
Chapter 20

"Stop avoiding the damn question, Scar!" I snapped, at my wits ends with him. He grimaced in pain and as I glanced downward, I realized exactly why. "Are you kidding me!" I roared with anger. "I'm upset and you're turned on?"

"It's not my fault. All he sees is a set of huge bouncy tits and he gets all excited, I can't control it!" He exclaimed while gripping his hard on. Tears of pure frustration welled up in my eyes as I snatched up my robe and stormed out of my room into my kitchen, unable to stand being around him any longer. I slammed everything around while I tried making a cup of tea to calm myself, but it wasn't happening. I dropped my cup filled with hot water on the ground, shattering it immediately and creating a huge mess. My tears finally bubbled over and I just let myself cry. I heard a deep sigh from behind me and whirled around to face him.

"C'mon, I'll clean this up." He murmured.