
Chapter 57

 Bella darted her gaze around searching for Antonio around the hall. She wondered were he must have gone to since it was almost time for dinner. And just when she thought of going in search for Antonio, she saw him walking back into the event through the back door.

He didn't seem in a good mood and she wondered what was wrong, she walked up to him immediately, "Antonio, are you alright!" The way she calls his name turns him on instantly. He smiled at her worried voice.

"I'm fine my sweet!" Antonio's smile broadened and he hugged her. When he's with Bella, it's like they're in their own world and everyone and anyother thing doesn't matter to him anymore.

"Where have you been!" Bella's bossiness only made him chuckle. "My sweet, I was only away for few minutes, there's nothing to worry about!" Antonio assured her perking her lips. Even Bella didn't know why she suddenly became overprotective around this man.

"It's time for dinner, let's go eat!" Bella tugged his sleeve and Antonio followed his boss without another word. They got to the table where his parents were sitted and Lilo's parent too. Viviana and her in-laws were more than happy for their children who look so inlove with each other.

Antonio sat on his sit with his Amore beside him, his life was complete with her around him. "God bless this wonderful and beautiful Union!" A woman in green started. "You look so beautiful my dear Lilo!" Another woman In a red dress said. "Thank you Aunt Evan!" Bella said with a sweet smile.

"Antonio since we are all gathered here there's something I need to say!" Viviana started, gaining everyone's attention. "What is it mother in law!" "Thank you for changing and shaping my Lilo into a better version of herself. I am so ashamed to admit that you did what even I and my husband could not do for years now!" Viviana said.


Sitted elegantly on the table that held royalties from different countries was Lilo. She was more than pleased with this new experience of hers all thanks to Ruben. "It seems your fiancee didn't take the news of your departure from your ceremony likely!" Ruth started earning everyone's attention and they all stared at Lilo.

"Hmmm did you call??" Lilo asked with a smile. "I Did!" Ruth admitted to it. She wanted to embarrass Lilo before everyone, as she feels that a run away bride was not good enough for her son. The smile on Lilo's lips fell and Ruben who noticed frowned at this.

"Mother can you please respect my guest!" Ruben said. "Why son, I'm just making you see reasons in why this girl is not good enough for you. She's another gold digger!" Ruth said sternly. Lilo felt insulted, never in her life did she dream of being insulted this was, and somehow, for the first time she did not have the heart to respond to the woman.