

This story will be a great fusion between Hentai + NTR series, and Animes like jujutsu kaisen and others. But, I chose this protagonist because I want to give him a chance to have a better ending, yes he will have revenge but it will not only be about that. The timelines and the events that happened will not be the same as in the Ntr hentai or the animes, at least not all of them, and the personalities of the characters will have changes. I hope you like it.

DaoistFDQLUU · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

!!! HE KNOWS !!! + My Name is Hiroki

Kaede (What time is it?, •• 5:20 AM

Mm last night I was able to rest well, there was a very pleasant aroma, I don't know where it came from,

Well it's time to get up, plus I have to talk to Hiroki, yesterday he didn't leave the room but today he's going to listen to me, for God's sake all he has to do is study).

{ So Kaede got up and went straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth and to prepare breakfast,

When she finished brushing her teeth she came down and at that moment she saw something on the dining room table}.

Kaede: M? A letter ? And a CD.

{Kaede opened the letter and began to read it, and the more she read the paler she became, she even started to shake}.

Kaede:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no NO NO NONONONONO this cannot be happening.

{ Upon reading the letter that said the following.


For whore number 1:

And to think that I really loved you Kaede,

that doesn't matter anymore at this point,

I just wish that that bastard gives you a diseases or gets you pregnant or both at the same time,

I'm sure he'll abandon you the moment he fills your belly,

really I hope you die soon and burn in hell where you belong.

For whore number 2:

What a disappointment Kanako and to think that a whore like you was my sister,

Well they say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree,

that doesn't matter anymore, let's be clear, you're not my sister, you're just a cheap and disgusting whore, I when you die you can burn yourself next to Kaede's the whore.

I know that you have a chat, so although it's obvious, but, tell that whore Nao that we're done and she can go to hell with you,

and ayumu, you're not my friend, you're just a masochistic whore, I wish they'd leave youparalyzed in some combat.

And to finish I'll give you one last gift, since at least you put food in my mouth for a while,

Clearly that bastard is obsessed with Mi that's why he orders all of you to say that shit about me and my father

after all it was that bastard who sent me the videos

But how long do you think it will take him to send those videos to the internet?

I don't think it will be long.

Stupid bitch, that bastard is a minor, what do you think will happen to you when people find out everything, what will happen to your bitch daughter, Not only were you having sex with a minor but with 4, after all the other whores are also minors or not?, and one of them is your daughter.

well that's not my problem. you are already screwed }

Kaede (!!!!!!!! ••••••••••• I I just wanted to)

{Kaede went blank.

For the first time since she started having sex with Kokujin her mind began to function properly, and at that moment she began to understand little by little what she got herself into,

her motherly feelings towards Hiroki little by little began to wake up, and with them a sensation that had been forgotten,


remembering everything she said to her son while she was doing it with kokujin, what she said about her late husband, also since her mind turned on again she understood the last words of the letter at that moment she began to panic }

Kaede (---------- if Kokujin sent the videos to Hiroki, •••••••• he may also have shown them to someone else!!!!!!).

{At that moment Kanako began to go down the stairs and enter the kitchen, when she saw her mother on the floor she got scared}

Kanako: Mom, what happen ? What are you doing on the floor ?

Kaede: •••••••• daughter he discovered us.

Kanako: What? (What do you mean by ••••••• !!!!!!! No).

Mo mo, what do you mean he discovered us?

{Kaede turned to see Kanako and at that moment her tears began to come out and with a soft voice she told her}.

Kaede: your brother discovered us

Kanako:!!!!! No, that can't be . ••• We were very careful, there's no way he would notice.

Kaede : •••••••••••••. It was Kokujin who sent the videos to Hiroki.

{Kanako was shocked -- then she tried to think but she couldn't understand what was happening}

Kanako: But why would Kokujin do that?

{ Upon hearing her daughter' question, Kaede used her mind and began to think. It took her a few minutes,

But then she read the letter again and when she did, she found her answer}.

Kanako (why would she?)

{ While Kaede was thinking, Kanako watched her, until she saw her reading a paper she had in her hand, and then saw her get up and go to the dining room table where she took a CD and then went up the stairs, Kanako could only follow her}.

Kanako: Mom, where are you going?

Kaede: ••••• This CD must be the one that Kokujin sent to your brother, ••• but I have to make sure (Although I don't want to, I have to know what my son saw).

Kanako: •••••• Mom and that paper in your hand?

{Kaede heard her daughter's question just before opening the door to Hiroki's room, she stopped, looked at the letter and then at Kanako and handed the letter into her hands}.

Kaede: ••••• This letter was made by your brother.

{Kanako took the letter and while her mother opened the door to Hiroki's room, she began to read it}.

Kanako:! ••••••• No •••• mom he.

{Kaede could only look at her daughter, she had nothing to say to comfort her, she turned her head and saw the door to Hiroki's room,

SHe took a few deep breaths and started knocking on the door}.

Kaede :Noc noc••••••• Noc Noc ----

Son ••••• Noc Noc son are you there?

{ Kaede knocked a few more times but there was no response so she decided to open the door,

When she did it, she didn't see anyone, she immediately entered and continued looking, she found the room clean and tidy, she could also smell cleaning products, then she saw Hiroki's PC, she decided to go over and turn it on, at that moment she heard a knock behind her. When she turned around saw Kanako on the floor with the letter in her hands and starting to cry}

Kanako: Mom he really discovered us snf snf he snf.

{ Kaede felt very bad for her daughter, also for not having anything to say, Kaede turned on the computer and placed the CD. She thought about it for a moment but decided to play the video and started watching it.

Kanako was also watching the video from the floor and started crying harder, Kaede saw the part where she insulted her late husband and started crying.

she then stopped the video and stood up looking at Kanako}.

Kaede: -------- kanako get up and help me check your brother's room, we might get some clue as to where he went.

{Kanako looked at her mother, stood still for a moment and then began to help her search}

They searched all over the place but didn't get any clues, but then they noticed that there were some things out of place.

The first one to speak was kanako}.

Kanako: Mom ••••• there is something strange.

Kaede: What did you find?

Kanako: well that's the problem, •••• almost everything is here, all his clothes, even all his shoes, I think the only thing missing is a backpack and his slippers.

Kaede: •••••• Do you think, maybe he'll come back?

Kanako: Well I don't know but where could he go without anything? His uniform is here so he couldn't go to school, ••••••••• Maybe if we wait he will come back?

Kaede: (Will he come back? After leaving us that letter?) ------- well maybe if he didn't take any clothes he could come back.

{Kaede began to have some hope, although she had many doubts}.

Kaede: You may be right ••• I'll wait for him here, I'm still on vacation from work, but you have to go to school.

Kanako: Really mom,? I don't feel like going today (•••• I don't want to see kokujin today).

Kaede: ••••••• I understand that you don't want to go today but maybe you can get some information about your brother's whereabouts while I wait for him to return, if he comes back I will write to you and if you know something you will do the same.

Kanako (••••••• I don't think he'll be at school today after watching those videos, plus I don't want to see Kokujin today, he didn't have to send that to Hiroki).

Kaede: I also need you to bring Ayumu and Nao here, ••• it's better that Kokujin don't come,But if Hiroki returns, it's best that he doesn't find him here. I don't understand why he send him that.

{Kanao thought and remembered what the letter said in its last parts}.

Kanako: ••••••• Well, Mom, in the letter, Hiroki says that Kokujin is obsessed with him, and now that I think about it, Kokujin always makes us say bad things about Hiroki.

Kaede ( ••••••••••••• that's true, he always insists that we speak badly about Hiroki, and the worse We spoke about my son, the more intense he did it, ••••••• that's why I said those horrible things about my son so that he would give me more pleasure).

{The more Kaede thought about what she said, and why, the worse she felt}.

Kaede (I'm a bad mother,••••• I just wanted to feel like a woman again but that doesn't excuse me for what I did).

Kaede: •••••• On second thought, don't tell Ayumu or Nao to come to the house •••, just tell them what happened today

{Rinn rinnn at that moment kaede's cell phone starts ringing, kaede and kanako look at each other and then see who it was, when she saw the phone it was a message from kokujin, which said the following kokujin: find a way to get rid of the useless one today I want to fuck in your house

Kanako :------ Mom •••••• I don't think today is a good day to do it here, ••••• Also, Kokujin has to explain to us why he sent the videos to Hiroki.

Kaede: ---- ••••• kanako you won't go to school today, I'll call to inform the school that you're sick.

Kanako: ok ••• but what do we do with kokujin, you know that he hates being ignored.

Kaede: •••••• just just give me a moment to think daughter

{On the other hand, upon entering the school, a girl seemed upset}.

Nao (what the hell, why isn't he answering?)

{Nao was arriving at school, she knew that she had not spoken to Hiroki in two days, and Kokujin had told her to write to him}

Nao (hehe, Kokujin really likes to humiliate Hiroki •••• well, he is a superior man, it is normal for him to show the difference between the two,

But that useless guy doesn't respond, •••• what a nuisance, I'll leave him a message in case he asks.

{ As if invoking him Nao sees Kokujin entering the institute, so she decides to hurry to catch up with him }.

Nao: KOKUJIN hello.

Kokujin: o Nao •••• tell me, did you talk to hiroki?

Nao (why it's the first thing he asks me when he sees me •••) no, that useless guy doesn't answer my calls, but I left him a message.

Kokujin (Isn't he answering? Hehehe must be traumatized hehehehe, I would like to see his face right now). What a cruel boyfriend who can't answer his beloved hehehe I'll have to console you.

{When Nao heard that she blushed and started to get excited}

Nao: hehehehe yes I think I will need a lot of comfort ( I am going to have fun today).

{While Nao and Kokujin were talking, another person came to the entrance of the institute and upon seeing them, she hurried }.

Ayumu: kokujin Nao how are you?

Kokujin: ayumu

Nao: hello ayumu everything is fine and you?

Ayumu: everything is fine, and tell me what are they doing?

Kokujin: •••••• Not much, we're just getting ready to have fun •••• You'll come too, after classes at the useless kid house.

{ Ayumu blushes listening to kokujin, thought about it a little and had some doubts}.

Nao (mmmmm another orgy)

Kokujin (hu? A message •••• those useless whores).

Change of plans, the 3 of us will do it at my house.

Ayumu: hey? What happened?.

Kokujin: kaede and kanako are sick kanako won't be coming today so you two better satisfy me.

{Nao and Ayumu blushed when they heard him say that}

Nao: YES

Ayumu: ••••• yes.

{in another place walking down a street Angel observes a group of boys, among them there is a smaller one who has his neck trapped by a taller one, and when he thinks about it he remembers who the boy is}

Angel (I know that boy but from where? ••••••• A. I remember his name is Masa nobu, from the hentai ntr Oyako no Omoi, •••••••

That means that the boy who grabs him is ••••••• togawa he?,

How come I can remember everything so precisely?, •••••••• surely it is this body, ••••••••

Well it's a shame for that boy, it really is, but I'm not a hero, and although I have the memories of karate and judo, as well as feeling very strong, I've never fought in my life •••,!)

{Out of nowhere Angel has that feeling of pain in his chest again, as well as anger}.

Angel (This again, ••••••• hiroki I know that you are no longer here, but something of you remained in this body, •••••••••••••

Apparently I'm not just Angel anymore •••• I'm not Hiroki either,

I think I'm a little different now)

{ Angel thought while watching those boys approach little by little,

At that moment he made a decision}

Angel (I don't know why I was chosen for this second chance ------ and to tell the truth, just like that guy said, I don't think I deserve it, but I'm here, ••••••••••••• •••••••

So whoever gave me this opportunity please listen to me,

I'm not a hero, I'm very far from being one •••••••••• so I will live this life according to what I want to do, I will make the most of this gift, I will enjoy it, and I will live by my own code, I don't care If it seems bad or good to others,

From this moment I start from zero, and I will reach the top this is what I swore).

{After that thought, Angel feels how his entire body is filled with a strength that he cannot describe,

Without saying anything he advances towards the group of boys, and stops in front of them looking at the ground,

The boys look at him and all but one start making fun of him}.

Idiot 1: hahahahaha look at this idiot's clothes.

Idiot 2: hahahaha maybe he stole it from his child.

Asshole 3: hehehehe maybe he has mental problems.

togawa: hehehe poor stupid.

Angel: Tell me, your name is togawa, right?

{All the idiots are surprised, especially Togawa who sees him for a moment and smiles}

Togawa: hey, what if I am?

{ At that moment Angel raises his head and looks into Togawa's eyes, who is paralyzed by the look,

then togawa sees a blur on his face, and everything goes black

HIROKI: My pleasure, my name is Hiroki.

And end of the chapter I hope you like it

I'm still looking for a way to add images. If anyone knows, leave me a comment.

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