
The wrong prince

You are a princess of Asgard, arranged to marry Thor, your future husband, and the heir to the throne, but in reality, you are not happy with your marriage. What happens when you are tricked into an affair, and what will happen when the secret is out? (This is a pretty mature fanfic, you have been warned)

Ello_jello · Movies
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13 Chs

A happy beginning

Loki's chambers were decorated differently than Thor's and mine.

The walls were covered with bookshelves with all different kinds of novels. It was as if he lived in his own personal library.

His bed was a bit smaller, but it would make sense as it wasn't intended to be for two people. It would be manageable, but we would have to lay close to one another. I wouldn't want him sleeping on the floor, that would be unfair. We were a couple now after all.

He noticed the way I inspected the room he had brought me to.

"What do you think of your new home, darling?" he asked.

I felt his hands wrap around me, caressing my stomach as he hugged me.

The feeling made me sigh a bit. This was so calming and the room was quiet. No midwife, no maids to check up on me every five minutes, nothing.

"It's perfect," I responded.

We just stood there for a minute or something, enjoying the moment.

I had not thought about how exhausted I was until I yawned. Of course, Loki noticed instantly and let go of me slowly.

"There is some nightwear for you in the bathroom, darling. Go get comfortable and we will head to bed."

He was so sweet and caring towards me. I had never experienced such tenderness towards me before and it warmed my heart a bit. I hadn't noticed the soft smile forming on my face, but nonetheless, I went into the bathroom to change.

In the washroom, there was a silky nightgown for me to wear. I was slightly worried that I wouldn't fit it with my growing stomach, but to my surprise, it fit perfectly.

I looked in the mirror for a bit. Green did really suit me. It brought out something in my eye I couldn't describe. It was either the dress or the feeling I was left within my body after sharing such an intimate moment with Loki.

I left the bathroom and walked towards the comfortable bed. Loki had already undressed. I was hoping he was at least wearing pants, but a small part of me hoped he didn't. Such indecent thought to have on the first night. We weren't even married yet, but something inside of me wanted to see more when I noticed his toned, exposed muscles

"Oh, darling, you look magnificent," Loki said with a soft smile.

His words made me blush a bit. I had never been called that before. He had such a large effect on me that I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if I went against my father's wishes and married Loki in the beginning.

"Uh, y-you're still clothed under the covers, right?" I stuttered.

It was so embarrassing to ask about, but I wanted to make sure first.

Loki chuckled a bit, his facial expression still showing nothing but love and admiration towards me.

"I am wearing something under the covers, yes," he said.

It was weird that a minor part of me was disappointed that he was wearing clothes, but it was for the best.

The bed looked so comfortable as if it was calling out to me to lay down in it and drift off into a deep slumber. It was tempting. I slowly made my way over to the empty side of the bed and got under the covers.

No matter how I laid, I could feel Loki against my body, and in the end, I gave up on trying to avoid his touch. I was too tired, to the point I didn't resist when I felt him embrace me, snuggling up against me.

I heard him take a deep breath as he trailed his finger over my stomach, drawing circles on my skin.

"You smell heavenly, darling," he whispered.

Although he couldn't see my face, I blushed at his words again. What was this I was feeling? Did I like these sweet words he said to me?

Whatever the reason was for my sudden reaction to his mere words, I quickly drifted off to sleep. It had been too long a day.

I woke up to the sun shining brightly through the window.

I was alone in the bed, Loki must have left earlier to attend to the throne. I had gotten used to waking up on my own, Thor used to do the same thing most mornings.

I sat up and stretched my arms. It was nice and quiet in our chamber, I had longed for that for months.

"Goodmorning little one," I whispered as I rubbed my stomach.

I would lie if I tried to deny growing fond of my child. He or she would grow up to be extraordinary. I would make sure they would be loved, no matter who their father was. No one would be able to hurt my bundle of joy.

I turned my head as I heard the door open. Did the maids have to interrupt this quiet morning?

However, no maid entered the room, instead, Loki came in carrying a tray of breakfast with a small bouquet of flowers and a cup of hot tea. Oh, he was sweet.

Was I to tell anybody in the castle, the entire kingdom, they wouldn't believe me. Odin had given him the reputation of some weird monster others would be smart to avoid. It was painful seeing him closing off towards others all those years.

"Goodmorning my beautiful little dove," he said with a smile.

His words, once again, made me smile like never before. I was sure to explode one day if he kept treating me so nicely.

He placed the tray of food on the bedside table and kneeled before the bed.

"And good morning to you too, little plum," he said as he kissed my stomach

"A plum?" I asked. What an odd thing to call my child.

"Well I spent the morning reading in the library about pregnancy, and if my calculations are correct, he or she should be about the size of a plum." He seemed so proud of himself for figuring out the size of the child. It was adorable how caring he was.

I shook my head, laughing a bit at his sweet and innocent words.

"Now, please, darling, you need nutritional food to make sure the child grows properly. Eat up," he said, pushing the tray with food towards me.

I sat up properly and kissed Loki on the cheek.

Oddly enough, his cheeks turned as red as fire from the small gesture, like a small boy seeing his first school crush. He went mute for some time, just sitting there running his hand over his skin as if he had been touched by an angel. It gave me time to place the tray of food on the bed next to me.

"Oh, Loki, you are sweet as honey. There was no need to go through the trouble of getting me breakfast. I am fully capable of walking to the dining hall or the kitchen if I become hungry," I said before taking a bite of the golden-brown pancake covered in syrup.

The taste was like a small bit of Valhalla in my mouth. Truly this was food brought by the Valkyries.

"But you getting some much-needed rest is a priority as well, darling. My queen deserves nothing but to be spoiled rotten till the day she is sent to Valhalla," he said with a wide smile.

In between bites of food, he took my hand while I wasn't using the utilities and placed a gentle kiss on the back of my palm. Had he always been such a hopeless romantic? A part of me wished Thor would never return, just so I could be with Loki for eternity.

Loki moved closer, placing his arm around me, and kissed my forehead. I turned to him, getting lost in his eyes for what felt like a lifetime. My gaze turned to his lips as I subconsciously licked my own.

I noticed him moving closer to me and I didn't hesitate to move toward him as well. Our noses touched, his breath smelled like cold mint, it was truly intoxicating to be near him. His lips traced over mine like I had been kissed by a ghost. The slight touch was enough for me to lean further, locking lips with the dark-haired prince in front of me.

The kiss didn't last long, but it was passionate, yet gentle. Something I had not experienced since my wedding day. This felt right, sitting in his embrace, being held like this, treated like this. Loki knew how to treat a woman, how to make her happy, and he chose to make me of all beings in the nine realms happy.

We sat in a bit of silence afterwards. I continued eating from the freshly picked berries and sipping on the lovely lavender tea.

"Would you accompany me on a walk through the garden later darling?" he asked, trying to break the silence a bit.

Fresh air would be good for me, the midwife had to me so herself.

"I would love to," I said, before filling my mouth with more of the delicacies that he had brought me.

"Then I shall return at about mid-day, but I must sadly go, my advisers need me." He was as charming as ever, slowly stealing my heart bit after bit.

"I'm looking forward to it," I said with a smile.

Loki stood up, planted a light kiss on my forehead, and turned to leave.

"I love you," he said before going through the door.

I had no time to respond, the door closed a second after he was gone. Was I about to tell him that I loved him? Oh that silver tongue, it was useless trying to resist his sweet words and his lovely gestures.

It had been a few hours since Loki had left, and somehow I had already started to miss him, despite getting to see him later in the day. To pass the time, I decided to find something appropriate for a stroll in the garden, and afterwards, entertain myself with the hundreds of books in the room.

I went into the closet and found multiple dresses, none of them with a corset. He had really thought of every little detail, down to the note that I wasn't allowed to wear tight-fitting clothes anymore.

I picked an emerald green dress. It had golden embroidery at the edges and a lovely skirt that fell to the floor, almost mimicking the skirt of a wedding dress. I felt beautiful wearing this, and it would surely fit in with the lovely flowers the all-mother loved attending to.

I heard a knock at the door. No one ever knocked. The only people that would enter would be the maids and Loki.

I walked towards the door, afraid of who or what was behind it. I hesitated to open it, but when I saw the friendly and curious face and let her in.

"Princess (Y/N)," Sif greeted.

"There is no reason to be so formal Sif, we have known each other for hundreds of years. I thought I told you on the battlefield to use my name instead of those dumb titles," I said in a light matter.

Sif seemed hesitant to enter my chambers. I understood why, she had never been overly fond of Loki, just like the warriors three.

"I see you are wearing green," she noted. "Is it true then? You have agreed to a courtship with Loki?"

Of course, that was why she was here. Most of the servants of the castle had been informed or had heard gossip about my situation.

"That is correct," I said, not wanting to show too many emotions.

"Why?" she asked, looking confused.

I shook my head. It wasn't so simple to describe why, in reality, I had agreed to this arrangement for a better outcome for my child, but within 2 days I was beginning to fall for him.

"Sif, you must understand the situation I am in. I am left with child, all by myself, Thor is banished and Odin has fallen into slumber with nobody knowing when he will wake up again. And, well, Loki promised the security that I need at the moment. He promised to raise my child with me, to make sure I am never frightened or alone again. It's something I won't be able to find anywhere else." I was hoping she would understand my situation.

She of all people should know what it was like to be an outcast, getting dirty looks from all the servants and being called names behind your back.

Sif didn't say anything at first, only looking at me with a look I could not describe.

"I understand you feel alone, but Loki isn't fit for the throne. We tried convincing him to allow Thor to come back, but he wouldn't listen. Can you please try to talk him to reason?" she begged.

Asking Loki to let Thor back? But it would ruin what I had with Loki, forcing me to be with Thor again, I didn't want that. I couldn't say no to her though. It would seem as if I had picked a side in a war that wasn't even existing.

"I will try, but I can't promise anything," I said defeated.

She smiled for a bit and hugged me. It was surprising as Sif wasn't the type that liked to be touched by others.

"Thank you," she whispered. "And don't worry, you're not alone. Once a warrior, always a warrior."

We both laughed a bit at the childish oath we had made when younger. Those days were much simpler, more fun for everybody. If only I could have gone back in time and re-live those days.

No words were spoken. Sif simply squeezed my arm a bit and left again.

I looked at the time, happy that I would soon see my beloved again.

I had walked down the corridors hastily. I didn't want to spend one more moment away from Loki. It had been too long.

After turning one last time I found him standing at the entrance of the garden, wearing his green and golden suit, he looked incredible and it made me rush to him.

I reached up and kissed him gently, not needing to say one single word. He deepened the kiss and placed his hands on the small of my back. Oh the images that flew across my mind that second was enough to send me to Hel for all of eternity, but it was exciting.

After standing in the doorway for at least 2 minutes Loki pulled away from me. I whined at the action. The loss of his touch was unsettling.

"I take it you miss me?" he asked in a teasing manner.

Oh, he couldn't talk to me like that and not expect something in return. He had grown too cocky many years ago.

"Perhaps I did. But don't worry, you don't have to say you're excited to see me too, I can feel it," I said with a wicked grin on my face.

Loki's face turned red, he understood what I had been hinting at. Then again, it wasn't completely fair since he was wearing a rather tight leather suit that showed pretty much everything.

I giggled a bit at his shocked expression, he was even better-looking when his smuck smile was wiped off of his face.

"Shall we?" I asked, trying to bring him back to reality.

"After you m'lady," he said while extending his arm.

He surely was a gentleman. Odin had done him wrong all those years. Loki deserved just as much as Thor, if not even more.

We had walked for a while, talking about everything and nothing. Every now and then he would talk about the nursery we would have to set up in the near future, how we thought the child would look, even how, when, and where we would get married.

I had not noticed how far into the garden we had wandered or how long we had been walking, but it felt heavenly to just spend time like this.

At some point, when we were in the middle of the east section of the garden, surrounded by purple and white tulips Loki stopped me from moving further.

I could see him being nervous for some reason. Had something happened? Did we need to go back to the castle?

"Is something wrong Loki?" I asked.

He sighed for a bit, it was clear he was trying to calm his nerves.

"Darling, I have something I would like to give you. But first I need you to understand how much you mean to me. From the day we met as young children I have known there was something different about you. Your kindness towards me was overwhelming and that might have been a part of why I fell for you as I did. Every day, every minute we spend together, it's as if you pull me further into a web that you built just to catch me. It is as if you've enchanted me, and I wouldn't give this feeling up for anything in all of the nine realms. I love you, and I couldn't imagine a life without you." As he spoke he pulled out a beautiful gold ring covered in emeralds.

I could feel my eyes fill with tears as he completed his sentence, he really was amazing.

Loki gave me the ring, and I noticed there was something written on the inside of it.

"My devious enchantress," it said.

I was speechless. I knew saying anything would just make the tears fall from my eyes, and I didn't want to seem weak in his eyes.

Loki took back the ring and put it on my finger. It fit perfectly as if he had known my size for years.

"I love you (Y/N)," he said as he kissed my hand.

I didn't bother holding back the tears anymore. It was pointless.

"I love you too, Loki," I said through small sobs. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of the ring on my finger, despite the tears running down my cheek.

My hands landed on his neck as I pulled him in for a kiss. He didn't resist the slightest bit when my lips crashed into his. This was meant to be, it felt so right, more than anything else in the world.

We both pulled away from one another, trying to catch our breath for a bit.

"I have already informed my mother that I asked for your hand, and she gave us her blessing," he said with a smile.

I could see my dried tears on his face, but it didn't bother me the slightest bit, I finally got to be happy. Finally got things the way I wanted them from the beginning.

"We should begin planning then, I suppose," I said. My emotions were all over the place, happiness filling every ounce of my body at the news.

"I suppose we should." He sounded just as excited as I was.

How I loved that man.