
The Youngest Wolfiem!

Follow Rudra, the youngest son of the prestigious Wolfiem family, as he tries to figure out who he is and how to get out of his mother's shadow. But can he achieve his goals when his own body refuses to cooperate? . . . I'm just a dude trying to write, so please excuse any grammatical errors. Please be patient as I seek your feedback and suggestions.

ShuBhaM_26 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Incident

We took a while to get to the library because it was quite far away; Nathan wanted to take a carriage, but I declined because I enjoy getting out whenever possible. Traveling to new places and discovering new things is something I have been doing since my previous life. I'm hoping the library does not disappoint me and that I learn a lot of new things.

POV Librarian-

Sigh! Finally, those two brats will be coming here starting tomorrow. Well, since I rarely have visitors, this is a good thing. However, cleaning this place proved to be far more difficult than I had anticipated. That previous librarian was a jerk. Anyway, I should try to build a good relationship with Lord Rudra so that I can see Raksha at least once in a while. Man! She is so pretty!!

I sat down and began to read the book, "Love Beyond Race." Ah! Who would have imagined that a tale involving a maid for a rabbit clan and a prince from Oceania would be this good? There are truly no obstacles that can stand in the way of love.

Knock, knock! - We are coming in!

I turned around to see two kids enter after opening the door. One of them had blonde hair and the other had blue hair. I got to my feet right away and bowed my head in respect for the Wolfiem blood.

Rudra: "Don't bother with the formalities; even if you do this every day, I won't introduce you to Raksha."

Damn brat! I thought in my mind.

Ha! ha! Why would I want you to do that, Lord Rudra? I respect you very much.

The youngster grinned, but I knew he was aware of my crush on his caregiver. Damn brat! How the hell is he so smart?

Lukshya, calm down! I told myself.

I thought you two were coming to see me tomorrow, not today. I asked.

Nathan- Oh! Things happened, and since Rudra's birthday was four days ago, the only reason we waited until today was because Uncle Crowe told us to. But now we have his permission, so we came today.

Oh! I see, so it's a good thing I cleaned up before your visit! Please enjoy yourselves; no one is going to stop you.

POV Rudra-

I said, "Let's start Nathan," as soon as Lukshya returned to his seat. A few seconds passed, but there was no response, and I looked around, but there was no sign of the blonde-haired child.

Sigh! He must have gone ahead already; he is so cunning when it comes to things like this. I made my way into the library; it wasn't particularly large, but there were still plenty of books here, probably around 200!

Hmm! I took a look around and noticed many sections on finance, ministry, and administration. I would definitely go through them later, but what I needed right now was information. For now, learning about the world's history and geography is the first step.

I found the history section first, so I'll start there. There were only about six books here.

Part 1 of The Golden Age: The Descend of Gods!

Part 2: The Deterioration of the Golden Age

Part 3 of the Golden Age: The Birth of Sprit Abilities.

The Solaar Kingdom's history.

The History of Oceania.

The Other Races' History

Since it just excluded mystery and my curiosity was at an all-time high, I made the decision to read the Golden Age series first. I picked up the book, but as soon as I touched it, a golden mist surrounded it; I tried to drop the book, but it was too late; the mist completely surrounded me without allowing me to scream for help.

I opened my eyes and, despite the fact that only a second had passed, I knelt down, sweat running down my brow and my head hurting like hell. But, because I was in more pain during my transmigration, I was able to remain calm and make little noise. I calmed down after the pain subsided, and I was shocked to my core because I had all the knowledge inside the book in just a second that I held it.

How the cracks in the world appeared, and Gods, demons, and people began to emerge from them. As the world gained new knowledge, mana appeared, and people began to worship various Gods, this marked the beginning of the Golden Age. There were hundreds of names in this book, and I recognized dozens of them from my world's mythologies. Hinduism, Norse, and Greek Gods all arrived in this world with their own people. The Golden Age was upon us.

When I picked up the book again, nothing had changed, but it did seem strangely lifeless. Looking at the other four books, I decided to pick the second one this time. Even though it happened again, I managed to avoid falling this time. The information in this book explained how the Gods got tired of living on Earth and wandered off to explore the cosmos. After losing their support, the believers went from being at the top of the world to being at the bottom. However, before leaving this world some of the Gods who wanted the people of this world safe gave them blessings and these blessings were the spirit abilities.

Even though it still hurt after choosing the third book, I felt better than before, and somehow, picking up new information so quickly reminded me of taking drugs. I kept my composure. The third book contained information on spiritual powers and the major ones that have been documented throughout history. It goes something like this.

Spirit Abilities

Each person possesses a skill within their soul. These powers can be activated by some triggers. One gets better at something by using it more frequently. Although uncommon, it is not unheard of for regular people to use their powers. People from unique bloodlines or the offspring of power users, however, have a greater chance of awakening their powers. Additionally, when using an ability, the user's stamina is used rather than mana.

It also stated that, unless they have a really powerful soul, most people can only have one power. However, a person who has fully mastered the ability can willingly pass it on to someone else at the price of their life.

My mother probably did this and passed her power to me before she died.

It also had the feature that many human abilities are comparable. These abilities are classified into three types:

Elemental abilities are when a person gains the power of an element. They have immunity to the element as well as the ability to wield it. However, two people can have different levels of power, making one stronger than the other.

Physical abilities are the second type of ability. These abilities improve a person's physical body. These abilities also include the ability to partially or completely transform someone into an animal.

The third type of ability is one that does not fit into either of the first two categories. They can include abilities such as teleportation and shapeshifting. These have the greatest chance of being weaker in the beginning, but once mastered, they become extremely powerful.

I suppose my ability falls into this category. I wonder what its name is, Transmigration? No, what about absorption? Perhaps I found myself in an entirely different location, with three large caves in front of me. One cave had a golden light, another had a red light, and the last was completely dark.

I knew the first one was my ability, which caused me to transmigrate and absorb that knowledge. What about the remaining two? One of them must be the one my mother gave me. The red one must then be Rudra's innate ability. I'm curious what it is. I walked towards it because I knew walking towards the last one would be a waste of time. I got closer and closer until I finally entered the cave.

POV Nathaniel-

Hey, Rudra! Look what I discovered. A book about Uncle Crowe. You have to read this oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhH!!!

I was looking for Rudra, but all I saw was him floating in the air, surrounded by books and a red mist.

Lukshya!!! I screamed.

What happened! What are you doing? When he saw what I saw, he came running and stopped mid-sentence.

He returned, saying, "Stay here, I have to tell the Lord."

Royal Capital of Solaar Kingdom

I can't believe you've made such rapid progress in your martial arts, Artemis. Queen Minerva said.

Artemis Wolfiem- It's to be expected. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to show my mother my face.

Yes, of course!! You are both talented and stunning!! Hmm! What are your thoughts on marrying my son? You would be the nation's queen. HAHAHA!!

While the queen was having a conversion with the little silver-haired girl, many noble women and girls remained silent.

Stop messing with my daughter Minerva!! Everyone turned their heads to the side, where three handsome men were approaching them. The king himself was one of them. Everyone knelt down to greet Surya Solaar, and he nodded in approval. The other was a man with white hair tied in a pony tail and a sword slung around his waist. This man was the Wolfiem family head's right-hand man and one of the nation's three sword saints.

His name was Shane Crowe. He is a living legend who fought his way across the continent.

The last person was a handsome blue-haired man who everyone recognized. The current Wolfiem family head, The Northern Duke, goes by many names, but his most famous title, which everyone on the continent knows, is The Thunderer! Julius Wolfiem.

This trio would be a nightmare for any noble, but before Minerva could respond, a pendant Julius was wearing began to shine. Everyone can see a projection of a man in a hood coming from it. He knelt and apologized, saying, "I apologize, Lord Duke and Your Majesty, but this is an emergency."

Surya Solaar- It's fine, Ed! What happened and how have you been?

Ed- To think that the sun remembers my name, thank you your majesty. I have been well, and I hope you will remain healthy for another century.

Surya- Haha! Simply tell us what occurred!'

Ed- Lord Julius! Sir Apollo has requested that you come back this second.

Julius! Why? What happened?

Ed- It's all about Lord Rudra! He..

Thunder echoes!!!

Shane- Julius, calm down and let him finish!

Artemis - Father!!

Ed- He's perfectly fine, my lord! For the time being! It's just that he's in the middle of his spiritual ability; at first, we thought we could handle it, but after a while, Sir Apollo arrived and we escorted Lord Rudra to the training grounds. The entire area is being demolished, and dark clouds have encircled the skies. All of the wolves are becoming agitated as well.

But he's only 5 years old! To believe he can naturally awaken his ability without spiritual baptization. He certainly is her child!! Said a random noblewoman.

Artemis, Shane!! We are leaving right now. My king, I..

No need to worry, Julius; family comes first! Family comes first, so take care of your children. Surya Solaar said! You know what? Take my chariot! You can get there quickly on your own, but these two cannot. They seem really tense.

Uncle Surya, thank you! Oops!! My king!! said Artemis!!

I'm going ahead! Julius said this before flashing away like lightning!

A golden chariot of light appeared in the sky a few seconds later, and Shane picked up Artemis and jumped on it, and it followed Julius.

Rudra!! To think her son would be as much of a monster as she was! Surya thought of a certain silver haired woman who had beaten him when they were children.

Yes!! The powers are inspired by devil fruits!

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