

This story will be a great fusion between Hentai + NTR series, and Animes like jujutsu kaisen and others. But, I chose this protagonist because I want to give him a chance to have a better ending, yes he will have revenge but it will not only be about that. The timelines and the events that happened will not be the same as in the Ntr hentai or the animes, at least not all of them, and the personalities of the characters will have changes. I hope you like it.

DaoistFDQLUU · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Angel: (mm it's already dawn ---- another day,).

{After a bath, brushing his teeth, and dressing, Angel heads to his PC}.

Angel: (ok let's see how the market is •••••••. Shit I only have $200 left if I don't do something quickly I won't have enough for basic services, all those guys on the internet saying this is easy are just some scammers).

{Angel begins to analyze the market but with the little money he has left he begins to doubt and decides to calm down and distract himself with something else}

Angel: (I better distract myself and clear my mind a little, let's see what fanfiction is interesting, ••• there are so many good animes, from which to get fanfics,).

{Angel is a fan of fanfics and has seen many but it's been a while since he

find one that he really likes}.

Angel: (I don't see anything that seems interesting to me, ••• jujutsu kaisen, one piece, bleach, Naruto, Solo leveling, and others, I really like them, but there are few fanfics with all those stories that are good, ••• and there are also very good hentais well, ••••••

but SHIT THE SEXIEST WOMEN ALWAYS END UP IN STORIES NTR, I really don't like the ntr who the hell likes their wives, fiancees, girlfriends, and mothers to be fucked, BY OTHERS, OR BY BASTARDS WHO ONLY USE THEM TO WATCH THEM BETRAY THEIR FAMILIES, what the fuck is wrong with them? those authors).

Angel: (I'm not in the mood to read anything anymore, •••

I don't want to go out but it's better than staying here thinking.

{So Angel puts on his shoes and goes for a walk}

Angel: (I really have to find a way to get money, I don't want to end up on the street, maybe it's better to go back looking for a regular job).

{Angel Walking briskly down the familiar sidewalk, lost in his own world when suddenly, a loud screech pierced the air. Startled, he turned just in time to see a speeding car hurtling towards him. Frozen in fear, he barely had a moment to react as the vehicle collided with him, sending him flying through the air.

Angel : (•••••• What happened?, A car?, Floor?, AAAAAA THAT HURT ••••• HE RUN ME DOWN , EVERYTHING IS GOING DARK no no no I really didn't want to d yet •••••••••••••••------_------- .

{Time seemed to slow down as hi hit the pavement with a sickening thud. Pain shot through his body as darkness engulfed him. Passersby rushed to his side, but it was already too late. Angel lay motionless, his life cut short}

[So it will be you?]

Angel: a voice? What happened? Where am I? Why is everything so dark?

[They always forget as soon as they arrive, ok first things first, what happened was that you died,

The second is that you are in a place where few reach, and the third, I think the other two answers explain it].

Angel : !!!!!!!!!!!!! I DIED ? BUT HOW?, ••••••• run over?.

[correct, now I know you will have many questions But I'll sum it up since I have no patience with people like you]

Angel: ------------ What do you mean by people like me? I don't think I've been a bad person (And why am I taking my death so calmly?).

[You are taking your death calmly because when people come here they only want to accept that their life is over, although there are exceptions, regarding why I do not have much patience with people like you, it is because they are born with many gifts to only waste them and complain about their lives,

Now I don't know why you are here but I'm not the one who decides that so I'll go with the quick explanation so listen well and don't ask me too many questions or. I'll send you without information, I've already done it.

Angel: ••••••••••••••••• This is crazy, I don't understand anything but he doesn't like me and I don't know what he can do to me so I better keep quiet.

[At least you understand that well, ok

Number one. You will be reincarnated in some dimensional universe or whatever you want to call it.

Number two: I don't decide where you will be reincarnated from so I don't have answers for that.

Number three: you will be granted abilities and other gifts that you do not deserve, that's all.

So let's hurry up.

{After a while and a few things that happened Angel was ready to leave}

Angel: Well, thank you and I'm sorry if I wasn't a person you liked before, but I'll try to be someone better.

[ •••••••• You are free to do whatever you want, what happens next has nothing to do with me].

{When he finished saying those words, Angel felt like he was falling and then he saw a light and then opened his eyes and was dazzled by a screen}.

Angel: (ugh shit I'm dizzy ••••••• well let me see where I am).

{ Angel looked at the place, it was a room, he could see a closet and the bed and then he realized that he was sitting in a chair in front of a computer, and the moment he checked the computer and saw a video that was paused, he turned white. }

Angel : ••••••••••••••••••••••••!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OF EVERYONE NOT THIS PERSON OF EVERYONE NOT THIS CHILD.

{Angel stood up trembling and then opened the door of the room where he was, and left carefully}.

Angel: (----------- the lights in the house are off, and I don't hear anyone ••••••• I need to find the bathroom).

{ Angel carefully tried the next door of the room from which he came out, but it was another room, he closed the door of that room and tried the next one,

that door did lead to the bathroom, he locked the door and turned on the light, beginning to see in the mirror and for a moment his mind went blank}

Angel: •••••••••••••••••••••••• There is no doubt, I was reincarnated in the body of that child, ••••••••••••• ••

reincarnated as hiroki mori.

Hello, this will be my first fanfiction, I already made one elsewhere but I haven't finished it because I saw it as a pilot.



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