
The Xenomorph on Pandora

When the RDA first arrived on Pandora, they weren’t expecting any intelligent life on the beautiful planet. But when they discover that the natives to the planet were indeed intelligent, they tried to get their experiments off world. However, that would draw too much attention. Forced to keep their illegal experiments on Pandora, they work in secret. But then one of their experiments escape. What will happen to this experiment? Will it survive the harsh environments of Pandora? Or will Pandora and it’s people change because of it?

DeadHydra · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 8 - His Return


It's been three days since Shadows heat cycle started and Grace had left to go get him. The clan was anxious and worried about Shadow still in his heat and if and when his cycle will start again.

Then from the tree line they see Grace coming back with Shadow by her side who is now back to normal. When they reach the home tree everyone had gathered to see Shadow but he didn't seem like himself.

He kept his head down, in shame or fear they couldn't tell, but when they reach Eytulkan his head had lowered to the ground. He sees this and his eyes somewhat soften. 

"Shadow... while I am not happy you attempted to mate with Moat twice..." He says sternly. 

Shadows body tenses, waiting for the beating. 

"...but I am thankful that you fought your urges" Shadows head shoots up and looks at Eytulkan who has a small smile. 

"I am upset by what happened but it was out of your control despite your best efforts in fighting it and so no punishment is needed but I will have someone keep their eyes on you to ensure this doesn't happen again" he says and Shadow chirps and lowers his head in thanks. 

Moat then appears beside Eytulkan and Shadow steps back and lowers his head further again. Moat smiles sadly at him. 

"Shadow it was not your fault, you fought the best you could, and I do not blame you for what happened" She says while crouching down and reaching out a hand to him. He whines sadly and rubs his head on her hand. 

"Shadow?" He looks up and sees Neytiri and backs away but she runs up to him and hugs him. 

"I was so worried, I thought I wouldn't see you again" She says as she tightens the hug and Shadow licks the top of her head and whines but then he feels a hand on his head, he looks over and sees Sylwanin who has tears in her eyes and a small smile. 

"It's good to see you again my friend" And she hugs him as well and he licks her head and whines. Everyone smiles at the interaction between the three. 

"I believe it is time he rested now, it has been a long few days" Moat suggested and Eytulkan nods in agreement. The girls let go of him and he returns to his sleeping spot on the root. 

Eytulkan and Moat turn to Grace. 

"Thank you for your assistance with Shadowland" He says and Grace smiles. 

"Of course, I always enjoy helping a friend now and then" She says and he turns to Moat who nods and he nods back and turns to Grace again. 

"Me and my mate spoke about who would watch over Shadow and perhaps it would be best if it was someone who understood what he is" He says and Grace eyes widen. 

"Me? You want me to watch him? But if I were to do that I would need to-" Her eyes widen further as she realises what they're offering. 

"Yes, we're offering a place within the home tree so you can assist Shadow" Moat says confirming what Grace was thinking and making her jaw drop. 

"A-are you sure about this? I'm not Omatikaya" She asks and they smile. 

"True but the children do enjoy your company and we do need someone who has a better understanding of Shadow" Eytulkan says and Grace smiles widely. 

"Then I accept" They smile and return to their duties while Grace keeps standing there with a wide smile and barely contained excitement. She looks up at Shadow. 

"Thank you my friend, I promise I'll help you with whatever you need. You have done more for me than most have" Grace quietly whispers and she thinks back to how he helped her. 

From showing her what the RDA was really here for, to supporting her idea for the school and now her avatar can now sleep beside the Omatikaya clan for however long that may be. As she thinks these she also thinks back to how she found Moat and Shadow after their... time together. 

A bright blush spreads across her face and she begins to feel... jealous? But surprisingly more... excited. And her mind begins to change the image of Moat into Grace and her eyes widen and she shakes her head. 

What? What is wrong with me? Why would I think that?  She thinks trying to rid her mind of thoughts but then she thinks back to what Moat said about how she had feelings for Shadow despite already having a mate and she gets really jealous at that. 

Am I also in love with Shadow? She thinks as she looks up at Shadow and smiles.

I think I am. And I sure as fuck don't mind. And she walks off smiling. 

Months went by and Grace kept her eyes on Shadow but so far nothing has happened yet but she continues to watch him. Over the months Grace had lived comfortably with the clan and she was thrilled to learn more about them each day. 

She continued her work at the school and made sure Shadow came with her to maintain a careful watch over him. The clan was unsure if Grace and the children should be left alone with him but Grace had convinced them by saying their children were too young for Shadow and she could fight him off if his cycle started again. 

The clan relaxed greatly and allowed Shadow to go with their children to the school. While at the school Shadow had curled up by Sylwanin, Neytiri or Graces feet during the hours much to their delight but not as much as Neytiri. 

Over the months she had been practicing and honing her skills and became more focused in her lessons at school and what her parents had to teach her. Shadow was confused by this odd behaviour from Neytiri but no one would tell him why due to Neytiri wanting to surprise him.

Neytiri throughout her training and lessons she had one thing on her mind. 

She was a day closer to be mated with Shadow. 

Each day pass and her excitement and hope increase to the day she can finally be with Shadow but throughout the months she had noticed something. 

She had seen her mother sneak glances at Shadow, at first she thought she was scared of him but she also noticed a blush on her face and wondered if her mother had feelings for Shadow as well. And not just her but also Grace had been sneaking glances at him as well. 

Neytiri thinks about them being mated to Shadow and while she feels somewhat jealous she mostly feels... happy? Excited? She was confused but she had a thought. 

Me, Grace, and mother mated to Shadow... all of us sharing... all of us loved equally... all of us happy together. She continues this thought until a large smile stretches across her face and a blush blooms on her cheeks and her heart beating faster in excitement.

It would be unfair if I kept Shadow all to myself. Her heart pounds at what she is thinking and wonders and somewhat hopes this will become a reality and she continues her training with this thought in her mind.

With Moat she continues her usual routine as tsashik, healing those with wounds or a sickness, collecting herbs, sometimes with but other times without Shadow, but her mind would always play back to the night she and Shadow slept together. 

The more she remembered the more she wanted it to happen again. She had tried to mate with Eytulkan again but it wasn't as exciting as it was with Shadow. 

She knew she wasn't going to be satisfied with Eytulkan again but she didn't want to betray him again just because she was unsatisfied but the thoughts of sleeping with Shadow was starting to change her mind bit by bit. 

And finally Sylwanin had been acting odd as well. During her time at the school she seemed... agitated? Unsure why though as Grace had praised that she and her sister were her best students so it wasn't the lessons. 

She only seemed to calm down when Shadow was near by but even he was not enough to completely calm her but he tried his best to which she was very grateful for his care and concern. But she was still agitated for some unknown reason and it seemed to be getting worse over time.

But despite being agitated she too had been glancing at Shadow and she too had been blushing at him and she thought back to how Neytiri offered to mate with Shadow and she was jealous at the thought of Shadow mating with her sister. 

But to her own surprise she was excited at the thought of them together and maybe with her joining them. She was shocked at what she was thinking and tried to put it out of her mind but it always came back and it didn't help when she sees Shadow by Neytiri. 

Why does this excite me so much? How could I have such thoughts about my friend and sister. Try as she might she was unable to shake the thoughts and her eyes had drifted back to Shadow. 

Perhaps I could also help with his heat when Neytiri is unable to. And she smiles at the thought of her and Shadow mating.

And as for Shadow? He had been spending as much time with all four girls as much as he can with a goal in mind... 

To mark each one of them and make them his mates.

(Sorry it's shorter than the rest but I was running out of ideas for this chapter and I was stuck on multiple parts trying to fit as much as I could but regardless I hope you still enjoyed this chapter)