
Chapter 21

"Fuck this." The guy to his right growled out before lunging for me. Thinking quickly, I stabbed the knife into his thigh. It wasn't hard enough to cause any extensive damage, but enough to completely loosen his grip on my arms and he hunched over in pain. I took advantage of the fact that they were all preoccupied with the injury I caused and took off for my bedroom in a dead sprint. I snatched my purse from the entryway table before locking myself in my room. My fingers shook so hard that I was having trouble working my phone, but I somehow managed to click my dad's contact.

"Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up." I murmured through silent sobs.

"Hello?" He called through the phone. I breathed a deep sigh of relief at hearing his voice.

"D-dad. I need help. T-three guys broke into my apartment a-and-"