
Chapter 53

  "Ah Antonio!" An advanced man greeted with a smile, he was standing beside his brother Fredrick, seeing Antonio happy made them all happy. They haven't seen him smile in a long time, but today his smile was bright, brighter than any other smile. "Uncle Chris, this is my wife Lilo, My love this my uncle Chris Willan!" He introduced.

"Hello, nice to meet you Uncle Chris!" Bella greeted with a smile and the man smiled, indeed the girl was beautiful. Now he's seen what got his nephew attracted to her. He smiled back, "You look beautiful tonight!" Chris complimented and Bella smiled. "Thank you Uncle!" 

"Come with me, we have alot more introductions to do!" Antonio said as he held her wrist and took her away to his Aunt.


Lilo and Ruben arrived at the party, more like a grand ball for royalties. The room or building held the highest class of people in the world and most high royalties around the world. From the looks given to Ruben she knew he was not welcomed here as his family members were ashamed of him cause he chooses modelling above being part of their family business.

"Come with me let's make some introductions!" He held Lilo's wrist and took her to where his family members were sitted with their ego raised high. "Ruben!" She exclaimed excitedly, it seems she's the only one excited to see him. "Grandma!" He hugged her and the woman's gaze fell on Lilo.

"Who's the lady you brought back home?" At the old woman's words all their gazes fell on Lilo. As a professional, she quickly hid her anxiety and smiled politely. "Well granny this is......! "Who are you?" Mrs Ruth Aldrich asked, interupting her son. One thing was him rejecting their family business which they're still trying to get adjusted to. And another was bringing a nobody home.

Lilo was not ashamed of her family as she came from a very high and reputable family. She raised her shoulders high too and parted her lips, "I'm Lilo Stan!" She said confidently. "Any relations to the Stan family?" "Yes only daughter!" Lilo said proudly. "Thought taday's meant to be her engagement party. Or is this another case of a missing bride!" Ruth's words left everyone astonished.

She was still upset Antonio did not invite her to his engagement party since the both Families have a little problem from her father which she has tried to resolve but Antonio is not an easy going person. Anything with him always comes with a price. She hated him for that, she clenched her hands into a fist thinking about it.

Lilo did not know what to say, she just didn't think clearly before introducing herself to the family. "You seem dumb all of a sudden, I believe mother just asked a question?" Princess Anabelle said. If Lilo thinks she's the queen of sas back at her country then she was a novice when it came to Anabelle, Rubens younger and only sister.