
Chapter 51

  "Welcome back Rosa!" Rosa was no kid not to notice the natural blush on Bella's face, it only meant one thing, Antonio was back. "Thank you Mrs Willan!" Bella smiled. Rosa came with her people, the best make up designers in the city and her sales associate that would help her put the dress on Bella.

"Good evening Mrs Willan!" They all sang the chorus and Bella nodded with a smile.

"Please come with me!" Bella took them to her closet. She was placed before her dressing mirror, as she watched them roll her hair and arrange them into beautiful curls, before styling her hair beautifully. He lashes were fixed, and the make up artist started their work of dolling her up.

There was more than onr person working on her face trying to get the right makeup. Eyeliners were added, mascara was not left out and then there was a red lipstick. The process was long long but it was worth it, Bella could not believe her eyes. 

She doubted she was the one before the concave mirror. Her customized diamond necklace was hanged around her neck. Her appearance was already breathtaking. Rosa finally brought in her red ball gown, it was beautiful, it had diamond embroidery at the edge of the skirt.

It was tough but the gown was fixed on her body with the help of seven people. "It's really beautiful!" She exclaimed making Rosa smile, this was all she wanted to hear tonight, that Bella loved the dress. A diamond flower crown was worn on her head beautifully, they helped her in wearing her shoes, she picked her diamond purse and left the room.

They all walked back to the grand floor, Bella was astonished that it was already night and time for her party. She got to the lounge and found Antonio on the couch waiting for her, "you look so beautiful tonight my love!" Antonio complimented and Bella smiled coyly.

Rosa was baffled by Antonio's sweet side towards Bella, the last time she was here he didn't want to take a glance at Lilo and today he's calling Bella his love. Since Antonio's first girlfriend died he has hated anything about love as he thought it was useless to love when you'd get hurt at the end. But he still could not control his emotions for Bella even after this principles of his.

Indeed love is a wierd feeling. Rosa thought. She smiled at the couple shamelessly displaying their romance before everyone and she walked away. "Let's go for our party Mrs Willan!" Antonio gave her his hands. "Alright Mr Willan!" Bella held his hands tightly and they left the house.

In no time they arrived at the event center, since a popular model and actress was getting engaged today the press and paparazzi took their positions to get the best pictures ever. Their limo arrived and the couple got out, with the help of the bodyguards they got in quickly. Bella was not anxious this time as Antonio was with her.

She was in awe when she got in, her party was extravagant, and beautiful. The designs were top notch as high people of the society were invited. Kings and queens, top business mugol, the elite people in the city, the A-list celebrities and Lilo's fellow top models were invited. Whoever designed this place knows his job perfectly.

She's never dreamt of attending a party like this before, this was just an extraordinary party.