
Chapter 19

"Oh, you shut your fucking mouth! You can't even begin to understand the can of worms you've just opened up in my life! Ugh! And did you have to be so crass?" I ranted, completely forgetting about the ice cream as I stormed back into my bedroom. I attempted to slam the door in his face, but his foot stopped that from happening. He shoved the door open, which is turn caused me to stumble backwards and almost fall on my ass.

"Can't you take a hint? Get out! I'm mad at you!" I screamed before trying to storm away to my bathroom. Still, he caught me and pulled me back.

"Evangeline." He warned sternly.

"No! Don't you fucking Evangeline me! And give me my key!" I yelled while stomping my foot in frustration. Could I be anymore juvenile?

"Why?" He demanded in an accusatory tone.

"I don't know, maybe because it's my fucking apartment?" I said sarcastically. His mouth pulled into a half smirk at my statement, which only seemed to further my anger.