
Their Share

The world was taken over by the supernatural for more than a thousand years and humans had to fight for years to gain equality destroying most of the developing technology. Now, in 3287, humans and supernaturals live together, and the education system has completely changed. The humans are sent to Stellan, the University of Peace and Harmony. Everyone is a part of this university at a certain age. Here, basics like math, science, sociology, English, and similar subjects are taught. It is more like a casual human school. The shifters are sent to the Evander, the university of warfare, strength, and wisdom. Here, they are trained to control and increase their power. They are also taught about mates and mating. The witches and wizards are sent to Casimir, the University of Witchcraft and Magic. Here they are taught how to handle magic. The vampires are sent to Ambrose, the University of Blood and Mind. Here, vampires are thought to control their thirst for blood and not kill anyone for it. This is where everyone is divided into six different BDSM groups based on a test, and they train in obedience. Humans, at the age of 16, get a chance to choose whether or not they want to take the test and get admitted to one of the other universities other than Stellan. Oliver Johson decides to do just that and continue in the Clarence Academy under the University of Stellan until his father asks him to work for a vampire. His life takes a complete 180-degree turn as he is now faced with many different challenges and a completely different lifestyle that he was totally unaware of. This is a gay romance between three people, so if you are not a fan of it, this is not for you.

skyhere · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Oliver only reached the outside of the cafeteria door when he felt a hand creep up his neck and jerk him to the wall. He tried looking around, only to find Brayan's deadly gaze along with Darwin's clenching jaw. They guided him forward without speaking a word.

"What the actual fuck are you doing? Let me go! This is my school. All your sick fantasies won't work here. Let me go!"

"Shut up before I make you," Brayan warned, which went unheard by a struggling Oliver. Brayan was done with his attitude and pushed him into the washroom before following suit, with Darwin hot on his trail. While Oliver fell to the ground, he found Darwin locking the door of the washroom.

"What are you doing? Let me go. I'll scream if you do anything."

"Scream." Darwin's voice was malicious. Brayan kneeled in front of him and grabbed his hair in one hand and his jaw in the other.

"I told you to shut up, and what did you do?"

"Please let go of me." Oliver tried pushing him.

"What DID YOU DO?" The voice came out deeper, sending a shiver down Oliver's body.

"I am sorry. Please."

"STRIP!" Brayan's voice sent the boy into complete shock.

"I am sorry. Please.." Brayan had pushed him back and stepped away, giving him room, but Oliver was completely out with all the memories of the first night meeting Darwin and some old memories he didn't want to face. "Please..." the boy's voice cracked as he started to shake in fear. He naturally sat on his knees with his buttocks placed between his feet and his eyes cast down, now filled with tears. "Please let me go. Please." He suddenly started balling his eyes out. The position and the pleading stirred the dominant side of the two vampires. While one wanted to hold him close and pamper him, the other wanted to bend him over his lap and punish him. They both exchanged looks with their contradicting thoughts, and without wasting a second, they both reached out to him, but Darwin was quick to pull him up and push him against the wall with his hand held behind his back.

"Count!" Darwin's order made the boy cry even more.

"Please… please… Before he could say anything, a slap landed on his clothed butt. "One." His lips trembled. Four more spanks came down, and the boy was now visibly shaking in fear.

"That's enough!" Brayan's voice made its way before his hand made its way to Oliver's hair, pulling it just enough to make the younger man face him. "Why did you get a punishment?" He asked in a soft voice, which was completely new to Oliver.

"I don't know." He sniffed, his eyes still shut in fear.

"You cursed, flipped, ran away, lied about not knowing us, and then answered me back." Brayan's voice became stern by the end. "Technically, I should be the one punishing you at the moment, but I am letting it slide because Darwin has already done that for me." His words made the other twin roll his eyes at him.

"Now, will you repeat your mistakes, Oliver?" Darwin's deep voice made Oliver quickly shake his head. "I need words, kitten!"

"No. I will never I promise." Oliver hiccuped.

"Good boy!" Brayan praised him as he let go of his hair and slowly cupped his face. "Let's go to the car and take care of that pain, yah?" He wiped the tears and walked him outside while Darwin took his bag for him. All three of them got into the backseat of the car, and the driver didn't waste a minute before hitting the road. The younger sat between the two doms in complete silence. "Can you remove your pants for me, sugar?"

"What? No!"

"Kitten!" Darwin warned.

"No. Please. I.. I.."

"It's only going to help you, Oliver. Calm down for me, please. Let dad-" Brayan quickly corrected himself as he took one of Oliver's hands while placing his free hand on his waist. "Me. Let me take care of you." He reassured the younger, but he was not having it. He kept rejecting him until Brayan just gave up. "Okay! Okay! Just put this on when we reach the restaurant." He placed an ointment in Oliver's hand.

"Wait? Restaurant?"

"We are taking you to dinner, kitten."

"I don't want to come."


"I'm sorry, but I don't want to!" Oliver was serious. "Firstly, you guys hit me, then kidnapped me, and wanted to see me naked. How are you expecting me to go out with you guys? I don't even know your names."

"We are here." The driver spoke before any of the brothers answered. They both nodded at him before walking out of the car. Darwin held the door open for Oliver. Darwin lost his patience and forcefully pulled the boy out of the car when he didn't make a move. They continued to walk like that until they reached their booth at the back of the restaurant, and Darwin pushed him in before sitting himself.

"Listen carefully, Oliver. I am only putting up with you and this shitty attitude of yours because I'm asked to, and I seriously don't have the same amount of patience as Brayan, and I don't mind punishing you even if your previous punishment was literally a few minutes ago. So, you better respect me before I make you!"

"Darwin!" Brayan narrowed his eyes, making the other take a deep breath, trying to control his annoyance.

"If you don't want to put up with my attitude, then go tell your stupid brother and let me go out of this shithole!" Oliver snapped, hating the way the boys were treating him. He was scared they would spank him again, but at the same time, he was annoyed at them.

"Darwin!" Brayan once again warned his brother when he saw him clench his palm. "Let it slide this once." There was a knock as soon as he finished the sentence. "Come in!" A young, tall man entered the booth and dropped his eyes to the ground the minute he saw the two dominant Vampires.

"Welcome to Emerald Garden. I'm Christon, and I will be your server tonight. Have you decided on what you want to order?"

"One Tagliatelle with Bacon and Mushrooms," Brayan ordered without looking at the menu, while Darwin took a quick glance and ordered a Roasted Red Pepper Shrimp Linguine. They both looked at Oliver, who stared back at them, blankly and still angry.

"Order, kitten." Darwin pushed the menu towards Oliver.