
The Youngest Wolfiem!

Follow Rudra, the youngest son of the prestigious Wolfiem family, as he tries to figure out who he is and how to get out of his mother's shadow. But can he achieve his goals when his own body refuses to cooperate? . . . I'm just a dude trying to write, so please excuse any grammatical errors. Please be patient as I seek your feedback and suggestions.

ShuBhaM_26 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

5 Years later

Five years have passed since the day I transmigrated into this body; during that time, a lot has happened, and I've learned a lot about this world. But as I learn more, I become more aware of how little I know, making me more inquisitive.

I got out of bed; it was a very large bed for a child, just like the room, which was enormous and luxurious. I walked over to the balcony and pulled back the curtains covering the window, anticipating the day's golden hour. The sun shone through the distant mountain peaks, bathing the world in gold. I looked down and saw a cliff that dropped hundreds of meters, so I sat on the balcony, taking in the breathtaking view.

I've realized that the boy whose body I possessed "Rudra" and I have merged completely. I am him and he is me. I'm not sure how it happened, but we somehow merged; I have all of my old memories and feelings, but I still feel like a kid when I play with my siblings. I believe the only reason I'm here is that the boy didn't have any memories; otherwise, we would have become something new entirely. but one thing that sucks is that because of this I behave like a child while knowing how embarrassing it all is.

Anyway, I heard a woman say, "Lord Rudra! I am coming in." Since she was Raksha, my caregiver and the person who had been taking care of me since birth, I didn't turn around because I was expecting her. She is about 23 years old, looks like an eastern person from my previous life, and has dark black hair.

She approached me from the front, where she stood motionless and hummed. Even though I was fully aware of what she was doing, the little Rudra in me wanted to hug her because I thought of her as a mother figure. She stopped humming when she realized I was getting frustrated.

"So, little Rudra no longer wants to play with her Raksha?" she lamented. "I suppose you've lost interest in me." She walked towards the room's door and pretended to cry.

I knew she was acting because it was obvious, but I kept telling myself, "Don't fall for it; she's acting and teasing you."

But it was all for naught as I jumped up and ran after her, saying, "Of course not! Don't be sad, Raksha. I was just doing what Brother Apollo told me to do!"

**Raksha POV-**

When I turned around, he was, with his big blue teary eyes that could melt anyone's heart. I can't believe he's the same kid who can be so serious at times but is so adorable when he acts like a kid. If only Madam Evelyn had been here to raise him! But because she isn't, it's up to me to make sure he grows up to be kind and humane rather than a training monster like everyone else. I approached him and hugged him to comfort him.

**Rudra POV-**

Damn it, Rudra!!!!! Look at her, and she's grinning from ear to ear!! Oh, how embarrassing! Couldn't you have given me a normal body instead of this brat who only listens to his heart all the time, old man?

When she patted my head, I relaxed and considered my day's activities. Brother said to meet him at the training ground, and I can't wait to start learning how to fight!

"Hey Raksha! Let's eat; I'm hungry and have to get to the training ground soon!"

**Raksha POV-**

Rudra was always a bundle of energy, even at such a young age. As he tugged at my hand, a smile tugged at the corner of my lips. "Of course, little lord," I replied, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Let's get you something to eat."

As we walked towards the dining area, I couldn't help but marvel at how much Rudra had grown, both physically and emotionally. He had a strong sense of responsibility, far beyond his years, and yet, he retained that childlike innocence that made him so endearing.

**Rudra POV-**

Raksha was startled out of her trance by my final statement. She asked, "Why do you want to learn how to fight, Lord Rudra? Can't you have fun and play when you have so many people to protect you?"

I knew she was asking out of love for me, but before I could respond, my mouth moved on its own and said, "Then I will learn to fight so I can protect them and you, Raksha!" Come on, let's go!

Oh my God, Rudra! So, cringe!" I yelled in my head as Raksha, and I walked out of the room.