
The Youngest Wolfiem!

Follow Rudra, the youngest son of the prestigious Wolfiem family, as he tries to figure out who he is and how to get out of his mother's shadow. But can he achieve his goals when his own body refuses to cooperate? . . . I'm just a dude trying to write, so please excuse any grammatical errors. Please be patient as I seek your feedback and suggestions.

ShuBhaM_26 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Rift In Reality

<p>The flight to Bangalore was uneventful until a deafening crack shattered the cabin's peaceful hum. Startled, I pulled off my headphones and looked around, searching for the source of the sound. Another crack echoed through the plane, louder and closer this time, making my heart race.<br/><br/>I leaned forward and peered further ahead into the cockpit, hoping to find an explanation for the noise. That's when I saw a middle-aged woman in a bright saree – staring out the window, her eyes wide with terror. Following her gaze, I gasped at the sight before me: a gaping hole in the sky, oozing with an otherworldly crimson light. The very fabric of reality seemed to be tearing apart.<br/><br/>As I watched, more cracks appeared, each emitting a different hue and beckoning with a seductive whisper. The rational part of me knew that it was impossible, that what I was seeing defied all known laws of physics. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that those cracks were doors to someplace magical.<br/><br/>My trance was abruptly shattered by a violent jolt, followed by screams and sobs from my fellow passengers. Mothers tried to soothe their crying children, and men attempted to reassure their loved ones, but their words rang hollow. Deep down, we all knew that we were hurtling towards our demise, with nothing but those mysterious cracks to guide us.<br/><br/>I felt a pang of helplessness as I watched my fellow passengers huddle together, each seeking solace in the embrace of a loved one. But for me, there was no one to hold, no one to pray for, no one to hope for. My father, the only person who had ever cared for me, had long since passed away.<br/><br/>Suddenly, the plane shook violently, and I braced myself for impact. A loud bang echoed through the cabin, and for a moment, everything went silent. Then, a deafening scream erupted from a few rows behind me, sending chills down my spine.<br/><br/>I turned around to see what had happened, and that's when I saw it – a gaping hole in the side of the plane, sucking in everything in its path. In the blink of an eye, I was hurtling through the air, my body slamming against the metal frame of the plane.<br/><br/>Pain seared through my body, and I cried out in agony. As I looked down, I saw my skin turn into dust, piece by piece, as if some invisible force was tearing me apart. I knew then that I was not long for this world.<br/><br/>Through the haze of pain and confusion, I saw the crimson crack in the sky, beckoning me with its seductive glow. In that moment, I knew what I had to do. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and let go.<br/><br/>As my body dissolved into dust, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The last thing I saw was the plane, burning and falling like a toy through the sky, before I tumbled into the gaping maw of the spatial crack, vanishing into the unknown.<br/><br/>**Unknown POV:**<br/><br/>"Hmm?? A soul escaped the invasion and split into two parts? Interesting!!<br/>Let me help out one part at least, since he is helping the other one."<br/><br/>**POV MC:**<br/><br/>My mind reeled as I tried to comprehend what was happening. Had my soul really split in two? And who was this mysterious voice in my head?<br/>As I looked around, I saw the world in a way I never had before. Two dark red moons hung in the sky, casting an ominous glow over the landscape. Beneath me, a mountain range stretched out as far as the eye could see, reminiscent of the Himalayas I had explored with my father.<br/><br/>But as I descended closer to the ground, I realized something was wrong. I couldn't move my arms or legs, and there was no sensation of wind or gravity. It was like I was weightless, a feather adrift in the breeze.<br/><br/>Then, a voice boomed in my head, echoing eerily like my father's. "I'm sorry, bright one," it said. "You and your world had to suffer because of our actions. But I can help you get a second chance at life, and it seems you've retained your memories. I wonder if it's your 'Spirit ability'?"<br/><br/>I tried to speak but couldn't, and as I continued to fall, my mind struggled to comprehend what I was seeing. Were those really ants? No, they were people, lying lifeless on the ground. My heart sank as I saw the gruesome scene before me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me.<br/><br/>Suddenly, a woman holding a baby caught my attention, flying above the corpses with an air of danger around her. Her piercing red eyes and hair as white as snow contrasted with the blood covering her body, making her appear both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. I couldn't help but wonder who she was and how she ended up in such a situation.<br/><br/>That's when I noticed the two figures standing in front of her, both with dark wings that should have made them appear majestic. Instead, they struggled, flipping their wings as if trying to resist something. The woman tried to close the distance between them, but her efforts were in vain as she coughed up blood and fell back.<br/><br/>The two figures exchanged a sinister grin and were about to attack when they suddenly stopped, looking towards the distance where dark clouds loomed and thunder echoed. Fear etched on their faces, they quickly fled, leaving the woman behind.<br/><br/>As I flew closer to the ground, the image of the woman's fierce determination and the cowardice of the two figures stayed with me, haunting my thoughts even as I hit the ground.<br/><br/>My mind raced as I plummeted towards the ground, I was reeling with confusion and fear. But suddenly, I found myself staring up into a pair of silver eyes, filled with tears and sorrow. It was then that I realized with a jolt that I was the baby being held in the woman's arms.<br/><br/>As thunder crashed and echoed around us, a man charged towards us, his body covered in blood and his blue eyes blazing with fury. I watched as he caught the woman just in time as she was about to fall. Blood spewed from her mouth as she handed me over to the man, but even in her weakened state, her eyes remained fixed on me. As she handed me to the man, the woman continued to speak while looking at me. Although the woman had killed dozens of people—or perhaps demons? —the man's hand was bloodier than the woman. With one hand holding each of us, the man knelt and held us. As the woman kissed me on the forehead, I could feel my emotions escalating from sadness to rage.<br/><br/>As the things around us dispersed with a shockwave, I felt something change; the man was stunned and looked at the woman with sad eyes. He then kissed her on the forehead before they hugged. The hand caressing my cheek dropped, and I realized this boy's mother had died. The man began crying, and lighting engulfed us, but I was unharmed. Dark clouds were covering the sky, and it began to rain.<br/><br/>The red moonlight from the twin moons overhead made the world look like it was bleeding, adding to the surrealness of the moment. I could hear the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance, as if even the heavens were mourning with us. As the man gently touched my forehead with his fingers, I felt a strange sensation wash over me, and everything went black.<br/><br/>**POV Shift: The Two Figures that Escaped**<br/><br/>The Female figure cursed under her breath as they ran through the dark and eerie forest, with only the light of the two moons illuminating their path. She couldn't believe how close they were to failing their mission, all because of that monster. If it weren't for her being poisoned and having to defend the infant, they would have never made it out alive.<br/><br/>The Male figure on the other hand, kept his cool and focused on their objective. "Quiet!" he snapped at his companion. "The fact that our mission is complete is all that counts. She would never be able to live to see tomorrow."<br/><br/>The Female figure glared at him, her anger boiling over. "Youuu!!! How come you're not enraged? That bitch lied to us! She claimed that killing her would be simpler because her sister is weakened."<br/><br/>"Who said that I am not angry?" The Male figure retorted, his voice low and dangerous! "If I could, I'd break her neck myself, but now that she's betrayed her sister and humanity, she's a child of the father just like us!! For the time being, keep running; the Thunderer is not pursuing us, but the crow very well could!"<br/><br/>The female figure gritted her teeth and swore loudly, her frustration and anger spilling out. "FUCckkkkkk!!! I'm going to kill all of these cretins one day."<br/><br/>As they continued running through the dark forest, their resolve to complete their mission and seek revenge burned bright within them. The forest seemed to close in around them, the shadows growing thicker as they pressed forward. Each step was fraught with tension, the air heavy with the scent of damp earth and the distant rumble of thunder.</p>

I'm not sure how fast I'll be with the chapters because I have a job that takes up a lot of my time. I'm going to post this chapter just to see how it goes, and then I'll do a mass release of some chapters at some point.

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