opened her eyes, raised her hand to hammer Lu Gui, and then said:

"Woo~ they are sleeping! Why do you say such touching words, nasty Lu Gui."

"I'm really not used to the way you are now." Lu Gui was a little disgusted.

"Haha, I don't blame Bei Lu for crying. Even I was flustered by the captain's words. I felt that I had nothing to fear when I encountered something along the way."

Buck shook his head and said with a smile.

"Really? I still have this talent!"

Lu Gui pinched his chin and wondered if he had a secret relationship with Konoha Village next door.

"Hmph, your kung fu is not as powerful as your mouth, and that's all said, why are you afraid of Qiwuhai? Just rush."

Bei Lu wiped her tears with Lu Gui's clothes, her tone extremely domineering.

The kung fu on my body and the kung fu on my mouth are the most powerful, you haven't tried it, what nonsense are you talking about!

Lu Gui pouted, no longer thinking about those who have or not. Seeing that the three of Buck were not nervous at the beginning, they relaxed a lot.

"Since everyone has made up their minds, let's work together, have a good rest tonight, and start double training tomorrow."

"I knew you would say that, go away, I'm going to bed."

Bei Lu got up and left, and Mark left immediately. Under the night, the bright moon hangs high, and the sea is silent.

Lu Gui and their ship were in front, and Annie took the people behind to embark on this unknown journey together.


In the West Sea, somewhere in a naval base, Tina finally waited for an order from the headquarters. The above asked her to take a boat of soldiers into the great route to pursue the Clover Pirates.

According to their actions along the way, they choose to win over and surrender or destroy them in situ.

Tina ignored the option to win over, and as soon as she got the order, she took advantage of the night to lead someone away from the naval base and headed towards Upside Down Mountain.

Standing on the bow, the sea breeze picked up her long pink hair, a lady's cigarette was in her mouth, and her brows furrowed slightly.

She was thinking about Lu Ji, wondering how far the opponent had come and whether her strength had improved.

She is not the opponent of the Lugui Pirates, she needs to find other helpers.

The headquarter's transfer order has a great tendency to win over, because even if she knew that Tina was defeated by Lu Gui, she still only allocated a ship for her, just didn't want the two sides to fight again.

But how could Tina be reconciled, she searched for helpers in her mind, and after a while, she had a goal.

So I walked back to the command room and made a call, ready to shake people.

However, it is not only Tina who is thinking about Lu Gui. Lafitte, who was swayed by him, returned to his foothold in the paradise through a secret way. He also thought that he could kill Lu Gui and let out a sigh of anger in his heart. .

But he is now a navigator of the Blackbeard Pirates. During this period, Blackbeard had just obtained the Dark Fruit and did not want to be exposed to the navy's sight.

So after hearing that Lafitte was being used, he just laughed and mocked, and did not allow him to leave here again to seek revenge.

Lafitte is also a person who takes the overall situation into consideration. He doesn't want to cause trouble for his captain, not to mention that he has entered the sight of the navy. Recently, what he needs is a low profile.

And he didn't know where Lu Gui would be, and which route he chose to take. He could only find a chance to seek revenge after the other party did something influential and reported it.

Bear with it, he is not short of patience.


Lu Gui didn't know that someone was thinking about him all the time. Early the next morning, he started his daily training mission.

The training content of Taishu is the same as before, but the time is shortened. The extra part is used to develop the fruit ability in hand.

Yunyun fruit can't show up temporarily, but you can practice more foggy fruit.

In addition to obscuring the sight, the fog can also imitate the ability of the smoke fruit of Smog, and transform it into arms, chains, etc.

However, this ability can also be achieved by Yunyun Fruit, and it can be done better. It is better to directly develop Yunyun Fruit.

And now think about it, in this world, the cloud is the upper form of fog, and many of the two abilities overlap.

Can these two fruit abilities be integrated into one, while retaining all the advantages, while increasing its potential.

Lu Gui was worried, and he had no idea what to do.

While cultivating, Annie, who was stepping on a cloud, floated in front of Lu Gui.

"Are you practicing?"

"Yeah, no one else got up early in the morning, why did you come here? Is something wrong?"

Lu Gui stood up and took Annie to the chair beside him and sat down.

"It's something, I want to ask, can I stay on your ship temporarily after my companion picks up the people on that ship?"

"Aren't you going with your companions?"

"I have something to do, is it convenient for you?"

Annie's blue eyes looked at Lu Ji without blinking, waiting for a reply.

"No, you can't follow us."

Lu Gui was still thinking about it when Bei Lu's voice came from behind.