

This story will be a great fusion between Hentai + NTR series, and Animes like jujutsu kaisen and others. But, I chose this protagonist because I want to give him a chance to have a better ending, yes he will have revenge but it will not only be about that. The timelines and the events that happened will not be the same as in the Ntr hentai or the animes, at least not all of them, and the personalities of the characters will have changes. I hope you like it.

DaoistFDQLUU · Anime & Comics
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Angel: ( --------------- Ok I'm in serious trouble and for several reasons,

1). I don't completely remember this hentai ntr but from what I remember this boy's life turns into hell, betrayed by the two most important people in his life and adding his best friend,

Regarding the girlfriend, it is true that it affected him but she is the least important.

2). I'm not sure but I think that in the end the mother and the others get pregnant and he commits suicide? Shit, I don't remember because I saw it once and I didn't want to know anything else about that story.

3). Although I have been reincarnated as this boy, I still feel his pain and anger, plus something else? A desire to want things to go back to the way they were before? •••••• I'm really sorry, boy, but I very much doubt that things go back to what they were before.

4). According to what that guy told me, my skills will be activated randomly, and after that I will have to train them to perfect and improve them.

5). According to him my body will change quickly but I will have to train it too.

Using his words if you don't suffer you don't learn.

6). This world is a mixture of several worlds therefore my victory is not guaranteed.

I'm really in a bind, what do I do? ••••••••••••••••, well at this moment I'm mentally blocked, the best thing would be to try to get some sleep, after all he told me that my body will change while I sleep ------------ yes I will try to sleep,

But first this guy have a pendrive?).

{With that idea, Angel searches the room until he finds the pendrive and a couple of blank CDs}.

Angel: (Ok, the pendrive only have some videos of martial arts and some photos with his family, friend, and girlfriend, shit that pain in the chest again ----- boy this is for our own good).

{After saying that, Angel deleted all the information from the pendrive and together with the two CDs he began to make four copies of the videos}

Angel (It's better to have insurance, I'll try to get some sleep and get out of here early, I don't want to meet those two anytime soon, I don't know how I would react).

{Angel turns off the computer and the light in the room to try to sleep It wasn't easy but in the end he managed to sleep}.

_ .knock, knock, ••••• knock, knock knock

Angel :( m ? Who's it? I didn't order anything to eat yesterday for today -- yesterday •••••••••• WAIT).

{Angel begins to think and remembers everything that happened, he opens his eyes and looks at the room and realizes).

Angel: ( ••••••••••••••••| Shit, it wasn't a dream, I really died ------ and now I'm Hiroki, I died, ------- this is crazy , I really died, and now I'm in another world ------ but ENDING IN THIS REALITY?, OF ALL THIS?, ••••••••••••.

Well, although it could have been worse, according to what that guy said, in one way or another all realities exist----if that's true, I could have ended up in a worse place).


Kanako: Hey brother, wake up, mom is calling you to eat,

what are you doing stuck in your room for so long?, it's 8 pm.

You've been locked up all day.(•••• Kokujin is right, Hiroki, it's useless

to spend an entire Saturday locked in a room ).

Shit ••••••••••• wait 8 pm WHAT?, I know it took me a while to fall asleep but I had to fall asleep around 8 pm and it's 8 pm! SLEEPING FOR 24 HOURS?, SHIT

••••• Although now that I think about it, that guy said that

[Your body will go through several changes to adapt to your abilities otherwise it would explode, some will be fast and others a little slower].

Well he said that.

So the first change happened in 24 hours, that's fast, but what do I say to this bitch now? •••••• I'll have to make this up).

Angel: I already heard you kanako, ••• I was doing several late tasks,

and I hardly slept, then I woke up and continued, I don't want to fail, eat without me, I'll take a shower and then I'll go down.

Kanako :( His voice changed? It's hoarser ••• maybe it's just because he's waking up?, ------

And he's doing poorly at school?

The only thing he has to do is study, and he can't even do it well).


I complied with telling you,

and you should do your schoolwork, I'll tell mom.

Angel: (This bitch is talking to me about homework.)

{Kanako is heard walking and going down the stairs and starting to tell her mother}

Kanako: Hey mom, I already told Hiroki,

It seems that he stayed doing homework all night, and part of today, so he said that he should take a shower and then come down and that we shouldn't wait for him.

Kaede: Homework all night? Is he doing poorly at school? That is hes only responsibility.

Kanako: Yes I know, Kokujin is right, he is a.

Kaede: Don't talk about him while Hiroki is here, we don't know if he's listening to us •••• Let's just eat, I'll talk to Hiroki later.

Angel: (ok I have to think).

{When Ángel tries to get out of bed he realizes something that shocks him}.

Angel ( ••••••••••••. What the hell? Why did the sheets stick to my body? ••••••• and what is this black thing all over the bed?.

{When looking at the bed, Angel realizes that it is completely covered in that substance, not only the bed, half of the floor of the room was full of that black thing and when he smelled it}.

Angel (has a bad smell, what is this crap? ••••• wait, in fanfiction and anime some characters when they undergo a transformation they throw a black liquid out of their body ••••• so these are all the impurities and defects that Hiroki's body had?

It's a lot, •••••••••••• then my body at this moment should ).

{Angel decides to check the room carefully and realizes that the closet has a mirror on the other side of its door, and when he sees himself he remains standing without being able to stop looking at the mirror}.

Angel ( ••••••••••••••••. ------------- Ok.

yup this is definitely a parallel world, another dimension, another universe, if I had any doubts I just disappeared, ••••••• only 24 hours of sleep

Angel (I can't let anyone who knows me see me,

•••• at least for a while, but what do I do? In Hiroki's memory I saw that he only knew those 4 whores, •••• where can I go?

{Angel didn't know what to do, he had no idea where to go so he thought for a while until he had an idea}.

Angel (The first thing is to get out of here, I will look on the internet for some kind of job with this appearance I can lie about my age, I spent almost all my time on the computer so I know how to use programs to create a fake ID,

with some luck I will be able to get a job at least for a while, long enough to earn some money

•••••••••• At first I will have to live on the street but there is no other way.

Angel (I better clean this room. I don't know what will happen, but I don't want anyone checking this liquid.

I also have to get something to wear. I'm much bigger than the old Hiroki.

but a shirt and shorts should fit, I'll have to wear slippers, no shoes would fit,

I'll wait for those whores to leave or fall asleep to clean

••••••••• When I'm done I'll leave a letter, having someone looking for me would complicate things more, ••••••••• Although I don't think they will look for me,

shit that feeling again ---- -- it's better to just ignore it).

{Kaede and Kanako didn't leave the house, so he had to wait for them to fall asleep.

When they finally fell asleep, he left the room in silence, looked for a bucket, a mop, cleaning supplies, and some bags.

and began to clean everything,

Then he looked for a shirt and shorts that he could wear. He only got one of each and they were tight.

Also the slippers were tight,

but he didn't have anything else,

He sat at the computer and began to falsify the identification with a photo he took with his cell phone,

He create a new email and send both the identification and a resume that he falsified.

The next thing he did was look for a job on the internet, he didn't get anything for a while until he saw something that interested him.

Angel (_ wanted: person to work requirements: to be a good looking man.

This may be useful, I will save the address and go tomorrow

Well time to write the letter •••••••••••••• I will also leave you another surprise).

{After finishing the letter Angel left for the bathroom, but when he entered the bathroom and took off his clothes}


{ After a good bath Angel changed, he took a bag where he put the flash drives and the CDs that he copied, he took the garbage bags, the letter and the original CD,

seeing that it was 5:05 on Monday he hurried down to the kitchen

He placed the CD and on top of it the letter, he took his things and left the house in silence}.

Angel: Well here I go.

Here I leave another chapter.

By the way, does anyone know how to place images in the story? I'm doing it from my cell phone.

Any idea can be discussed if you wish, write in the comments

DaoistFDQLUUcreators' thoughts