
Chapter 55

  "Antonio almost killed my Aunt Mandy when Gwen died!" Ruben started. "What why? Lilo asked. "She was part of her daughters death, but however Gwen's death is best known to the family members only as we wouldn't want it out. But Antonio almost killed my Aunt at that period!" Ruben said.

Lilo could relate to what Ruben talked about, cause she's had the same experience with Antonio. On the night she threatened him, Antonio almost killed her but she managed to escape. That was why he kidnapped Bella on the day of the dinner, he wanted Lilo to bend to his will and sign the marriage contract on his terms.

But Lilo was a stubborn woman, so she excaped that night by moving to this country placing someone else in her place. When Antonio tried to kidnap her the second time something about her green eyes paralyzed him and he instead took her on a vacation. Lilo still wondered why Bella was the only one that could make that man act like a fool even publicly.


Bella and Antonio danced beautifully at the center of the hall, they were the only people dancing together as everyone clapped and cheered for them. Antonio was not one to hide his feelings when he has one for someone. He was inlove with this woman and he would let everyone know that.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" He asked and Bella smiled coyly. "You've said that a thousand times today Antonio. Aren't you tired already?" She asked. "I can say that forever and never get tired!" Antonio said making her blush more. Their dance was over and they left the dance floor after their beautiful move.

"Sir you have a call form Mrs Ruth!" Gabish said to Antonio and he got out to pick the call. "Hmm.. we haven't really had time congratulating the fake bride privately!" Sage and Matthew walked up to Bella. "Well then I wish you an unsuccessful marriage and hope you get caught quickly!" Sage added and Bella smiled.

"This is only an engagement party my dear, bad wishes from the worst people don't usually come to pass!" Bella said with a smile and sage smiled back. "Don't forget your place Bella!" Matthew chimmed in.

Bella just couldn't believe, the respectful and humble Matthew she met the first day she got to 'Beautell' is now the most dangerous and unwanted man now. Who would have thought? She thought.

"And don't also forget your place too Matthew!" Bella patted his shoulders with a smile and she walked away. She just didn't want to be around these two siblings, she wanted her mental health stable since this was her night.

"Lilo my love!" Viviana finally called her daughter to come greet her friends confidently, the Lilo she knew hated all her friends and would do anything to humiliate her before her friends. "Hello aunties!" Bella greeted with a sweet smile and the woman responded with sweet smiles too.