
Thief: I can copy your abilities

Jade pendant, let Lu GUI through the world of One Piece, and a demon fruit, let him have the ability to copy others. He reminded himself, since can not go back to the past, then create the future, the sea thief world to have his land rules. ... At this time, the original King of One Piece Roger has been lying underground for a long time, and the character of suspected two fool like Luffy, in two years will also go to sea. . There's no time to lose, sea! Here I come!

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Belle who must have a good mind

Annie's request to board the ship was rejected by Bellu, who came out of the cabin and was preparing to practice, but it was not because she hated Annie.

On the contrary, she actually appreciates the other party. After all, she can travel alone at sea, not panic when she is caught and auctioned, and helps others when she is rescued and leaves, which ordinary people can't do.

Therefore, when you know the danger that your side is about to face, you don't want to let the other party get involved.

"Why not? My strength is okay, so I won't drag you down." Annie didn't know what Bei Lu was thinking, so she asked.

"We will drag you down." Lu Gui took over and briefly explained their situation.

"Then I want to follow you even more. This matter is still because of saving us. There is no reason for the benefactor to bear the bitter fruit of saving people."

"It's not a bitter fruit, and it doesn't have much to do with you.

The people on our ship are not used to the business of buying and selling people, and they will rescue them whenever they encounter them.

So this situation will happen sooner or later. "

"Although what Captain Lu Gui said makes sense, I can't just watch you in danger with peace of mind.

If I can't board your ship, I'll follow closely, and I won't leave until I'm sure that the Fire Feather Organization can't pose a threat to you. "

Annie said earnestly and stubbornly.

"Whatever you are, it's really troublesome. I have to prepare more meals for one person."

Bei Lu said duplicitously, and went to the side to train.

Although she doesn't like fighting, but in order to protect herself in the future and not let Lu Gui and the others get distracted when they fight, she works very hard when practicing.

"Since the most difficult people have agreed, then you can go with us and don't regret it."

Lu Gui shrugged and agreed. Annie is really a good person, mainly because she is also beautiful. Anyway, he won't suffer.

"Then please give me more advice."

"You're welcome, you can just call me by my name like Belle in the future.

Now we are going to continue cultivating, do you want to join us? "

"Alright, I really have to work harder."

When Buck and Mark came over, they naturally knew very quickly that Annie was going with the boat.

They didn't object, many people had more power, not to mention that the other party, as the fruit ability of the natural system, was still very powerful.

Everyone knew each other and didn't have to bother to introduce them. After training together, they had another breakfast prepared by Beilu, and they all became slightly familiar with each other.

Time passed, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Annie's companions successfully found them, as expected of the revolutionary army that can make the world government fear, the speed is fast.

Lu Gui was not impressed by the new army. He boarded the boat and thanked Lu Gui for their help to Annie. After that, he left without delay without delay.

With the help of permanent recording pointers, they don't have to navigate island by island like land gauges, just go directly to the destination.

The battle on Hulu Island, after two days of fermentation, gradually began to spread to the outside world.

Maybe Lu Gui's bounty will soon have new changes.

But Lu Gui didn't care about this. After separating from Comrade Ge M, the five continued to move towards their next destination.

After a few days of getting along with each other, Annie can be considered to be integrated into the circle of the Clover Pirates.

Compared with Beilu's warm and forthright personality, Annie is much more reserved.

Like Buck, she likes to read, but Buck focuses on books on sailing. Annie likes to read books and newspapers on current affairs and people's livelihood.

She hasn't identified herself yet and doesn't go out of her way to spread ideas within their organization.

It's like making friends. When you're free, you can help Beilu and watch Mark's pharmaceutical process. He will also act as a helmsman and control the direction of the pirate ship. Lu Zhizhi and her discuss the development of Devil Fruits.

The atmosphere on the ship made Annie feel very comfortable, and this was the second place that gave her this feeling except for the headquarters of the Army.

It made her have the idea of ​​joining this pirate group for a while, but she was just thinking about it.

Through chatting, she also learned the origins of several people on board. Except for Captain Lu Gui, who was somewhat mysterious, the others were ordinary people from the West Sea.

Several of them have their own characteristics and are well-preserved. They are all talents that the Revolutionary Army needs very much.

Annie rejoiced in her heart, feeling that she could find an opportunity to show her identities and try to pull them all into the leather army.

And Lu Gui read Annie's thoughts by chance, which made him raise his eyebrows.

You guys are ruthless, are you going to wipe out my pirate group in one fell swoop!

Okay, I'd like to see if you can kidnap my crew, or if it's hard for you to get off the ship in the future.

In this way, several people drifted on the sea for another two or three days without encountering any twists and turns, and then an island appeared in front of several people.

"Lu Gui, you said that Huo Yu's people have already gathered on the island and are waiting for us to go up."

"It's possible, what is the result of the iron block training these days, can you resist beating?"

Lu Gui was lying on the sun lounger, opened one eye and joked.

"Let me see if you can resist the beating first, take my trick, smash people with iron rods, Ah Da!"

Bei Lu didn't know where to find a long stick, and smashed it at the landing gauge.

With a "bang", the iron rod was grabbed by Lu Gui.

"You're serious, we don't have such a big grudge, right?"

"Hmph, you forget it quickly. When I was training the iron block, you did not take me lightly, and now I have bruises on my body. You said that our hatred is not big."

"I'm here to help you. Where are the bruises? Show me. I'll rub it. I've studied the massage techniques."

Lu Gui threw the iron rod, pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and said seriously.

"I think the beauty, I'm going to dock now, and I'll find you to settle accounts later."

"You have such a good relationship!" Annie said with a smile as she sat on the railing and looked at them.

"Get used to it."

Buck shook his head, and he had seen it after so long.

In addition to being keen on cultivation, the captain of his own family is also interested in watching beautiful women. But he also just looked, never saw action.

Bellu's condition is definitely excellent among women, and the captain seems to be a little interested in her, but he can't let go of this.

In other words, if there are any scruples, he does not show his attitude, but only occasionally takes advantage of his mouth.

The enemy has always been decisive, but he is hesitant when it comes to himself. Buck can't understand it, and he doesn't want to ask for the time being.

After all, he has no experience in the relationship between men and women.

"Go ashore and act according to the circumstances. The other party's forces really want to deal with us, and there is no way to hide."

"Buck is right, let's act together for the time being, and we can deal with any emergencies in time.

That's it, docked, you can disembark. "

After Lu Gui finished speaking, he jumped off the deck. Several other people also disembarked one after another after the boat stopped.

The port of this island is not large, and the area of ​​the island is not as large as Huludao. There were several boats parked on the shore, but no pirate flag sign was seen.

There were a lot of people around, and when they saw the pirate flag on the Lu Gui ship, they were a little nervous, but they ran away without fear.

After all, in the paradise, most of the islands are often visited by different pirate groups. The islanders are not used to it, but they have been able to work and live normally in front of the pirates.

Unless the unfortunate encounters a lunatic who wants to kill, there are not many such pirates.

They are all smart people who understand that fishing when the lake is dry is not good for anyone.

Under Annie's surprised eyes, Lu Gui put away his boat, and then strode towards the island.

Pedestrians were in a hurry along the way, Lu Gui walked, and asked Buck about the situation of recording the pointer, and wanted to know how long it would take to point to the next island.

Buck looked at his wrist, and after doing some mental calculations, he said a date with a slight difference.

"One week!"

Belle repeated in surprise.

"How about we borrow another one from someone else?"

"Are you in a hurry?" Lu Gui said.

"Hmph, I don't want to talk to you."

"A week is indeed a bit long." Annie said next to her.

"If every time I go to an island, it takes too long to record the pointer, and I go to grab someone else's, then what's the point of sailing."

"We can come here now, isn't it because you snatched someone else's record pointer before?"

Bei Lu found that Lu Gu's words and deeds were inconsistent, and immediately sneered.

"Whoever said what they didn't want to say to me just now, really, didn't listen to me finish what I said.

Under normal circumstances, we can't just grab other people's things, only in special times. "

Lu Gui, a patient with severe double-standard disease, explained.

"When is a special period?" Mark asked in a low voice.

"The special period is when we rob others of recording pointers."

Annie laughed when she heard this, and this went around, probably saying that what should be done in the end anyway, listen to Lu Gui and it's over.

Buck heard this too. He shook his head and smiled, realizing for the first time that the captain had such a childish side.

Mark scratched his head and didn't continue to ask questions, but Bei Lu was surrounded and couldn't help asking:

"Then when are you going to grab the record pointer?"

"Hahaha, guess what!"

Seeing Lu Gui laughing, Bei Lu looked puzzled. Annie stopped her who wanted to continue to ask questions, and asked another question:

"Lu Gui, a week is not too short. The island doesn't look too big. Do you need to stay for so long?"

"I thought about it seriously before, and when we entered the town, there were only two situations.

One, the Fire Feather Organization has long been prepared to gather a large number of people here to ambush us.

In this case, we won and needed time to fix; if we lost, it would be pointless to say anything.

Of course, this situation is unlikely to occur, and the time is too late.

The second is that there is no Huo Yu force on this island, or they have withdrawn.

Think about it, through the previous information, we know that there are still eight stewards like Meadow and Robbie left, and it is impossible for them all to come here in a short time.

Even if there are three or four people, I and you can easily beat them.

So, will those people be stupid enough to stay here and be paid by me to expand their losses? "

"The captain's analysis is very reasonable, and in order to deal with us, with such a big fanfare, the businesses they do must also be affected. It is estimated that in the eyes of their general managers, the gains outweigh the losses.

It's better to wait for us to throw ourselves into the net and enter their base camp, where there are many people and it is easier to deal with us. "

Buck took Lu Gui's words, thought for a moment, and then expressed his opinion.

"It sounds like that, but why can't people be a bold person, just don't care about anything, and focus on destroying us first.

How happy it is, if I were their leader, I would do it! "

Belle said what she thought, feeling as it should be.

"Suddenly I feel that a person with such a character as you is quite scary!"

Lu Gui rubbed his forehead helplessly, and his heart sank.