
The Xenomorph on Pandora

When the RDA first arrived on Pandora, they weren’t expecting any intelligent life on the beautiful planet. But when they discover that the natives to the planet were indeed intelligent, they tried to get their experiments off world. However, that would draw too much attention. Forced to keep their illegal experiments on Pandora, they work in secret. But then one of their experiments escape. What will happen to this experiment? Will it survive the harsh environments of Pandora? Or will Pandora and it’s people change because of it?

DeadHydra · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 7 - Aftermath


In the morning at the Home tree, Grace is sitting by the campfire looking over Shadows files after her failed attempt to figure out what was wrong with him. She looks through the files in hopes she'll find anything. 

As she's looking, Sylwanin sits beside her causing Grace to look up from her tablet. 

"Find anything?" She asks worriedly and hopefully but Grace shakes her head in defeat. 

"No, I can't find anything that would cause his behaviour to act like that" She says putting her tablet on her knees and her head in her hands and sighing. 

"He always was strange at the start" Sylwanin says smiling slightly when she thinks back to their time together. 

"But then again you can't always understand an animal mind. A highly intelligent one though" She lightly laughs but Grace head raises and her eyes widen. 

"Animal... Animal!" She exclaims, grabbing her tablet again and searches for a certain page. Sylwanin confused about what she's talking about looks at the tablet before Grace stops on a page. 

"Human DNA... Frog DNA... Darwin Wasp DNA... wait wasp?" She scrolls back to the wasp. 

"He has animal and insect DNA which means..." She looks down in thought and Sylwanin looks confused about what she's talking about. 

"Grace? Have you figured out what's wrong with Shadow?" She asks but Graces head shoots up in realisation. 

"That's it!" She exclaims and turns to Sylwanin. 

"Go get your mother, I know what's wrong with Shadow" She says happily but Sylwanin looks at her confused. 

"My mother? But she hasn't returned yet" She tells her and Grace's eyes widen and her mouth opens. 

"She's still out there!?" She yells rising to her feet, dropping her tablet, she sprints into the forest, ignoring her name being called out. 

No no no no! Oh god please no! She screamed in her mind trying to find Moat before Shadow does. An hour had passed searching the forest, fortunately she had found her... 

Unfortunately she was too late. 

She finds Moat naked and sleeping peacefully beside Shadow who is wrapped around her with his body. 

"Oh my god!" Grace exclaims in shock and embarrassment and the two are startled awake. Moat looks at Grace in embarrassment and fear at being discovered like this and tries to cover herself with her hands while Shadow just lies back down to sleep.

"Grace!? I-I... we were...I" Moat tries to explain herself but the guilt, fear and embarrassment stops her from being able to. Both are now extremely red at the situation their in and Grace turns around to give them some small privacy. 

"I'm so sorry. I was looking for you the past hour when I figured out what was wrong with Shadow but it seems like you found out yourself" As she explains Moat grabs her poncho and loincloth and puts them on. 

"I-I... yes I learned shortly after I left" Grace turns back when she hears Moat put her clothes back on and rubs her arm. 

"I'm sorry. I should have figured what was wrong with him sooner, maybe then he wouldn't have forced himself on you" She says guiltily looking at the ground but Moat looks shocked at what she said. 

"What?! No! He didn't force himself! I allowed him to!" Graces head shoots up and stares wide eyed at Moat. 

"You mated with Shadow willingly?" She asks and Moat nods and her eyes widen more. 

"But your mated to Eytulkan" Moat looks down guiltily. 

"Yes but Shadow needed my help and I owed him for saving me and my daughters but not only that but I..." She looks at Shadow who was resuming his sleep and a small loving smile graces her lips. 

"I've been having these... feelings for Shadow... the same feelings I would have for Eytulkan" Graces is taken aback by Moats confession. 

She was in love with Shadow? Was this even possible? She thought as she looked at Shadow then to Moat. 

"I understand I have done something terrible to my mate but I had to help him but if you have to tell the clan I understand" She says sadly but Grace shifts on her feet. 

"I-I understand that you would help him and agree that you did do something terrible but I won't tell anyone" Grace says shocking Moat. 

"Really?" She asks and Grace nods. 

"Really and I have an idea how we can keep this a secret" She says gesturing to the two of them as Shadow finally gets up from his lazy ass and listens to Graces plan. 

An hour later and Moat and Grace return to the home tree, which caused a wave of relief through the clan and everyone came to see if they were alright. Eytulkan, Sylwanin and Neytiri came up to them, relieved they were alright. 

"Ma Moat, are you harmed?" Eytulkan asks taking her face in his hands before he sees the bite mark on her shoulder. 

"I am fine, he did not harm me too much" Moat says trying to calm her mate but he glares at the bite mark. 

"The wound on your shoulder says otherwise" He says sternly and Grace speaks up. 

"I'm afraid that Shadow had no control when he did it, it was part of his animal instincts" She explains and everyone looks confused. 

"What do you mean?" He asks and Grace rubs her arm. 

"I figured out what was wrong with Shadow this morning before I left" She says and Neytiri looks hopeful. 

"Really? What is it?" She asks and Grace shifts uncomfortably before taking a deep breath. 

"Shadow... is in heat or in other words, it is his time to find a mate" Everyone stares at Grace in utter bewilderment before Eytulkan speaks. 

"What? Are you certain?" He asks and Grace nods. 

"Yes, and he it would seem he has chosen who would be his mate" She says looking at Moat and everyone is shocked by this newfound information. 

"What? You can't be serious about this" Neytiri says in disbelief and, though she doesn't show it, heartbroken. 

"I'm afraid so and since he's the only one of his kind that leaves only one option for him" Grace confirms and explains.

"The Na'vi" Sylwanin says and Grace nods. 

"And it seems he chose Moat because of how close their bond is to one another" Grace says and Eytulkan looks furious. 

"But she is already mated with me" He says sternly. 

"Yes but because his animal instinct was taking over his mind, he did not care, but he did manage to restrain himself twice apparently" Grace says and Eytulkan looks at Moat. 

"Twice?" He asks confused and Moat nods. 

"I found him in the forest hours after I left and he bit me to mark I was his but I learned what was wrong with him and escaped when he resisted again but because how late it was I decided to sleep in the forest and in the morning Grace had found me" Moat explained to everyone. 

"And what of Shadow?" Neytiri asks. 

"He'll have to stay away from us for a few days but he'll be back to normal" Grace says and Neytiri breath a sigh of relief. 

"But he'll have to suffer won't he?" Sylwanin asks which washes the relief away from Neytiri but Grace calms them. 

"He's not exactly suffering, more like in discomfort. Think of it like an itch that can't go away unless someone else scratches it for him" Grace explains which makes Neytiri took down in thought. 

"But otherwise he is fine and will be able to return without any problems" Grace says but Eytulkan is unsure. 

"Are you certain? He will not try and force himself on anyone again?" He asks. 

"He'll be in heat again, I don't know when, but when he is we'll leave him alone in the forest where no one has to mate with him" Grace explains and while that does ease his mind a bit he is still not entirely convinced so he turns to Moat. 

"Ma Moat what do you think?" He asks her and she looks down for a moment before looking back up. 

"I believe he should return" She says surprising everyone, especially Eytulkan. 

"He knew I did not wish to mate with him so he resisted, when I pursued him he must of thought I wished to mate with him but when he realised I did not he resisted again. He wishes for a willing partner not an unwilling one" Moat explains which calms everyone and Eytulkan nods. 

"Very well he may return but will be kept under careful watch in case this happens again" He says and Moat nods but Grace shifts uncomfortably. 

"That is if he comes back" She says which confuses everyone. 

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't he?" Sylwanin asks confused and worried. 

"He tried to mate with the Moat, he is most likely ashamed and afraid of you all now" Grace explains and Sylwanin and Neytiri become very worried at this. 

"Understandable but he can put his fears away as he resisted his urges and was able to allow my mate to escape. He can come home" Eytulkan assures them band the girls breath a sigh of relief. 

"Alright, I'll check in on him after a few days and see if he can come back or not" Grace says and Neytiri speaks up. 

"Is there really no way to help Shadow?" She asks and Grace looks around at the Na'vi. 

"Unless there is a woman willing to mate with Shadow for the night..." She says and the clan shift uncomfortably and don't say anything. 

"Then no there isn't a way to help him" She says and Neytiri thinks for a moment.

The crowd begins to disperse but Neytiri stops her family and Grace from leaving. 

"Mother, Father, Mother Grace, Sylwanin? Can I speak to you all privately? Right now? It's about Shadow" Everyone is curious about what she had to say so they find somewhere quiet and remote within the home tree. 

"Is something wrong my daughter? You don't need to worry about Shadow, he won't try and force himself on you when he comes back" Moat assures Neytiri but she looks confused. 

"What? No. That's not what I wished to speak about" She says quickly and everyone is confused. 

"Then what's wrong?" Moat asks and she turns to Grace. 

"Are you really sure there's no way to help Shadow?" She asks again and Grace nods sadly. 

"I'm afraid so and since there is no woman here who is willing to mate with him he'll have to wait in the forest until his heat cycle calms down" Grace explains and Neytiri takes a deep breath. 

"And if I was willing?" She asks carefully and everyone is in shock at what she said. 

"What?! You?!" Sylwanin nearly yells and Neytiri blushes in embarrassment. 

"Yes me. I'm willing to help my friend" She says boldly and everyone is speechless until Eytulkan speaks up. 

"Daughter, while it is kind, you are too young and you have not made your first kill yet, nor have you gained your Ikran either" Eytulkan says. 

"Then I will wait until I am and I will train hard to receive my kill and Ikran" Neytiri unwavering and everyone looks at one another. 

"He saved my life and my mother and sister's lives as well all those years ago, if I can help him with this then I will" Neytiri says as a matter of fact. Before they can try to convince her not to she continues. 

"He is my friend and he's all alone right now, do you know how much that would hurt him? To know he has many friends but none of them are willing to help him? To be the only one of his kind?" She says sadly and everyone is silent as they listen to Neytiri. 

"But I am. I am willing to help him. He may be part animal but he still has a mind of his own, he is Omatikaya, he's family... isn't he?" She says and no one knows what to say they just look at one another completely unsure, worried and yet surprisingly somewhat proud their youngest was so willing to help her friend. 

"Daughter are you truly sure about this?" Eytulkan asks and Neytiri nods and he sighs. 

"I would normally not allow this... but knowing you, you would sneak off to help him" he says rubbing his eyes and everyone looks at him in disbelief.

"Father are you saying?" Sylwanin asks and he nods. 

"When you are older and have carved your bow from the wood of the home tree... then yes, you may help Shadow" He says and Neytiri rushes at him and hugs him. 

"Thank you Father!" She says as he hugs back before they part. 

"I am proud that you are so willing to help Shadow but should he harm you, I will kill him" He say sternly but Neytiri smiles. 

"He won't" And Eytulkan smiles and Neytiri leaves. 

"Ma Eytulkan, are you sure of this?" Moat asks still in disbelief. 

"I trust Shadow, and Neytiri is right, he is Omatikaya and yet he is alone right now, and it will be up to Neytiri who she chooses who her mate is" He says and leaves. 

Sylwanin, Grace and Moat stand there dumbfounded by what just happened and also jealous that Neytiri was allowed to mate with Shadow. Sylwanin leaves soon after and Grace and Moat continue to talk. 

"I did not think they would believe us" Moat says breathing a sigh of relief while Grace chuckles. 

"Neither did I yet here we are" She says and Moat turns to her. 

"Thank you for your help, truly" She says and Grace smiles. 

"Of course. I'll go get Shadow in three or four days, either way this worked and no one knows anything about you or Shadow" Grace says reassuringly and walks off with Moat. 

But unfortunately for them someone overheard the two of them and they sneak off before they are found.