
The Youngest Wolfiem!

Follow Rudra, the youngest son of the prestigious Wolfiem family, as he tries to figure out who he is and how to get out of his mother's shadow. But can he achieve his goals when his own body refuses to cooperate? . . . I'm just a dude trying to write, so please excuse any grammatical errors. Please be patient as I seek your feedback and suggestions.

ShuBhaM_26 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Arslan And Nathaniel 

Five years have passed since the day I transmigrated into this body; during that time, a lot has happened, and I've learned a lot about this world. But as I learn more, I become more aware of how little I know, making me more inquisitive.

I got out of bed; it was a very large bed for a child, just like the room, which was enormous and luxurious. I walked over to the balcony and pulled back the curtains covering the window, anticipating the day's golden hour. The sun shone through the distant mountain peaks, bathing the world in gold. I looked down and saw a cliff that dropped hundreds of meters, so I sat on the balcony, taking in the breathtaking view.

After ignoring Raksha's gaze during my meal, I eagerly made my way to the training ground. I dressed simply but warmly, prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead. The main family's house stood prominently atop Canis Mountain, giving me a commanding view of the surroundings. The training grounds, reserved for those of Wolfiem lineage, were located near the mountain's peak. This was one of the livable mountains in the northern range, encompassing the Ishbal kingdom's north region. Memories of my father's stories about these lands filled my mind as I climbed the mountain.

As I ascended the stairs, I couldn't help but remember my father's words, his warm presence a guiding force in my thoughts. His tales painted vivid pictures of these lands, and every conversation with him had been a treasured learning experience. Curiosity about his return gnawed at me as I reached the training ground without fatigue, my enhanced body a testament to the Wolfiem heritage.

The training ground was a simple yet intriguing sight. A two-story building stood prominently for training purposes, while an expansive field lay before it, spacious enough for sports or drills. A large Maple tree stood at the edge, and beneath it, a red-haired boy dangled upside down, trying to free himself from a chain.

"Hey, how's it hanging?" I playfully greeted him, approaching with a grin. He noticed my presence but remained silent for a moment before responding with a mixture of sarcasm and aggression, "Huh! Making fun of me, kid? I'll show you what it means to mess with me."

A chuckle escaped my lips as I observed him struggling with the chain, swinging back and forth in his futile efforts. "Why would I help you if you're just planning to beat me up afterward?" I retorted, amused by his antics. "You've got a weird sense of strategy."

Our banter continued, our words carrying a hint of aggression despite our young age. As I settled into the rhythm of our exchange, a new presence approached, signaling my brother's arrival.

Apollo Wolfiem, a 9-year-old with striking resemblance to me, his long blue hair contrasting with his brown eyes, reminiscent of our father and twin sister Artemis. His arrival marked the start of a new chapter.

"As it turns out, you two have already met. That's fantastic!" Apollo announced. "Master wants you both to train together."

"Why would I train with such a rude kid?" I blurted out simultaneously with the red-haired boy.

Amusement danced in Apollo's eyes as he chuckled, "HAHAHAHA! You two would get along just fine. Well, let me introduce you properly. This is Arslan, the child Master adopted from the capital. And this is my younger brother, Rudra."

Uncle Crow adopted him? Why, though? Couldn't he have chosen a nicer one to adopt? I questioned, a hint of confusion in my tone.

Arslan's reaction was immediate, a fiery response to my words. "Oi! What do you mean, blue hair? Want to pick a fight?" he shouted, his voice reflecting his frustration.

Apollo intervened, his calm demeanor a contrast to the escalating tension. "That's not a nice thing to say, Rudra. Apologize now!"

Grumbling, I begrudgingly offered my apology, realizing the weight of my words.

Arslan's voice, once fierce, shifted to a more composed tone as he complied, "Since you kindly asked, okay! I apologize."

The difference in their reactions perplexed me. "Wait! Why is he being so polite to you, brother?"

Apollo's explanation shed light on the mystery, "He's polite to polite people and rude to rude people, I guess. So, Rud, please be considerate!"

A reluctant agreement escaped my lips, "Fine! So, are we going to help him down from there?"

Apollo shook his head, his expression conveying a mixture of seriousness and humor. "No, that's the Master's punishment. He'll have to wait until the Master returns or figure his own way out. And you, Rudra, your training begins tomorrow, but if you want to train in the hall like me, you'll need to pass a test from the Master."

Intrigued, I probed further, "What's the test?"

Apollo's gaze turned to Arslan, who was still wrestling with the chain. "Beating him in a fight."

The simplicity of the challenge caught me off guard. "Huh? That's it?"

Apollo's reply was a mixture of caution and confidence, "If you think it's easy, you're in for a surprise, little brother! Anyway, I'm leaving, so do whatever you want until then."

As he walked away, Arslan and I exchanged bemused glances, perplexed by Apollo's actions.

"Alright!" I exclaimed, rising to my feet, ready to seize the day. "I guess I'll head to the library for the first time."

Before leaving, I extended a gesture of camaraderie to Arslan, handing him a nearby jar of water. "See you tomorrow, kid!"

Arslan's gratitude was tinged with his ongoing predicament. "Thanks, blue hair! ... Wait! How am I supposed to drink it like this?"

I chuckled, a grin playing on my lips as I turned and made my way toward the library. Meeting Arslan had been an unexpected twist, a pleasant encounter that stirred a sense of camaraderie in me. The presence of peers brought a sense of relief, even if my mental age exceeded theirs. And speaking of peers, there was another friend I needed to see.

Nathaniel, a boy of my age, was a kindred spirit who shared my curiosity. Our bond had formed over our shared quest to investigate the library's unusual age restriction. His inquisitive nature resonated with mine, and today was the day we'd finally embark on our library adventure together.

As I descended the mountain stairs, I encountered respectful bows from those who crossed my path, a tradition I was still adjusting to. The gesture reminded me of the weight of my lineage and responsibilities. In the midst of it all, an aunt even gifted me flowers, a rare gesture that filled me with an unexpected warmth.

Arriving at Nathaniel's home, I announced our mission with a smile. "Nathan! Let's go to the library; I've been granted permission."

The door swung open, revealing a blond-haired boy with an unassuming demeanor. "Hey! Weren't we supposed to go tomorrow?"

I corrected him with excitement, "Yeah, but Brother said Master approved my visit today, and my training starts tomorrow. Also, are you sure you don't want to join me in training?"

Nathaniel sighed, his voice tinged with anticipation, "My mother insisted I wait until she and my father return from their trip, in about a week or two. I'll join you then. Anyway, no more dilly-dallying. Let's go; we've got a library to conquer!"

With agreement settled, we set off, each step carrying us closer to a world of knowledge and exploration. The library beckoned, its secrets waiting to be uncovered, and my heart raced with excitement.

My thoughts, however, drifted to Arslan, his presence and Apollo's reaction lingering in my mind. I couldn't help but wonder about the story behind Arslan's adoption. What had Uncle Crow seen in him? There was an air of mystery around the young boy, and I was eager to uncover more.

As Nathaniel and I walked side by side, the excitement of our impending library visit filled the air. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, a testament to the bond we had developed over time. I couldn't help but think about the adventures we had shared, and the unexplored mysteries that awaited us within the library's walls.

With each step, the anticipation grew. The library was a place of wonder, a sanctuary for knowledge-seekers like us. Nathaniel's photographic memory was well-known, a talent that only fueled my determination to keep up with him. Although he possessed a unique ability, it didn't discourage me; instead, it pushed me to embrace the challenge of memorizing and understanding as much as I could.

We arrived at the library, the grand entrance beckoning us to step inside. The scent of aged parchment filled the air, and the sight of endless rows of books filled me with a sense of awe. This was a world waiting to be explored, a treasure trove of information that would shape our understanding of the world around us.