
Their Share

The world was taken over by the supernatural for more than a thousand years and humans had to fight for years to gain equality destroying most of the developing technology. Now, in 3287, humans and supernaturals live together, and the education system has completely changed. The humans are sent to Stellan, the University of Peace and Harmony. Everyone is a part of this university at a certain age. Here, basics like math, science, sociology, English, and similar subjects are taught. It is more like a casual human school. The shifters are sent to the Evander, the university of warfare, strength, and wisdom. Here, they are trained to control and increase their power. They are also taught about mates and mating. The witches and wizards are sent to Casimir, the University of Witchcraft and Magic. Here they are taught how to handle magic. The vampires are sent to Ambrose, the University of Blood and Mind. Here, vampires are thought to control their thirst for blood and not kill anyone for it. This is where everyone is divided into six different BDSM groups based on a test, and they train in obedience. Humans, at the age of 16, get a chance to choose whether or not they want to take the test and get admitted to one of the other universities other than Stellan. Oliver Johson decides to do just that and continue in the Clarence Academy under the University of Stellan until his father asks him to work for a vampire. His life takes a complete 180-degree turn as he is now faced with many different challenges and a completely different lifestyle that he was totally unaware of. This is a gay romance between three people, so if you are not a fan of it, this is not for you.

skyhere · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

His continued sobbing led to puking. He rushed to his washroom and kneeled in front of his toilet, emptying whatever was there in his stomach. His emotions took control of his head, and his sobs increased, eventually making him fall asleep on the washroom floor.

He woke up the next day at noon to find himself in his bathroom stinking with his own puke, and that's when the events from yesterday came back. Taking a deep breath, he stood up and walked into the shower, turning it on. The warm water, which relaxed his throbbing head, stung his back, making him quickly turn it off and reduce the temperature.

After a quick shower, he snuggled himself into his bed, ignoring his growling stomach. Within a few minutes, he heard a knock on his front door, but he remained silent, not wanting to talk to his family anymore.

"Oliver, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why aren't you answering the door?" His brother scolded him as he entered the room.

"If I'm not answering, that means I don't want to talk to you at the moment. Get out!" Oliver groaned.

"Dad's been calling you for hours now. Just come down and talk to him."

"No, I don't want to."

"Hey, he has been waiting for you."

"I don't care, Jacob."

"Okay, do as you wish. Just don't complain that I didn't come and call you." Jacob snapped before he walked out of the room, banging the door behind him. Oliver closed his eyes, trying to go back to sleep, but was once again disturbed by the door being busted open by his angry father.

"I already told you, I don't want to talk to anybody. Just leave me alone!" Oliver screamed without looking at who was at the door.

"Screaming is not going to take you anywhere!" His father scolded Oliver, making him sit up and face him.

"What do you want now, Dad?"

"First off, I want you to show some respect and mind that tone of yours while talking to me. Secondly, I want you to start packing your stuff."

"Packing?" Oliver frowned.

"You will be moving in with them."

"Why? Why should I move in with them?"

"Because you signed the contract, Oliver."

"WHAT? You never told me anything about moving!"

"Everything was mentioned in the contract, and you signed it."

"Dad, you told me it was work. This is no work!"

"Oliver..!" His dad warned

"DAD, YOU ARE MAKING ME MOVE IN WITH THEM! YOU NEVER TOLD ME BEING THEIR SLAVE MEANT BEING THEIR WHORE." He stood up from his bed, his eyes filling up. "I cannot have sex with him. I am not into men. Why are you making me do this?"

"I have no other choice. I… If it wasn't you, then it would have been your sister. So, think of this as a way of saving her. Please, Oliver, please understand."

"But Dad, what about me?" His lips stammered as he swallowed the lump forming in his throat.

"It's just for a few days. I promise you, I'll somehow arrange their money and get you back. Please trust your father. Please." His father lowered his voice, reassuring him with a warm hug, making the younger boy cry.

"What about school?" Oliver asked, breaking the hug.

"You will go with them to their school. You have a week to get all the schoolwork done. Yeah?" His father informed him as he nodded. Oliver felt much better talking to his dad. He accepted his destiny and finally ate a slice of pizza his father had brought for him before going back to bed.

The next morning was stressful. He walked all over the campus to get his paperwork done while still attending all the classes.

"Finally!" He sat beside Lara, his only friend. "Lara, I... I.."

"Can you please speak faster? You are wasting my time." She scolded him, looking at her watch and then back into her book.

"Oh... Ah.. right... Hmm... I... was... I am changing schools."

"That's nice. You, anyway, cannot manage it here."

"You think so?"

"Oh yes! You barely pass, even after all the studying, you do. You are better off at a different school than bringing down the whole school's average, which is 9.8 out of 10 at the moment.

"You are right. Everyone here is way too smart."

"To be honest, they are all pretty normal. You are just dumb." Her words stung a little, but he brushed them off. "Anyway, which school are you joining?"

"I don't know the name." Oliver shrugged.

"Ohh… So when will you be going?"

"Next week. Today is the last day I'll be here." He said it in a low voice. "I will miss you a lot."

"I was your only friend."

"Aren't you going to miss me?"

"You as a person, no, but I am sure I'll miss all those times I would have a quick round of revision trying to reach you."

On one hand, Oliver and Lara continued to chat in the cafeteria, and on the other, Ezekiel forced his two brothers to share a sub, and now they were supposed to take him out and get to know him better. Even though Brayan waited to see his little, he hated sharing him with his brother. It was the same with Darwin; he could not imagine his sub being Brayan's little. They both were possessive, and the only time they shared their partner with someone else was when they were not serious about their relationship and it was a play. They never shared a partner with each other; the thought of doing something with a partner along with your own brother was something they could not digest.

They both got out of their cars, still annoyed but excited and entered Oliver's school to pick him up.

"Okay, how are we finding him in this big school filled with humans?" Darwin asked.

"You should know; I don't even know how he looks. You were the first one to punish him." Brayan rolled his eyes, annoyed to have not yet met his little while his brother had already punished him without any aftercare. "How does he look?"

"He looks yummy while crying," Darwin smirked before licking his lips.

"Seriously?" Brayan rolled his eyes once again before walking ahead and asking a student who had walked out of the cafeteria. The human pointed at Oliver, who was now laying his head down.

"Those two guys look hot. Especially the black skirt guy." Lara pointed out two guys who had entered the cafeteria and were drawing everyone's attention. Oliver turned towards them but suddenly put his head down on the table, pulled his hoodie on, and made himself look small when he saw Darwin walking towards him with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hello, kitten." Oliver found someone whispering in his ear before their hands made their way to his waist. He was about to snap but stopped when he realised it was Darwin. "I don't mind the eyes," Darwin warned him, reminding him of the punishment.

"You know them?" Lara asked, surprised, looking at them talking to Oliver.

"Oh they are…"

"Yes, he does," Brayan answered for him without taking his eyes off the younger

"Wait. Are you shifting schools with them?" The girl asked with a shocked expression.

"Yes. He is moving in with me." Darwin smirked, straightening up.

"Okay, stop!" Oliver had enough. "I don't know who these two are, and you know what, Lara, you can seriously have them." He snapped, walking away from there, but was stopped by someone holding his hand.

"Where are you going?" Brayan narrowed his eyes.

"Somewhere that doesn't concern you!"


"Fuck off!" Oliver cut Darwin off before snatching his hand from the tight grip and flipping them a finger.