
Chapter 56

  "So tell me Mrs Stan, why did you miss your engagement party, are you also tired of that man?" Ruben asked as they finally sat on the bench. "Like I said earlier, I was forced into doing something I despised the most!" She said and Ruben smiled. He knew she was hiding something from him but he was not going to force her into speaking.

They sat there for some more time before going back into the mansion for the party.


Back at the engagement party that was already half way to it's end. Bella talked with Vivian's friends and they loved her so much. She got to interact with their children too, which she had fun doing, as she also introduced them to her best friend's, Tina and Lily.

At the back of the event center held Antonio as he was on an important call. Gabish had told him earlier about an important call with Ruth. "What do you want?" Antonio said. "That is not a way to greet a boon companion especially one that almost turned into an in-law!" Ruth said.

"What do you want?" Antonio kept his words straight and formal. "I know you're not going to change, anyway, i heard about your missing bride I'm so sorry!" She sounded disturbed. "What are you talking about?" Antonio asked a little confused. "What do you mean by what are my talking about? Ruth asked.


Lilo and Ruben got to the dance floor and they started dancing. The people already on the dance floor gave way for the couple to dance, they danced beautifully to the music and they didn't seem tired.

Lilo was happy to have met Ruben, for the first time in a long time, she didn't care about anything else, even if she was reminded by Mrs Ruth about her being a missing bride. She cared less about anyother thing right now as she wanted to be happy for once in her life.

All her life she's always been working, she even came to this City to work. Even if modelling and acting a little was what she loved to do, she was exhausted and tired of working all the time. She danced all her sorrows, trouble all her problems away and was ready to enjoy herself.

The dance time was over and the couple Lilo and Ruben were not tired of dancing as they admired each other's companies. But they knew they had to stop.


"If at all you want to speak Ruth, make me understand what you're saying!" Antonio said sternly. "All I'm saying is, the woman you're supposed to be engaged to is right here tonight dancing with my son!" Ruth said mockingly. "What are you talking about Ruth, my wife Is right here with me!" Said Antonio confidently.

"But.....!" "Listen, it seems you don't have anything important to say!" He hugged up and got back into the hall where the party is being held.