
They Say Opposites Attract

*Requested by FeralG3 on Fanfiction.net* Takes place a week after Descendants 2. Ben invites Cato, Katniss, and Peeta, 3 students from Werepack Prep, to attend Auradon Prep. OC, Mei, signs up to be a part of the welcoming committee, leading to her becoming the trio's tour guide and friend. As Mei starts to spend more time with trio, her new friendship with Cato slowly turns into something more. (Disclaimer! I DO NOT OWN THE HUNGER GAMES MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE DESCENDANTS MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS.)

Shipperandfanficer · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: Kitchen Fire

Cato's POV:

"The 1st person I've ever really, shown any interest in.", I uncomfortably grumble out. I whip my head towards the kitchens, pulling my hands away and placing them on the table. There's a moment of silence, relief mixed with understanding blankets the table. I glance back over, and it's not coming from the love birds across from us. What they're radiating is pure curiosity. I'm starting to think the only thing they're capable of feeling at this point is curiosity and smugness. After shifting my attention back to Mei fully, I can see a smattering of pink across her cheeks, a light blush. "Glad to know I'm not the only 1 who's inexperienced here.", she softly admits. I would say it's a shock to learn that we're in the same boat so to speak, for this particular thing that is, but that'd be a lie. From what I've seen so far, her classmates are either trying to make her life a living Hell, or avoiding her like the black plague. It'd be more of a shock to learn that she has exes. "I suppose we're, figuring this out together then.", I offer. I'm sure she'd be just as embarrassed if not more so if her lack of a love life had been exposed in such a way, the least I can do is assure her that that's nothing to be ashamed of. Not that I can be one to talk, although I'm not ashamed. I just don't broadcast the details of my private life to the entire world. I hear the same annoying cooing across from us that I've been having to put up with all night. "At least one good thing came out of Katniss not knowing when to shut up, us having a slightly better understanding of each other.", I add while throwing a quick glare over a Katniss's direction.

Before Katniss can claim to take offense to that, our waitress is back with our drinks. "Here are your drinks.", the waitress says while sliding the drinks to their respective owners. Peeta and Mei enthusiastically thank her, no surprise there. Katniss's response is more 'flat' in comparison, and I remain silent, choosing to acknowledge her with a short nod. In my opinion that's all that's needed. Peeta shoots me a look, a telling sign that he disagrees with me. "Are you guys ready to order?", she questions. Shit, a quick glance around the table, and you can tell that we forgot all about leafing through the menus we were given. Our waitress gives us a sympathetic smile, and I have to try really hard not to find that annoying. "I can give you a few more minutes if you'd like.", she tells us. Well it's not like we can exactly pick anything unless you don't. "Yes please, if you wouldn't mind.", Mei meekly agrees from beside me. The waitress shows off one last smile before disappearing into the kitchens. Everyone whips out their menus. "Cato what was that about?", Peeta immediately jumps. Here we go again. "Are we going to have this conversation every time I'm forced to interact with someone?", I tiredly sigh. We've been over this countless times back home, and now here. I'm not this smiling enthusiastic bundle of cheeriness, I never have been, and I never will be. As long as I'm civil and don't do anything that would cause a fight to break out, I shouldn't be reprimanded. "Well you DID say you'd try and be nicer, and if anyone's gonna hold you to that, it's gonna be Peeta.", Katniss comments without looking up from her menu.

Mei's POV:

I never realized Peeta had such an issue with how Cato behaves. I can see how he could come off as standoffish, and maybe even rude to some people, but he's obviously not like that. Peeta surely knows it, he has to know it's not intentional right? "I WAS nicer, I didn't comment on how annoying I found her 'sympathetic' smile, and I gave her a nod of acknowledgement when she gave me my drink. I'm not going to bow down and kiss her ass because she's doing the bare minimum for her JOB, that she's PAID to do. I was respectful, now drop it and pick something off the damn menu before she comes back.", Cato snaps. I didn't see anything wrong with how he behaved either. I reach over and lightly place a hand on his arm. He doesn't tense up or push me away thankfully. "Don't get defensive and snappy with us. Diplomacy mission, you needing to learn how to be less abrasive, remember? Ringing any bells to you?", Katniss asks while wrapping an arm around Peeta's shoulders. It's actually really sweet, how protective she is over her husband. He must mean everything to her. I'd like to be optimistic and think that Cato and I will get somewhere close to that point before he has to go. "Was I or was I not less abrasive compared to how I was yesterday?", Cato asks her. I start nodding, then remember that the question wasn't for me, so I quickly stop. Peeta catches me though and looks pretty amused by it. "Are you or are you not more abrasive compared to how you act back home?", Katniss fires back.

Do they always fight like this, or did moving away from home put stress on their friendship? I know I'm not included in this, but I can't just sit here and let them argue. What if they think I'M rude for interrupting? They'd ask for my opinion if they wanted it. "I'd be pretty uncomfortable if I had to live somewhere new, and I didn't know anyone else. It'd be pretty stressful too I'd imagine, especially if I were going into it assuming that everyone hated me.", I squeak out anyway. Leading to everyone, even Cato, turning to look at me. I look at the wall, and go to remove the hand that I forgot was resting on Cato's arm. He places his hand over mine, stopping me. "You're a part of this conversation as well, you are allowed to expression an opinion.", Cato reassures me. How did he- oh, right, the sensing feelings thing. "Yeah, your input's always welcome here.", I hear Peeta say. I look over at him and he's smiling brightly at me. So brightly, that I can't help but smile back. "Peeta's right, and I have to admit, you do have a point. This trip's been stressful for everyone, especially Cato. A lot's riding on this after all, and having to deal with Chad and Audrey on top of that hasn't made things any better.", Katniss agrees. Oh thank goodness she sees where I was coming from. I'd hate for Cato and her to be at odds because of something so trivial like that. "Okay NOW we can look through these menus.", Peeta says. I giggle as I go back to flipping through the breakfast section of the menu. Eating breakfast food for dinner isn't weird, right?

Cato's POV:

I have to admit, I do appreciate Mei's attempts to defend me and stop my friends and I from 'fighting'. I could sense her worry quite clearly, that is, until it disappeared after those two calmed down. "I've already picked.", Katniss claims. I scoff. Of course she has, I mean she's sticks to the same meals every week back home. Since according to her, 'as long as it tastes decent enough and keeps me from starving to death I'm happy'. Or I suppose I should say, used to. Peeta's a pretty good cook, and he'd honestly rather jump off of a building than let his wife live off of squirrels for the rest of her life. "Let me guess, the steak and potatoes?", I ask while making eye contact with her. She flips me off, but doesn't correct my guess. I sweetly smile at her as I feel pure shock roll off of Mei. "She can't handle it when I'm right.", I jest. Causing Katniss to playfully roll her eyes. I feel Mei relax into our seat, but the shock hasn't completely dissipated. Wow, if she's this scandalized by a simple gesture, she'd surely faint on the spot if she ever set foot onto my territory. "I'll also be making an educated guess in saying Peeta'll order something that includes bread, and yes, toast still counts as bread.", I comment as I glance over at the Kitsune in question. He lets out an exasperated sigh as a guise to hide his amused smirk. "Just because my name's Peeta, and I happen to have a passion for baking, doesn't mean I eat bread with all my meals.", he retorts. I'm surprised Katniss hasn't jumped at the chance to defend him once again, considering since that appears to be one of her favorite pastimes.

"You also work at a bakery.", Katniss points out. I spoke too soon, although that statement moves to point my point instead. Peeta cards a hand through his hair. "You're not helping here, Love.", he sighs. She shoots him an apologetic look, but doesn't retract her comment. I let out a snort, and I can feel how amused Mei is by all of this. I lean over and drop the volume of my voice into a whisper. "Are you enjoying your time with us so far?", I ask her. I already know the answer, naturally, but I'm sure she appreciates me asking regardless. She vigorously nods her head. "Of course! I can't remember the last time I've had this much fun. Plus I've learned so much about, lots of things.", she beams. I'm not entirely sure if I should feel flattered or concerned that her life has been THIS dull, besides being bullied of course, that hanging out with a few friends is one of the highlights of her existence. "Care to elaborate on the generalization of, 'lots of things'?", I ask while nudging her shoulder. She briefly sports the appearance of a deer caught in headlights, like she was completely blindsided by this question. Even though asking for clarification on her vague statement would be the logical thing to do. I tilt my head, attempting to appear nonthreatening. "Well, um, things about myself, you, Katniss and Peeta, shifters in general, just stuff like that.", she manages to spit out. I see she's used to people brushing off her generic declarations, accepting it for it's face value. Hearing what she's saying, but not really listening.

Mei's POV:

"Ah, as one tends to do when getting to know someone new.", Cato points out. Yeah, exactly like that.. Ugh, I can be so stupid sometimes. Why couldn't I have just said, I'm enjoying getting to know all of you? How hard is that, but no, I have to make myself look like an idiot in front of my new friends and crush. I just dumbly nod. I don't trust my mouth at this point, and besides, the damage is already done. Cato sighs before rolling his eyes. Oh no, I've annoyed him now haven't I? I've messed up, I've ruined things. Everything was going so well too, I just I should've expected as much as this point. It's fine though, it's just a minor setback is all, nothing I can't recover from right? I let out a small yelp as Cato wraps an arm around my shoulders, and pulls me flush against him. I instinctively know I'm blushing from the action, and how warm my face feels right now is a big hint. "Let's group up tomorrow before class starts, early enough so we can acquire breakfast without causing a scene. Then we can further plan how to tackle this, because this is getting ridiculous.", he propositions. Heading to the cafeteria early would be smart, smarter than what I would've come up with. My solution would've been to avoid the cafeteria altogether for their entire stay. Though now that I'm thinking about it, that's not really a solution is it? That's just running away from my-our problems, just me being a coward again. I have to remember that I'm trying to work on that. "You mean START planning? Considering that the only thing we have figured out is that we're helping Mei build confidence and sharing our interests with her.", Katniss corrects.

They stare each other down as Peeta loudly clears his throat. Gosh I hope they don't start arguing again. So far it seems like they always work things out, that's not really what I'm worried about. I just hate conflict, it makes me uncomfortable. "I could teach her the basics of baking tomorrow.", Peeta throws out there. Looks like I'll be starting a kitchen fire on day 1 then. Lonnie's the 1 with all the talent and the ability to pick up things super quickly after all. Uuurrrghhh, and if I keep thinking like that it'll stay that way. I'm sure if Lonnie wasn't my sister my gut reaction wouldn't be to immediately compare myself to her, so maybe that's what I need to do for a little bit. Pretend she's just another student here at Auradon Prep, and keep my distance. Which shouldn't be too hard since we don't room together anymore, though we will have to talk to each other eventually to clear the air. Neither Katniss or Cato acknowledge what Peeta said. "An idea that needs execution is the backbone and beginning of a plan.", Cato states. I look over at Peeta, and he looks almost as anxious as I feel. "I'm all for baking.", I nervously laugh out. What I would give for something, practically anything really, to happen that would break this tension. I mean they're STILL staring at each other, that can't be comfortable. "An idea that lacks execution is just that, an idea, a concept. Lacking execution means you're lacking any beginning of a plan whatsoever.", Katniss counters. Okay, they're still on the what is and isn't a plan thing. I don't really get why that matters so much, but it clearly matters to them.

Cato's POV:

"You know, you're more stubborn than half of the Alphas I've met.", I comment as my my blank facial expression starts to crack. Curiosity sparkles amidst the atmosphere, I ignore it for the moment. "Glad to know I haven't lost my touch.", Katniss says with mirth. I can see Peeta relax out of the corner of my eye. By now you'd think he'd have enough sense not to take Katniss and I's squabbles so seriously. "Alphas?", Mei asks in complete an utter confusion. Oh wow, I knew her knowledge of shifters was limited, but this is the basics here. Even toddlers have more sense than that. Suppose I'll have to cut her all the slack in the world, since objectively she shouldn't really know anything about that unless she's done some research. Which is something not a single soul here seems to have done after being informed about our upcoming arrival. There's silence at the table for a brief moment, everyone's clearly stunned by her sheer lack understanding. Before anyone can take it upon themselves to explain, our waitress returns, impeccable timing as ever. "Hey, are we ready to order yet, or did you guys need a little more time on deciding?", she asks the table. Now that's a prime example of what fake plastered on cheerfulness sounds like. You can clearly feel how tired and annoyed she is, must've had a long shift. Katniss is the 1st to respond. "The steak and potatoes, thank you.", she states. Tacking on the thank you as an afterthought. She shoots me a glare, seeing as I did in fact predict her order.

The waitress flips open her note pad to jot that down as I smugly smile at Katniss. I'm partially surprised she didn't change her order last minute just to spite me. Though it would be like her to stand her ground sheerly on the principle of it. "I'll just have the house burger and fries please.", Peeta warmly tells the waitress when she looks back up. She seems to slightly relax, and even flashes Peeta a small genuine smile before scribbling on that piece of paper again. Of course he'd use his boyish charm and Omega nature to calm her down. Peeta does pride himself in his ability to give others peace. It doesn't always work, especially with shifters, but with a weaker human like this? It's an automatic guarantee every time. Katniss's protective, that tends to blur into possessive, nature shines through as she lets out a displeased grumble. She shifts her body to partially block her husband from the woman's line of sight. I swear, in another life the Phoenix was an Alpha. Peeta slings an arm around her shoulders and plants a kiss on her forehead. Along with radiating the pure love and adoration he has for her. She relaxes into his side, and I have to look away at that point. I'm sure to other humans who don't have the capability to sense emotions, it just looks like a sweet moment between a couple. Yet to others like us, that feels too much like a private moment that's not meant for prying eyes. "Reuben sandwich for me.", I bluntly say while staring down at the table. I feel Mei shift next to me, I can tell how envious she is of the couple across from us.

Mei's POV:

I wish Cato and I could be like that, madly in love, or having all the time in the world to get there. I know this is all so new for everyone, and Cato doesn't seem like the overly romantic jump the gun type of person. I do really wanna live in the moment, enjoy the time I have with Cato while I still can. Yet this nagging voice in the back of my mind won't stop reminding me that this won't last forever. One day I'll wake up, it'll be a few months into the future, the semester'll be over, and I'll have to say goodbye. I know how these things work, they- Cato specifically, will say we'll stay in touch. Maybe even try to do things long distance if we're at that point in our relationship by then. He'll promise to call, text, make trips out here, but things will get in the way. School, life, other people, you name it, it'll interfere. Then we'll drift apart, he'll find someone else and forget all about me. I wish I could just stay positive and convince myself we'll end up like Mal and Ben. Meant to be, staying together even after the world tries to pull us apart. A real fairytale come true. Maybe if I were really something special, someone worth fighting for, but I'm not that lucky. Gods, only a day into this relationship and I already feel so bittersweet about the whole thing. "I would, um, like the eggs and hash browns please, thank you so much.", I tell the nice waitress when it's my turn. She writes my order down. "Okay, I'll go give these to the chef. Your food will be out shortly.", she says before returning to the kitchen.

As soon as she's gone, Cato turns to me, and I remember that he still has his arm draped around my shoulders. Wow he's really warm. Was I really SO deep in thought that I completely blocked out the fact that CATO'S ARM is on MY SHOULDERS? "I can feel you thinking over there. I have a lot of abilities compared to you humans, but telepathy isn't one of them. Walk me through what's going on in that head of yours?", he asks me. I let out a snort before I can stop myself. If I actually told him everything that's been going through my mind for the past, what like, 5 minutes? He'd be running for the hills for sure, I can't risk scaring him off by already seeming too clingy. This is the 1st person who's ever, and maybe will ever, like me. You know, in THAT way. So it's normal to be scared of losing him though right? "Now that the waitress is gone, can you tell me what an Alpha is now?", I ask him. Maybe he won't pick up on the fact that I'm trying to change the subject. He fixes me with a stern look. Crap. "You're attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction.", he points out. I duck my head away. I should've known better than to try and slip something by Cato, he's too smart for that. "Drop it Cato, if she wanted to talk about it she would.", Katniss says in my defense. I shoot her a grateful look, Peeta notices. "No one likes discussing personal issues in public anyway right? It's uncomfortable.", he adds in. Cato sighs, but nods his head after a moment. Oh thank Hades, I think that means he'll drop it after all.

Cato's POV:

I'm well aware she doesn't wish to speak about whatever caused her to feel such a strong pang of sadness. I'm not completely dense. Her thoughts clearly started to spiral after these two got all lovey dovey. I mean any shifter within a five mile radius would've been able to sense the longing coming off of her. So one can deduce that a close and loving romantic relationship is something that she desperately craves. I couldn't tell you for how long, but judging by the lack of beneficial familial and platonic relationships in her life I'd say for a while now. After all, loneliness tends to turn people into sad hopeless romantics. Well she has friends and even the beginnings of a relationship now, so why is she still so dejected? Is she impatient? Self aware of our differences? That hasn't seemed to bother her thus far so I wouldn't say that's a valid assumption. I wonder if she's questioning how genuinely good my intentions are. I can immediately throw that thought away. Even a blind person could see in an instant that she's not the sort to think that way. She really is a pure soul, too pure for her own well being in fact. There is the possibility that she's aware this camaraderie can't last, no matter how much any of us wish it would. As far as I know, everyone was made aware that Peeta, Katniss, and I are only staying for the remainder of the semester. We won't be returning for a new term, and since Mei's on the welcoming committee, she of all people would've been told that directly from Ben or Fairy Godmother.

Once we leave she'll be alone again. We'll all have to carry on with our lives and responsibilities. "Fair enough, but we will be discussing this later in private, without these two.", I concede. She doesn't verbally respond, but does reluctantly nod her head in agreement. She's nervous. "You don't have to if you don't want to.", Katniss oh so helpfully points out. I roll my eyes at her behavior. These two really must stop coddling her at some point. They're not going to be around forever to baby proof life for her. "Thought you agreed that communication is important.", I bite back. She narrows her eyes in my direction, willing for me to drop it. I've already conceded, agreeing that Mei and I could discuss the 'sensitive topic' later in private. I'm not backing down any more than this. If she doesn't want to talk about it anytime soon, she can come out and say it to me directly. Not hide behind our friends for support. "It is, and when she's really she'll come talk to you. Trust and feeling safe is also very important.", Peeta eases in. Attempting to defuse the situation as always. "Oh and does she not trust and feel safe around me suddenly? I can't recall anything I've done to have those privileges revoked.", I retort. Worry weaves through the air. "NO! I um, you haven't done anything wrong. I still 100% trust you, I wouldn't have any reason not to, and I've never felt safer. It's just that there's nothing to really talk about, I was just overthinking things, as usual.", Mei hurries to explain.

Mei's POV:

Oh gosh, why do I always have to cause problems for everyone every 5 seconds? Cato looks like he doesn't believe me, and honestly I wouldn't believe me either if I were him. I'm clearly not very good at playing things off. "Fine, if you say so.", he loudly groans. Huh, I didn't think he'd actually drop it. I know we're working on, well, me, but there's only so much outgoingness and transparency I can muster up in 1 day. So it's really nice that he's not pushing me too much with certain things. "Thank you.", I can't help but reply. He lets out a snort before grabbing his drink with his free hand. "You're impossible sometimes, you know that?", he quips. I giggle and nod. I completely am, and I'm so lucky that they're all putting up with it for some reason. Well, I suppose I am the only new friend they've made yet. Unless you count King Ben, he's friends with everyone he meets, or nearly everyone I should say.. I immediately stop giggling as soon as the front door of the diner opens. "Oh no.", I squeak out. Cato immediately perks up, and scans the place. Once he sees who I'm seeing, he squeezes my shoulder with his hand. Katniss and Peeta turn around in their seats to get a look. Lonnie's here, with Jay, it looks like they're on a date. "Of all the places they could've went to eat right now, they had to choose this 1.", I mumble. Cato somehow manages to pull me even closer to him than I already was. I'm basically laying on his chest at this point, as he rests his chin on top of my head. I wonder if he could sense how draining seeing my sister right now is.

He must've heard it in my voice at the very least. "Who's that accompanying her?", Katniss asks. Oh, right, they haven't met Jay yet. I bet they'd all get along, as long as Lonnie doesn't interfere that is. He could teach Cato, and maybe even Katniss, tourney or swords and shields. I feel like they'd enjoy that. Peeta might enjoy those things too, but he seems less like the physical sports type. "Katniss.", Peeta hisses while nudging her. She looks back at him as he gives her a soft but pointed look. Awww, he's even soft on her when he's trying to scold her. "It's fine, that's Jay. He's on the tourney team, and on the swords and shields team with Lonnie. They like each other I think, so they're probably on a date. Jay's a good 1, I think you'd all like him.", I explain before he makes her apologize or something. "I doubt we'd get along if his loyalties lie with her.", Cato snorts. Peeta's pointed look hardens as he turns to Cato. "Glare all you'd like, I'm just being upfront about what we all were thinking.", he adds. He's right about that, even I was thinking it. Jay's probably as loyal as it gets, there's no way he'd side with an acquaintance and a few strangers over his close friend/possible girlfriend. "Bold of you to assume that's what I was thinking.", Katniss retorts. Okayyy, I guess we're doing this again. I look over, and they're walking to a booth at the opposite end of the diner. Thank the Gods, I don't know what I would've done if they had decided to sit here. There's no way they spotted us on the way to their seats though right?

Cato's POV:

Before I have the time to either respond to Katniss, or point out Mei's overthinking habit rearing up again, the waitress is back with our meals. "Hope you guys haven't been waiting too long.", she says apologetically as she's setting our plates down. Well you would know, seeing as the diner is mostly cleared out, so there's no way you could've been so busy to the point where you lost track of time. That's such a generic copy and paste statement for a waitress to say. Does the manager of this place hand out a book of responses to all the employees or something? Mei sits up so she can better access her meal. I miss the warmth she was radiating, oddly enough. I'm not cold by any means, I wonder if it's couple thing. It would explain why people who're in relationships are seemingly so dependent of each other, practically joined at the hip. "We haven't, thank you.", Peeta responds for us. I nod along, to appease the couple across from me and prevent another war. Mei's clearly got enough on her plate as is, I don't need her worrying about the stability of my friendships on top of that. The waitress leaves, and the table falls into a silence as we consume our meals. Not a thick and awkward silence due to the lack of knowing what to say. More like a comfortably basking in each others' presence, where words aren't needed. I finish my meal 1st, and the others pace themselves as to not cause Mei to feel rushed. "I still don't know what an Alpha is.", Mei comments.

Oh right, she was inquiring about that. Her question had gone unanswered due to the table being lead off topic. "It's one of three classifications a shifter can be born with. Shifters who're created also gain a classification after they're 1st transformation.", I briefly explain. Wonder fills her deep brown eyes as she waits for me to further educate her on my culture. The duo across from us makes no move to aid me. This all lies in the base level of knowledge amongst all shifters. They're just as equipped as I am with this information, yet they've wordlessly agreed that I'd be the designated teacher. "What're the 3 classifications?", Mei prods. Probably for the best anyway, I seem to hold her attention the most out of the three of us. She'll be more likely to remember everything if it comes from me. That is the best way to teach isn't it? Playing to your strengths and finding the best ways to keep your students interested in the subject matter. It's what the faculty at Werepack Prep do, and they excel in that department. They manage to take the most boring and basic of topics, and turn it into something worth showing up for. The Werepack Council should take a page or two out of their book. "Alpha, Beta, and Omega. I, for example, am an Alpha. Katniss is a Beta, and Peeta here's an Omega.", I begin. I hadn't really intended to go into anymore detail about shifters while in such a public setting, but I must admit it's hard to deny those pleading eyes once they're focused on me. I will in fact drop the subject matter if I catch someone listening in, or that waitress comes back offering desserts or the bill.

Mei's POV:

It really is a whole other world across the Enchanted Forest. I mean I knew things were different there where Cato's from, but I didn't expect it to be this different. "What's the difference between the 3?", I can't help but ask. I may or may not be annoying him at this point, but this is all so fascinating. Does King Ben know all of this? Does the Royal Council? Though if the Royal Council knew they'd surely tell King Ben and visa versa. Cato smirks, and it's both cocky and endearing at the same time. I try not to focus on it too much, I don't wanna get distracted and be a blushing mess again. "That's all a matter of personal opinion really, everyone's answer varies.", Peeta nervously laughs. He's looking between Katniss and Cato. Is this something else they like to disagree about? "Er, that's okay, forget I asked.", I offer. If they start arguing again it'll really be my fault this time. I did bring all this up again after all. "No it's fine. Go ahead, Cato, explain it to her. The sooner you get that over with, the sooner I can correct you.", Katniss says while wearing a smirk of her own. That should be a good sign right? That they're not glaring at each other from across the table. "These two LOVE to fight, I swear. You'd think they're the old married couple instead.", Peeta jokes. Looks like I was right in hoping that this wasn't serious. I lightly giggle, once I feel like I'm allowed to that is. "Correct me? I state scientific facts, not my opinion. My opinion being that there isn't too much of a difference once you get to the core of every shifter. There are too many variables that can offset any differences. Though if you want to get nitpicky and dissect the three classes, there are some defining qualities and traits that come with each class.", Cato says while almost entirely ignoring Peeta.

Not in a rude way of course, more like, there's not really much for him to say. Not when Katniss is challenging him again. That's the best way I can describe their friendship, from what I've seen at least. They're always challenging each other, but there's never really any real bite behind their bark. Pun not intended. She snorts as she crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "'Defining traits and qualities' those damn Capitolpack elitists try and push on everyone.", Katniss huffs. Peeta pulls her into his arms, but she still has a frown on her face. He softly, yips? Into her hair as he nuzzles her. "Kat.", Cato chides. Not looking very sympathetic at all. I wonder how many times they've had this exact same conversation. "No.", is all she says. I turn to Cato, he's about to speak. "I think I'd be better for everyone if we finish this conversation later.", I softly tell him. I would've whispered it if I thought that'd make a difference, but with Katniss's sharp hearing I'm sure she would've picked up on it anyway. I give him a pleading look. I feel eyes on me, assuming it's the couple across from us, I keep my focus on Cato. I relax after he nods. "Mei?", I hear a very familiar voice call out to me. "Shit.", I can't help but mutter. Everyone at the table tries to hold back their snickers at my language slip, including myself. I feel quite silly about it, about this whole thing really. "Hey Lonnie, Jay. Fancy seeing you both here. Have you finally bit the bullet, and agreed to go on a date after all?", I ask while looking over at the couple who's now standing a couple of feet from our table.

Cato's POV:

I hold in a sigh. If only her ignorant sister and, questionable at best, boyfriend weren't here to spoil the mood. I could've laughed for several minutes at the thought of someone as 'wholesome and cute' as Mei uttering something as 'unsavory' as shit. It's clear that the rest of the table shares my sentiment. Katniss is giving Lonnie the stink eye as Peeta holds her back. Which I don't doubt is the result of him fearing that she'll spring from her seat, and wring the human's neck. Her boyfriend at least has the decency to look uncomfortable in this situation, can't say the same for her. I must admit, Mei's handling it quite well so far. Her sister does appear flustered at the mention of possibly being on a date with Jay. There's clearly some truth in her sister's assumption of her harboring a crush on her teammate. Yet Jay shoots Mei a wide grin, not appearing bashful at all of the current situation. "It was about time we made things official huh? Turns out you were right about us Mei, and we probably would've started going out sooner if I hadn't have chickened out so may times.", he informs her. Not acknowledging us at all, and given the circumstances, I don't really mind. "I hope you're not still beating yourself up over that. It takes a lot of courage to admit your feelings towards someone, and even more so to ask them out. I think it's extremely brave that you even did it at all, regardless of how long it took you.", she soothes. So they've spoken about this before. I wonder if they converse regularly, about various topics.

Though that's doubtful, she would've counted him as a friend if that were the case. Still, I oddly find myself uncomfortable with how casual they are with each other. I train my eyes on the boy. "Was there something you both needed, or were you stopping by on your way out to say hello?", I question while slinging my arm back around Mei's shoulders. I don't recall when she slipped from my grasp, but it feels right to be in contact with her again. Katniss discretely kicks my leg under the table, and I'm sure Peeta would be giving me a stern look right now if it would go unnoticed. Jay breaks eye contact with me, and hones in on my arm, the one wrapped around his girlfriend's sister. "Uh yeah, we wanted to say hello. Look dude, Mei's great and all, but I'm not interested. I'm with Lonnie now, so we're good right? No need stare into my soul or anything.", he nervously laughs. Typical human behavior, folding when someone with real authority stakes their claim on something, or someone in this instance. "That's not an ability I possess, but yes, we're good.", I concede. She's not mine of course, not permanently, but he doesn't need to know that. I don't care who he claims to be, or not be, into. The likes of him can't be trusted in this particular regard. I heard what happened during the time of Ben ascension to the throne. If THE golden boy can toss his current girlfriend to the side, like she's a piece of garbage, in front of stadiums full of people for another girl. Well then, no one's significant other is really safe, now are they? Though now that I've met Ben's ex, I can't particularly say I blame him. It was still a bit of dick move regardless.

Mei's POV:

Wha- what's happening? Cato couldn't have possibly thought Jay would have ANY interest in me. If he did he wouldn't be out with my sister right now. Did he do something I didn't catch, did I do something?? All we were doing was talking, in front of everyone, and it was about how he wishes he didn't wait to ask out my sister. Maybe Cato tuned out of most of the conversation or something? This has to be an elaborate misunderstanding. How could Cato be jealous of Jay, of all people, talking to me? "Jay what're you talking about? Also why is THIS GUY'S ARM around MY SISTER? Don't tell me that you're already trying to take advantage of her.", Lonnie asks while gesturing to Cato and I. You know I'd like to manage to go 1 day, just 1, without fighting with someone. Especially about what I'm doing hanging around Cato and his friends- our friends. Speaking of Cato, he starts glaring at my sister, causing her to glare back. Peeta's looking around the room as if someone's gonna swoop in and save the conversation. Katniss is ignoring everyone and staring in the direction of the kitchens. "Lonnie I think you should just leave this 1 alone.", Jay mutters as he places a hand on her shoulder. She shrugs him off, and directs her glare at him. "Oh who's side are you even on anyway?!", she snaps. Jay quirks his brow at her before crossing his arms. Lonnie's so stubborn when she wants to be. I'm not sure if it's pride or the assumption that's she right, but she won't back down no matter what. It's 1 of the reasons why I've counted myself fortunate enough to have never been on the receiving end of any arguments she's had, until now of course.

Jay can be just as bad, it's another thing they have in common. If they ever got into a fight, Hades knows when that'd all blow over, if it ever would. Their relationship's kinda brittle in that sense. I don't wanna think about what would happen if they couldn't recover. "No one's, okay? I don't what happened with you and your sister-", Jay starts before Lonnie jumps in. "Yeah you do, I told you.", she huffs. He claps both of his hands on her shoulders as he stares her down. She tries to shrug him off again, but he holds her steady. "BUT, you both need to talk things out without dragging everyone else into it. This is getting out of hand, you're sisters, family, you love each other. So work it out, alright?", Jay pleads. Before Lonnie gets a chance to respond, our waitress walks over with the check. "Alright, are you guys ready to pay, or did you wanna order anything else?", she kindly asks us. Cato looks over at me. "Would you care for a refill or dessert?", he asks. Awww, that's so thoughtful of him. So thoughtful I almost forget about my sister and her date staring at us as the waitress waits for my answer. "No, but thank you for asking.", I say while shooting him a smile. It'd probably be a good idea for us to get out of here on the off chance that things get out of hand. I really don't wanna be banned from this diner. Plus I'm a bit too anxious to eat anything else anyway. Everyone else refuses dessert too. I wonder if they're itching to get out of here as much as I am. "Okay then, are we splitting the check or paying as a group?", our lovely waitress follows up.

Cato's POV:

"As a group, please.", Peeta answers for us. Mei reaches for her bag, I lean over. "We may be paying 'as a group', but that doesn't mean everyone's paying for their own dishes.", I whisper. Katniss dramatically rolls her eyes while I slip my wallet out. Peeta giggles before doing the same. "Yeah, we've got this, babe.", he jokes while nudging Katniss with his elbow. She's apparently in good enough spirits that she lets it slide. Not making a single remark about feminism, and how she's more than capable of paying for her own meal. Mei's clearly floored at the gesture and is grinning from ear to ear. As we place our money on the tray I catch a glimpse of the couple that're still loitering near our booth. You'd think Jay would've tempted Lonnie away with the promise of finishing the conversation later, or more entertainingly, her dragging him away by the ear so she could reprimand him. "Is this some sort of weird double date?", Mei's sister shrilly asks. One could close their eyes and almost swear it was Audrey speaking, and I don't like that one bit. "What exactly would be weird about it?", Katniss counters in an even tone of voice. She's getting really to snap, I can tell, and so can Peeta judging by the look on his face. "I think we should go.", Mei whispers. Even she can see that tensions are rising. Jay's taken to holding Lonnie back, so she can't advance any closer to our table. The waitress takes a hit and snatches the money before quickly leaving us to our own devices.

If we leave she'll surely make an even bigger stink about things, and maybe even follow us all the way back to our dorms. If only we were a bit faster at consuming our meals, maybe we would've been able to slip past them undetected. "We'll need a distraction if we wish to make it out of here unscathed.", I mutter in a way that would only be audible to the other shifters in the room. "Well that would mean Mei's on a date with that-", Lonnie starts blabbering before Jay has enough sense to jump in. "Does it really matter? She's a big girl, she can do what she wants.", he points out. Lonnie's lucky I have enough self control not to toss her body across the room for what she was about to say. No doubt it would've been something insensitive, but doing so would get us in trouble with Fairy Godmother I'm sure. Not to mention Mei, she wouldn't be too pleased with that. "Of course it matters, and no she's not! You've met her she's a horrible judge of character!", Lonnie argues. Doesn't seem like that'll stop Katniss though, Peeta's got her arm in a death grip. Her talons are coming out and digging into the table top. "Stay with me.", Peeta hurriedly whispers into her ear. She relaxes, her talons retracting. "Always.", she breathes out. "Oh like you've always been the best judge of character.", Jay scoffs. Peeta jerks his head towards the cooking station. "Do it, and we'll make a break for it.", he tells her. I grab Mei's hand, readying myself to run, as I already know what Peeta's referring to. "Get ready we're leaving.", I tell her. She clutches her bag tightly, then gives me a short nod. "That's not fair and you know it!", Lonnie exclaims. Katniss's eyes are alight with that shade of forest green she loves so much. Then there's shouting coming from the cooking stations. Someone screaming about a kitchen fire, it draws the boy and his date's attention. They're already rushing over there to help. We all rise and make a break for the door. Once we're outside I pick Mei up so we can run back to our dorms without getting chased by the humans we're trying to avoid.