You are a princess of Asgard, arranged to marry Thor, your future husband, and the heir to the throne, but in reality, you are not happy with your marriage. What happens when you are tricked into an affair, and what will happen when the secret is out? (This is a pretty mature fanfic, you have been warned)
The day was here.
I stood in front of the mirror, wearing the prettiest dress any woman in all the nine realms would kill to wear. The white silk hugged my figure tight, and the embroidered flowers at the end of the dress moved as if I was walking through a field full of roses. The flowers on the dress had to be red, of course. It would be looked down upon if the bride didn't wear her future husband's color when she walked down the aisle.
I turned to look at the All mother who had placed herself behind me. The wise queen looked at me as if she was my own mother.
"What do you think?" I asked nervously.
The approval of Queen Frigga meant everything to me. She had practically raised me and my friends within the walls I was to get married in.
"You look stunning dear," she said with a gentle smile on her face.
The queen made her way towards me and placed her hands in mine, while the maids were braiding my hair.
"My son is a lucky man to have the chance to call you his bride, my dear," she sighed.
I wasn't sure if she meant it as in her son was lucky because of me, or if it was because he could finally settle down and have a normal royal life without all the battles on the field with his friends. It did seem kind of childish to be honest.
"I am the lucky one All mother. Thor is a wonderful man, and I am sure he shall be a good king and an even greater husband," I replied.
In reality, I wasn't sure about the marriage, but pressure from Odin as well as my own father had made me agree to the proposal. After all, Thor was really nice, and he didn't look bad either. This would be good for everyone. Well almost everyone. The youngest prince, Loki, didn't seem to care for our wedding one bit. In fact, he had tried to avoid all gatherings and not talk about the wedding at all since it had been announced to the public. He had grown cold and had gathered quite the reputation.
I couldn't help but think back to our childhood in the palace. Not many years ago, the princes and I had been best friends. The three of us were practically inseparable. We would all fight with sticks as if they were swords, go on adventures with some of the child-friendly knights and steal baked goods from the kitchen at night when Odin was hosting one of his grand balls that we were not old enough to attend.
The memories seemed to make me unhappy. We had all been so close, but it would no longer be like that.
When the time had come and I became of age to marry, both princes had run to their parents and asked them for permission to court me. Frigga had of course told both of them that I was the one to decide who I wanted to marry, but Odin was quick to make arrangements with my father, promising him land and other goods.
In the end, it didn't matter. I had agreed to court Thor, thinking he would quickly lose interest, yet here we were. Me in my wedding dress and my mother-in-law, the queen, by my side as the only person I knew.
"Are you feeling alright my dear?" Frigga asked.
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and put on a forced smile. I had become quite good at hiding my emotions around others if I had to say so.
"Everything is as it should All mother. I am but a little nervous about the ceremony," I lied
The queen shook her head. She knew when I was telling the truth, which had proven itself to be to my disadvantage a few times.
"Very well, I must admit I am a bit sad. I thought back to our childhood, and it pains me how distant prince Loki seems. I had hoped he would be a part of our wedding, yet I can guess that he is spending his day in the library instead of celebrating with his friends," I admitted.
The queen sighed.
"He cares for you deeply (Y/N), but he has difficulty showing it. It must be hard seeing his brother get married to his best friend." The All mother's words were confusing.
"I'm not sure I quite understand All mother. Why would he have difficulties showing up to my wedding if he cares for me so deeply?" I asked.
The queen just let go of your hands and walked towards the door.
"I am sure he will tell you himself someday my dear," she said giving me a last reassuring smile. "I must go prepare for the ceremony now. I will see you in a bit."
And with that, she left me with the maids.
It was time. The bells were ringing and I could hear all of Asgard on the other side of the large door. In a second I would walk down the aisle to see Thor, my future husband, waiting for me with the biggest smile a man could show.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. It helped a bit with the breathing exercises the All mother had given me. I was ready to meet the world.
The door opened, and complete silence fell upon the guests. I looked around the large room in hopes to see some familiar faces, but the only people I knew were the royal family, except the youngest prince, the warriors three, and Lady Sif.
It hurt knowing no one from my family showed up for my big day, but I had expected such.
The music began playing and I walked towards my groom. I knew what expectations I had to meet. Smile, walk slowly and say "I do." when I was asked if I wish to marry the prince. And that was not to mention the expectations for the first night as a married couple. I was still untouched by any man, but tonight, that would change.
I reached my destination. Turning to my soon-to-be husband, I noticed that his hair was braided weirdly. Perhaps he had asked the warriors three to fix his hair again. The man didn't like looking too formal after all.
I didn't listen to Odin's speech that he no doubt had prepared for at least 5 years before I became of age. In reality, I didn't care for what the king had to say. He was nothing but an elderly man who enjoyed showing how much power he had. I focused on the man in front of me, with his shiny blue eyes and his somehow still dirty hands.
"I do," I heard him say.
I knew I had to repeat the words soon, locking myself to one man for the rest of my life, with a piece of gold.
My turn came.
"I do," I repeated with a fake smile on my face.
Odin declared us legally married and told Thor he could now kiss me, and he sure did.
His lips collided into mine like his life depended on it. His soft lips were a pleasant surprise and without thinking, I wrapped my hands around his neck, and his own found their way onto my waist.
It was a weird feeling to be kissing a man, but for some reason, it lit a fire inside of me. If a first kiss felt like this, perhaps our first time together would be pleasant as well.
The dinner after the ceremony was fantastic. Somehow Thor had convinced the All-father that he himself would catch every animal that was to be used for the feast, and somehow, the food tasted better than any other meat I had ever placed in my mouth.
During the night, I had noticed Thor being nervous just like I had been all day. It was like seeing a small boy talking to his first crush. He tried at first to hold my hand, but when his eyes met mine, he retrieved his hand once more.
Maybe the intimacy wouldn't be a part of our first night together after all.
I would soon find out that intimacy was not a problem for Thor; as long as he had gotten something to drink of course. The warriors three and Lady Sif had walked up to our table and congratulated us while making dirty jokes. At first, we laughed off the dirty comments, but after a few drinks, Thor seemed to gain confidence and join in on the fun.
"Our first night will be legendary!" Thor roared. "It will be full of such passion that our wedding day will go down in history, and all of Midgard will celebrate this night."
Everyone around us laughed at the clearly intoxicated prince, but it didn't matter since everyone else had gotten plenty to drink as well.
I looked up at the higher-leveled table where the king and queen sat together, hoping the queen would come to my rescue or that the king had another speech prepared. I noticed the All mother looking at me with a slight smile on her face. She knew of her son's drunken behavior and had learned to deal with it, and now it was my turn.
"Go on," she mouthed.
I turned back to Thor and his drunk friends.
"My love, maybe we should call it a night and retrieve to our chamber," I suggested.
Everyone made comments about what was about to happen soon, but the prince just tried his best to stand on his legs. After a moment he regained his balance and we walked over to the All-father and All mother to thank them for a nice evening.
The king and queen congratulated us once more, and let us go.
The walk back to Thor's chamber was quiet. Neither of us dared to say anything, it was clear we were both too nervous to speak.
"T-the others sure seemed to enjoy the night," I stuttered.
It was anything but subtle that my nerves were intensifying.
"Well, you know how the warriors three celebrate after battle, so I was not surprised," my tipsy husband responded.
There it was.
The entrance to our new chamber. The place where we would give ourselves to one another, and where we, if everything went correctly, would conceive an heir to the throne.
The thought was nerve-wracking, and all I wanted to do was run away, but I had to fulfill my wifely duties.
"After you, m'lady," Thor said gesturing to the door.
Our new home was decorated beautifully. The newly made bed was covered with red flower petals, candles were lit around the place, and the view was like none other in all of the nine realms.
"Did I die in battle and go to Valhalla?" I gasped in surprise.
I heard a low chuckle from behind me and felt a strong pair of arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.
"I hope you like it, my love," he said as he pressed a kiss on my shoulder. "I had to pull a few strings in order to make our new residence more welcoming for you," he added.
I could feel the goosebumps form under his touch, even though it was not even the slightest bit erotic. It felt almost wrong to have a man this close to me.
"I-it is very lovely", I admitted.
I was turning into a nervous wreck from being this close to another being. It was not something one would experience much of in life at the palace; it was almost embarrassing how flustered I became.
I could feel my husband's lips trail kisses up my neck, and a gasp escaped from my lips as I felt his hands move onto my hips.
"These magnificent hips shall be put to good use when you are to birth our son," he hummed in my ear.
Panic and realization mixed in my mind. It fell upon me that soon I was to lose my virginity and become pregnant with the child of a prince. I was but a child myself, yet I was to become a woman in a matter of minutes.
I excused myself to the bathroom. I just told him I was to dress into something more comfortable and that he could await me in his, in our bed.
I tried controlling myself a bit, splashing water into my face to cool my flustered skin. The image of my reflection looked scared yet tired. Maybe I just needed to get this horrible night over. All would be well if I could conquer my fears this one night.
I took off my dress and slipped into a somewhat see-through nightgown. It would please Thor to see me in this. Perhaps he had even picked this nightgown himself, in hope I would like it. It would be disrespectful not to wear it.
Perhaps I could convince him not to plant his seed in me? It was a foolish thought, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was possible. Would he be mad if I told him I myself was not ready to carry a child yet? I was nothing but a child myself after all.
"Are you feeling okay my love?" I heard him shout from the other side of the wall.
"C-coming," I somehow managed to respond.
Taking a last deep breath, and a last look at my reflection, I prepared for myself for what was about to happen.
I re-entered our bedroom.
My husband was laying on the bed with his arms over his head which caused his muscles to seem even bigger than normal. He looked peaceful and relaxed, something neither I nor anybody got to see often with his constant lust for battles.
Thor began moving, fixing his eyes on my body. I felt ashamed of my appearance and tried my best to cover the parts that were exposed under the soft fabric.
"By the gods," Thor began. "Had I known you were hiding such beauty under your regular clothing I would not have hesitated to claim you as mine many months ago."
I could feel my face turn red as some of the fruits that could be found in the lovely garden.
My husband sat on the edge of our bed and gestured for me to come nearer.
I would lie if I said I hadn't considered getting dressed once more and returning to my old chambers, but it wasn't an option, and I hesitantly made my way towards my husband.
"You are stunning my dear," Thor exclaimed.
When I had gotten close enough, his hands were once again placed on my hips. His soft lips met with the soft fabric at my stomach.
"T-Thor?" I asked, nervous about what his reaction might be.
"Yes, my love?" he said with a big drunken smile.
"Seeing as this is our first time being, uhm, intimate, I was a bit concerned about my, um, performance," I began.
My husband seemed confused as to what I meant, so I had no choice but to continue.
"P-perhaps we should take it a bit slowly at first is what I mean. W-we won't get to have such intimacy when I am with child." Hopefully, the reminder of me being pregnant and not being able to do my wifely duties would set his mind clear.
The drunken prince's facial expression softened a bit.
"I know little of this myself, and I wish to explore this new chapter of our lives together. But a son is something that I have longed for since being informed I was given permission to court you. It is important that we ensure the future generation is given a strong and wise leader and that our families unite by blood," he said with a beaming smile.
"What I meant," I said in a quiet tone. My hands nervously played with Thor's hair. "was that it would maybe be a wise decision if we were to wait a few nights to conceive our child, as to learn more of ourselves." I really hoped my smile was convincing although I had no intentions of being with child within the next year.
Thor sighed, looking down defeated.
"Very well. Though I must admit that I was hoping that our first night together would be a bit more memorable."
I was relieved that he would leave me untouched for now, but guilt was also starting to wash over me. My husband felt defeated, if not robbed from his masculine side. I decided to do something I had never thought of nor intended to happen.
"May I suggest something else?" I asked.
Like a small child, Thor looked at me with wonder in his eyes.
"I-I have heard of this thing that the Midgardians do, which is considered erotic although it does not lead to pregnancy. Perhaps we can try that?" This was it. I had engaged in sexual activity, taking the first small step towards womanhood.
"Well, what is it?" Thor asked. He seemed nothing but eager to try whatever could potentially lead to intimacy.
"I'm afraid I don't know what it is called, but I could maybe show you?"
There was no response. My husband just nodded at the request.
I tried my best not to wobble while getting down onto my knees, sitting in front of my husband like a mere slave or lower-ranked servant. I looked upwards to meet his gaze. He seemed confused yet intrigued, and I took it as permission to continue.
I reached for my husband's belt and tried my best to unbuckle it. After a moment of struggle and accepting that I would not be able to do so myself and asked for his assistance. I slid his leather pants and undergarment off in a semi swift movement, and I couldn't help but gasp as I saw the large member in front of me. This man was huge, and he expected all of it to fit inside of me without damaging my body?
"I-I apologize for the state I am in. I know I may not be the size of every man, but-"
"Are you kidding me? I have never seen anything like this. It is the size of my upper arm," I cut him off a bit too loudly.
Embarrassment flooded my brain again as I covered my mouth with my hands, hoping I did not just say that.
"You flatter me, my love," he chuckled nervously.
Enough talking. I needed to do this, to satisfy him so rumors would not spread that I was incapable of being intimate.
My shaking hand moved towards the already fully erect cock that was but a few inches from my face. I planted my hand at the base of his cock and I heard a groan. Moving my hand slowly, I noticed how pre-cum began leaking from his tip. I thought about removing it with my other hand, but I had also heard rumors about using my mouth. I had to try it.
My tongue licked the bitter-sweet liquid from the tip of Thor's cock. It caused him to tense up a bit from the feeling but after a second he seemed to relax even more and say sweet words to me.
I began moving my head further down. The moans that fell from his lips had lit a new fire in my body, it was a sort of hunger that I had not known could exist. I needed more, and the feeling allowed me to somehow take half of my husband's length down my throat before I started gagging. The feeling was strange, but at the same time, I could feel myself becoming wet from the experience.
I pulled myself back, forcing his cock out of my throat. My lips were covered in a mixture of my own spit and pre-cum.
"I know I said that I wished to wait a bit for us to unite like such, but this ache is becoming too much. I beg you, please, claim my body as yours," I whined.
It didn't take him more than a second to lift my body from the floor and throw me onto the bed. The petals were mushed around a bit, but neither of us seemed to care. The fear of me getting pregnant was nowhere in my mind and my husband seemed to care even less.
The giant climbed on top of me and began kissing my neck, leaving hickeys and marks on my flesh.
We both caught our breath for a second as we kept eye contact.
"I shall try to be gentle," he reassured me.
I nodded in response, not needing to say any more words.
I could feel the tip of his cock pressing against my entrance. Maybe it wouldn't hurt as much, I thought.
I was wrong. So very wrong. It didn't take more than the tip of his cock to forcefully make its way into me before I flinched in pain. My hands grabbed onto his broad shoulders in pain, trying to move the tension just a bit. Nothing helped at the moment, but as if my husband knew how painful this was for me, he stopped his movement, allowing me to calm down a bit and relax.
It took a while for the pain to go away, I knew that even before we began, yet I was caught by surprise.
After a bit, my grip on Thor's shoulders loosened a bit, and he began moving further in once more. I heard him mutter about how tight I was, and that I had the body of a nymph. I didn't quite believe it at first, but it quickly became clear that Thor was struggling to hold back. It still hurt slightly when he moved, but it was as if he was in another realm, not being able to hear a single word I spoke.
I was lucky. The pain went away after a bit, and I got to enjoy the feeling of being stretched out. I knew I would be sore in the morning for sure, but at the moment, my body was floating.
Neither of us said anything, the only sounds coming from our room being moans and skin coming into contact with skin.
Thor's movements became sloppy and without rhythm. His moans grew louder by the thrust and his grip on my body tightened.
"I'm so close. I cannot help it, your body is too perfect for me to be able to contain myself," he groaned in my ear.
Realization hit me once more. He was about to cum. I had to stop him from spilling his seed in me or I would be robbed of the last bit of freedom I had.
But it was too late. Before I could finish my thought, Thor's movements came to an end and he yelled my name in pure bliss. I felt his cock twitch inside of me, and his warm cum filling my insides.
This was it. I would soon be with child, against my own will. My life as I knew it was over.
"You are magnificent," Thor said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.
He then pulled out of my dripping cunt and landed next to me. He was fast asleep after that, as the few remaining percent of alcohol in his blood kicked in. There was nothing I could do now.
Feeling defeated with my body aching I rolled over and went to bed. This night sure was memorable.