
Their Share

The world was taken over by the supernatural for more than a thousand years and humans had to fight for years to gain equality destroying most of the developing technology. Now, in 3287, humans and supernaturals live together, and the education system has completely changed. The humans are sent to Stellan, the University of Peace and Harmony. Everyone is a part of this university at a certain age. Here, basics like math, science, sociology, English, and similar subjects are taught. It is more like a casual human school. The shifters are sent to the Evander, the university of warfare, strength, and wisdom. Here, they are trained to control and increase their power. They are also taught about mates and mating. The witches and wizards are sent to Casimir, the University of Witchcraft and Magic. Here they are taught how to handle magic. The vampires are sent to Ambrose, the University of Blood and Mind. Here, vampires are thought to control their thirst for blood and not kill anyone for it. This is where everyone is divided into six different BDSM groups based on a test, and they train in obedience. Humans, at the age of 16, get a chance to choose whether or not they want to take the test and get admitted to one of the other universities other than Stellan. Oliver Johson decides to do just that and continue in the Clarence Academy under the University of Stellan until his father asks him to work for a vampire. His life takes a complete 180-degree turn as he is now faced with many different challenges and a completely different lifestyle that he was totally unaware of. This is a gay romance between three people, so if you are not a fan of it, this is not for you.

skyhere · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

"Order, kitten." Darwin pushed the menu towards Oliver.

"This." He looked through the menu, mentally counting every penny in his pocket, before showing the least expensive item to the server. The server wrote everything down before walking out of the booth.

"Okay, sugar, let's start afresh. I'm Brayan, the youngest." Brayan smiled, a small dimple forming on his left cheek.

"I'm Darwin, a day older than him," Darwin smirked at his brother, his own set of dimples coming to the surface.

"It's only two hours!" His twin rolled his eyes.

"Yet, a completely different day." The older twin's smirk grew. "We are both nineteen and go to the same school." There was another knock, and once again the server entered, but this time with their food and a bottle of blood for the vampire. He placed each of their plates in front of them.

"Would you guys like some?" The server asked, showing them the bottle, to which they nodded. He filled two glasses and placed them in front of them, then went for the third one when Brayan stopped him.

"Just get him some coke for the last time," Darwin said, murmuring the last part to himself.

"I'll get your coke in a jiffy. I hope you enjoy your dinner!" The server smiled before walking out of the booth.

"Anyway, tell us something about yourself, kitten."

"Firstly, stop calling me kitten, for god's sake. I have a name. Secondly, I don't want to say anything." Oliver snapped.

"ENOUGH!" Brayan raised his voice. "We are trying our best to get to know you before your shift with us and get introduced to our way of living. This is new to all three of us. So, for god's sake, just comply and stop being rude, because we might tolerate this now but not for a long time."

"Rude? You are the one calling me rude?"

"Just eat, Oliver. We will talk when you have your attitude under control." Darwin spat.

"I just wonder if you are the same person who was on their knees just a few hours ago begging us not to punish them. Aren't you scared now that we will punish you?" Brayan asked

"You still punished me." Oliver rolled his eyes. "Why will I be scared of you when my ass is so numb in pain that even if you give me another round of it, I won't feel anything?"

"Numb in pain?" Darwin raised his eyebrow. "Kitten, without answering back or being rude, tell me honestly if you applied the cream I had given you."

"Why do you care?"

"Because that's my job, Oliver."

"No, it's not!" Oliver threw another tantrum before digging into his dinner. Darwin took a deep breath, stopping his dominant side from taking over.

"I'm sorry, I got late." The server came back with a small pout on his face. He quickly left, leaving the boys on their own once again. Oliver finished savouring every bite. Brayan and Darwin did the same, but they finished eating way before Oliver and waited for him to finish. The minute he finished, Darwin pushed him to the end of the booth, where his back hit the wall behind him.

"What the fuck?" Oliver snapped but didn't talk anymore when Darwin's hand made its way to Oliver's face, forcing him to look into his eyes with his thumb and index finger holding onto his chin. Darwin's eyes gleamed a deep shade of red while Oliver's pupil dilated, pushing him into a hypnotised stance.

"Tell me, Oliver. Did you apply the cream I had given you?" Darwin asked.



"I forgot about it."

"Okay, kitten. I want you to listen to me carefully. I will.."

"I want to give aftercare," Brayan spoke in between. Darwin took a deep breath but didn't lose eye contact with Oliver.

"Brayan will apply it for you, and you will simply lay on his lap and get it done like a good boy," Darwin ordered before letting him go and moving away, giving him space on the opposite side of the booth where Brayan sat. Brayan stopped him before he lay on his lap and removed his pants for him. He licked his lips, taking in his tiny form, before guiding him to his lap. He opened the small drawer that was hidden in their Booth and took out the spanking cream, which was usually kept in all vampire restaurants for situations like this. He applied a generous amount of it and examined his buttocks to make sure the cream was applied everywhere without fail. He made him stand up once again and pulled his boxers and pants up for him. He sent him back to his seat after giving him a kiss on his abdomen. Oliver came and sat next to Darwin, who watched him in awe. Darwin kissed his forehead before snapping him out of his hypnosis. Oliver passed out as soon as he was out of it, and the twins had expected that. It was a side effect of hypnosis. Brayan called the server back for his check, which was quickly brought to him. They paid and walked out with Oliver in Darwin's arms.

They drove back to Oliver's home in silence. Brayan carried Oliver to his house when they reached it. Darwin knocked on the door, and Oliver's brother opened it.

"Oh my god, Oliver?" His brother shouted in a concerned voice. "What the fuck did you guys do to him?" He tried touching the sleeping Oliver but was stopped by Darwin.

"Just show us his room." Brayan interrupted them.

"No. Just give him to me." Jacob argued. "And with whose permission did you guys even take him out? And who the hell are you guys?"

"We own him. Why would we need anyone's permission to do whatever we want to with him?" Darwin raised an eyebrow. "I think you are still in the dark. Well, ask your dad what we mean when he is back. For now, show us his room, but it's obviously fine if you don't want to. We can always find it on our own." He said, once he realised Jacob didn't understand what they were saying.

"It's the one farthest away from the stairs on the first floor." He signed before telling them the directions. They followed his instructions and found his room. It was small and almost shabby. The white wall was filled with anime posters, and the floor was covered with manga and clothes. Darwin picked a few of his things from the floor and kept them on his desk, making way for Brayan. Brayan slowly placed the sleeping boy on his bed. Changed his clothes into something more comfortable, while Darwin fetched the same from his closet.

"We can do this if all three of us try. I'll wait for you on campus. I hope this works out because now I really want to have you as my little." Brayan smiled, placing a kiss on his cheeks. He stood up and turned towards his brother, who was tidying Oliver's room. "I'll wait for you downstairs." He walked out. Darwin walked up to Oliver and sat beside him.

"I'm sorry I had to do this, but you didn't leave me any other option. The most important thing for me is my sub, and I am very serious about aftercare, which you ignored, leaving me with no other choice but to hypnotise you. I don't know how this is going to work out, but I really want you to be my sub. Take care of yourself for now; I will later." He whispered into the boy's ear, all while cupping his face. He kissed him on his soft lips before walking out.

"He will be out for two to three days, just to make sure he is comfortable." He informed his brother, who was standing at the door of Oliver's home.