
They Say Opposites Attract

*Requested by FeralG3 on Fanfiction.net* Takes place a week after Descendants 2. Ben invites Cato, Katniss, and Peeta, 3 students from Werepack Prep, to attend Auradon Prep. OC, Mei, signs up to be a part of the welcoming committee, leading to her becoming the trio's tour guide and friend. As Mei starts to spend more time with trio, her new friendship with Cato slowly turns into something more. (Disclaimer! I DO NOT OWN THE HUNGER GAMES MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE DESCENDANTS MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS.)

Shipperandfanficer · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: Change Things

Cato's POV:

"I have to admit, that advice is actually practical and something I can put to use. Thank you Peeta", I tell him. Katniss nods approvingly at my response as Peeta enthusiastically pulls me in for a hug. I lightly chuckle while reciprocating the gesture. "I don't suppose you have any advice for the upcoming date itself?", I question. I can feel the satisfaction rolling of Peeta after my admission, and that satisfaction immediately morphs into more excitement. A huge grin breaks across his face as we break apart. "So you DO have a date with her after all!", Peeta chirps. I playfully roll my eyes as Katniss shoots Peeta an amused look. "Yes, tomorrow during the short break we're given for lunch, to be exact.", I respond. Peeta grasps my forearm with his hands. I can already tell he's stringing together a long list of questions he's planning on bombarding me with. I swivel my head in order to catch Katniss's gaze. I send her a pleading look. A couple of tips is all I wanted really, not a hour long session with the 'expert of romance' here. She smirks at me before clapping her hands together and rising to her feet. I feel my shoulders slightly sag at the immediate realization that she won't be offering me any assistance with this. "Well it looks like Peeta's got this one covered, I'll see you guys later.", Katniss says with a smirk as she glides towards the exit. Peeta just waves her off with a simple, "Yeah you should probably settle into your new dorm room anyway. I love you!".

"Love you too.", Katniss giggles before shutting herself out of Peeta and I's dorm room. I suppose she did have to return to her room at some point, no sense in feeling grumpy from it. It's not like her presence would've deterred Peeta very much, if at all. "Okay so what's the game plan? Where are you taking her? Any activities in mind? Have you thought about what you're going to wear yet?", Peeta questions. I wrench my arm out of his grasp before raising my hands, as a gesture to tell him to not say anything else. "One thing at a time remember? I was just planning on returning to the enchanted lake with her for lunch. Just the two of us of course, and I'd either bring a picnic basket or have you teleport everything into place already. My normal clothes will be fine to wear.", I explain. He lets out a sigh while dramatically shaking his head. I quirk my brow at him. "What kind of a 1st date is that? You and her basically did that already today. You have to put in at least a little more effort than that Cato.", Peeta chides. I roll my eyes at Peeta's logic. I can see his point sure, but there's only so many activities Mei and I could partake in during the short window of time we have free for lunch. It would be pointless to skip a meal in favor of skipping rocks across the lake, or something equally as mediocre. "You do recall how many minutes we receive for lunch correct? Skipping a meal would do neither of us any good, so you can throw whatever grand ideas you have out of the window so to speak, for now at least. Isn't the 1st date more about getting to know the other person and forging that connection rather than doing some outlandish activity anyway?", I point out.

Mei's POV:

I'm met with Katniss's surprised face. "Hey, I thought I heard someone outside. Here let me help you with those.", she offers as she takes the wad of clothes from my arms. "Thank you, I don't know how I would've managed to get in while still holding all of that.", I breathe out before following her inside. I lock the door behind us as Katniss gently places the my new clothes on my bed, before moving to sit at the end of hers. "I see you got a haircut.", she says. I slowly nod while carefully unfolding the dress and cape, setting the shoes down on the floor next to me. "Lady Mal did it, with magic that is.", I tell her. I move the shoes over to my shoe rack, then hang up the dress and cape on my closet door. "It looks good.", Katniss replies. I beam at her compliment and warmly thank her. I was a bit worried that I might not be able to pull off something this short, and that Princess Evie and Mal were just being overly kind. I set my backpack down in it's usual chair. "Is the dress new?", Katniss asks me. I turn to look at her with a questioning look on my face. Then I remember, she doesn't really know me yet. She wouldn't know that I've never owned anything like that dress before. That this is way out of my comfort zone. "It is, the whole outfit's a gift from Princess Evie. I um, wanted to change up my look a bit, and Princess Evie's kinda a fashion expert. Not to mention the best seamstress around.", I explain. Katniss slowly starts nodding her head. "Why the sudden urge to change things up?", she asks with a smirk.

Oh, she thinks I'm doing this for Cato. I mean I am partially doing this for Cato, but probably not for the reason she thinks. He wants me to branch out and try new things. Maybe if I do that I'll find myself along the way. I've just been Lonnie's little sister, Mulan and Shang's 2nd daughter and youngest child, for so long. I'd like to find out if there's really more to me than that. "I owe it to Cato and myself.", I simply reply. I sit at the edge of my own bed. I'm not exactly sure what I should do with myself now. My homework's all done, and I've already accomplished what I set out to do today. It just feels so anticlimactic to head off to bed early, or lay around and watch videos on my phone. "You know you don't owe Cato anything right?", Katniss softly points out. I smile at her. "Oh but I do, I wouldn't have dared to go against Lonnie, or anyone else for that matter. I wouldn't have had the courage to admit to myself that I can be more than this, be my own person even, if I actually tried. I'm not brave enough to do all of this by myself.", I tell her. She lets out a sigh before scooting towards the other side of her bed. I- did I say something wrong? Maybe it was too sappy, or too weak? She pats the now empty spot on her bed. I try and blink back my surprise. Is she inviting me to sit with her? She has to be right, why else would she make the gesture? "Don't overthink it, just come here.", Katniss requests. Oh, I guess that was really an invitation. I get up and slowly make my way over to her. I sit next to her, making sure to leave enough room between us so I don't risk making her uncomfortable.

Cato's POV:

"Haven't you both already started connecting? I mean I've never seen you warm up to someone you so actively disliked so quickly.", Peeta pushes. He really thinks he can persuade me into relinquishing creative control over my own first date? Also his points are invalid since I was forced into tolerating Mei to begin with. I surely would've grown to tolerate her regardless, but my dear friends' persistence just sped along the process. "Peeta, I appreciate all the help you've given me I truly do, but I do have the final say in this.", I warn. He purses his lips at my declaration, but eventually relents. "Can you at least take her to a nice restaurant?", he sighs. At least now he's attempting to compromise with me on this, as opposed to nearly insisting things be done his way. "Will you finally be content if I agree?", I counter. Satisfaction rolls off him as I indirectly comply with his request. "Yes.", is his response. I let out a snort. "Fine, if that'll shut you up. You're in charge of finding a nearby restaurant, that WON'T have us standing in line for an extended period of time before we can even place our orders.", I tell him. He salutes me as if I'm a general. I nudge him off of my bed, and he laughs it off as he hops back up. We hear his phone briefly vibrate inside of his pants pocket. "I'm surprised, I assumed that Katniss would've caved and messaged you as soon as she left the room.", I joke as Peeta retrieves his phone. He rolls his eyes at me, but can't keep that love struck smile off of his face. "It's probably not even her.", he laughs out.

His smile somehow manages to grow even wider in size as he responds to whoever is on the other end. "So what did Katniss want?", I ask him. He looks up from his phone, his ecstatic smile morphing into a knowing smirk. As if there's some secret he's in on that's unbeknownst to me. "Mei and her are gonna go grab some dinner. She wants to know if we'd like to join them.", Peeta informs me. Well that explains why he's so elated. He'd get to have his way sooner than he originally planned, and he'd be there with Katniss to watch it all unfold. He'd surely suggest we go out to eat, pick out a nice place 'at random'. Drag Katniss to a different table a few spots away, being within eyesight and earshot. Making mental notes of how I wasn't 'gentlemanly' or 'romantic' enough, even if it wasn't an actual date. I refuse to count anything that includes my friends spying on me as such. "So I can deal with you and your wife's smug faces and remarks all night? I think I'll pass.", I snort. Peeta nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders at this. "Fine by me, I'm sure the 3 of us have plenty of things to talk about that isn't about you.", he says in a tone of voice that suggests the complete opposite. My mind flashes with all the things that could come out of Peeta's mouth if I'm not there. What's even worse than that would be what Katniss might ever so boldly blurt out. There are certain things I'd rather keep away from Mei's ears, at least for now. "Alright, you've got me, I'll attend this dinner.", I groan.

Mei's POV:

Katniss gently places a hand on my shoulder. "We might be here to help nudge you in the right direction, but ultimately this is all up to you. Every step you take, everything you accomplish, whatever you're proud of, you have yourself to thank. You're braver than you think.", she tells me. My eyes start to tear up the tiniest bit, and I have to quickly wipe my eyes to stop myself from fully crying. I'm not gonna cry in front of Katniss, even if this is the sweetest she's ever acted towards me. She pats my shoulder before pulling her hand away. "Thank you.", is all I can manage to choke out. Anything more and I'd probably burst into tears. She doesn't have to be this nice to me, she really doesn't have to do this. She could've just let the conversation die and then do her own thing, I wouldn't have thought any differently of her if she did. I could easily see her doing something like this for Peeta and Cato, her friends. I wonder if she sees us as friends yet. I'm sure Lonnie would disagree, not that I care about her opinions of my social life. Speaking of my sister, I'll probably have to talk to her tomorrow. Keeping this fight going any longer than tomorrow would be so stupid and petty, it'll get us nowhere. I want us to makeup already so we can move past this. Having Lonnie mad at me, it doesn't feel right. I'm sure she'll be less worked up tomorrow, yeah, and then we can calmly talk it all out. I just hope until then that Princess Audrey hasn't said anything to add fuel to the fire... "Hey, I'm starving. Wanna go get dinner?", Katniss asks me.

My eyes slightly widen, and I force myself to look casual. 1st lunch and now dinner? Will things be like this the entire time they're all here? I'd really like to think so, that we'll only grow even closer with time. Though what if they grow tired of me long before it's time for them to go? Would it be too easy for them to cut me out of their lives, pretend I was never their friend to begin with? "I can practically hear you overthinking over there.", I hear Katniss say. I slightly flinch in surprise. Wow, I guess I was starting to spiral after all huh? I lightly shake my head. "Dinner sounds great, are the boys coming too?", I ask her. This wasn't just supposed to be like a 'girls' night', right? Like me asking wouldn't be rude or anything? Did she mean for it to just be us? She doesn't say anything as she pulls her phone out of her pocket. Should I tell her that I also don't mind it just being us? "Peeta's down, he's asking Cato if he wants to join us. Neither of them have seen your new hair right?", Katniss asks me. Okay so she's not offended, good. I wonder if Cato's thinking about sitting this one out because I'll be going. I haven't seen or heard from him ever since he stormed out earlier. What if he doesn't wanna see me right now, and I'm just in the way of him hanging out with his actual friends? Although we're friends now, right, we're friends. It's too soon to say we're anything more than that, but friends at the very least. If he wanted to avoid me it'd be because things are maybe a bit awkward now? I haven't done anything wrong, I know I haven't. Right?

"Uh no, I haven't seen them since you all left earlier.", I respond. I wonder why she's asking, it's not really a big deal. Cato probably won't say anything about it anyway, or he'd mention that it's shorter now then move on. I didn't cut my hair for him anyway, but is it bad that I still really want him to like it? Katniss nods before sliding her phone back into her pocket. "Cato's coming too, so they're both on their way. I'm sure they'll both love your new hair, although I'm pretty sure it's not really Peeta's opinion that you're after.", she says in an amused tone of voice. I can feel myself blushing really hard from Katniss's words. I clear my throat and try to hide my face. I hear Katniss laugh. "It's a little too late for that, I already saw your face turn as red as a tomato. Besides, we all know you like Cato.", she giggles. Darn it! I should've turned my head more quickly. I have to remember that I can't hide behind my hair anymore, it's not long enough for that. "Oh, right, from earlier today. When Cato and I were talking just after Lonnie left.", I say because I'm not really sure what else I should say to that. Hearing someone else mention my crush out loud, feels kinda embarrassing somehow. I know Katniss wouldn't make fun of me for it, and Cato clearly doesn't mind. I guess I'm just waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me. For Cato to laugh in my face and claim this has all been a cruel joke. That he could never come even close to liking someone as pathetic and boring as me.

Cato's POV:

"Great! I'll use a location spell to find the perfect place to-", Peeta starts before I cut him off. "Nothing too fancy, this isn't a double date.", I tell him. He emits a short dismissive sound to at least show that his brain had registered what I'd said. He of course won't listen to me, not about this. Not as long as he can get away with it. "I'm serious Peeta.", I groan out as he uses his magical abilities. "I found a nice diner nearby. Is that casual enough for you?", he dryly asks. That would be perfect actually. The food quality would be better, and most likely healthier, than some generic fast food joint. Yet the setting is as Peeta put it, casual enough that it wouldn't be misinterpreted as a date. Had we shown up to a higher class eating establishment, Mei'd no doubt be a bundle of nerves, being completely blindsided by what she's assuming to be an impromptu double date. "Yes, that's quite satisfactory, thank you.", I respond. He lightly chuckles before moving to grab his backpack. "The girls are waiting for us in their room, I told Katniss we'd just swing by there after I found a place to eat at.", Peeta informs me. I nod before going to retrieve my backpack as well. "No sense in keeping them waiting then.", I sigh. He wordlessly follows me to the door. The short trek to the dorm room that's now shared between Katniss and Mei was uneventful, as expected. What I didn't expect was after Katniss opened the door for us. She immediately stepped out into the hallway, Peeta swiftly moving out of her way.

"Hey, you look beautiful.", he greets her. She smiles at him, affection radiating off of her as she briefly presses her lips against his. I roll my eyes. "She looks the exactly how she did earlier.", I scoff. He slips his arms around her waist, I make an overexaggerated gagging noise. "Exactly.", is all Peeta says before seeking Katniss's lips out again. This of course is normal, not the unexpected part of this interaction. That part is standing in the doorway, Mei. As soon as I notice her, I take in the change of her appearance. Her hair now comes to an end just above her shoulders. I wonder what prompted her to get it trimmed. She's anxious, I can sense that much. She looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to say something, anything. Yet I can't, not yet, I'm not done analyzing how the tips of her hair just barely grazes her shoulders. How is falls in such a way that doesn't hide her face or neck. How she somehow looks more real now, than she ever did since I've shortly known her. "I never thought you'd be the one staring at me.", she softly comments. Oh right, I have been staring. I couldn't say for how long, but longer than one would deem necessary I'm sure. "I apologize, how rude of me. Your hair looks nice.", I respond. She beams at the tiny compliment I'm able to give her. Her smile lights up the entire hallway. "Oh no you're fine you don't have to apologize, and um, thank you.", she rushes out. Is this what having feelings for someone is like? I can say with confidence that at the very least, I seem to be finding her quite attractive.

This isn't a recent development either caused by a change in hairstyle. No, when I look back at our interactions, something I found unsettling was how cute some of her mannerisms are. How pretty and kind she could be, how brightly she could shine, without even having to really try. If anything she was trying to hide, snuff out her shine, and be reduced to a plain and forgettable girl. Something about her is oddly magnetic, but for whatever reason, I seem to be the only one who's drawn in by it. I haven't really been very keen to admit that to myself, let alone anyone else. I'd never hear the end of it if I rattled off something this sappy, that's more of Peeta's style, not mine. "Your smile is nice too.", I tell her as she locks the door to her room. Any anxiousness has been trampled by a surge of joy. She steps into the hallway, and is failing to hide how flushed I've made her. A quick glance over tells me that my friends are enjoying this way too much, shit eating grins plastered across both of their faces. "Kindly wipe those looks off of yours faces, you idiots.", I grumble out before letting my fingers circle around Mei's wrist. Urging her to follow me down the hallway to get away from our friends', who start cackling. Leading her away doesn't help the situation of course since those two just trail behind us. I slow my movements so she can walk in step with me. This is interesting, she's usually the one grasping onto my wrist to drag me off somewhere. Her wrist is quite petite and delicate, I could snap her wrist easily, without having to do much.

Mei's POV:

They all knew I liked Cato as soon as I figured that out myself... I forgot how perceptive they are to people's feelings, and I'm not really sure how I feel about it. My emotions are my own, they're private, or they used to be. Yet I can't bring myself to be annoyed with them though, even if I wanted to be. I know it's not their fault, and it's out of their control. It's something all shapeshifters are born with apparently, 'another extension of their heightened senses'. At least that's what Katniss says. "I feel like I'm going to break you.", I hear Cato say. I look over at him. He's looking down at his fingers, that're loosely on my wrist. That explains why he's being so gentle. "You won't, you're careful, and I'm not as fragile as I look.", I tell him. Ever since he's gotten here, Cato hasn't stopped surprising me. I didn't expect him to basically hate me in the beginning, and I really didn't expect him to do a complete 180 and end up kinda caring about me. He nods his head as we started heading downstairs. "I am careful, and I'm well aware that for your human standards, your bones are averagely sturdy. Yet for our standards, they're not as enforced as they should be. Don't forget, I'm stronger than I look.", he replies. Right, he's not human, but I am. Are we like, different species from each other? Like a small mouse going to dinner with large house cat, or 3 large house cats? He's got this super cute half smile on his face, and I can't help but smile right back at him. "You already look super strong as is. If you wouldn't mind me asking, what kind of shapeshifter are you?", I ask him before I can fully chicken out.

I've been super curious ever since I 1st saw him step out of that limo. All I know is that he can't do magic. We walk outside before he asks a question of his own. "What exactly do you know about shapeshifters?", he asks. He waves for Katniss and Peeta to walk ahead of us. They don't say anything about it, which Cato's probably happy about. Since they have been giggling and cooing behind us this entire time. So far from what I can tell he doesn't mind their teasing, but isn't as tolerate of it when it comes to us. "Well um, that you're not human, and you turn into something else. Some of you can do magic, oh and, you can sense other people's emotions.", I reply. He lets out a light and short laugh. "Yes, that would be correct. All of our basic senses and motor skills are far superior to you humans. I'd say that, and our ability to shift is what we all have in common. After that, we start veering into different subsections. There are various different types of shapeshifters, some are born, and some are created. Whether it be intentional or not.", he starts explaining to me. There are subsections? I didn't realize there was so much to this. I wanna learn about all of it. "What do you mean by created?", I question. He obviously can't mean born cause he already said that. How do you create a shapeshifter? He sighs, and his grip on my wrist tightens for a second before he catches himself. He slides his hand down to lock his fingers with mine. I can feel my face heat up, and I'd scold myself out loud if I could.

He's trying to be serious and share some of his world with me, but all my stupid brain seems to be worried about is how perfectly our hands fit together. He thankfully ignores how quickly my heart's now beating. "Humans can be turned into shapeshifters, via a variety of different methods. All dependant on what type of shifter the one turning you is. There are some types of shifters that can only be born and not created, their gifts are only those that can be inherited. They're powerful shifters that have the ability to wield magic, considered special, some are even extremely rare. Then you have the more common shifters that can't usually can't do magic. There are some exceptions, those being malevolent types who were created and did sinister things to possess the current power that they have. They're usually loners that stay away from bigger packs and don't cause too much trouble. although they have been know to form small groups of like minded shifters, that never ends well. Ah, but here I am rabbling on. I'm sure you don't wish to here about all of -", He starts saying before I jump in. "No! I mean, I think it's all really interesting. I'd love to hear about it, all of it.", I rush out. My face gets even redder, if that's possible at this point. What if he was trying to change subjects because he didn't really feel like going in depth with his, culture? I shouldn't have interrupted him like that, I should probably apologize. "I don't mind talking about it, I just didn't want to bore you.", he tells me while giving my hand a quick squeeze.

Cato's POV:

Mei lets out an audible sigh of relief after I reassure her. "You overthink things too much human.", I laugh out. Keeping things light hearted should help ease some of her nerves. She lets out a brief and light chuckle. I glance over at her, she's smiling again. "I'm working on that, shifter.", she replies. Her smile falters at the word shifter, as if she's unsure if she's allowed to use that word. I step closer, leaning towards her to nudge her shoulder with my own. "Good. Now, shall I go on about shifters or would you like to talk about something else for the next few minutes before we're thrusted into a more public setting?", I question. Her eyes slightly widen as she remembers that we're not just aimlessly wandering, but there is in fact a destination in mind. "Where are we going to eat at again?", she timidly asks. Her nerves showing up once again. "At some diner Peeta found with a locating spell. I assumed that he would've divulged that information to Katniss, who in turn would've relayed it to you.", I respond. "She didn't ask.", I hear Katniss quip from her spot in front of us. "Katniss.", Peeta immediately hisses while lightly elbowing her arm. Mei giggles at this. "You're not a part of this conversation.", I retort while trying to bite back a smile. "As soon as you said my name you included me in your little conversation.", Katniss says while throwing me a pointed look from over her shoulder. A small growl is all I do to acknowledge what she's said. I don't feel like carrying on my usual banter with her, I'm more interested in the person who's walking beside me.

Said person who is now stroking her thumb across my hand in an attempt to soothe me. I take a deep breathe. "So where were we before we were SO RUDELY INTERRUPTED?", I ask her knowing that my dearest friends in front of us will hear me. Katniss is about to get going again before Peeta, with a large amount of effort, is able to placate her into keeping quiet. "You asked me what I wanted to talk about. I, if you wouldn't mind, I still wanna know more about shifters. Plus, you didn't actually answer my question after all.", Mei says while trying to find her confidence. I can feel her actively forcing her nerves into the background of her mind, or attempting to at least. Moreso now than earlier. She's quite the determined little human when she commits to something. I have to give her points for calling out how indirect my response ended up being. "You're right about that. I myself am a werewolf, one of the most common types of shifters. We can be born or created. There are a few special cases where a werewolf can wield magic, in those few cases it's usually a werewolf that's been created rather than born.", I tell her. This does nearly nothing to quench her curious nature. In fact, it only sparks more questions. I can see the gears turning in her mind, it's written all over her face. "Why is a werewolf that's created more likely to have magic than a natural born werewolf?", she wonders. By this point we've left the campus behind. Grass and trees are replaced by cement and streetlamps. Peeta's more aware of his surroundings, slightly moving his head around. We must be close to this eating establishment.

We pass by a few strangers, but thankfully the streets aren't crowded at the moment. I wouldn't have been as compliant to indulge Mei in this particular subject if their were a lot of prying ears around. "It all has to do with an individual's genetics and potential. Anyone who's born with an ability of any kind has magic in their genes, I myself am magic. I wouldn't be able to shift if I wasn't. Yet that's as far as my magical potential goes. Normal humans on the other hand, are complete wild cards. Whatever level of potential they possess is lying dormant within their genes. All it takes is a slight push, like being turned, to activate that potential. Unlocking abilities that many have been unknowingly passed down, that have manifested due to events in this person's life, their interests, and even their personality. It's like opening Pandora's Box in a sense. Trying to close the box would be pointless, everything that's been brewing inside's already been released.", I further explain. I have her unwavering attention during my entire speech, and every time I open my mouth really. I'm not sure if my responses are so lengthy due to the subconscious need to fill time before dinner, or from nerves. I'm not naturally a nervous person, I can't be. I'm quite used to public speaking and being the center of attention. My parents made sure very early on that things such as stage fright wouldn't be an issue for me later down the line. It'd be hard to take a pack leader seriously if they were a sweaty stuttering mess on stage during pack meetings. Yet being out with her in this type of public setting is starting to put me on edge in a way I never thought was possible for myself.

Mei's POV:

"So technically, everyone has magic?", I ask. Cato immediately nods before smiling at me. Gods, his smile is so perfect. Not to be cliche but, everything about him's probably perfect. Well, as perfect as someone can get. I could listen to him talk about anything and everything all day long. "You're smart, for a human.", he tells me. I giggle because I can't help it. He just makes me really really happy. "Well you're great at explaining things, for a shifter.", I reply. His smile just gets wider. "We're here!", I hear Peeta exclaim. It takes me a moment to tear my eyes away from Cato. He has something about him that just makes me wanna be around him all the time. I don't think it's just because he's cute, I feel like it has to be more than that. I know I'm probably just being silly, this is probably how everyone feels about their crushes. I wouldn't know, after all this is my 1st crush and I've never asked specifically if this is how other people feel when it comes to their crushes. I'd ask Katniss and Peeta about it, but I couldn't risk them telling Cato even by accident. That might end up scaring him off or giving those 2 even more reasons to tease him. Which could then give him a reason to be annoyed with me again. We follow Katniss and Peeta into this nice looking diner. I let out a hum as soon as I smell all the amazing smells that's coming from the kitchen. "Go ahead and sit in any empty spot! I'll be with you in a second!", a waitress yells from across the room. Cato lets out a snort before leading us to a booth on the right side in the back corner of the room.

"Why do you get to pick where we sit?", Katniss huffs. Peeta starts, nuzzling his face into her neck? She seems less irritated after he does it, so at least it's helping. "You're more than welcome to sit with your mate at another table.", Cato tells them before gesturing for me to slide into the booth 1st. He slides in after me like he knew they'd decide to sit with us after all. Katniss rolls her eyes before slowly sliding into the seat on the other side of the table. Peeta immediately joins her, his face finding her neck again. She makes this cooing sound that I can only describe as odd. "Oh and, Peeta?", Cato says to get his attention. "Hmm?", he hums with his face still buried in Katniss's neck. Is this a normal way for shifters to show affection and calm down their significant others? I'd probably lose my mind if Cato ever did something like that with me. "Get your face out of your wife's neck, she's fine. The last thing we need is our waitress assuming that you're a horny teenager trying to feel up your partner in the middle of this diner.", Cato says ask said waitress starts heading in our direction. I choke on air as Peeta just laughs while Katniss smirks. "Well what if that's exactly-", she starts before Cato shushes her just as the waitress reaches us. "Hi there, my name's Carol and I'll be your server tonight. Here are some menus, and while you're looking that over can I get any drinks started for you?", Carol asks us after handing the menus out. I quickly flip the menu over to look at their drinks section. "I'll just have a glass of water, with ice.", Katniss tells her.

"I'd like a lemonade please.", Peeta says after her. Carol's nodding as she's scribbling it down on a small pad of paper. "An iced tea for me, sweetened.", Cato orders. I fiddle with the edge of the menu when I realize it's my turn. Everyone's probably looking at me, waiting for my answer. It's so different from everyone else's that it's making me think about picking something else. "May I please, have an um, vanilla milkshake?", I squeak out. I don't look up, I can still feel everyone's eyes on me. Now there's a comforting hand on my knee, it's Cato's of course. "Sure thing sweetie, I'll get that whipped up and bring everyone's drinks around in a minute.", Carol says before disappearing. Things are quiet for a moment. "So what was all that about?", Cato asks me. I finally look up and over at him. "Cato!", Peeta chides. He doesn't look annoyed or like he's about to make fun of me, his facial expression gives nothing away. He shushes Peeta, only turning his attention away from me for a split second. "I guess I was just 2nd guessing my drink choice.", I tell him. He tilts his head slightly, I know he wants me to further explain, so I do. "A vanilla milkshake is so much more childish and different compared to water, lemonade, and tea.", I nervously laugh. I hold my breath, waiting for one of them to call me stupid or laugh at me. "It's just a beverage, a slightly sweeter beverage sure, but a beverage all the same. It's doesn't make you childish or different for choosing that over what we ordered. If we're judging ourselves based on our beverage choice then Katniss is simple and boring-", Cato starts.

Cato's POV:

"Excuse me?", Katniss interjects. I dismissively wave her off. "I said IF we were going off of our beverage choices. Were you not listening?", I pointedly ask. I have no idea why she's interrupting me in the first place, I'm clearly trying to make Mei feel better and at ease here. She rolls her eyes before emitting a huff. "Now where was I, oh and Peeta would be-", I try to continue but a short shriek from Katniss effectively cuts me off again. "I think Mei gets the point Cato.", Peeta tells me as he's attempting to once again soothe Katniss. He's overloading her senses with calming waves at this point. Alright fine, have it her way then. I'm surprised her dramatic bird call didn't alert the entire diner. I feel something that's radiating body heat hovering over the hand that's still placed over Mei's knee. I glance down, her hand's hovering over mine, hesitant. I make eye contact with her, she's embarrassed as soon as she's been caught. She moves to pull her hand back. I use my opposite hand to catch hers, she sharply inhales. I gently guide her hand to rest on top of my own. "It's okay.", I tell her and she nods. I catch Katniss and Peeta out of my peripheral vision side eyeing each other with seemingly knowing smirks. I hate how smug they look. "Worry about yourselves, not us.", I say while briefly looking in their direction. Mei blushes as the couple in front of us start giggling. "It's not our fault that we're not used to seeing you flirt. Considering that Mei's the 1st-", Katniss starts teasing before I send her a warning growl. I narrow my eyes at her. Don't push, not about this, now's not the time nor place. A look of understanding flashes across her face, like I knew it would. She nods, and I relax. Confusion and interest tinge the air. I'll have to get her back for spurring Mei's curiosity in this particular area. She shoots me an apologetic look, to which I roll my eyes to. "1st what?", Mei cautiously asks. It takes all of my self restraint not to slap my forehead in annoyance. My inexperience in the area of relationships is not something I like to share with other people. I believe my hesitance to do so, especially with Mei of all people, is something akin to embarrassment. Suppose I'll just have to brace myself and rip the bandaid off now that it's been brought to light.