
Chapter 52

  While the engagement party was on, in a bright room this time held a lady, whose makeup artist just did a wonderful work on her face. All Lilo thought about was her dinner with her crush, forgetting all about her engagement party.

She got up from her dressing table in a beautiful, classy and elegant blue dress, she wore her black stilletos and her purse. Lilo studied herself once more before leaving the room. It's been a long time since she's seen herself smile this hard and she liked what she felt.

Her likeness for Ruben didn't mean she stopped loving Antonio, but now she was far away from home she decided to chill and enjoy herself a little. The party was no ordinary party, garden estate actually belonged to Rubens family and Lilo was more than excited to meet them.

★★★★★★★★THE PARTY★★★★★★★★

Matthew and sage got the information they needed about Lilo, they were more than happy she was attending the party with Ruben, if everything goes as planned, then Antonio will be sage's in no time. They watched the couple dance and smile together. They were closer than anyone could have imagined.

Antonio's likeness for Bella was visible for all eyes to see, there was nothing to hide when it came to the woman he loved and cherished. "Bella!" Tina hugged her, "This is Larkin, my baby I told you about!" Tina introduced and Bella smiled. "Nice to meet you Lark!" Bella said.

"Hmm you already have a nick name for me?" He raised a brow with a smirk. Larkin was a handsome young man with blonde hair that matched his sand eyes beautifully. He was so tall and built, just what every girl would dream of, Bella now saw the reason Tina hid him all this while.

"That's me!" She smiled. "Uhm Tee, where's Lily?" Bella asked darting her gaze around, and just then someone walked in, she was in a beautiful yellow dress, her hair was sprayed in blonde colour. She walked in elegantly, making people glance at her more than four times, she was beautiful.

"Lily!" Bella exclaimed excitedly as she hugged her friend, she's missed them alot. Not seeing them for a day now is enough torture, for herself.

Viviana was more than proud of her daughter as her ego was placed high before her friends, she was more than happy today, her Lilo has made her the happiest mother on earth. Marrying into one of the biggest Family in the city was one thing to be proud of, but when the man you're married to is inlove with you, then your relationship is bound to last for a long time.

She talked to her friends, as they all valued and respected her now, who wouldn't want to be in the leading side. Antonio soon went ahead to pick his bride for some introductions to his family members, so everyone would know who Antonio Willan's wife was.